urgent and needed in 6 hours

Review the draft papers. Before Tuesday, post a critique for two (2) or more of these selection papers including your evaluation of how well the students justified their recommendations.

3. Before 11:59 PM ET Tuesday, post a reply to 2 different selection papers (reply in their threads) which contain your vote for the best technology selection recommendations. Along with your vote, provide a brief one paragraph justification for your choice. (These count as your follow-up postings to your peers.)

Assignment Seven

Week 7 Written Assignment

Each assignment will be an essay written in APA format (see below). Each essay should be no less than 1500 words on the topic (s) noted below.

The title page and bibliography do not count towards the word count.

Complete the assignment in a Word document using APA formatting with your last name as part of the file name. Omit the abstract and outline. A Word APA template and APA sample paper are provided for reference

After completing the essay, save and upload the document in the Assignments section of the e-classroom.

Each essay will be checked by Turnitin automatically upon submission.You will have access to the originality reports.

Topic: After conducting independent research using at least three sources not used in the class write an essay that illustrates the impact of the  Internet on Human Rights (In a pinch you should review the UN Declaration on Human Rights if you get stuck).


5-7 page paper on a conflict that he or she experienced in an organizational setting. The submission must be typed, double-spaced, and have uniform 1-inch margins in 12-point 

Study questions

 I posted link to the questions and exercises in the below chapters of the book (INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR BUSINESS AND BEYOND)

The answers can be one line – APA format and text book reference. Please complete all the 10 questions in each chapter with the exercises mentioned below. 

  • Chapter 9 – https://bus206.pressbooks.com/chapter/chapter-people/
    • Study questions 1-10
    • Exercise 3
  • Chapter 10 – https://bus206.pressbooks.com/chapter/chapter-10-information-systems-development/
    • Study questions 1-10
    • Exercise 1

IT Project Management 2 page paper

Find any example of a real project with a real project manager. Feel free to use projects in the media (such as the Olympics, television shows, or movies). Write a paper describing the project in terms of its scope, time, and cost goals. Also describe other impacts on a project, such as quality resources and risks. Discuss what went right and wrong on the project and the role of the project manager and sponsor. Also describe whether the project was a success and why. Include at least one reference and cite it on the last page. 

APA style, 2 pages, Cover Page, Microsoft Word format.


Select any visualisation/infographic and looking at any individual chart included. Try to extract and write down in language terms what this chart shows across the angle, the framing, and (where relevant) the focus?

Does it feel that the definition you have arrived at is consistent with the aims/claims of the chart as it is published? In other words does the chart show and include what you think it is actually supposed to be doing or is there a disconnect?

Assignment Link: http://book.visualisingdata.com/chapter/chapter5

Assignment Length (word count): At least 500 words (not including direct quotes).

References: At least two peer-reviewed, scholarly journal references.

Network Security

See the following steps.

1. Accept a user password of length N as keyboard input to your program. You can determine your own length N.

2. Compute the hash of the password from step 1.

Your hash function H() is simply the checksum. (See Assignment 2)

3. Now you become an attacker and try to find the password of length N.

Try every combination of length N password and for each combination, compute the hash and compare to the hash of the password from step 2.

Measure execution time.

4. Now let’s reinforce our password using the password salt. Accept an arbitrary non-negative integer number as keyboard input to your program.

5. Compute the hash of the concatenated password salt and password from step 4 and step 1. To compute the password salt portion of the checksum, you can treat the entire password salt as EITHER a single integer OR multiple one-byte integers.

6. Now you become an attacker and try to find the concatenated password salt and password.

Try every combination of an arbitrary non-negative integer number and length N password and for each combination, compute the hash and compare to the hash from step 5.

Measure execution time.

NOTE: your program should have separate functions for the checksum and the two dictionary attacks with and without the password salt by the attacker.

in python | c++ any please

Here is the assignment 2 which has checkSum function ….


using namespace std;

//checksum function to add all the characters of the string in ASCII codes

long checksum(string input)


//here we change the string value to ASCII value

long value = 0;

for (char a : input)

value+= (int)a;

return value;


// function for the message modification by the attacker.

string modification(string input)


string total = “”;

for (char a : input)


total += min(126, a + 1);


return total;


int main()


//here we accept the message from the user

string message;

//asking user input

cout << "Pease enter the message: ";

//storing the user input

cin >> message;

//here we accept secret key from the user

string secretKey;

//asking the secret key

cout << "Please enter the sender secret key: ";

//storing the secret key

cin >> secretKey;

string finalMessage= secretKey + message;

//here calling the function checksum

long sender_checksum = checksum(finalMessage);

// here we accept attack secret from user

string attackKey;

cout << "Please enter the attacker secret key: ";

cin >> attackKey;

// here we modify original message from calling above function

string modifiedMessage = modification(message);

// here is the final attacker msg

string finalattackMessage = attackKey + modifiedMessage;

//here we compute the checksum

long attackerChecksum = checksum(finalattackMessage);

// here concatenate secret of sender and modified msg

string finalsenderModified = secretKey + modifiedMessage;

// here compute the checksum

long sendermodifiedChecksum = checksum(finalsenderModified);

cout << "The sender original checksum is: " << sender_checksum << "n";

cout << "The attacker checksum is: " << attackerChecksum<< "n";

cout << "The sender modified checksum is: " << sendermodifiedChecksum << "nn";

//compare chekcsum from steps 7 and 6

if (attackerChecksum == sendermodifiedChecksum)

cout << "The attacker checksum and sender modified checksum are equal";


cout << "The attacker checksum and sender modified checksum are not equal";

cout << "nn";

//compare checksums from steps 3 and 6

if (sender_checksum == attackerChecksum)

cout << "The original sender checksum and attacker checksum are equal";


cout << "The original sender checksum and attacker checksum are not equal"<<"n";

//returns nothing

return 0;
