Disaster Recovery Airlines Industry


Mind set

The purpose of this assignment is to identify the activities used to make strategic decisions regarding DRP and BC planning processes.  It is important that you understand the business needs before you can effectively provide security solutions. So, think about the scope of the information systems assets, the threats, and vulnerabilities must be identified.  Now, the business priorities must be identified and aligned with the security posture.  At the end of this exercise, you should be able to prioritize the business needs to determine the scope business continuity and disaster recovery plan

Also, it is important understand that security frameworks are not a one-size-fits-all approach, they must be adjusted to fit the business security goals. 


Thoroughly research the line of business, the industry segment, and the security issues, as well as governing laws and regulations that might impact your business and industry.

Then add the following sections to your paper:

  1. Add a cover page
  2. Company Details
  3. Line of Business
  4. Technology and Security Solutions

Please include 4 scholarly article references. 5 Pages not including reference page and title page 

Embedded Systems


Embedded Systems
Tools and Models – Lab 2
Completion Date: 14
 of December 2018
Value: 12 marks
Explain briefly how the code here
ports/ uses the pl101 DR and FR registers to transmit and receive data over the associated UART peripheral of the Versatilepb board.
Give a brief overview of the clang generated Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for the
while loop of the attached t2.c file. The attached t2.ast file from line 25 to line 53
shows a dump of the WhileStmt node and its children which corresponds to the
while loop. The t2.ast file was generated using:
clang-check -ast-dump t2.c –extra-arg=”-fno-color-diagnostics” >t2.ast
Clang/LLVM is a framework for the compilation and analysis of source code
written is several different programming languages. Clang provides many tools for the manipulation of its ASTs. See the video linked in this tutorial for details https://jonasdevlieghere.com/understanding-the-clang-ast/.
In this case we use clang to generate an AST for a given simple c function fred().
We use the -ast-dump command line argument to generate a textual
representation of the AST, which is stored in the file t2.ast. Each node in the AST
models a particular language construct. For example, the VarDecl class models a c declaration of a variable.
For instance, the c statement in the file t1.c:
int i,j=0;
is modeled in the AST as two VarDecl nodes and one IntegerLiteral node which
are in the t2.ast from line 15 to line 18:
-VarDecl 0x1c08820 col:5 used i ‘int’
-VarDecl 0x1c08890 col:7 used j ‘int’ cinit
 -IntegerLiteral 0x1c088f0 ‘int’ 0
If a c variable is used in an expression in t2.c, the AST will have a corresponding
DeclRefExpr node to model that use.
For example, the c statement:
j = 0;
will be modeled using the following AST nodes (dumped using the -ast-dump flag
to the compiler):
BinaryOperator 0x1c089f8 ‘int’ ‘=’
 | |-DeclRefExpr 0x1c089b0 ‘int’ lvalue Var 0x1c08890 ‘j’ ‘int’
 | `-IntegerLiteral 0x1c089d8 ‘int’ 0
The attached code (testbench.c and peak.c) is a testbench and a state machine
implementation of the peak constraint
http://sofdem.github.io/gccat/gccat/Cpeak.html. You are to write a c function
which implements the “valley” constraint and a second c function which
implements the “increasing peak” constraint. You are to update the testbench to
test these new constraints. A constraint is just a form of if statement. The valley
and increasing peak constraints are defined here:
The valley constraint is a simple state machine, which is practically identical to
the peak constraint. An implementation of the peak constraint state machine is
given in peak.c. See figure 5.417.3 below for the valley constraint state machine.
The scope of this lab is the design of a hardware accelerator for detecting
anomalies in time series data. These anomalies are defined by the user in terms
of constraints which can be used to detect combinations of spikes and/or troughs
with particular characteristics. Such accelerators could be deployed for example

into a nuclear power facility to quickly detect fluctuations in the sensor readings
from the instrumentation control systems of the plant.
The different constraints can be combined to form more complex filters. See for
example here
where a systemc model of an EXOR gate is implemented using four NAND gates.
The code (testbench.c and peak.c) is a high level data flow model/design that
can be synthesised directly onto a FPGA using for example vivado HLS.


