Graduate Research & Critical Analysis january 7

Written Assignments Content

  1. Autobiography: Write a 3 paragraph, 500-word autobiography (written in 1st person) that describes:
    • your life to this point including where you were born and an interesting fact about where you were born;
    • your education and experience in your major area of study;
    • and the goals you set for yourself after you obtain your MBA. 

GO19_AC_CH01_GRADER_1A_HW – Advising 1.0

GO19_AC_CH01_GRADER_1A_HW – Advising 1.0


Project Description:

Instructional project 1A Advising Database with Two Tables. This project will be completed by following the Activities in the Project A of your GO! textbook. You can use the print or eText version to locate and read the Activity instructions. For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:


Research Project Instructions


5G Cell communication is gradually been adopted by telecommunications providers across the country. 

However, there are technical problems to overcome, including that the higher frequencies cannot even 

penetrate a pane of glass. 

Security alarms have been raised everywhere, from the ridiculous to the political. Do as much research 

as you can on the threats of 5G and tell me about what you can find. You should be able to find 

everything from hacking issues, to privacy issues, to frequency issues, to political and nation state issues,

to manufacturing issues, and maybe others. What are the dangers you found and how real are each of 

them? Be sure to give sources of your research

Irrespective of the option you choose, your paper must have at least 5 sources. Include in-text
citations and a reference section. The reference section does not count towards the total number of
pages. Make it double spaced with a minimum font size of 11.
It’s worth noting that Wikipedia does not count as a reliable source in academic writing. Use APA or IEEE
for your citations.
Some sources to consider:
APA Citation Guidelines
IEEE Citation Guidelines:
Research Help Appointments at PCC

short answer


Identify three advantages of using object-oriented programming, and explain the manners in which objects can be shared between programming languages.

Data Analysis


In this assignment, you will perform an exploratory analysis that will allow you to get a feel for the data and start exploring potential relationships. This may include:

  • Descriptive statistics
  • Histograms
  • Bar charts
  • Heat maps
  • Line graphs
  • Box plots
  • Frequency tables

Once your analysis is complete, you will need to provide a Word document showing and describing the results of your exploratory analysis.

2nd part


you will perform a model development on your dataset, following these step:

  1. Using your chosen dataset, reevaluate the heat map from the last module.
  2. Consider ways to perform a visual check to see if there is a relationship between fields.
  3. With this insight, develop a model using either linear regression or multiple linear regression.
  4. Report the intercepts, slope, model accuracy, output to predicted comparison, and a scatterplot with line portraying the model.

Once you complete these steps, you will need to provide a Word document showing and explaining the results of your model development. 

Intern 1


1. This Internship Experience is an opportunity for you to work and learn at the same time. Please explain your Internship/ Job by answering these questions. What does the company do? What is your job title?

2. What are your responsibilities? Give Examples

3. What are your future career goals for yourself?

4. How is this Internship experience going to help you meet your goals? Give examples

5. How are the other classes you are taking this term going to help you with this Internship Experience? Give Examples

SE493 week 5

Discussion 5: ( Required Posting)

Due: Please post your initial discussion No later than Thursday or Friday of this week. (80 Points)

Due :Peer/Classmate review/comment: Provide comments to other class members No later than Friday or Saturday of this week. Please mention the classmate/s name.(20 points)

Please take a few minutes and check the discussion board on Sunday and make sure to reply to peer comments OR my comments/query.

Please read IGU Grading Rubric  and late participation grading policy for discussion posted under policy section course modules.

Discussion Topic 

During the past 4 weeks you have studied several software methodology techniques. Discuss what methodology or subject that you have learned has been your favorite topic/subject? Write a paragraph and briefly discuss and share your learning experience with classmates.

Please list your reference

Digital Logic Lab- secret key of 6 bits

It is a project for digital logic.

Project report requirements:
o A brief description of the design process you used to obtain the circuits. Be sure to point
out  why  you  chose  a  particular  design,  along  with  the  steps  you  took  to  minimize  the  
amount of hardware required. This includes
 State diagram
 State reduction
 Final (reduced) state table
o Include all design elements, such as truth tables, state diagrams, tables, etc,
o Test the device in the simulator. Include a test plan:
 Include your secret code for verification
 Example inputs, expected outputs and what happened when you tested.
 Descriptions, along with a detailed explanation of what simulations you did, what
they show, to demonstrate that the circuit works properly under “all” circumstances.
NOTE that all Logisim implementations must meet all labeling requirements, as established at the
start of the semester (see Lab 1)
Project Description
There  are  many  security  and  access  control  devices  on  the  market  that  attempt  to  prevent
unauthorized access to secured areas. One such device is a key-pad based device. To unlock the
door, you must enter a secret decimal code. For example, say a device accepts a 4-digit decimal
code, 1234. The device will unlock the door when “1234” is entered, but it will not unlock if “123”
or “123411” is entered.
For your final project, you are to design an access control system based on a sequence of 6 bits
that accepts a 1-bit at a time, either 0 or 1. This could be implemented with a 2-button keypad (o
and 1), used to enter the binary code.  
A second input functions as the Enter key, which ends the key code entry. As the key is entered,
the device outputs Enter = 0 until the input sequence terminates. If the input sequence matches the
access code, then output Enter =1  (for example LED lights up), which will unlock the door in a
full implementation. The secret code is preset: choose your own code (see below).
After two unsuccessful attempts (i.e. the secret code was not matched), the system shuts down and
won’t  accept  any  more  bits,  and  an  alarm  is  triggered.  Thus,  your  circuit  has  a  second  output
Alarm, which is set to 1 after two unsuccessful attempts.
Extra credit: Add a reset to the system that presumably only the owner could control: when the
reset key is inserted, the system is again enabled and can accept bits again. You can code the reset
as either 0 (no key) or 1 (key inserted) for this project.
Secret code:  
 Each of you has their very own secret code: no 2 people in the class can have the same
 Your code can NOT be a simple sequence of all 1s or all 0s, and must contain a minimum
of 2 ones and 2 zeroes

cybersecurity article

Locate article about cybersecurity in online  Prepare a brief written summary (2-4 paragraphs that describe the article. Include a LINK to the article or a reference citation so the work can be located.