SE493 week 5 Mid


Please provide detailed answers to the following questions

1) What is software engineering? Chapter 1
2) What are the fundamental activities that are common to all software
processes? Chapter 1
3) List the 5 principles of agile methods. Chapter 3
4) What are user requirements and system requirements? Chapter 4
5) What is the most important advantage of a client-server architecture?
Chapter 6
6) What are the 5 key activities in an object-oriented design process?
Chapter 7
7) Briefly describe the idea of open-source development. Chapter 7


270 words+

How do information technology professionals and everyone else differ in their ethics with respect to information technology? Discuss differences if from both library resources and your opinion.

Please site references if they are used.

Exp19_Access_Ch03_HOEAssessment – Property Sales 1.0

Exp19_Access_Ch03_HOEAssessment – Property Sales 1.0

Exp19 Access Ch03 HOEAssessment  Property Sales 1.0

 PowerPoint Introductory Capstone Assessment – Color 


Project Description:

As a student in the marketing program, you have been asked to create a presentation on the power of color and its impact on marketing. You have begun a presentation and now need to add the content to the presentation.


Start PowerPoint. Download and open the file named Exp19_PPT_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment_Color.pptx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename. 


Change the theme   fonts to TrebuchetMS.


Click Slide 5 and use   the Reuse Slides option to insert all slides from Color.pptx.
  Keep the source formatting of the original slides (inserted slides). Note,   Mac users, insert all slides from the file using the default formatting.


On Slide 13 in the   left content placeholder, insert the Orange1.jpg   image. In the middle content placeholder, insert the Orange2.jpg image. In the right content placeholder, insert the Orange3.jpg image.

  Apply the Drop Shadow Rectangle picture style to the three images. 


On Slide 3 insert the   ColorWheel.mp4 video file. Make the   following changes to the
  • Apply the Monitor, Gray video style.
  • Set the video to start Automatically.
  • Compress the video


On Slide 16 insert   the image Balloon.jpg as a   background image on the slide. Change the transparency to 10%.


On Slide 4 convert   the bulleted list to a Vertical Box List SmartArt graphic. Make the following   changes to the SmartArt graphic:

• Change the colors to Colorful Range   – Accent Colors 4 to 5.
  • Change the SmartArt style to Intense Effect.
  • Change the text font size in all four shapes to 28 pt. 


On Slide 16 apply the   Gradient Fill: Purple, Accent color 5, Reflection WordArt style to the text Questions?

  Make the following changes to the WordArt:

  Increase the font size to 96 pt.
  • Change the Text Fill to Gold, Accent 3.
  • Apply the Wave Up text effect in the Transform gallery (Mac users: Apply   the Wave 2 text
 effect in the Transform gallery).
  • Change the Shape Height to 2.8″.
  • Set the Horizontal position of the shape to 0.8″ and the Vertical   position to 1.7″.


On Slide 15 insert an   Oval shape on the slide.

  Make the following changes to the Oval shape:
  • Change the Shape Height to 1.5″ and the Shape Width to 1.5″.
  • Type Blue in the shape and apply the Moderate Effect – Dark Blue, Accent 6 shape style.
  • Change the font color of the text to Black, Background 1, increase the font   size to
 20 pt and apply Bold.
  • Set the Horizontal position of the shape to 3.15″ and the Vertical   position to 4.5″.


Make a copy of the   formatted oval shape and paste on the slide. Set the Horizontal position of   the new shape to 7.15″ and the Vertical position to 4.5″. Highlight the text   in the shape, and type Red, apply the Moderate Effect   – Red, Accent 1 shape style.


Copy the formatted   oval shape again and paste on the slide. Set the Horizontal position of the   new shape to 11.15″ and the Vertical position to 4.5″. Highlight the text   in the shape, and type Yellow, apply the Moderate Effect –   Gold, Accent 3 shape style.


On Slide 5 insert a   table with 2 columns and 6 rows.
  Make the following changes to the table structure:
  • Apply the No Style, Table Grid table style.
  • Change the width of the first column to 2.4″.
  • Change the width of the second column to 6.3“. 


Type the following   information into the table:
  Row 1: Col 1: Red; Col 2: Excitement, Youthful, Bold
  Row 2: Col 1: Blue; Col 2: Trust, Dependable, Strength
  Row 3: Col 1: Yellow; Col 2: Optimism, Clarity, Warmth
  Row 4: Col 1: Black; Col 2: Power, Mystery, Intensity
  Row 5: Col 1: Green; Col 2: Peaceful, Wealth, Growth
  Row 6: Col 1: Orange; Col 2: Friendly, Cheerful, Confidence


Set the height of the   table to 3.9″. Center Vertically the text in the first and second columns of the table.


In the table, apply   the following shading:
  •Red, Accent 1 to the cell with the text Red   
  •Dark Blue, Accent 6 to the cell with the text Blue
  •Gold, Accent 3 to the cell with the text Yellow
  •Dark Green, Accent 4 to the cell with the text Green
  •Orange, Accent 2 to the cell with the text Orange


On Slide 14 insert a   Clustered Column chart. Replace the spreadsheet information with the   following information: Leaving cell A1 blank, type Percentage in cell B1. Populate   cells A2:B5 with the following:

Red 29%
Blue  33%
Black/Grayscale 28%
Yellow 13%

  Change the source data to use the range A1:B5.


