
Provide an example of a semi-structured decision you make on a daily basis and explain what inputs would be necessary to provide assistance in making the decision. Build your own DSS using a spreadsheet that would help you make that decision.


Please choose any two topics from the list below and create approx. 1 to 1 ½ page essay answering the 2 questions (out of 4).  Be sure to use at least one reference and ensure the paper is in APA format (with in-text citations).  Note: Avoid DIRECT wording from any source, rather rephrase the author’s work and use in-text citations where necessary.

  1. Name the basic constructs of an ensemble model. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ensemble models?
  2. List and briefly describe the nine-step process in conducting a neural network project.
  3. What is the main difference between classification and clustering? Explain using concrete examples.
  4. What are the privacy issues with data mining? Do you think they are substantiated?

** Please note you have minimal space and time to complete the assignment, do NOT write an introduction, rather just answer any 2 questions from above.  Paste it in the Editor’s window and save it when you are done.

Just need my worked checked

I need my SQL assignment looked over. I’m currently using MS management studio


1. List the employee whose employee number is 100.

Select * from Employee where employee_Num=100;

2.  List the Employee whose salary is between 50 K to 100k.

Select * from Employee where salary between 50000 and 100000;

Select * from Employee where salary >= 50000 and salary <= 100000;

3.  List the Employees whose name starts with ‘Ami’.

Select * from Employees where name like ‘Ami%’;

4. List the Employees whose name starts with A and surname starts with S.

Select * from Employees where name like ‘A%’ and surname like ‘S%’;

5.  List the Employees whos surname contains kar word.

Select * from Employees where  surname like ‘%kar%’;

6.  List the Employees whose name starts with P,B,R characters.

Select * from Employees where name like ‘[PBR]%’;

7. List the Employees whose name not starts with P,B,R characters.

Not Operator Symbol

Select * from Employees where name like ‘[!PBR]%’;

Not Operator

Select * from Employees where name not like ‘[PBR]%’;

8. Write a query to fetch first record from Employee table?

Select * from Employees where rownum=1;

9. Write a query to fetch the last record from Employees table?

Select * from Employees where rowid = select max(rowid) from Employee; 

10. Write a query to find the 2nd highest salary of Employees using Self Join

Select * from Employees a where 2 = select count (distinct salary) from Employee where a.salary <= b.salary;

11. Write a query to display odd rows from the Employees table 

Select * from(select rownum as rno,E.*from Employees E) where Mod(rno,2)=1;

12. Write a query to display even rows from the Employees table 

Select * from(Select rownum as rno,E.* from Employees) where Mod(rno,2)=0;

13. Write a query to show the max salary and min salary together form Employees table

Select max (salary) from Employees


Select min (salary) from Employees;

14. Write a query to fetch all the record from Employee whose joining year is 2018 

Select * from Employees where substr(convert(varchar,joining_date, 103),7,4)= ’2018′

15. Write a SQL Query to find maximum salary of each department 

Select Dept_id,max(salary) from Employees group by Dept_id;

16. Write a query to find all Employees and their managers (Consider there is manager id also in Employee table). 

Select e.employee_name,m.employee name from Employees e,Employees m where e.Employee_id=m.Manager_id;

17. Write a query to display 3 to 7 records from Employee table 

Select * from (Select rownum as ‘No_of_Row’,E.* from Employee E)

18. Write a query to fetch common records from two different tables Employees and Employees1 which has not any joining conditions 

Select * from Employees 


Select * from Employees1;

19. Write a query to validate Email of Employee 





Where NOT REGEXP_LIKE(Email, ‘[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}’, ‘i’);

20. Write a query to remove duplicate rows from Employees table 

Select Employee_No FROM Employees WHERE ROWID < >

(Select max (rowid) form Employees b where Employee_No =b.Employee_No);

two different report styles

Present and discuss the structure of two different report styles. Give for each one the basic outline and the target reader groups.

