




#PowerPoint 2G Wedding Services

Project Description:

In the following project, you will format a presentation describing  some of the wedding services offered by The Big Event Production and  Entertainment.

#On   Slide 1, format the subtitle-Floral and Lighting Design-as a WordArt using the first   style in the second column. Change the Text Fill to Black, Text 1.

#Select the picture and then Crop   the image from the bottom so that  the bottom-center crop handle aligns with   the lower half of the  vertical ruler at 2.5 inches.

Change the picture Height to 3 and then apply a  Glow: 5 point;   Dark Teal, Accent color 1 picture effect to the image.  Align the picture and   title using the Align Selected Objects command  to apply Align Top.

#On Slide 1, insert a Text Box   anywhere in the green content placeholder on the bottom of the slide. In the   text box, type The Big Event Production and Entertainment and then using the Align to   Slide option, apply the Align Center and Align Bottom alignment commands.

On Slide 2, remove the bullet symbol from the paragraph, and then    change the Shape Fill to the second color in the fifth column, and the  Shape   Outline to Black, Text 1.

#On Slide 3, convert the bulleted list to the List type SmartArt    graphic-Vertical Curved List. Change the color to Colorful Range –  Accent   Colors 4 to 5, and then apply the Simple Fill style.

  Note—Mac users, convert to any SmartArt style, and then change to Vertical   Curved List.

On Slide 4, change the bulleted   list to Numbering.

On Slide 5, in the placeholder on the right, insert an Online Picture   by searching for full bloom rose  then insert the picture of the large single rose. Select and delete    any additional text boxes that may display when the image is inserted.  To   avoid file size limitations, compress the online picture once it  is inserted.

  Note—alternatively, search for an image in a web browser, and then download   and insert a relevant image from the results.

Remove the background from the   picture using the default selected  area, and then apply the Glow: 18 point;   Brown, Accent color 6 picture  effect.

On Slide 5, change the bullet   symbols to Star Bullets, change the  Color to the first color in the last column,   and then change the Size  to 80.

On Slide 6, from the Shapes gallery, under Basic Shapes, insert a    Diamond of any size anywhere on the slide. Resize the diamond so that  its   Shape Height is 6 and its Shape Width is 8.  Using the Align to Slide option, apply the Align Center, and Align    Middle alignment commands to the diamond shape. Apply the Intense  Effect –   Dark Teal, Accent 1 shape style.

In the diamond, type The Big Event   Productions and Entertainment (no  period). Change the Font Size to 36, and then, to the diamond   shape,  apply the Round Convex Bevel effect to the diamond shape. Note—this    effect may be called Art Deco on some systems.

Insert a Header & Footer on   the Notes and Handouts. Include the  Date and time updated automatically, the   Page number, a Footer with  the text 2G_Wedding_Services

Save and close the file, and   then submit for grading.

Help 1

 Using your elevator statement created in Topic 1, brainstorm three potential technical solutions for the project. Then, provide technical response, one to three sentences in length, for each solution. This technical response will serve as a summary for each potential solution for your peers to understand the proposed solutions. Be clear, concise, and judicial with your words. Rank your technical response summaries from most (1) to least (3) feasible and post them, under the vision statement, to your group’s discussion board (no later than 4 days before the assignment is due). 

CSE HELP Assignment

I need help to complete my two file classes. ( InputPane and HandlePane ).

The two other classes are already completed (Assignment5 and Order).



You are the manager of an information technology (IT) team. Your employees go to training workshops and national conferences to keep up-to-date in the field. You created a list of expenses by category for each employee for the last six months. Now you want to subtotal the data to review total costs by employee and then create a PivotTable to look at the data from different perspectives.

Steps to Perform:



Points Possible


Start Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch05_CapAssessment_Travel.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.



Before using the Subtotal   command, you must first sort the data.

  On the Subtotals worksheet, sort the data by Employee and further sort by   Category, both in alphabetical order.



You want to subtotal the data to calculate expenses by   employee.

