Security Threats & Vulnerabilities

The paper must by at least 10 pages double-spaced

1″ margin all around

Black12 point fonts (Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier)

Correct APA format citations

Graphics are allowed but do not apply for the minimum page count.

A minimum of 10 references are needed.

The paper is automatically submitted to Turnitin to against plagiarism

IT345 9


To conclude this course, we cover professional ethics as it relates to technology. Additionally, we specifically address ethics as it relates to computer professional. This is due to the amount of private, sensitive, and proprietary information they have access to.

Pick a scenario below and post your reply by  at midnight. Your response should be at least 300 words and appropriately cites your resources.


  • Scenario 1
    • Your company is developing a free email service that will include targeted advertising based on the content of the email messages (similar to Google’s Gmail). You are part of the team designing the system. What are your ethical responsibilities?

Articlee writing

Write a 3-page paper (1000 words):  defining “what is artificial intelligence?” What is the history behind it and how can it benefit our society in the future? Provide examples and present your written findings. You must write a 3-page essay in APA format. You must include 3 scholarly reviewed references that are DIRECTLY related to the subject.

Research Paper


The Final Portfolio Project is a comprehensive assessment of what you have learned during this course.  

There are several emerging concepts that are using Big Data and Blockchain Technology. Please search the internet and highlight 5 emerging concepts that are exploring the use of Blockchain and Big Data.

Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section. 

The paper needs to be approximately 6-8 pages long, including both a title page and a references page (for a total of 8-10 pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid plagiarism.

Your paper should meet these requirements:

  • Be approximately six to eight pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

PLEC Week 10

 Answer each these questions in a paragraph with at least 3-4 sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly. Provide a citation for each answer.   


1. Should society help workers dislocated when technology, like the Internet, elimlnates their jobs in a process called ‘ Creative Destruction‘?

2. are we working more and earning less?

3. Would you want a telecommuting job? Why or why not? 

4. Does the gig economy appeal to you? Why or why not?

5. How is an employee differentiated from a contracter under US law? 

6. Why have some municipalities put restrictions on innovations in the sharing economy and in on-demand services?

7. What has been the effect on the US economy of outsourcing (or offshoring) technical and professional jobs? 

8. How much monitoring of employee activities at work is appropriate? 

9. Should an employer be able to discipline or terminate an employee for on-line behavior in his/her own time? 

10. What is the relationship betwee BYOD (bring your own device) and shadow IT

11. What is cyberloafing?




This discussion activity gives you the opportunity to solve a real world scenario. In doing so, you will learn the concepts of a software development cycle.


Part I: Complete Your Original Response to the Main Topic

You are a software developer for a Retail Point of Sale System Company. A client has made a request to upgrade the current system from command line interface to a graphic user interface. The client concerns on an effect to the current system with the change. The client does not want to lose any current data on the system. Provide recommendations and the change plan including the below requirements to the customer.


  • Create a requirement plan (what need to be done to support this upgrade)
  • Create a development plan (how to implement this upgrade with programming details explanation including technical details on this document)
  • Create testing plan (how to ensure that the new upgrade works without affecting current system and no data lost.)

Posting your recommendations and the change plan

Once you have completed your recommendations and plan. Post it in the discussion forum by clicking the Reply link below.

  • In the first line of your post, your should add your plan title and name.
  • Your posting must include recommendations, a requirement plan, a development plan, and a testing plan.  


1. Describe the key architecture points in a high capacity enterprise solution processing over 100/000 TPS?

2. What are the key breakage points in the architecture? How would you improve upon them?

3. Describe a defect that you encountered in your code that impacted production. Why was it not caught pre-deployment? How did you handle the remediation of this fault?

Data Visualization Project

Read the project research below. Discuss possible project/research ideas identifying the different angles.


The case study in chapter 4. The case study introduces the process of completing a data visualization project. 


You’re responsible for creating a Data Visualization project plan and implementation. You have to plan the process and the implementation of the project. You should identify a data visualization problem and a corresponding data set. You’re responsible for building a project plan for a company. The project should include a graph/chart of the final product. You should provide a detailed project plan and a PowerPoint presentation.

Further details are in attached “Research.docx”

Color Mixer

I need this program in Raptor

Color Mixer

The colors red, blue, and yellow are known as the primary colors because they cannot be made by

mixing other colors. When you mix two primary colors, you get a secondary color, as shown here:

When you mix red and blue, you get purple.

When you mix red and yellow, you get orange.

When you mix blue and yellow, you get green.

Design a program that prompts the user to enter the names of two primary colors to mix. If the user

enters anything other than “red,” “blue,” or “yellow,” the program should display an error message.

Otherwise, the program should display the name of the secondary color that results.