Assignment 5


You shall write a C++ program that:

  1. Reads an arbitrary number of whitespace-delimited tokens from standard input.
  2. Determines and prints (to standard output) two decimal integer values:
    1. The number of input tokens that are valid Scrabble words (case-insensitive), i.e. those that can be found in /srv/datasets/scrabble-hybrid.
    2. The total number of points that all those words would be worth in Scrabble, according to the letter values in /srv/datasets/scrabble-letter-values.

Specific Requirements

  1. You may assume that the number of valid words and the total number of points will not exceed the range of an unsigned 64-bit integer.
  2. Open and read the contents of each relevant data file exactly once.
  3. Make sure to use STL components that will avoid any gross inefficiencies (excessive computation and/or storage) in your program. Your program should at least be able to process each of the example inputs below in no more than 5 seconds, on our server.
  4. Print the two integer values in the order specified above, and make sure your output contains no other numeric decimal values. Otherwise, the format of output is up to you.

Sample Executable and Expected Output

A sample executable named cs19_scrabble_total is available on the server, which demonstrates expected behavior of your program, e.g.:

$ cs19_scrabble_total <<< 'spinnaker'
1 word worth 15 points

$ cs19_scrabble_total < /srv/datasets/many-english-words.txt
519135 words worth 7566688 points

$ cs19_scrabble_total < /srv/datasets/shakespeare-othello.txt
17531 words worth 105915 points

$ cs19_scrabble_total < /srv/datasets/king-james.txt
650865 words worth 4305807 points


Describe the plain view doctrine, and why  it has such a significant impact on digital forensics? What are three approaches to determining whether the doctrine applies to a specific case.

350 words

Discrete math test

HI i have my discrete math final on Wednesday 16th at 3-6. was wondering if anyone can help me with that at that time. If you are interested i can send you the practice exam so you can take a look at it. 

security architecture 3.2


A typical DMZ is a network virtualization schema when a particular network connects to at least two different networks with different security levels. 

What would be the Cloud Based DMZ Architectures’  Challenges? Support your answer with Examples 

victims of cyber breachers

company that has been victims of cyber breachers withing the past three years. 


Include the following headings in your paper:

  1. Company Name—type of company—brief history—Industry—Customers (consumer, business, or both)
  2. Name of the exploit
  3. How the exploit was caused

Study Questions and Essays

– APA format

– Strictly plagarism free

– title page and 2 references for every assignment

Assignment 1(3 pages)(textbook – Information Systems for Business and Beyond)

Chapter 5 – study questions 1-9, Exercise 1 (Information Systems for Business and Beyond)
Chapter 6 – study questions 1-10, Exercise 6 (Information Systems for Business and Beyond)

Assignment 2(2 pages, 1 page per chapter)(textbook – Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

Chapter 4 – Review the section on Linear Development in Learning Approaches. Discuss how learning changes over time impact organizational culture. What is the impact of this cultural change on the success of IT projects? (Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

Chapter 5 – Review the Roles of Line Management and Social Network and Information Technology sections. Note the various roles in the organization and note the similarities and differences within each role. Also, note how innovation technology management shapes how we communicate amongst coworkers within an organization. (Information Technology and Organizational Learning)

Assignment 3 (1 page)

Discussion: This week we focus on the knowledge management cycle noted in Figure 5.3 in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning text. Note the various aspects of knowledge management, continuous innovation, and competitive advantage and how they integrate with one another.


 Define and describe business continuity.

Define and describe disaster recovery.

Explain the differences between the two using at least 2 scholarly resources in APA format. Finally, provide a real world example of both

3 pages APA format 

computer science

 network analysis/tech using the NS3 network simulator and , report-1000 words and , 10 ppt slides w/o notes 



* COSC 1436

* EL Centro

* Week 15

* Cell Phone Class


* This CLASS does not need to change



import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class CellPhone {

// Attributes

private final ArrayList AVAILABLE_BATTERY_TYPES = new ArrayList<>(

Arrays.asList("NiCd", "NiMH", "Lo-ion", "Li-pol"));

private ArrayList favoritePhoneNumbers = new ArrayList();

private String cellProvider = "AT&T";

private String batteryType = null;

private boolean isFlipPhone = false;

private boolean hasInternational = false;

// Methods

public ArrayList getFavoritePhoneNumbers() {

return favoritePhoneNumbers;


public void addAFavoritePhoneNumber(Long phoneNumber) {



public void deleteAFavoritePhoneNumber(int phoneNumber) {



public String getCellProvider() {

return cellProvider;


public void setCellProvider(String cellProvider) {

this.cellProvider = cellProvider;


public String getBatteryType() {

return batteryType;



* Validates battery type

* @param batteryType

* @return


public boolean setBatteryType(String batteryType) {

if (AVAILABLE_BATTERY_TYPES.contains(batteryType)) {

this.batteryType = batteryType;

return true;


return false;


public boolean isFlipPhone() {

return isFlipPhone;


public void setFlipPhone(boolean isFlipPhone) {

this.isFlipPhone = isFlipPhone;


public boolean isHasInternational() {

return hasInternational;


public void setHasInternational(boolean hasInternational) {

this.hasInternational = hasInternational;


public ArrayList getAVAILABLE_BATTERY_TYPES() {



public boolean isValidBatteryType() {

return batteryType != null;



public String toString() {

StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

builder.append("CellPhone [favoritePhoneNumbers=");


builder.append(", cellProvider=");


builder.append(", batteryType=");


builder.append(", isFlipPhone=");


builder.append(", hasInternational=");


builder.append(", valid battery type=");



return builder.toString();



Create a new Java Project for this assignment.

       Copy the provided class CellPhone into your default package area.

  1. Create a new class called SmartPhone that extends CellPhone. Add the following attributes:

    1. boolean – hasGPS. 
    2. boolean – hasWIFI. 
    3. String OSVersion.   Default to “Windows 10 Mobile”;
    4. long internalMemoryStorageCapacity – Default to 16_000_000_000L;
    5. Generate the setters and getters and toString() method.
  2. Create a new class called TestPhone that includes a main() method.
  3. Inside the main() method of TestPhone, do the following: 
    1. Create an instance of CellPhone. Set all the following attributes to values of your choosing: (Call all the setters with values) 
      1. cell provider
      2. isFlipPhone
      3. hasInternational
      4. batteryType
      5. Add 2 favorite phone numbers
    2. Display the CellPhone toString results.
    3. Create an instance of SmartPhone. Set the following attributes to values of your choosing: 
      1. hasGPS
      2. hasWIFI
      3. OSVersion 
      4. cell Provider
      5. isFlipPhone
      6. hasInternational
      7. batteryType
      8. Add 1 favorite phone number
    4. Display the SmartPhone toString results.

Deliverables include the and files.

There is no defined constructors in the CellPhone class so the super() method does not need to be addressed.