  Use the Subtotals feature to insert subtotal rows by Employee to calculate   the total expense by employee.



Now you want to hide the details   for two employees and focus on details for the remaining employees.

  Collapse the Davidson and Miller sections to show only their totals. Leave   the other employees’ individual rows displayed.



For more detailed analysis, you are ready to create a   PivotTable.

  Use the Expenses worksheet to create a blank PivotTable on a new worksheet   named Summary.   Name the PivotTable Categories



You want to include the Category   and Expense fields in the PivotTable.

  Use the Category and Expense fields, enabling Excel to determine where the   fields go in the PivotTable. 



You want to display average expenses instead of totals.

  Modify the Values field to determine the average expense by category. Change   the custom name to Average Expense.



Format the Values field with   Accounting number type.



You want to display a meaningful label and select a   different layout.

  Type Category   in cell A3 and change the Grand Totals layout option to On for Rows Only.



Apply Light Blue, Pivot Style   Dark 2 and display banded rows.



To make it easy to filter the PivotTable results, you will   insert and format a slicer.

  Insert a slicer for the Employee field, change the slicer height to 2   inches and apply the Light Blue, Slicer Style Dark 5. Move the slicer so that   the upper-left corner is in cell A10.



You want to insert another   PivotTable to analyze the data on the Expenses worksheet.

  Use the Expenses worksheet to create another blank PivotTable on a sheet   named Totals.   Name the PivotTable Employees. Add the Employee to the Rows and   add the Expense field to the Values area. Sort the PivotTable from largest to   smallest expense.



Change the name for the Expenses column to Totals   and format the field with Accounting number format.



Insert a calculated field to   subtract 2659.72   from the Totals field. Change the custom name to Above or Below Average and   apply Accounting number format to the field.



Set 10.86 (approximate) as the width for column   B and 13.71   for column C, change the row height of row 3 to 30, and apply word wrap to   cell C3.



Now, you want to create a   PivotChart to depict the data visually.

  Create a clustered column PivotChart from the PivotTable. Move the PivotChart   to a new sheet named Chart. Hide all field buttons in the   PivotChart, if necessary.



Add a chart title above the chart and type Expenses by   Employee. Change the chart style to Style 14.



Apply 11 pt font size to the   value axis and display the axis as Accounting with zero decimal places.



Create a footer on all worksheets with your name in the   left section, the sheet name code in the center section, and the file name   code in the right section.



Ensure that the worksheets are   correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: Subtotals,   Summary, Chart, Totals, Expenses.



Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch05_CapAssessment_Travel.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.


Take Home: Excel Chapter 3 Grader Project

StepInstructionsPoint Value1Start Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch03_CapAssessment_Movies.xlsx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename.
02You want to create a pie chart to show the percentage each category contributes to the monthly movie downloads.

Select the ranges A5:A10 and F5:F10. Create a pie chart and move it to a chart sheet named April Pie Chart.
63The chart needs a descriptive title that is easy to read.

Type April 2021 Downloads by Genre as the chart title, apply bold, 18 pt font size, and Black, Text 1 font color.
54Percentage and category data labels will provide identification information for the pie chart.

Add category and percentage data labels in the Inside End position. Remove value data labels and the legend. Apply 14 pt font size and Black, Text 1 font color.
55You want to focus on the comedy movies by exploding it and changing its fill color.

Explode the Comedy slice by 7% and apply Dark Red fill color.

46A best practice is to include Alt Text for accessibility compliance.

Add Alt Text: The pie chart shows percentage of downloads by genre for April 2021. (including the period)
27Next you want to create a combo chart to depict the monthly totals and percentages by category.

Display the Data sheet, select the ranges A4:A10 and F4:G10, and then create a Clustered Column – Line on Secondary Axis combo chart.
48You want to position the chart below the data source.

Cut the chart and paste it in cell A13. Change the height to 3.5″and the width to 6″.
59Change the combo chart title to April 2021 Downloads. Apply Black, Text 1 font color to the chart title.
310Axis titles will help distinguish the number and percentage of downloads.

