Operating System Security

 Using the reading below answer the following question and cite the reference below. Must be at least 250 words.

Haiplerin, M. (2007). Chapter 11: Security. In Operating systems and middleware: Supporting controlled interaction. Retrieved from https://gustavus.edu/mcs/max/os-book/chapters/OSM_11_chapter_11.pdf

  • How secure is the OS used in your work or home computer (e.g., desktop, laptop, tablet, smart phone)? Feel free to do more research on the OS of your choice for this discussion.




Exp19 PowerPoint Ch02 ML1 Duarte

PowerPoint Chapter 2 Mid – Level 1 Duarte 

Project Description:

Video-sharing sites on the Internet make it possible to learn from PowerPoint industry experts. After viewing a video about good design principles, you will use shapes, text boxes, images, animation, video, or audio to illustrate several design rules in your presentation.


Start PowerPoint. Download and   open the file named Exp19_PPT_Ch02_ML1_Duarte.pptx.    Grader has automatically added your last name to   the beginning of the filename.


Click the subtitle text box on   Slide 1. Replace Student Name with Anna Baker. Access the Internet and go to www.youtube.com. Search for the video Duarte Design’s Five Rules for   Presentations by Nancy Duarte. View the video and take notes on how to   apply the five rules to your presentations.


Click Slide 2 and type Treat Your   Audience Well as   the title.


Select all of the bulleted text   on Slide 2 and apply the Fade Entrance effect. Set the animation to start   After Previous with a Duration of 03.00 and a Delay of 03.00


Click the Show Additional Effect   Options Dialog Box Launcher to access the Fade dialog box. Set the After   Animation to Orange on the Effect tab.


Click Slide 3 and type Use Movement   to Express Your Ideas as   the title.


Insert the video Duarte.mp4. Apply an Oval video shape.


Apply an Orange, Accent 2 video   border. Set the Fade In duration to 01.00. Select and delete any additional   text boxes that may display when the video is inserted.


Click Slide 4 and type Show   Meaningful Visuals as   the title. Delete the subtitle placeholder.


Click Slide 5 and type Design for   Impact as the   title. Type Don’t decorate in the content placeholder and change the font size   to 44.


Select the title Don’t decorate, and apply the Fade   Entrance effect. Set the animation to start After Previous with a Duration of   03.00 and a Delay of 03.00


Click Slide 6 and type Talk to the   Audience as the   title.


Insert a rectangle shape, type Relationships   matter and then   size the shape to a Height of 0.7″ and a Width of 5.75″. Position it at a horizontally   at 6.25″   from the Top   Left Corner and vertically at 2.5″ from the Top Left Corner.


Apply the Heart motion path to   the inserted shape. Set the animation to start After Previous with a Duration   of 03.00 and a Delay of 02.00. Or, use the Draw Freeform motion path to draw the heart shape.


Click Slide 1 and apply a Push   transition. Set the Effect Option to From Right and apply to all slides.


Save and close Exp19_PPT_Ch02_ML1_Duarte.pptx. Exit   PowerPoint. Submit the file as directed.

Graduate internship march 31

Review the following video “Tips for job seekers: How to negotiate your salary pt. 1” and “Tips for job seekers: Advice on personal branding pt. 2”, and answer the critical thinking question that follows:

Summarize the key points from the video in terms of what you have learned regarding what skills and knowledge you would focus on when building your personal branding information for a potential job interview. Why focus on those skills? In your summary, reflect on, and explain, how you will apply what you have learned in a career context. 

Your summary should be a minimum of one page of content in length. Properly cite any references utilized in APA format.



building secure web applications week 14


Week Fourteen A

Research the Dark Web.Write a brief paper on the following topics: What is the Dark Web? How is it accessed  How is it used by criminals? How can it be used in a positive way? How can be used by law enforcement and the intelligence services. How can be used by private individuals.Write between 200 and 300 words.  

computer science


Your submission must include the following information in the following format: 

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term – (the definition should come from the article) 

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-words range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials, and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research, or findings regarding the key term. 

DISCUSSION: Using 300-words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected key term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts, and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment. 

REFERENCE: The source for the analysis must be listed at the bottom of the submission – APA format required. Use only peer-reviewed journal articles for these assignments. Refrain from using blogs, .com’s, or other unreliable internet sources

Vis Design

 In this assignment, you will design a visualization for a small data set and provide a rigorous rationale for your design choices. You should in theory be ready to explain the contribution of every pixel in the display. 


Data Set: Antibiotics

After the World War II, antibiotics were considered as “wonder drugs”, since they were easy remedy for what had been intractable ailments. To learn which drug worked most effectively for which bacterial infection, performance of the three most popular antibiotics on 16 bacteria were gathered.

