Problem 6- Legal

Question I – Megatron, Inc. is a company with its principal offices in the United States. For years, Megatron has only operated domestically; however, Megatron’s board of directors now feels it is in the company’s best interests to explore how to do business internationally. Give at least three examples of actions Megatron can take with regards to foreign government officials, which would benefits Meagtron’s international growth without running afoul of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)?

Question II – Cowboy, Inc., an American corporation that produces cowboy hats contract with a manufacturing plant in France, Beret, Inc.  The contract provides that Beret, Inc. will produce the cowboy hats in France to be distributed back in the United States by Cowboy, Inc.  The contract does not provide which country’s law will apply if a dispute arises between Cowboy and Beret.  Eventually, Cowboy discovers that Beret is not producing the hats under the specifications agreed upon in the contract.  Which will American or French law be used in settling the dispute?  Why?


Title: Business 

ISBN: 9780357447642 

Authors: Marianne M. Jennings 

Publication Date: 2021-01-01 

Edition: 12th Edition

Peer response 2

Peer main post : If I were to create a research paper or professional report, there are several features in Word that I would utilize to grasp the reader’s attention. I would include graphics and use a professional-styled layout. Formatting the titles in bold, having section breaks, and the body of the paper being structured properly is also important. As such reports can be quite lengthy, it is important to have it sectioned in a way that it is easy for the reader to pick up on. To ensure that the grammar is correct, the review portion of Word is also a great tool that will allow me to correct any errors in a fast, efficient manner.

please write an answer to peers post based on what he wrote to keep the discussion going .

Exp22_Excel_Ch05_Cumulative_Merchandise 1.1

Exp22_Excel_Ch05_Cumulative_Merchandise 1.1

Exp22 Excel Ch05 Cumulative Merchandise 1.1 

Excel Chapter 5 Cumulative – Merchandise

Project Description:

You manage the souvenir shop for a touring Broadway production. The shop sells apparel, souvenirs, and media items. You created datasets to analyze sales in the different categories. One sheet contains apparel sales for the first two weeks of the month. You will insert subtotal rows in this worksheet. The second sheet contains product information for the first quarter of the year. You will create a PivotTable, insert a timeline, and create a PivotChart using this data. You will create a second PivotTable so that you can filter data and calculate product prices if you run a sale. Finally , the last sheet contains two tables containing employee data. You will create a relationship and then create a PivotTable using that data.


Start Excel. Download and open   the file named Exp22_Excel_Ch05_Cumulative_Merchandise.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.



Your first task is to sort the   dataset on the Apparel worksheet.

  Ensure the Apparel worksheet is active. Sort the data by Week in alphabetical   order and further sort it by Category in alphabetical order.  


You want to focus on apparel   sales within one month. You will insert subtotal rows to display total sales   by week (1 and 2) and by category (Hoodie and T-shirt).

  Use the Subtotal feature to insert subtotal rows by Week to calculate the   totals for Qty Sold and Gross Revenue. Add a second subtotal (without   removing the first subtotal by Category to calculate the totals for Qty Sold   and Gross Revenue. 


To focus on the Gross Revenue,   you will apply an outline and collapse columns.

  Create an automatic outline and collapse the outline above Gross Revenue. 


Next, you want to create a blank   PivotTable and then name it.

  Display the Qtr1 worksheet and create a blank PivotTable on a new worksheet.   Do not add data to the data model. Name the PivotTable Qtr1 Sales. Change the name of the worksheet to Sales   PivotTable.


The PivotTable should determine   total number of items sold and the total gross revenue by category for the   first quarter.

  Place the Category field in rows. Place the Gross Revenue and Qty Sold fields   as values. 


You will format the values in   the PivotTable to look more professional and change the custom names that   display as column headings.

  Modify the Sum of Gross Revenue field with the custom name Total Gross   Revenue and   apply Accounting Number Format with 0 decimal places. 


Modify the Sum of Qty Sold field   with the custom name Total Qty Sold, apply Number format with 0 decimal places, and   select the Use 1000 Separator (,) option


Now you want to insert a   timeline so that you can filter the PivotTable by month.