Add a primary value axis title and type Number of Downloads. Add a secondary value axis title and type Percentage of Monthly Downloads. Apply Black, Text 1 font color to both value axis titles.
611Now that you added an axis title for each vertical axis, you can remove the legend and format the secondary value axis to display whole percentages.

Remove the legend for the combo chart. Display 0 decimal places for the secondary value axis.

112You want to add some color to the plot area for the combo chart.

Apply Light Gradient – Accent 1 gradient fill color for the plot area.
513A best practice is to include Alt Text for accessibility compliance.

Add Alt Text: The combo chart shows the number and percentage of downloads by genre for April 2021. (including the period).
214To provide a visual summary of the weekly totals for each genre, you will insert sparklines. 

Select the range B5:E11. Insert Line Sparklines in the range H5:H11. Apply Black, Sparkline Style Dark #4
1015Displaying the markers helps identify the specific points on the sparklines. You will also change the high point to a different color to stand out.

Show the high point and markers for the sparklines. Change the high point marker color to Red.
516Your last major task is to create a bar chart for weekly downloads.

Select the range A4:E10. Create a stacked bar chart. Move the chart to new chart sheet. Type Weekly Downloads for the sheet name. Apply Style 8 chart style.
1417Add a chart title above the bar chart and type April 2021Weekly Downloads by Genre.
418Increasing the font size will make the chart elements easier to read.

Apply 11 pt font size to the category axis, value axis, and the legend for the bar chart.
619Because the largest value is less than 9,000, you can reduce the maximum bound in the chart. In addition, you want to display the category labels in the same order that they are in the worksheet.

Change the maximum bounds for the value axis to 9000 and set the Major Units to 500 for the bar chart. Use the Axis Options to format the category axis so that the category labels are in reverse order in the bar chart.
520Although the bar chart displays major gridlines, minor gridlines could improve the appearance.

Add primary minor vertical gridlines to the bar chart.
021A best practice is to include Alt Text for accessibility compliance for the bar chart.

Add Alt Text: The stacked bar chart shows downloads by each week for each genre. (including the period).
422Insert a footer with Exploring Series on the left, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the right on all the sheets. Change to Normal view.
423Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch03_CapAssessment_Movies.xlsx. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.



Discuss the relevance of this paper today. Why do you think it has so many citations on Google Scholar?

Can this model be applied in a Windows Active Directory model? Explain.





E31: CS597 Exercise 3 – Tables and Forms

Building HTML Tables

In this part of the exercise, you’ll build a table that will hold my Fall course and office hour schedule as depicted in the image DPittsCourseOFSchedule.pngDPittsCourseOFSchedule.png. You must use the


, and

elements for the appropriate parts of the table. Note also, that you will have row and column headings in the table. Finally, note where there are entries that span rows and that span columns. My version uses the following

attributes to have the borders shown in the image:

  • border=”2px”
  • cellspacing=”0px”

The first attribute sets the borders to show up and the second squashes the table cells together to have only single line borders.

To complete this exercise do the following:

  1. Download the DPittsCourseOFSchedule.html downloadfile and save it in your CS597 Exercises folder.
  2. Add your name to the meta author tag
  3. Add “Dave Pitts Fall Schedule” to the title tag
  4. Add “Dave Pitts Fall Schedule” to the heading tag
  5. Create the table shown in the image DPittsCourseOFSchedule.png in the HTML file, using the comments to guide where to place the information.
  6. Save DPittsCourseOFSchedule.html

After checking that everything looks right in the HTML file, double-check the results in a browser.

Building an HTML Form

In this exercise you are to HTML a form that displays a product request page as shown in the FormPartForImage.png image. The form has four fieldsets. I use
tags to break lines in the fieldsets. I use

elements in the Selections fieldset for the radiobutton and checkbox rows. The input control for the quantities are number controls with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 20. The The control to select shipping is a elements. Specify an id and name attribute for the elements. Use a