Discuss the differences as well as the advantages and disadvantages of IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS. Otherwise, you may include an implementation of each such as Salesforce or AWS with details on their services.
You must post at least twice during the week on at least two different days to get full credit. Your posts should add to the conversation with relevant information. Just agreeing with you classmates or similar responses will not receive any credit.
I am not looking for long posts. Eight or so sentences for each post of ORIGNAL writing will suffice. I do not want see paragraph after paragraph of copied material. Your post will be checked by SafAssign for similarity.
If you use references they MUST include in text citations where the information is used. If the information is a direct quote from a source it MUST be in parentheses. Otherwise you are at risk of plagiarism. However, you do not have to use the APA Edition 6 format (template with fonts, heading, etc.) in the discussions.
Ignorance of APA Edition 6 citing and referencing is not acceptable in graduate level work. If you do not use it you may be accused of plagiarism. If you have not done so please familiarize yourself with it now. There are numerous sources under the “Start Here” tab.
Please DO NOT submit your posts as attachments in the discussion area. All writing need to be in the discussion area.