There are many mobile platform vulnerabilities listed in the readings from this week (slides 8, 9, and 10). Which do you feel is the greatest threat to users? Do you agree that people generally are not aware of the threats to their mobile devices?

Please write 350 words essay on following

 There are many mobile platform vulnerabilities listed in the readings from this week (slides 8, 9, and 10). Which do you feel is the greatest threat to users? Do you agree that people generally are not aware of the threats to their mobile devices? 


 If you have you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes, discuss what went right during the redesign and what went wrong from your perspective. Additionally, provide a discussion on what could have been done better to minimize the risk of failure. If you have not yet been involved with a business process redesign, research a company that has recently completed one and discuss what went wrong, what went right, and how the company could have done a better job minimizing the risk of failure.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 4-6 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

4-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Case Analysis and Incident Impacts



Submit the Case Analysis and Incident Impacts portion of the final project. In this assignment, you will analyze the ethical issues and determine the legal compliance issues within the organization, as well as the social and cultural impacts of these compliance issues. You will be expected to address the impact the incident may have had on the ethical and legal IT regulations at the time. The connection between the industry standards and the standards for informational technology should be determined, as well as the influence of the cultural impact on IT and cyber-communication or commerce.


User Training

What kind of user training should be conducted to deal with the issue of noise. How do you strike a balance between being overwhelmed with false positives and the danger of ignoring true incidents?  What effects would false positives have on an organization?

Discussion 5


Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss. Use only 70-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer. The discussion questions this week are from Chapter 6   (Jamsa, 2013).

Chapter 6 topics:

  • Define and describe a SAN.
  • Define and describe NAS.
  • Describe how cloud-based data storage works.
  • Assume that you must select a cloud-based data storage solution for your company. List the factors you would consider when selecting a vendor.
  • Many users do not yet feel comfortable storing data within the cloud. Discuss some steps you can take to reduce their concerns.
  • Assume that you must select a cloud-based data storage solution for your company. List the factors you would consider when selecting a vendor.
  • List the pros and cons of cloud-based data storage.
  • List the pros and cons of a cloud-based database.

NOTE: You are required to use at least two-peer reviewed sources (besides your textbook) to answer the above questions. 



  1. Provide the title of your term paper (note: you may change the wording in the official title in the final version however, you cannot change the topic once you select one)
  2. Include an introduction on the topic
  3. A minimum of 3-5 references in proper APA format

must be on c code


A Command-Line Interpreter, or Shell

Your shell should read the line from standard input (i.e., interactive mode) or a file (i.e., batch mode), parse the line with command and arguments, execute the command with arguments, and then prompt for more input (i.e., the shell prompt) when it has finished. This is what Minor 2 program should do with addition of batch processing which means just reading a batch line by line and calling the same interpretation logic.

  1. Batch Mode

In batch mode, your shell is started by specifying a batch file on its command line. The batch file contains the list of commands that should be executed. In batch mode, you should not display a prompt, but you should echo each line you read from the batch file back to the user before executing it. After a batch is finished the shell will exit.

  1. Interactive Mode

No parameters specified on command line when the shell is started. In this mode, you will display a prompt (any string of your choice) and the user of the shell will type in a command at the prompt.

You will need to use the fork() and exec() family of system calls. You may not use the system() system call as it simply invokes the system’s /bin/bash shell to do all of the work. You may assume that arguments are separated by whitespace. You do not have to deal with special characters such as ‘, “, , etc. You may assume that the command-line a user types is no longer than 512 bytes (including the ‘n’), but you should not assume that there is any restriction on the number of arguments to a given command.

Web applications

 You are the webmaster for the Republican Party National Committee. Prepare a risk assessment analysis for your website. Some questions to consider:

  • Who is likely to attack your site?
  • When are attacks likely to occur?
  • What sort of attacks might take place?
  • How can you best minimize attacks and protect the integrity of your site?

Write between 200-300 words. 

week 6 doc

 Describe the plain view doctrine, and why  it has such a significant impact on digital forensics? What are three approaches to determining whether the doctrine applies to a specific case. 

