EH Week9 DB



i need this paper by 10/21 afternoon.

Strictly No plagiarism please use your own words.

Cybercriminals use many different types of malware to attack systems. Select one common type of malware listed in this article link and using your own words, explain how to defend yourself against it.

300 words

Make sure Strictly No plagiarism content should not match and even the reference should not match in plagiarism 



1) Describe the purpose of the balance sheet and how this information is useful to the stakeholders of the corporation.  

2) Please describe the information presented on the statement of cash flows.  Why is this information important for the stakeholders of a corporation?  

python programing

Assignment 5

Submit Assignment

  • Due Dec 11 by 11:59pm
  • Points 110
  • Submitting a file upload
  • File Types py
  • Available Nov 21 at 12am – Dec 11 at 11:59pm 21 days

Programming Assignment #5: Graph Solution to the Water Container Problem

What is the assignment?

What to hand in?

  • One (and only one) *.py file should be handed in. All your checks, unit tests should be inside of this file.
  • The name of the function in your program should be findWaterContainerPath, and it should except three integer arguments. 
  • Note that your program should be able to run at the console/terminal (e.g. $ python If it does not, then the execution portion of the assignment will be 0. 

What needs to be done?

  • Ultimately, all that needs to be done is to have a function, named findWaterContainerPath, return a list of states that represents a solution to the water container problem. 
  • Note that each state can be thought of a vertex on a graph, and the transitions between the states can be thought of as the edges. 
  • To successfully implement the function you will need to figure out what all of the possible state transitions (i.e. edges). You’ll then perform a BFS across all of these states; adding a state to your final solution path when it is used (and being sure to not add, or to remove, states that are not on the solution path).

Be careful… 

  • As with all assignments, do not copy code from the internet, and do not share/copy code directly from others. There are lots of poor implementations of this problem online, so even if you look at some to better understand the problem, be sure that you implement your own so that you can be confident that you understand what each step is doing. 
  • Remember, copying/sharing code is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. If you are found to have been doing this, then the grade for this assignment may be a zero, and a report with the Dean of Students may be filed. 

Getting Started

  • Use the following code to get started if you like. If, however, you decide not to, be sure that you still name your function “findWaterContainerPath”, and that it accepts the three given arguments. 
import math
import unittest

def findWaterContainerPath(a, b, c):
    starting_state = (0, 0)
    final_path = list()


    return final_path


class TestWaterContainerGraphSearch(unittest.TestCase):

    def testFindWaterContainerPath(self):


def main():
    capacity_a = input("Enter the capacity of container A: ")
    capacity_b = input("Enter the capacity of container B: ")
    goal_amount = input("Enter the goal quantity: ")


    if int(goal_amount) % math.gcd(int(capacity_a), int(capacity_b)) == 0:
        path = findWaterContainerPath(int(capacity_a), int(capacity_b), int(goal_amount))
        print("No solution for containers with these sizes and with this final goal amount")


# unittest_main() - run all of TestWaterContainerGraphSearch's methods (i.e. test cases)
def unittest_main():

# evaluates to true if run as standalone program
if __name__ == '__main__':

Good luck!


