Please see attached files for full directions.
Once you find the article, you will read it and write a review of it. This is considered a research article review.Your paper should meet these requirements:
Discussion post – Qualitative research methods
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
There are numerous times when the information collected from a real organization will not conform to the requirements of a parametric analysis. That is, a practitioner would not be able to analyze the data with a t-test or F-test (ANOVA).
Presume that a young professional has read about tests—such as the Chi-Square, the Mann-Whitney U test, the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test, and the Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance—and wants to know when it is appropriate to use each test, what the test is used for, and why each would be used instead of the t-tests and ANOVA. How would you address this young person’s concerns?
Question 1
Consider the XOR problem where there are four training points: (1, 1, −),(1, 0, +),(0, 1, +),(0, 0, −). Transform the data into the following feature space:
Φ = (1, √ 2×1, √ 2×2, √ 2x1x2, x2 1, x2 2).
Find the maximum margin linear decision boundary in the transformed space.
Question 2
Consider the following set of candidate 3-itemsets: {1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 6}, {1, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4}, {2, 4, 5}, {3, 4, 6}, {4, 5, 6}
Construct a hash tree for the above candidate 3-itemsets. Assume the tree uses a hash function where all odd-numbered items are hashed to the left child of a node, while the even-numbered items are hashed to the right child. A candidate k-itemset is inserted into the tree by hashing on each successive item in the candidate and then following the appropriate branch of the tree according to the hash value. Once a leaf node is reached, the candidate is inserted based on one of the following conditions:
Condition 1: If the depth of the leaf node is equal to k (the root is assumed to be at depth 0), then the candidate is inserted regardless of the number of itemsets already stored at the node.
Condition 2: If the depth of the leaf node is less than k, then the candidate can be inserted as long as the number of itemsets stored at the node is less than maxsize. Assume maxsize = 2 for this question.
Condition 3: If the depth of the leaf node is less than k and the number of itemsets stored at the node is equal to maxsize, then the leaf node is converted into an internal node. New leaf nodes are created as children of the old leaf node. Candidate itemsets previously stored in the old leaf node are distributed to the children based on their hash values. The new candidate is also hashed to its appropriate leaf node.
How many leaf nodes are there in the candidate hash tree? How many internal nodes are there?
Consider a transaction that contains the following items: {1, 2, 3, 5, 6}. Using the hash tree constructed in part (a), which leaf nodes will be checked against the transaction? What are the candidate 3-itemsets contained in the transaction?
Please go through the attachment for assignment details.
Leader Traits and attributes
Discuss and identify leader traits and attributes that are most beneficial in implementing the best decisions in an organization.
- Explain the differences in charismatic and transformational leadership and how both leadership styles impact organizational effectiveness. Please note how these leadership styles affect implementing new innovative technologies.
- Review table 8.1 in the reading this week, note the work characteristics and the traditional versus high-performance focus, note which focus is best for strategic decisions and which is best for operational decisions. Please explain.
At least one scholarly (peer-reviewed) resource should be used in the initial discussion thread. Use APA references and in-text citations.
Review the material on routers.
It is sometimes said that information extracted from a router or switch does not necessarily provide specific evidence of a particular crime. What is meant by that? If true, what then is the most useful information collected from these devices in an investigation?
Computer Science
Risk assessment and recommendations
Bash Scripting – Three easy tasks
Please find the attachments for three tasks listed. Use bash scripting template attached (.sh file) to complete the three tasks. Please add comments wherever appropriate.
Ask if you have questions, and need anything.
Thank you!
Whiteboard Animation
Stock market knowledge is a plus. Please follow all instructions, failure to follow instructions will result in refund request.
Video is uploaded with audio. Starting at 6:59 until 8:42 the animation needs to describe the example provided for Bank of America buying 100,000 shares of Boeing using Market Order vs Limit Order. Please use company transparent logos in animation (attached).
*Note: There is a minor discrepancy with the numbers but the example should be explaining buying 100,000 shares with 20k at $250, 20k at $260, 20k at $270, 20k at $280, 20k at $280 with Market Order.