Describe Access Controls that you have utilized in your career or personal life. APA formatting is expected for any references. Initial posts due by Thursday end of day and two peer responses due by the end of the unit.
excel work ….. edit excel document ……. do today…… 10 hours……
this is due today…… 10 hours……
Edit the excel attachment using the microsoft word attachment instructions
due in 8 hours
Microsoft Access 2019 Capstone Level 2 Project
I’m looking for someone with Microsoft Access experience to complete this assignment for me.
Please go through the attachment for assignment details
mad pratical connection
Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course(Enterprise Risk Management (ITS-835-B08)) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study(Fall 2020 – Enterprise Risk Management (ITS-835-B08) ).
- Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
- Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
- Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
- Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
- You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.
- Any use of outside sources, including your own prior work, will result in a zero on the activity and a report being filed with Academic Affairs regarding plagiarism (even if self-plagiarism).
Please go through the attached document for assignment details.
Tableau project
The purpose of this project is to give you experience working in Tableau to build interactive dashboards. The data provided comes from Each row represents a $25 investment (called a “note”) in a loan. You have a lot of information about each note and the borrower – a majority of which you will not need. A data dictionary is provided, though it appears to not cover everything in the data. If you are unsure about something, make an assumption and proceed. You can go any way you want with this data to show anything you think is worth looking at. I encourage you to be creative. You will be graded on the overall quality of your resulting dashboard and work completed. Submissions SUBMIT A .TWBX FILE, NOT A .TWB FILE! You can do this via File – Save As – and selecting Tableau Packaged Workbook (TWBX) as the file type.
Write a 4-5 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)
- Why must companies place an increased emphasis on the use of high-quality software in business systems, industrial process-control systems, and consumer products?
- What potential ethical issues do software manufacturers face in making trade-offs between project schedules, project costs, and software quality?
- What are the four most common types of software product liability claims?
You will complete this assignment in Python 3.x. Make sure you have downloaded the software and it is installed correctly. You will download it from this site
You will code the following and submit it in one file. Use the information in the Content area for this week to assist you. Save it as a python file (.py), and upload it into the Assignments area.
1. Include comment block on line1 of your code with the following information:
Your Name
Course Name, Section (example: ENTD200 B002 Spr18)
Instructor name
Week #
Date completed
2. Create 2 Python programs based on week 5 flowcharts and requirements. You must use loops, do not use function call
Here is a SAMPLE run for a simple calculator to add to numbers (this is for reference only)
Simple Calculator
What is your name –> Supa
Enter first number –> 7
Enter second number –> 5
Supa, The total of 7.0 + 5.0 = 12.0
Do you want another calculation ? (y/n) y
What is your name –> Lupa
Enter first number –> 21
Enter second number –> 11
Lupa, The total of 21.0 + 11.0 = 32.0
Do you want another calculation ? (y/n) n
Thanks for using my calculator