COBOL programming

Write the following program using COBOL programming language:

Grade Report

This is a program designed to hit you where you live! This program will compute your current average in a class, the minimum average that you could earn from this point forward, and the maximum average that you can earn. In addition to this, it prints the relative weights of each assignment category.

This program assumes that grades are computed out a fixed pool of points. For example, the course in which you currently find yourself has 1000 points. Your total average is computed by the formula:

grade = (points_earned * 100) / points_possible

So at any given point in the semester, you could compute your current average by totaling the points you have earned and dividing by the possible points on your assignments so far.

The minimum grade is what you would earn if you stopped handing in work. That is, you would forfeit all remaining possible points in the semester (not a good idea, usually!)

The maximum grade is what you would earn if you earned all remaining possible points in the semester.

This program will take as its input the name of a file. The file is a flat-format file of the following form:

  1. The total number of points for the entire semester on a line by itself.
  2. Zero or more assignment records, with each field being a fixed width. The format of these records are as follows:
    • Assignment Name (20 characters)
    • Category (20 characters)
    • Possible Points (14 characters)
    • Earned Points (14 characters)

Consider the file generated by a student whom we will call “Bill”. Bill has recorded his first few as shown:

MS 1 - Join Grps    Group Project       5             5             
Four Programs       Programming         15            9             
Quiz 1              Quizzes             10            7             
FORTRAN             Programming         25            18            
Quiz 2              Quizzes             10            9             
HW 1 - Looplang     Homework            20            15            

Note that there is no separator between these fields! If they use the full width of the field, they run right up to the next one:

HW 3 - Struct & VarsHomework            20            20            

When Bill runs the program, it generates the following output:

File: Bill

Group Project        (5%)
MS 1 - Join Grps        5/5   100%
                       5/5   100%

Homework             (23%)
HW 1 - Looplang       15/20    75%
                     15/20    75%

Programming          (47%)
Four Programs          9/15    60%
FORTRAN               18/25    72%
                     27/40    67%

Quizzes              (23%)
Quiz 1                 7/10    70%
Quiz 2                 9/10    90%
                     16/20    80%

Current Grade: 74%
Minimum Total Grade: 6%
Maximum Total Grade: 97%

Here, neatness counts! Make the output line up in nice neat tables. Also note that category weights are the weight of how much the category counts toward the current average. At the end of the course, these would match the weights in the syllabus. Also, note that while Bill is earning a C, if he buckles down he can still get that A. Perhaps you could use this program to help you in your courses!

The contents of sample data files are given below:
File bill:

MS 1 – Join Grps Group Project 5 5   
Four Programs Programming 15 9   
Quiz 1 Quizzes 10 7   
FORTRAN Programming 25 18
Quiz 2 Quizzes 10 9   
HW 1 – Looplang Homework 20 15

File cs-390 assignments:

MS 1 – Join Grps Group Project 5 0   
Four Programs Programming 15 0   
Quiz 1 Quizzes 10 0   
FORTRAN Programming 25 0   
Quiz 2 Quizzes 10 0   
HW 1 – Looplang Homework 20 0   
COBOL Programming 25 0   
Quiz 3 Quizzes 10 0   
Mid Mid 200 0   
HW 2 – LL Enhanced Homework 20 0   
ALGOL 68 Programming 25 0   
MS 2 – Descr. Lang. Group Project 50 0   
HW 3 – Struct & VarsHomework 20 0   
Lua Programming 25 0   
Quiz 4 Quizzes 10 0   
HW 4 – Variable Typ.Homework 20 0   
MS 3 – Example ProgsGroup Project 45 0   
JavaScript Programming 25 0   
Quiz 5 Quizzes 10 0   
HW 5 – Smalltalk Homework 20 0   
MS 4 – Interpreter Group Project 100 0   
Ms 5 – Presentation Group Project 50 0   
Scheme Programming 25 0   
Quiz 6 Quizzes 10 0   
Prolog Programming 25 0   
Final Final test 200 0