Support your discussion with at least two scholarly references.

Discussion 12

Select from the following list four (4) topics and discuss. Use only 70-words max per topic to discuss and present your answer. The discussion questions this week are from Chapter’s 12-13  

(Jamsa, 2013).

Chapter 12 topics:

  • Discuss key items that should be included in an SLA.
  • Define predictive analytics and discuss how an IT manager might use such analytics.
  • Discuss how an IT manager might use load testing on a site.
  • Define and discuss vendor lock-in and identify steps a company should take to mitigate this risk.
  • With respect to cloud-based solutions, list and discuss 5 to 10 operations or tasks an IT manager should oversee.

Chapter 13 topics:

  • List and describe common system requirements one should consider before moving an application to the cloud.
  • Discuss why a company should consider using a consultant to oversee a cloud migration and list specific skills you would expect the consultant to have.
  • List and discuss resource utilization characteristics one should monitor for an application prior to moving the application to the cloud.
  • List possible training requirements for an SaaS solution integration, a PaaS application migration, and an IaaS application migration.
  • List and describe budget considerations one should evaluate before moving an application to the cloud.
  • List and describe IT governance considerations one should evaluate before moving an application to the cloud.
  • Define and describe cloud bursting.

NOTE: You are required to use at least two-peer reviewed sources (besides your textbook) to answer the above questions.  

IT 204 assignment 1

IT 204 Week 1 Assignment

These are instructions for completing the Week one assignment. You are creating a basic business letter.

The section immediately below is the header. Below the horizontal line is the body of your letter.

Use one-inch margins  all around. (This is usually the default in MS Word)

Your Name (use 14 point Verdana font, bold, centered)

Your mailing address (12 point Verdana font, not bold, centered)

Your email address (12 point Verdana font, not bold, centered)

Your telephone number ((12 point Verdana font, not bold, centered)

Add a line below the title as shown below. Use 12 point Verdana for the rest of the letter.

(1 blank line)

Today’s date in long date format, January 5, 2021

(1 blank line)

(indent paragraphs) Write two or three short double-spaced paragraphs, describing what you plan to do when you graduate. For example, describe your ideal job?

(2 blank lines)


(3 blank lines)

(For a formal business letter, you will hand sign with blue ink)

Your name (typed)

week 7

Cash Budget

Close to 50% of the typical industrial and retail firm’s assets are held as working capital. Many newly minted college graduates work in positions that focus on working capital management, particularly in small businesses in which most new jobs are created in today’s economy. 

To prepare for this Discussion: Shared Practice, select two of the following components of working capital management: the cash conversion cycle, the cash budget, inventory management, and credit policies. Think about scenarios in which your selected topics were important for informing decision making. Be sure to review the video links above and conduct additional research using academically reviewed materials, and your professional experience on working capital concepts to help develop your scenarios. Support your discussion with appropriate examples including numerical examples as necessary.

Video Links:



B) 3 replies each 150 words 

Article Summary

– Write a summary on 2-3 recent peer reviewed articles (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to ‘Impact of Big Data on Businesses’

– Should be a minimum of 750 words

– There should be no plagiarism. Attach a turnitin report with 0% similarity index.

Apply: Ethical Challenges


Assignment Content

  1. Your team of international developers will be developing a publicly accessible cloud-based application which may potentially house user PII data, information about users’ behaviors and activities (e.g., physical locations, online sites they visit, searches, purchases, etc.), and users’ intellectual property (e.g., photos, artwork, videos, etc.).

    Continue your work with your team on the features of the application by identifying ethical challenges and specifying the type of data the feature uses, a risk mitigation strategy for the risk you provided in Week 2, and a global ethical perspective of the choices you made in implementing a risk mitigation strategy.

    Develop a 1-page table using the Ethical Challenges Worksheet template provided. Turn in 1 table for the team.

    Note: This assignment will help you develop your individual assignments in subsequent weeks.