Make the following   changes to the chart:

  • Apply the Style 4 chart style
  (Note, ensure that the selected style contains the silvery background color,   gridlines, and inside end data labels.)
  • Remove the chart title, gridlines, and legend.
  • Increase the font size of the data labels to 32 pt.
  • Change the Shape Fill of the Blue data point to Dark Blue, Accent 6
  • Change the Shape Fill of the Black/Grayscale data point to Black,   Background 1
  • Change the Shape Fill of the Yellow data point to Gold, Accent 3


On Slide 15 select   the blue circle shape, press SHIFT, and then select the rectangle shape with   the blue outline. Group the shapes. Repeat for the two remaining shapes on   the slide to group each of the circle shapes with their associated rectangle   shapes.


On Slide 14 apply the   Fly In animation (Entrance category) to the chart. Set the Effect Options to   Sequence By Element in Series. Set the animation to start After Previous. Set   the Delay to 00.75.


Add page numbers to   all slides with the exception of the first slide. 


Apply the Push   transition to all slides.


On Slide 1 type Welcome   to the power of color presentation. (including the
  period) as a speaker note.


Check the   presentation for spelling errors, and correct any errors.


Save and close Exp19_PPT_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment_Color.pptx.   Submit the file as directed.

CIS 222 Assignment 3

 1-2 page apa format

After receiving your briefing of the threat analysis, the Executive Board has an increased interest in your security program. The CEO has asked for an overview of your plan for implementing the fixes to the problems. You advise that risk management is a continuous process but offer a briefing on the framework and some of the immediate “fixes” that will be implemented in the initial projects.Based on your research for Unit 3:

  • Explain the overall RMF process to the board and how it will improve security overtime.
  • Select the categorization of the corporate network using the Low-Moderate-High impact levels for confidentiality, integrity, and availability and brief that decision to the board.
  • Give some examples of planned fixes to improve security for those areas.
  • Explain how this effort will require financial and organizational support.
  • Explain how the impact levels selected for categorization will aid in resource allocation.

The requirements for your assignment are:

  • 1-2 page APA paper excluding title and reference pages
  • Provide at least two references and in-text citations in APA format
  • College level writing

Refer to the attached document for the grading rubric. 

Program 3.22 using message passing


Program 3.22 using message passing

The Collatz conjecture concerns what happens when we take any positive integer n and apply the following algorithm

The conjecture states that when this algorithm is continually applied all positive integers will eventually reach 1. Write a C program using fork() system call that generates this sequence in the child process. The starting number will be provided from the command line. Because the parent and the child processes have their own copies of the data, it will be necessary for the child to output the sequence in Exercise 3.21. Another approach to designing this program is to create message queues, one for the parent process and one for the child process. The parent can write a message containing the starting number of the sequence to the child’s message queue. After the child process receives the message, the child process will generate the sequence, and send the entire sequence to the parent’s message queue. The parent will receive the sequence from its message queue, then output the sequence to the screen. Before the processes terminate, they will each destroy its own message queue.

One area of concern with cooperating processes involves synchronization issues. In this exercise, the parent and child processes must be coordinated so that the parent does not output the sequence until the child finishes execution. These two processes will be synchronized using synchronous message sending and receiving.

useful example msg-passing-outline

Wk 3 Discussion – Business and IT Trends


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Discuss how you can differentiate between a fly-by-night product or approach and one with real business value and staying power. What sources of information do you trust? What criteria do you apply to make your decisions?

Discussion Board, Fundamentals of Database Systems

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

As systems manager for XYZ company, you have found a severe problem in managing the company’s information resources because much of the company’s data are decentralized and stored in dissimilar forms. Data could be found in spreadsheets, small personal databases, proprietary databases, and even Word documents scattered across the network. The redundancy, error, inconsistency, and decentralization caused a real problem in controlling the information service.

Your post should include the following details:

  • Why is controlling the information asset through a centralized database management system (DBMS) critical to XYZ’s long-term success?
  • How has decentralized information hurt XYZ’s competitive advantage?

Various maturity stages and variables in the middle manager best practices arc.

This week we focus on the various maturity stages and variables in the middle manager best practices arc.  Refer to chapter 12 from this week’s reading and not the various stages, what they are and why they are important. 


Information Technology and Organizational Learning

ISBN: 9781498775755

Authors: Arthur M. Langer

Publisher: CRC Press: Taylor & Francis Group

Publication Date: October 2017

Edition: 3rd ED.

Discussion Board: OS Hardening

You provide a lecture to the working group regarding the importance of security education, awareness, and training due to the oft-quoted security maxim that users/humans are the weakest link in the security chain. While making users aware of security risks and training them how to protect company assets will reduce risk, it is important to put technical controls in place to protect the operating systems and applications that employees use every day.

Discuss the importance of “hardening” the PCS client workstations and servers. Make recommendations for operating system hardening options and describe how these are related to the concept of “system-specific policies” discussed earlier in the course. One of the working group members blurts out that antivirus protection is a waste of computing resources and patching applications takes too much time. Be sure to address these two concepts in your initial thread. Include at least one research reference and associated in-text citation using APA standards. In your replies to your peers further, discuss the importance of software security.