  Insert a timeline for the Month field. Click or select March to filter the   PivotTable to display only March data. Cut the timeline and paste it in cell   A9. Set the timeline width to 3.3 inches. 


You want to create a PivotChart   to display percentages in a pie chart.

  Insert a PivotChart pie chart that depicts the categories and gross revenue.   Cut the chart and paste it in cell D1.  


Next, you want to remove the   legend and display data labels.

  Remove the legend. Display data labels in the best fit position with only the   Category Name and Percentage labels. 


You are ready to finish the   PivotChart by adding a title and changing the width.

Change the title to Gross Revenue. Change the   chart width to 3.9 inches. 


Extracting a value from the   PivotTable and displaying it on the main worksheet is helpful as you look   through the dataset.

  Click or select cell H1 in the Qtr1 worksheet. Insert the GETPIVOTDATA   function to retrieve the grand total in the Total Gross Revenue column in the   filtered PivotTable.


Next, you want to create a   recommended PivotTable to analyze product sales in the Apparel category.

  Use the data on the Qtr1 worksheet to create a recommended PivotTable using   the Sum of Retail Price by Category. Name the PivotTable Sale Prices. Change the name of the   worksheet to Sale Prices.


Move the Category field from the   Rows area to Filters area. Add the Product field to the Rows area. Modify the   Sum of Retail Price field with the custom name Item Retail Price and apply Accounting format   with zero decimal places.


Now you want to focus on only   the Souvenirs data.

  Set a filter to display on the Souvenirs category.


You will create a calculated   field to determine product retail prices if you offer a 15% sale, which is   85% of the current retail price.

  Create a calculated field using the default name Field1 to multiply the   Retail Price by .85. Modify the calculated field with the custom name Sale Price and apply Accounting Number   Format with zero decimal places.


Next, you will apply a different   PivotTable style to have a similar color scheme as the dataset.

  Apply Light Yellow, Pivot Style Light 19 to the Sale Prices PivotTable.


You are ready to insert and   customize a slicer to provide another way to filter the categories.

  Insert a slicer for Category. Move it so that the top-left corner is in cell   E1.


After inserting the slicer, you   want to change the dimensions and appearance of it.

  Change the button width to 1.5 inches. Change the slicer height to 1.4 inches. Apply Light Yellow, Slicer Style Light 4.


The Employee worksheet contains   two tables. The NAMES table contains a list of the four part-time souvenir   shop employees and their IDs. The HOURS table contains a list of the   employees’ hours per week for one month. You will create a relationship   between the tables.

  Create a relationship between the HOURS table using the ID field and the   NAMES table using the ID field.


Now that you built a   relationship between the tables, you can create a PivotTable using fields   from both tables.

  Create a blank PivotTable in cell E1 of the Employee worksheet and add the   data to the data model. Name the PivotTable as Monthly Hours.


Select the LastName field from   the NAMES table for rows. Select the Hours field from the HOURS table as   values. Change the Sum of Hours custom name to Monthly Hours. Type Names in cell E1.


You realize a value needs to be   changed in the main worksheet.

  Type 20 in cell C8 in the Employee   worksheet and then refresh the PivotTable.


Save and close Exp22_Excel_Ch05_Cumulative_Merchandise.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.



A notable feature of Linux is its ability to accept new device drivers on the fly, while the system is up and running. How is this a useful function?

Lab Questions


Lab Questions

Big Java, Late Objects / Java for Everyone, 2e

Chapter Number: 4 Loops

4) You can test to see if an integer, x, is even or odd using the Boolean expression (x / 2) * 2 == x. Integers that are even make this expression true, and odd integers make the expression false. 

use a for loop to iterate five times. In each iteration, request an integer from the user. Print each integer the user types, and whether it is even or odd. Keep up with the number of even and odd integers the user types, and print “Done” when finished, so the user won’t try to type another integer. Finally, print out the number of even and odd integers that were entered.


6.1) use nested for loops to produce the following output

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 4

2 1

2 2

2 3

2 4

Let the outer loop print the numbers in the left column, and the inner loop print the numbers in the right column. In each iteration, print the loop control variables to produce the output.

