Research paper and discussion

Part 1: Research paper (4-6 pages)

 please write a research paper that answers the following questions: 

  • What are mobile forensics and do you believe that they are different from computer forensics?
  • What is the percentage of attacks on networks that come from mobile devices?
  • What are challenges to mobile forensics?
  • What are some mobile forensic tools?
  • Should the analysis be different on iOS vs Android?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately 4-6 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Part 2: Discussion (500 words) and 2 responses

 expand on investigation and of digital forensic analysis and investigations. Organizations, especially those in the public, health and educational areas are bound by legal and statutory requirements to protect data and private information, therefore digital forensics analysis will be very beneficial when security breaches do occur. Using this weeks readings and your own research, discuss digital forensics and how it could be used in a risk management program.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA 7)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

Part 3: Practical connection assignment (500 words)

 Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment.


  • Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
  • Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
  • Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment.  
  • You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace. 

Part 4 : Discussion (500 words) and 2 responses

discuss the characteristics of the three predominate anomaly detection methodologies.: Model-Based vs Model-free, Label vs Score, and Global vs. Local Perspective.  

Analyzing data

Where does data analysis begin?

The collection of data is not the onset of data analysis projects. A data analysis project begins with a purpose, problem, and research questions.

Find one scholarly research paper with an excellent example of:

  • Problem statement
  • Research questions

The example shall relate to a practical, real-world work environment in the information technology field. After finding the research, discuss the following:

  • What makes this example excellent in the topics that initiate a data analysis project?
  • What relates this example to a practical, real-world work environment in the information technology field?
  • Do the research questions meet the criteria defined in the lecture in week one?
  • What is the generalizability of this research?

Access control discussion 9

What technology can a business use to assist in the access control.

It must be at least 450 words and have references.

No plagiarism and no grammar mistakes and need APA format.

properly cite the references.

Practical Connection Assignment

 Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of  how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been  applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work  environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you  have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to  an employment opportunity in your field of study.     

Deadlocking in Concurrent and Distributed system

 There are 5 resources, A, B, F, G, I, each of which can be acquired and released. There are two resource-user (or thread) types S and T.

 Each instance of S repeatedly executes this code sequence: It acquires I, then A, and then G. It releases A and G. It acquires B. It releases I and then B. 

Each instance of T repeatedly executes this code sequence: It acquires G and then F It releases G It acquires A It releases F and then A 

a) How many instances of S does it take to create deadlock if there are no instances of T? 

b) How many instances of T does it take to create deadlock if there are no instance of S?

c) There are instances of S and of T. How many instances of S and how many instances of T does it take to create deadlock? Note: In some cases, no deadlock is possible no matter how many instances/threads there are. 


Final Project Topic Name:  Data Center Security

In 100 words (1)

1.  Include a short paragraph describing your project (Data Center Security ) and how you intend to research it. 

In 200 words (2)

2. Brief abstract describing final project (Data Center Security ).

3. 500-600 words, double spaced, written in APA format, showing sources and a bibliography
Please include the following:  

 What is (Data Center Security ).


Challenges one might face



Python 3 – Two Python Questions



There are TWO Python 3 questions that I need to be completed.

I will attach the PDF with instructions and a ZIP file with the required .py file needed to complete the home.

Thank you!

final Paper


For the final project, you will be conducting a forensics investigation using one of the following items:

  1. A smartphone
  2. A network (ideally, a wireless network)

 You  may use either for your investigation. However, be aware of legal  issues surrounding your data gathering. If you are using any system you  do not personally control and have authority to investigate/discover,  please get written permission from the owner/operator of the system or  refrain from your forensics analysis of that systems and use a personal  system. For a network, you can use your own personal home network. For a  smartphone, consider using an image from the Internet or a personal  device. There could be issues related to using a live, active, personal  device (example: corruption of the device). If using a personal device,  consider using an old, outdated phone, if available.

 You  will review various forensics tools used with your selected system.  Select a tool and use that tool to gather forensics data for analysis.  You are simulating the process of gathering this data, so you do not  need to investigate a compromised device or system. The project  deliverables are as follows:

 Week  7 – Prepare an investigative report of the forensics data capture  conducted using the tool selected for this purpose. The paper should  provide the following information: 

  • Executive  Summary of your investigation, including a description of the device or  systems and the tool used for the forensics analysis
  • Step-by-step description you used to gather data for analysis
  • Report on the information that was obtainable from the device
  • Graphics evidence that you conducted the forensics data gathering and analysis

 The  paper should be in a form that would be used for reporting to a court  or a law enforcement agency. Be sure to provide graphics evidence of  your forensics investigation effort (Screenshots, reports, etc.).  References should be in APA format.