Assignment 5 RubricAssignment 5 RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgram Execution and Output30.0 to >25.0 ptsGoodProgram executes with no syntax or runtime errors and produces nearly all of the appropriate output when run through the test script (26pts – 30pts).25.0 to >10.0 ptsFairProgram executes with via the test script but does not produce all of the desired/correct output (11pts – 25pts).10.0 to >0 ptsPoorProgram does not execute via the test script without some modification and/or produces none or very little of the desired output in the test script (0pts – 10 pts).30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCode Logic and Design40.0 to >30.0 ptsGoodProgram has all required classes, variables, and methods defined (31pts – 40pts).30.0 to >10.0 ptsFairProgram has at least some but not all requisite classes, methods, or variables (11pts – 30pts).10.0 to >0 ptsPoorProgram has few or none of the classes, variables, or methods that were required (0pts – 10pts).40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCoding Standards and Documentation30.0 to >20.0 ptsGoodProgram has documentation for each class, method, function and this is displayed when using Python’s help function, “help()”. Documentation should clearly explain how and why methods are implemented as is (e.g. when and how does HashTable choose to resize itself). In addition to this, for full points the code should be consistently formatted, with consistency in how methods and variables are named (21pts – 30pts).20.0 to >10.0 ptsFairProgram has some documentation and is somewhat consistent in formatting, variable/method naming, etc. However, at least one of those is missing/incorrect (11pts – 20pts).10.0 to >0 ptsPoorProgram has little to no documentation, is not structured/formatted well, and does follow a consistent approach towards naming variables/method (0pts – 5pts).30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTesting10.0 to >5.0 ptsGoodProgram tests edge cases, or scenarios that would produce unexpected results using Python’s unittest (4pts – 5pts).5.0 to >2.0 ptsFairProgram tests for some edge cases but is missing important/obvious edge cases and may not be using unittest (3pts – 4pts).2.0 to >0 ptsPoorProgram has very few or no checks for edge cases, and does not make use of unittest (0pts – 2pts).10.0 pts
Total Points: 110.0PreviousNext

ERD vaariables


There is a use case associated with  the assignment. You need to incorporate ALL requirements into the ERD,  not just some components into the ERD Diagram. There are various  examples that I have provided throughout the semester. I have pointed to  another one so you know what I am explicitly expecting to see. 

About the ERD Diagram


  • An ERD Diagram (PDF File ONLY)
  • A Word / PDF Document that  describes exactly what is in your ERD. This helps me make sure you know  what you modeled! Also, on that document, please tell me who did what  for the assignment. 
  • Please provide me example screen  shots to a working prototype of your database and/or access to the  database. Make the dataset realistic, not scrap data. I will need to  have access to the database if that is your preferred option until  December 11, 2020 at 11:59pm EST unless I ask otherwise. 

Cloud Computing and Digital Forensics

Propose and defend a topic for your final project.  Write  500 words or more explaining why this topic is important for your peers to understand. Be focused and specific. Look into the general topic provided in the list in this folder to find something new and interesting to write about. You should do a deep dive into a topic. Do not do a survey. Use the   Research Databases available from the Danforth Library  not Google. 

You MUST make a statement saying exactly what your topic is. 

Use at least five sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. 


students will develop a marketing plan for a small business (either real or fictional).


Pricing and Positioning Strategy 

1. Should be in APA format with references.

2. Should be 400- 500 words with references

2 Discussions and 1 case Study

Discussion 6.1

Describe 5 types of Endpoints

Discussion 6.2

List and describe each step of NIST risk management process

Case Study 6.1

Describe NSA’s suggested data-loss response process

Writing Requirements

  • 3 pages in length  (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • Include at least two peer-reviewed sources that are properly cited 
  • APA format, Use the APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment.
  • Please use the Case Study Guide as a reference point for writing your case study.

The Future of Your Personal Data - Privacy vs Monetization | Stuart Lacey | TEDxBermuda

all assignments for professor foley

1.Prepare a one to two page paper on some of the various types of data mining and statistical software and the features thereof.  Please double space your paper and cite your sources.

2.  After observing the TED Talk on Big Data, prepare a one page paper on the TED Talk

3.  Prepare a one page paper on Data Mining Methods. You may research the internet for more information. Please double space your paper and cite your sources. 


After viewing the following Ted Talk on Big Data and privacy, prepare a one page paper on this Ted Talk topic “The Future of your Personal Data”.

The Future of Your Personal Data – Privacy vs Monetization | Stuart Lacey | TEDxBermuda (Links to an external site.)The Future of Your Personal Data - Privacy vs Monetization | Stuart Lacey | TEDxBermuda 

What are some steps that you can do to protect yourself online?

Please double space your paper and cite your sources.