Notes Same Principles


Notes Same Principles as Before

In this lab we will be combining our efforts in top-down programming, where we deliberately organize and structure our code with main functions and sub functions, but will also add in our skills in Graphic User Interface (GUI). We continue to build abstraction – where a few small, simple and concrete tasks are packaged together to perform a more general task. The top-down approach helps us organize our code like an outline organizes our writing. Again, we start with an algorithm (chart), then translate it into pseudocode of comments and function name definitions.

In the last lab you created code to play Rock-Paper-Scissors. You will be working with the same code (modify to resolve comments from your last lab), but rather than using input() you will now collect input using the GUI. Be creative about displaying messages to the player.

Submittal to

Because plagiarism in coding is dishonest, unethical, and is against the Miramonte Honesty Policy, you are required to submit your code to Make a Google Doc with your final code for Rock-Paper-Scissors and Word Jumble, and submit it to, Lab #8.

Problem #1 – Rock-Paper-Scissors Reprise (with GUI)

Game Requirements

1. Display messages on the canvas that explain to the user how to choose Rock, Scissors, or Paper. They may not input their choice with any text input box.

2. Once the player makes their selection, have the computer make a selection. Display both the player’s and computer’s selection on the Canvas (it is good programming practice to also display on the console to help you debug).

3. Display the outcome (“You win!” or “Computer wins!”)

4. Tally and update the score after each iteration of the game.

5. You do not have to ask the user to play again… you can assume they will, but do give them some method to Quit when they are ready.

6. When they quit, display a parting message and the final score.

RPS starter code


Rock-Paper-Scissors GUI starter code –   copy/paste into Codeskulptor and build code.


import simplegui
import random

“””Overview   of Game Logic:
 1. Screen is drawn with blank values, input method for player RPS
 is explained/presented
 2. Player selects R, P, or S using some form of
 GUI input (no input box).
 3. Computer randomly selects option R, P or S
 4. Winner is identified, results shared, score updated and posted
 5. Repeats #2-4 each time a button, key-stroke, or mouse-click
 is initiated.
 4. Stops when quit is pressed/clicked.
###### INITIALIZATION   CODE ##################

#Global variables,   changed within functions below

# Canvas Dimensions
  canvas_width =
  canvas_height =

####### RPS algorithm   helper functions ########

#Computer Generator
def comp_choice():
 “””Will randomly select Rock, Paper, or   Scissors. “””
 #global variables here.
 #pick a random R, P, or S….
 #Update computer choice message for draw handler
 #call winner() to determine outcome

#Determine Winner
def winner():
 “””Determine the winner then updates the   score”””
 #global variables here
 #determines the winner
 #updates the necessary draw(canvas) variables to show   messages

########### EVENT   HANDLERS #####################
#define event handlers   for mouse click, buttons, input box, key_strokes, draw

# Player Choice Selection   (not input box).

def button_quit_handler():
 #global variable here
 #updates the necessary draw(canvas) variables

# Handler to draw on   canvas
def draw(canvas):
 #Player choice: use canvas.draw_text(parameters), pass   in message as variable
 #Computer choice
 #Winner text and score update
 #Any additional messaging

# Create a frame and   assign callbacks to event handlers
  frame = simplegui.create_frame(“Rock, Paper, Scissors”, canvas_width, canvas_height)
  frame.add_label(‘Player   Choice: Select One’)
  frame.add_button(#add parameters)
  frame.set_draw_handler(#add parameter)
#add more frame.set for   key handler, buttons, mouse click, etc.
# Start the frame   animation


Insert Final, working Rock-Paper-Scissors with GUI code – include   detailed comments


<> – please format with Code Blocks   add-on – Python, github-gist

Problem 2: Word Jumble 

As you solve a problem or write a computer program, the process should be:

1. Understand the task/purpose of code

2. Organize main task into sub-tasks and consider task flow (sequencing)

a. Create flow structure with an algorithm flow chart (whiteboard!). Consider collaborating with a programming partner as you plan.

b. Create pseudocode outline with comments, naming key flow functions.

3. Build, code and test sub-functions first. Debug as you go. Revise plan/structure as necessary.

4. Combine sub-functions into larger program and test, test, test! Revise plan as necessary.

5. Consider extensions or improvements to original design.

Keep your words to 5 and 6 letters each. This is like the Jumble in the newspaper and online games and will make the GUI display easier and more aesthetically pleasing.



Development Process

Part 1: Backend Development

Part 2: Frontend Development


You need to create a program that allows a user to guess a word that has been jumbled together. This project focuses on Strings and String manipulation, as well as presenting output with the GUI.


Note, this is modeled after the Create Performance Task that you will submit as part of your AP Portfolio. You will submit your code write up via Google Classroom and 

Support Materials:

1. Video of Frontend and Backend

2. String randomizer

Development Process

Part 1: Backend Development

You will create a word jumble game. You should use functions to help you both pick a word from a list, scramble it and then prompt the user for guesses. Below is a rough outline of the pseudocode. You do NOT need to use this structure, but you SHOULD have some structure in place before you start writing code. Think of this as the outline. 

Your first working version of the game will rely on input() and printing to the Console. We call this “Backend Development,” where we get the algorithm and flow working correctly.

Note, you may find the method, random.shuffle(some_list), to be helpful when scrambling the word. You will find the documentation in the Random Module

Optional Extension

Add a timer to your game. Give the user 30 seconds to guess the jumbled word.

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