Pink Sky Entertainment is an online music sales company. The company has been keeping thousands of Movie Soundtracks, Videos, and Pictures from movies and resale them via their online store.
Here are the current databases under Pink Sky Datacenter (on-premises).
Databases for customers to reach
Database 1: Movie Soundtracks
Database 2: Videos
Database 3: Pictures
Databases for Employees (workforce members) to reach
Database 4: HR
Database 5: Payroll
Database 6: Heath insurance
Please address the Pink Sky Entertainment Company manager’s expectations and requirements.
Question 1: Pink Sky Entertainment products ( Databases 1, 2, and 3) will be moved to the cloud: How you can address the security concerns in terms of Authentication and Credentials of the user? What type of Multifactor authentication (MFA) you would recommend for the customers to access data in the cloud? The options for MFA. Please refer to the given CSA security guidance document Section 12.1.3.
Question 2: Pink Sky Entertainment Company managers would like to have online customers access various sections of the website (Movie Soundtrack, Videos, and Pictures) by having only one account. Pink Sky Entertainment has many products like videos from movie clips, pictures of movie stars in addition to sound files. They would like to let customers access their accounts from one central dashboard, enhancing their user experience. When shifting between each one (for example from the music section to the pictures section), the site should re-authenticate customers with the same credentials. What is your Identity as a Service solution for this case?
Question 3: Pink Sky Entertainment Company managers would like to have customers be able to login into their system using their Facebook account credentials. Pink Sky Entertainment IT system should use Facebook account credentials to identify the customer. What is your Identity as a Service solution for this case?