Preview the document

read the articles and answer the following question.

1. Read the attached article “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us”Preview the document by Bill Joy. Appeared in Wired, issue 8.04, April 2000;
2. Read a summary of Professor Peter Singer’s lecture on ethics and technology; (Links to an external site.)

3. Read Tech Ethics Issues We Should All Be Thinking About In 2019 (Links to an external site.).

4. Write a paper containing answer to the following questions. Your paper should present your understanding of ethical dimensions and unintended consequences of technology.

  • What do you strongly agree with in the articles? and Why? (20 points)
  • What do you disagree with in the articles? and Why? (20 points)
  • What kind of person Bill Joy seems to you, an idiot, a Luddite, or a genius? and Why? (5 points)
  • Are the assumptions in both the articles sound? (5 points)


Please make your analytic points specific; The paper cannot be just a collection of generalities and cannot contain too many direct quotes from the articles. Find something interesting to say. Reference any ideas that are not your own in APA format.

The paper should be at least 1 page but no more than 2 pages long, single line spacing, use a font size of minimum 10 points but no larger than 12 point. Set margins to 1 inch on all sides. Use correct grammar.

Save your paper in a Word document and name it as P4_FL.docx where FL are your first and last name initials. Use the link Assignments -> Project 4 to submit your document.

Automated Code Review: WebGoat source code using the VCG SAST tool and verify the findings within the code.


For this assignment, My task is to scan the WebGoat source code using the VCG SAST tool and verify the findings within the code. In particular, you will be be using VisualCodeGrepper, which is an open-source SAST tool running on Windows. It supports multiple programming languages(C++, C#, VB, PHP, Java, and PL/SQL).

. Prepare a simple report based on OWASP Findings Report Guide, and submit the report in a PDF format   There should be a section summarizing all the findings by:

  1. Risk level
  2. OWASP Top 10 Threats

To install VCG and run your scans, follow these instructions:

  1. Download WebGoat 8.0 from GitHub in a zip format.
  2. Extract the zip file into a directory.
  3. Download VCG from the project page.
  4. Install VCG on a Windows machine. Consider the system requirements on the project page.



As outlined within this weeks topic, there are several benefits as well as challenges associated with the use of Big Data Analytics in the e-Healthcare industry. Pick one of the four concepts below and then identify the benefits and challenges associated with that concept. Do not simply list the benefits and challenges but detail them in a substantive, thorough post as it relates to that concept in the e-healthcare industry.

  • Data Gathering
  • Storage and Integration
  • Data Analysis
  • Knowledge Discovery and Information Interpretation

P13.7 and P13.8 computer science C++ coding assignment

computer science C++ coding assignment

Please see the attachments for the instruction of this assignment

Additional info:

In the instruction, it says that ” Implement an iterator that produces the moves for the Towers of Hanoi puzzle described in Worked Example 13.2 “, however, worked example 13.2 is the wrong section. It’s supposed to be Worked Example 11.2 so I attached it.

Discussion 1

IT innovation has been a key component of organizational operations and strategy. For years, many business leaders did not see IT as vital to business, which resulted in missed opportunities to grow, and in some cases, sustain the business. Evaluate the role of IT solutions in an organization with which you are familiar. Explain how the business is using IT as a solution for the organization’s operations and strategy. Distinguish among hardware components, operating systems, programming languages, programs, and applications being used by the organization. Identify the solutions already in place and any areas where the business is not using IT. Describe the perceived impact the lack of IT has on the business both internally and externally.  Provide examples from any of the required resources to support your answers.

Your post must be a minimum of 250 words.

Operating Systems Project Due in 48 hours

Please Inbox me If you understand and can do it on time. Please Only Bid if you fully Understand the Project and can Deliver the requirements in 48 hours.

 In this final project, you will implement a simple ramdisk module that you can format with “mkfs.ext2” and mount and unmount with “mount” and “umount”. The ram disk should be of a fixed size stored entirely in memory. It should appear as a block device in the system. This project is an example of a block device driver, which handles data a block at a time.  This project should satisfy the following requirements. 

 – Implement a ramdisk as a kernel module. 

– Allow an ext2 filesystem to be installed onto the ramdisk. 

– Allow the filesystem to be mounted and unmounted with “mount” and “unmount”.  

While submitting your project, please make sure you include the following:  

your source code, 

a makefile, 

a short report describing your work, 

Java Programming

Please read the instruction from these pictures.

You can use these codes below. (The codes of the picture below) : : : :

R Homework

Question 1

Please submit a Rmarkdown (word format) report capturing the following:Use the attached Iris Dataset: iris_exams.csv  (click to download).Provide at least the following in the report for full credit: (1) Understanding the Data:

  • The structure of the data and a preview of the data.
  • Frequency Distribution. (Frequency Tables & Plots for each variable in the dataset (Barplots/Histograms)). Make sure to capture the skewness and kurtosis. – Provide an interpretation in one paragraph  (no more than 300 words) explaining the distribution of the data. 
  • Summary Statistics of the Data at least including mean, quartiles, min/max, and standard deviation. 

Question 2

Using the mtcars dataset, demonstrate the skills you have learned so far in class and submit a Rmarkdown (word doc) report including the following:

  • Develop a hypothesis
    • What is your hypothesis?
    • What columns are IVs
    • What columns are DVs
    • What columns are ignoble (why)
  • Check for Errors & Missing Data
  • Clean the data
    • How did you deal with NAs
    • How did you deal with outliers
  • Check Assumptions using Parametric Tests
    • Additivity 
    • Linearity
    • Normality
    • Homogeneity, Homoscedasticity

    Question 3

    Create a bar graph using the attached Iris dataset: iris_exams.csv  (click to download). Compare the Sepal Length of the flower Species. Include the following:

  • Main Title
  • X and Y-Axis Labels
  •  Colors by Species 
  • Provide an interpretation in one paragraph  (no more than 300 words) explaining the distribution of the data. 

Which Species Sepal.Length is greater?

Network Design



  1. Network Topology (15 points): Describe in 2-3  paragraphs the network topology that you have selected. Explain why you  chose the topology, and how it will help you to meet your project needs 
  2. Technology Budget (10 points): Based on your needs  assessment and technology requirements listed during week 2, what would  be your total expenses needed to fully implement this network (outside  of the virtual environment?) You should be able to use the URLs that you  used in last week’s assignment to gain easy access to the prices. 
  3. Network Diagram (25 points):  Using Visio, or a similar charting tool, create a DETAILED network  diagram. Be sure to include your selected network topology, specific  hardware, software, IP addressing, networking and security standards,  selected services, etc. All components should be CLEARLY LABELED.   Week 3 Assignment 
    Use the attached template “IT491 Week Three Assignment” template for this week’s submission.