PhD Dissertation

Choose A topic
 Identify a topic. What is the problem you want to address (must come from the literature and be cited). Who are saying there are problems? What has been done so far about the problem? Locate peer-reviewed articles related to your topic. What was the research questions in the studies? What findings were reported? Identify a gap in literature to justify your research. What is the purpose of your proposed study (be specific and clear)? What is the population you would like to address? What methodology are you planning on using? i.e. quantitative or qualitative? 

 Compare common methods to find which is most successsful in reducing the prevalence of social engineering.  Why: “The development and implementation of robust counter…….. Kaabouch, 2019). What:  What is the question you are looking to answer? Which is most successful? 

 Which measures are you wanting to compare?

​ How: Address how you will answer this? By doing what? Gathering what data 

cyber security

 1.”Lake Point Consulting Services (LPCS) provides security consulting and assurance services to over 500 clients across a wide range of enterprises in more than 20 states. A new initiative at LPCS is for each of its seven regional offices to provide internships to students who are in their final year of the security degree program at the local college.

Predish Real Estate and Auction (PREA) buys and sells high-end residential and commercial real estate across a multistate region. One of the tools that PREA offers is a sophisticated online website that allows potential buyers to take virtual tours of properties. However, PREA’s site was recently compromised by attackers who defaced the site with malicious messages, causing several customers to threaten to withdraw their listings. PREA’s senior management has demanded a top-to-bottom review of their security by an independent third party. LPCS has been hired to perform the review, and they have contracted with you to work on this project.

The first task is to perform a vulnerability assessment of PREA. Create a PowerPoint presentation for the president and his staff about the steps in a vulnerability assessment. List in detail the actions under each step and what PREA should expect in the assessment. Your presentation should contain at least 10 slides” (Ciampa, 605).

2. Create a one-page document of a personal disaster recovery procedure for your home computer. Be sure to include what needs to be protected and why. Also include information about where your data backups are stored and how they can be retrieved. Does your DRP show that what you are doing to protect your assets is sufficient? Should any changes be made?” (Ciampa 649). 

SQL Servers installation and access (Cyber Security)

 Using your textbook, the Internet, and any other suitable references, answer the following questions in your own words. Save your answers in a single file (minimum length of a full page of content).  Remember to include any sources that you use.

  1. Why would you perform a silent installation?
  2. Under what circumstances would a system administrator lose access to an instance of SQL Server? Give an example.
  3. Oracle offers a free download of all editions of the Oracle Database.  How does the company derive benefits from this approach?



Write a 4-5 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

  • What does the term intellectual property encompass, and why are organizations so concerned about protecting intellectual property?
  • What are the strengths and limitations of using copyrights, patents, and trade secret laws to protect intellectual property?
  • What is plagiarism, and what can be done to combat it?

Sync Sessions are held four times per term.  For the exact dates and times please check the course schedule under the Course Overview area.  To connect to a Sync Session, please click on the Sync Session Classroom area and select the appropriate session.

Due: Assignment is due Thursday of the second week in the module.

Evaluating one quantitative research article


Do your research on statistical  research methods and choose one article that used statistical quantitative research method. Review the article and write a report following  the steps below:

Your report paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 3-5 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clear with well-written, concise, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Scholarly articles can be found in the UC Online Library, in databases such as JSTOR or ProQuest. At least the article must be peer-reviewed, full-text article that used quantitative research methods from scholarly journals.

Note: When reading an article use the PECO to analyze the paper:

  • P – Population being study, techniques used in the paper
  • E – Exposure (what)
  • C – Control(how)
  • O- outcome

Scoring Rubric:

  1. The research paper used quantitative statistical methods to addressed the problems —20/20
  2. The paper is 3 to 5 pages excluding the cover page and references pages—-10/10
  3. The paper is APA formatted——10/10

Be clear with well-written, concise, using excellent grammar and style techniques.—-10

Need Assignment Help

  Go online and search for information that relates to ethical hacking  (white hat or gray hat hacking). Choose one of these areas explain why a  company might benefit from hiring someone to hack into their systems.  

  Your assignment should be 3-4 paragraphs in length.  (300-400 words)

I will expect APA formatting, citations, references


Discuss the importance of regular expressions in data analytics. Also, discuss the differences between the types of regular expressions.

Choose two types of regular expressions… For example, [brackets] (Matches the enclosed characters in any order anywhere in a string) and * wildcards (Matches the preceding character 0 or more times) and discuss the differences between the two.

Please be sure to include two or three differences for each. Include how they help manipulate data.

Discussion Length (word count): At least 250 words (not including direct quotes).

References: At least two peer-reviewed, scholarly journal references.

Practical Connection Assignment Reflection


How gained knowledge in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IMPORTANCE IN STRATEGIC PLANNING subject help you when you are working as a quality assurance analyst in the healthcare organization?

How you will apply what you learn to your current job?

portfolio project (information governance)



You have recently been hired as a Chief Information Governance Officer (CIGO) at a large company (You may choose your industry). This is a newly created position and department within the organization that was founded on the need to coordinate all areas of the business and to provide governance of the information. You will need to hire for all positions within your new department.

The company has been in business for more than 50 years and in this time has collected vast amounts of data. Much of this data has been stored in hard copy format in filing cabinets at an offsite location but in recent times, collected business data is in electronic format stored in file shares. Customer data is being stored in a relational database, but the lack of administration has caused data integrity issues such as duplication. There are currently no policies in place to address the handling of data, business or customer. The company also desires to leverage the marketing power of social media, but has no knowledge of the types of policies or legal issues they would need to consider. You will also need to propose relevant metrics that should be collected to ensure that the information governance program is effective.

The CEO and Board of Directors have tasked you to develop a proposal (paper) that will give them the knowledge needed to make informed decisions on an enterprise-wide Information Governance program, addressing (at a minimum) all of these issues, for the company. 


The paper should include at a minimum of the following sections:

a. Title page

b. Executive Summary (Abstract)

c. Body

i. Introduction (including industry discussion – 1-2 pages)

ii. Annotated Bibliography (2-3 pages)

iii. Literature review (2-3 pages)

iv. Program and technology recommendations, including:

1. Metrics

2. Data that matters to the executives in that industry, the roles for those executives, and some methods for getting this data into their hands.

3. Regulatory, security, and privacy compliance expectations for your company

4. Email and social media strategy

5. Cloud Computing strategy

d. Conclusion

e. References

2. You must include at least two figures or tables. These must be of your own creation. Do not copy from other sources.

3. Must cite at least 10 references and 5 must be from peer reviewed scholarly journals (accessible from the UC Library).

This paper should be in proper APA format and avoid plagiarism when paraphrasing content. It should be a minimum of 8 pages in length (double-spaced), excluding the title page and references.


· Week 3 – Introduction Section – A 1-2 page paper describing the industry chosen and potential resources to be used. 25 pts.

· Week 6 – Develop a full annotated bibliography (2-3 pages).  25 pts.

· Week 12 – Develop the literature review (2-3 pages). 25 pts.

· Week 15 – Completed final research paper (all milestones combined together and include the last sections as discussed in the list above). 50 pts.

Cyber security Research paper


The Research Report, select one of the following research areas:

i) Cyber Security and INTRANET Cloud Computing 

ii) Cyber Security and EXTRANET Cloud Computing 

iii) Cyber Security and Machine Learning

iv) Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence

v) Cyber Security and Internet of Things (IoT)

vi) Cyber Security and Robotics

vii) Cyber Security and Medical Technology