Research Paper


This paper must directly address the applications and implications of a law or regulation discussed in this course to the conduct of your duties as an Information Technology professional and contain all of the following elements;

  • a title page.
  • an introduction of the content of the paper.
  • a brief review of the recent literature related to your selected law or regulation.
  • a brief analysis of the applications of that law or regulation.
  • a conclusion that summarizes the content of your paper and discusses future research opportunities related to your topic.
  • a reference page(s).

To complete this assignment, upload a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) that contains your complete paper. Remember that your paper, including your list of sources, must be in APA format, and you MUST cite your references in the body of the paper using APA in-text citation format. A source is any paper or article that you will reference in your paper. If you need more information on APA format (for references list AND in-text citations), visit this reference:

This assignment must be YOUR OWN WORK!  This is an individual assignment. Plagiarism detected in your work will be addressed as discussed in the plagiarism section of the syllabus. 

Here are a few details about the overall research paper Please look at the attached rubric for details on how the paper will be graded. 

  • Your paper must include both a Title page and a Reference page.
  • Your paper should NOT include an abstract.
  • Your paper must include a minimum of 7 peer-reviewed resources (articles or papers)
    • Cited sources must directly support your paper (i.e. not incidental references)
  • Your paper must be at least 1000 words in length (but NOT longer than 1200 words; Scholarly writing should be efficient and precise. Be clear in the information that you are conveying and with the evidence used to support it. Here is a good resource to help with writing concisely:
    • Title and reference pages are NOT included in calculating the paper length.

Network Protocols and Telecommute


You have applied for the position of IT manager at a local hospital and after the initial interview, the IT director explained that part of excelling at the job is the ability to write outstanding white papers. Based on this requirement, he asked you to submit a 2-3 page white paper.


In this paper, include the following information:

• Explain the importance of the TCP/IP suite in both LAN and WAN implementations.

• They are discussing implementing VoIP, would it be helpful for a hospital environment, if so, why?

• Explain wireless communication and support for RFI and its importance in a hospital environment.

• Would you prefer to work onsite or telecommute? How would telecommuting save the company in terms of finances and performance?


• This assignment is a paper consisting of 2-3-pages, using APA formatting and citations.

• Include two references.



1.  500 words and ref

I. Which case study in the paper was most interesting to you and why?

II. Do you think that ERM is necessary in the contemporary organization and why?

2.  500 words and ref

What is the relationship between Naïve Bayes and Bayesian networks? What is the process of developing a Bayesian networks model?

3.  500 words and ref

List and briefly describe the nine-step process in con-ducting a neural network project.

Disaster Recovery Best Practices

Link : 

1. Review the above video and write a two page review plus a reference page.  

2. The first page of the paper should be a summary of the video.

3. The second page is an opinion page covering how an IT company does or should use these best practices.

4. A total of 3 different references have to be there in the opinion page.

* paper has to be in an APA format.

Security Architecture & design

Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples.  include at least two references.

Minimum of 500 words

simple, no plagiarism, due by 11/01/2020 1:30 PM

One of the big challenges with cloud-based reputation checks is performance. Users do not typically want to wait a few seconds while the reputation of potential URLs is checked. Most of us have come to expect that websites are at the immediate tips of our fingers and that access and loading of the content should take place rapidly and immediately. This presents a tricky security problem. Since the reputation service exists in the cloud, the challenge can be summed up as, “How can a reputation be securely retrieved without slowing Web access down so much as to create a poor user experience?” 



Answer each these questions in a paragraph with at least 2-3 lines. Provide a citation for each answer.

1. What kind of speech was the First Amendment written to protect?

2. Does the First Amendment apply only to spoken words?

3. What does it mean that laws regulating speech must be content neutral?

4. Why are common carriers prohibited from controlling the content of the material they carry? 

5. How does the Supreme Court determine whether material is obscene?

6. Why have attempts to censor the Internet failed in the US?

7. Why not just ban spam? 

8. Why did Facebook ban Alex Jones and Louis Farrakan?

9. Should websites that show how to 3d print guns be banned? 

10. According to the Supreme Court ‘anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority’. What does that mean? 

Conclusion on Cloud Computing Implementation in United Health Group

 Conclusion on Cloud Computing Implementation in United Health Group and challenges before implementation.

Just the conclusion is needed.


The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages.

Use the Academic Writer Tutorial: Basics of Seventh Edition APA Style website to learn more about APA style.

  • References should be 2016 or later.
  • Each source should be cited in the body of the paper to give credit where due. Per APA, the paper should use a 12-point Time New Roman font, should be double spaced throughout, and the first sentence of each paragraph should be indented .5 inches.

Only single page is requried

Denial of Service attack

  • Define a denial-of-service attack in your own words.
  • Explain how this type of attack can adversely impact infrastructure.
  • Explain methods organizations can implement to prevent DoS attacks from occurring.
    1000 words