6.3) Repeat Lab 6.1 using nested do loops.

7.1) use nested for loops to produce the following output:






The outer loop can control the number of rows that will be printed. The inner loop can control the number of X’s that print on a single line. The trick is to notice that there is a relationship between the row number and the number of X’s in the row. This relationship allows you to use the outer loop control variable to control the inner loop.

10.1) A variable that counts the iterations of a loop is called a loop index or loop control variable. In the preceding examples nyear served as an index, counting the number of years to the next millennium. This type of loop is frequently written using a for loop.

for (initialization; condition; update)

Write a program controlled by two (non-nested) for loops that produces the following listing of inclusive dates, from the fifth century B.C. through the fifth century A.D.

10.2) Write the ListCenturies program using a single loop for (i = -5; i <= 5; i++) with an if statement in the body of the loop.

11.1) One loop type might be better suited than another to a particular purpose. The following usages are idiomatic:

15) To generate random numbers, you construct an object of the Random class, and then apply one of the following methods:

nextInt(n): A random integer between the integers 0 (inclusive) and n (exclusive)

nextDouble(): A random floating-point number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)

Write a program that simulates the drawing of one card (for example, an ace of spades).

IT476 term Project

Class Project: Database management systems are key element of information technology systems that are used on a day-to-day basis by many organizations. The keys to using a database management system are to collect the necessary requirements for the database, translate these requirements into a database design, create the database from the design, load data into the database, and finally to perform manipulations of the database. The purpose of this final assignment is to ensure that you understand and can carry out the necessary tasks in order to manage a sample database.

From a high-level standpoint, this final project consists of the following steps:

1. Selection of a database.

2. Identifying the requirements for the database based on the purpose for the database and the data to fill the database.

3. Create a database design based on the requirements for the database, create the physical database, and load data into the database.

4. After loading the database, carry out sample queries that would be performed on the actual database. Show the results of the sample queries.

This project will consist of a series of steps defined in the prompts of the assignment. Some of the prompts are necessary to properly prepare for the manipulation of the database whereas others will be necessary for you to complete to demonstrate your competence with the concepts of this topic. The answers to these prompts will be examined against the actual expected answers to the prompt. All prompts that will be assessed against a answer key, meaning that you will get either full, partial, or no points per prompt.

Explain paper with Power Point

 Please write detailed explain paper about NMap, 

– Please provide Introduction,

– Explain how does It work? 

– Please provide step by step how to track IP address. 

Journal entry


 Pick one of the following terms for your research: bounded rationality perspective, cognitive biases, decision learning, devil’s advocate, groupthink, incremental decision model, management science approach, nonprogrammed decisions, rational approach, or satisficing. . 

–  The paper should have a ‘Definition, Summary and Discussion’ headings ( Summary should have 150-200 words and discussion should have 300-350 words. )

– Attach minimum 2 references

– Absolutely no plagiarism, attach a plagiarism report with a 0% similarity index

computer architecture march 28

  • Explain how quantum computers work.
  • How are quantum computers different from classical computer architectures that we have studied in this course? 
  • What are the principles of quantum computing?
  • Describe the logic gates found in quantum computers.
  • How can quantum computers be used in cryptography? 
  • Where can quantum computers be applied?

Research paper Big data (with 5-6 pages with APA format)

 While this weeks topic highlighted the uncertainty of Big Data, the author identified the following as areas for future research.  Pick one of the following for your Research paper:

  • Additional study must be performed on the interactions between each big data characteristic, as they do not exist separately but naturally interact in the real world.
  • The scalability and efficacy of existing analytics techniques being applied to big data must be empirically examined.
  • New techniques and algorithms must be developed in ML and NLP to handle the real-time needs for decisions made based on enormous amounts of data.
  • More work is necessary on how to efficiently model uncertainty in ML and NLP, as well as how to represent uncertainty resulting from big data analytics.
  • Since the CI algorithms are able to find an approximate solution within a reasonable time, they have been used to tackle ML problems and uncertainty challenges in data analytics and process in recent years.

Your paper should meet these requirements: 

  • Be approximately five pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. 
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.