Lab 2 – EERD
Wally Los Gatos, owner of Wally’s Wonderful World of Wheels, has hired you as a consultant to
design a database management system for his chain of stores that sell used vehicles. Wally requires this system to track details about inventory, employees, sales and customers.
Based on the following information, draw an EER diagram. Please indicate any assumptions that you have made in your diagrams!
After an initial meeting with Wally, you have developed a list of business rules and specification to begin the design of an the ER Model.
· Customers place orders through a dealership. Wally has three dealership locations (Cambridge, Kitchener and London), and may add more in the future
· Wally would like to track the following about customers:
Name, Address, City, Province, Postal Code, Telephone, Date of Birth, Email
· A customer may place many orders
· A customer does not always have to order through the same dealer all the time
· A dealership may have many customers
· Orders are composed of one or more vehicles from inventory
· The following information about each order needs to be recorded:
Order Date, Final Sale Price, Credit Authorization Status
· We wish to record the following about each vehicle:
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), Make, Model, Year, Colour, Km’s, Photo, Purchase Price, Sticker Price
· Wally obtains vehicles from a range of suppliers, including auctions, bank foreclosures, other dealerships, and private sellers
· Wally employs fifty-six employees
· He would like to track the following information about employees:
Name, Address (Street, City, Province, Postal Code), Telephone, Date of Hire, Title, Salary, Age
· If the employee’s role is that of a mechanic, we should track their Certification Number
· If the employee’s role is that of a salesperson, we should track their commission and total Vehicles Sold
· If the employee’s role is that of a manager, we should track which employees they manage
· Each employee works in one and only one dealership
· Each employee may have one or more dependents.
We wish to record the name of the dependent as well as the age and relationship
Sample Sales Record:
Thank you for choosing Wally’s World of Wheels at
Guelph Auto Mall for your quality used vehicle!
Sales Rep: #3265 Peter Green
Processed By: 5487
Invoice Number: 123654
Date: On Sept. 20, 2017
Customer: John Smith!
22 Front St W
Kitchner, ON, N2A4G8
[email protected]
2013 Toyota Camry, White
VIN: 27764534RTB KMS: 211023
Purchase Price: $15,260.00
Trade In: $ 0.00
Subtotal = $ 15,260.00
HST (13%) = $ 1,983.80
Sale Total = $ 17,243.80