MIPS Programming: Write a program that reads up to 15 temperatures into a static array, and then prints out the average temperatures to 5 decimal places using only integer commands. It will stop taking input when a -761 is entered. Valid temperatures are from -200 to 1000 degrees exclusive of the end points. It will then output the total, the count and the average to 4 decimal places using Integer Commands. It will do all the work in subprograms/functions and use to appropriate registers to pass information. There will be at least 3 subprograms. The first subprogram will receive the base address of the array and the maximum number of elements as arguments into the subprogram. It will return the number of valid elements read. The second subprogram will receive the base address of the array and the number of the valid elements as arguments into the subprogram. It will return the total of the valid elements in the array. The third subprogram will receive the total and count as arguments into the subprogram. It will output the total, count and the average to 5 decimal places or a message that there was no valid input. It will return nothing. Sample: Run 1 Enter a temp (>-200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and -200 and < +1000 degress fahrenheit) or -761 to exit: -761 The total is: -1 The count is: 2 The average temperature is: -0.50000