Modify the Bookstore Program


Modify the Bookstore Program to include the following additional functionality:

o Add an Add button to the GUI. When clicked, the user should be allowed to enter the ISBN, title, author, publisher, year published and the price. The new inventory item should be sorted and then displayed.

o Add a Delete button to the GUI. When clicked, the current inventory item should be removed from the inventory. User should receive confirmation of the deletion. The next item in the inventory should be displayed.

o Add a Modify button to the GUI. When clicked, the user should be allowed to modify the title, author, publisher, year published and the price. The modified inventory item should be displayed.

o Add a Save button to the GUI. When clicked, the entire inventory should be saved to C:datait215bookinventory.dat. Note: Exception handling should be used to create the directory and file if necessary.

o Add a Search button to the GUI. When clicked, the user should be allowed to search for an item in the inventory by the title. If the book is not found, the GUI should display an appropriate error message. If the product is found, the GUI should display that product’s information in the GUI.

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