Discussion question, 300 words and 2 references.

You are a member of the Human Resource Department of a medium-sized organization that is implementing a new interorganizational system that will impact employees, customers, and suppliers.  Your manager has requested that you work with the system development team to create a communications plan for the project.  He would like to meet with you in two hours to review your thoughts on the KEY OBJECTIVES OF THE COMMUNICATIONS PLAN.  What should those objectives be?



Do you feel that countries and companies need explicit strategies for technology development, given the tremendous amount of largely spontaneous creativity that occurs today, often in areas where new technologies are not expected to exert a great influence.  Why or why not?

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.


The diameter of a tree is defined to the largest of all shortest path distances in the tree. Give an efficient algorithm to compute the diameter of tree, given its root. Show that your algorithm is correct and analyze the running time of your algorithm.

Given a list of university courses and their prerequisites, what is the minimum number of semesters needed to take all the courses? Assume that every course is offered every semester and you may take as many courses as you need to. Give an efficient algorithm for finding the minimum number of semesters, show that it is correct, and analyze the running time.

Suppose that graph G is an undirected graph with an infinite number of vertices. Suppose that s and x are two distinct vertices in G, and that the distance between them is 2. Will BFS(s) always discover vertex x? Will DFS-Visit(s) always discover vertex x(assuming that DFS-Visit(s) is the first time DFS-Visit is called?) Justify your answers .If your answer is ’no’ to either question, are there conditions for which the answer would be ’yes?’ If so, state such conditions 




Project Description:

You are a student teacher in a second-grade classroom. Your cooperating teacher has asked you to create an introductory presentation for the students on dinosaurs.


Start PowerPoint. Download and   open the file named Exp19_PPT_Ch01_HOEAssessment_Dinosaurs.pptx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename. Save the file to the location you are saving your files.


Apply the Facet theme and change   the variant to the last one (green with black background).


Change the theme font to Arial   Black – Arial.


On Slide 1, in the title   placeholder type Dinosaurs. In the subtitle placeholder type Ms. Wagner’s   Second Grade.


You have slides that you created   in the past on dinosaurs that you want to use in this presentation. The Reuse   Slides feature is an easy way to import these slides.

  Use the Reuse Slides option to insert all of the slides from Dinosaurs.pptx.


When you imported the slides,   you realized that you do not need a duplicate of the title slide so you   delete Slide 2.

  Delete Slide 2. Move Slide 5 (Pterosaur) so that it becomes Slide 7.


On Slide 1 change the layout to   Picture with Caption. Increase the font size of the title text to 28 pt and the subtitle text to 18 pt. 


Insert the Dino1.jpg image into the picture placeholder. Apply the Reflected   Rounded Rectangle picture style.


On Slide 2, type Dinosaur   means “Terrible Lizard” (including the quotes) as the fifth bullet point.


Type the following in the Notes   pane for Slide 1: Today we are going to start our study of dinosaurs. (including the period).


Converting a bulleted list to a   SmartArt graphic is a good way to add interest to the presentation.

  On Slide 2 convert the bulleted list in the content placeholder to a Vertical   Curved List SmartArt graphic.


On Slide 8, insert the Dino2.jpg image. Change the height of   the image to 3.9″ and the width to 3.9″.


Apply the Beveled Oval, Black   picture style to the image. Position the image horizontally at 3.9” and vertically at 0.3”.


Select the text Questions? and apply the Fill: Green,   Accent color 1; Shadow WordArt style. Change the text effect to Tight   Reflection:Touching.


It is important to always check   your presentation for possible spelling errors.

  Check the presentation for spelling errors. Make corrections as needed on the   slides. NOTE: Do not change the title on Slide 3; while both spellings of Ankylosaurs (and Ankylosaurus) are correct, the preferred spelling in this case is   Ankylosaurs.


Create a Notes and Handouts   footer with the following: Dinosaur Facts. Apply to all.



Save and close Exp19_PPT_Ch01_HOEAssessment_Dinosaurs.pptx.   Submit the file as directed.

Modify the Week Two Java application using Java


Week 3

Modify the Week Two Java™ application using Java™ NetBeans™ IDE to meet these additional and changed business requirements:

The company has recently changed its total annual compensation policy to improve sales.
A salesperson will continue to earn a fixed salary of $50,000. The current sales target for every salesperson is $120,000.
The sales incentive will only start when 80% of the sales target is met. The current commission is 5% of
total sales.
If a salesperson exceeds the sales target, the commission will increase based on an acceleration factor. The acceleration factor is 1.5.
The application should ask the user to enter annual sales, and it should display the total annual compensation.
The application should also display a table of potential total annual compensation that the salesperson could have earned, in $5000 increments above the salesperson’s annual sales, until it reaches 50% above the salesperson’s annual sales.

Sample Table: Assuming a total annual sales of $100,000, the table would look like this:

Total Sales Total Compensation

100,000 >

105,000 >

110,000 >

115,000 >

120,000 >

125,000 >

130,000 >

135,000 >

140,000 >

145,000 >

150,000 >

The Java™ application should also meet these technical requirements:
The application should have at least one class, in addition to the application’s controlling class.
The source code must demonstrate the use of conditional and looping structures.
There should be proper documentation in the source code.

The following pseudocode


The following pseudocode statement calls a function named half, which returns a value that is half that of the argument. (Assume both the result and number variables are Real.) Write pseudocode for the function.

Set results = half (number)

Mkt 311 week 3

Mkt311 week 3


Answer the following questions:

1. Based on your own qualities, do you describe yourself as a leader that delegates or not. Explain why delegation is good or bad?

2. How would you motivate your employees to accept tasks delegated to them and fulfill them right?

Answer the following questions:

1. Explain why Mary fails to delegate based on your reading of Skill Builder 5.3 on page 156.  

2. Explain the managerial communication style grid on page 175. Use examples to explain the grid.

3. What are some purposes served by informal communication?

Discussion – Security Strategies Fundamentals


Every organization needs a security strategy, especially if other organizations and institutes are relying on your organization for information and services. In this case study, Baylor College needed a strategy not only to protect patient data and intellectual property but also the brand and reputation of Baylor College.

 Baylor College had various challenges they needed to address. Please post a minimum of two reasons why it was important for Baylor College to come up with an overall strategy, versus addressing only one of the challenges they faced. In replying to posts of your classmates, describe why you think their reasoning was adequate or needed further explanation.