 The values in the Burtin dataset(attached below) represent the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), a measure of the effectiveness of the antibiotic, which represents the concentration of antibiotic required to prevent growth in vitro. The reaction of the bacteria to Gram staining is described by the covariate “gram staining”. Bacteria that are stained dark blue or violet are Gram-positive. Otherwise, they are Gram-negative. 



Your task is to design a static (i.e., single image) visualization that you believe effectively communicates the data (20 points) and provide a short write-up (no more than 2 pages long) describing your design (60 points).

You are free to use any graphics or charting tool –including drafting it by hand. Go to Useful Resources for a list of visualization tools (attached below). You may find it most instructive to create the chart from scratch using Excel or a graphics API of your choice.

While you must use the data set given, note that you are free to transform the data as you see fit. You are also free to incorporate external data as you see fit. Your chart image should be interpretable without looking at your short write-up. Appropriate title, axis labels or legends are needed.

The write-up should include but not limited to the following components:

  • Describe how your created the visualization, what software was used, any external data used, the steps you took to create the visualization etc. 
  • Tell the story of the figure. In the big picture, what story (or stories) are you trying to tell? 
  • Justification of visual encodings. Use the what-how-why framework to analyze your vis. Data: What are data and dataset types? Encodings: marks and channels used? Tasks: What are tasks of your vis? 
  • Effectiveness of visualization. In your write-up, you should provide a rigorous rationale for your design Document the visual encodings you used and why they are appropriate for the data. These decisions include the choice of chart type, size, color, scale, and other visual elements, as well as the use of sorting or other data transformations. How do these decisions facilitate effective communication? Any pros or cons of design? 

The writing quality of the report will also be evaluated in grading. Please proofread your submission before submitting it and make sure it is free of spelling and grammar issues.






Project Description:

You are the digital marketing director for High West Fashions, a regional clothing company that specializes in custom t-shirts. Your company has decided to launch an online advertising campaign that gives customers the ability to purchase heavily discounted products. You have the task of determining the optimal amount of advertising to purchase in order to maximize profit and most effectively utilize resources.


Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch06_Cap_DirectMarketing.xlsx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.


On the Direct Marketing   worksheet, create appropriate range names for Design_Fee (cell B8), Cost_Per_Ad (cell B9), Total_Clicks (cell B10), Profit_Per_Click (B11), and Gross_Profit (cell B12).


Edit the existing name range   Design_Fee to Design_Fee2021 to reflect the current year. 


Use the newly created range   names to create a formula to calculate Gross Profit (cell B12) and Net Profit   (cell B13).


Create a new worksheet named Range Names, paste the newly created range   name information in cell A1, and resize the columns as needed for proper   display.

  Mac users, use the Insert menu to insert a new worksheet and paste the range   names.


On the Direct Marketing   worksheet, use Goal Seek to determine the optimal click rate in order to earn   a $5,000 net profit.


Starting in cell E4. Complete   the series of substitution values ranging from 2% to 6.5% at increments of .50% vertically down   column E.


Enter references to the Gross   Profit and Net Profit in the correct location for a one-variable data table.


Complete the one-variable data   table, and then format the results with Accounting Number Format with two   decimal places.


Apply custom number formats to   display Gross Profit   in cell F3 and Net Profit in cell G3.


Copy the response rate   substitution values from the one-variable data table, and then paste the   values starting in cell I4.


Type 10000 in cell J3. Complete the series of substitution   values from 10000 to 40000 at 5000 increments.


Enter the reference to net   profit formula in the correct location for a two-variable data table.


Complete the two-variable data   table and format the results with Accounting Number Format with two decimal   places.


Apply a custom number format to   make the formula reference appear as Net Profit


Make the Direct Marketing 2   worksheet active. Create a scenario named Best Case, using Number of Ads and Click   Rate. Enter these values for the scenario: 40000, and 6.5%.


Create a second scenario named Worst Case, using the same changing cells.   Enter these values for the scenario: 10000, and 1%.


Create a third scenario named Most Likely, using the same changing cells.   Enter these values for the scenario: 10000, and 6.83%.


Generate a scenario summary   report using Gross Profit and Net Income.


Return to the Direct Marketing 2   worksheet. Load the Solver add-in if it is not already loaded. Launch Solver   and set the objective to calculate a net profit of $20,000.


Use Number of Ads and Click Rate   (B4:B5) as changing variable cells.


Set a constraint to ensure   Number of Ads purchased is less than or equal to 40,000.


Set a constraint to ensure Click   Rate is less than or equal to 7%. (Mac users should enter the value in decimal form. Example .07)


Solve the problem. Generate the   Answer Report. 


Create a footer on all   worksheets with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the   center, and the file name code on the right side.


Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch06_CAP_DirectMarketing.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.