Most airlines practice overbooking. That is, they are willing to ma ke more reservations than they have seats on an airplane. Why would they do this? The basic reason is simple; on any given flight a few passengers are likely to be “no-shows.” If


Most airlines practice overbooking. That is, they are willing to ma ke more reservations  than they have seats on an airplane. Why would  they  do this?  The basic reason  is simple; on any given flight a few passengers are likely  to  be  “no-shows.”  If the airline overbooks slightly, it still may be able to fill the airplane. Of course, this policy  has its risks. If more  passengers arrive to claim their  reservations  than there are seats availa ble, the airline must  “bump” some of  its passengers.  Often this is done by asking for volunteers. If a passenger with a reserved seat is willing to give up his or her seat, the airline typically  will provide incentives of some sort. The fundamenta l trade-off  is whether  the additional  expected  revenue  gained  by flying an airplane that is nearer  to capacity on average is worth  the additional expected cost of  the incentives. To study the overbooking  policy, let us look  at a hypothetical  situation.  Mockingbird  Airlines  has  a small  commuter  airplane  that seats  16 passengers.  The airline uses Lhis jel uu a ruule fur which iL chaq;es $225 for a one-way fare. Every flight has a fixed cost of $900 (for  pilot’s salary, fuel, airport fees, and so on). Each passenger  costs Mockingbird  an  additional  $100.

Finally, the no-show rate is 4%. That is, on average approximately 4% of those passengers holding confirmed reservations do not show up. If Mockingbird must bump a passenger, the passenger receives a refund on his or her ticket ($225) plus a $100 voucher toward another ticket.

How many reservations should Mockingbird sell on this airplane? The strategy will be to calculate the expected profit for a given number of reservations. For example, suppose tha t the Mockingbird manager decides to sell 18 reservations. The revenue is $225 times the number of reservations:

R = $225(18)

= $4050


The cost consists of two components. The first is

the cost of flying the plane and hauling the passengers who arrive (but not more than the airplane ‘s capacity of 16):

C1 = $900 +$100 x M in(Arrivals, 16)

The second component is the cost of refunds and

free tickets that must be issued if 17 or 18 passengers arnve:

C2 = ($225 + $100) x Max( O, Arrivals – 16)

In this expression for C2, the $225 represents the refund for the purchased ticket, and the $100

represents  the cost of the free ticket. The Max ( ) expression calculates the number  of excess passengers who show up (zero if the number  of arrivals is

16 or less.



1. Find the probability that more than 16 passengers will arrive if Mockingbird sells 17 reservations (Res = 17). Do the same for 18 and 19.

2. Find:

E (RI Res = 16) E(C1IRes = 16)

E(C2IRes = 16)

Finally, calculate

E (Profit j Res = 16) = E( R I Res = 16)

– E(C1IRes = 16) – E(C2 IRes = 16)

3.  Repeat Question 2 for 17, 18, and 19 reservations. What is your conclusion? Should Mockingbird overbook? By how much?


Security Plan


you will fill in sections 1-12 of the Cyber Security Plan template download.  Please rename the file to “Security Plan – student name” before submitting it.

In Section 1 you will identify 3 systems you believe that South Balance would have in place.  If you are not familiar with systems companies might use, do some quick research.  This does not need to be detailed.  I would be surprised if all of you did not have “email system” as one of them as nearly all companies today have this.

In Sections 2-12 you will fill out information about the 3 systems you chose. If doing this for a real company there should be documentation to help you fill this in. However, since we don’t have that to fall back on, use some quick research and your imagination. Have fun with it but give me information that fits and is credible for the section.

Look at the rubric: original but credible will get you more points.


Security Plan Rubric Sections 1-12
Security Plan Rubric Sections 1-12CriteriaRatingsPts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Out come Section 

Completeness Are all sections completed?
25 pts Full Marks

25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Credibility Are the systems and information listed credible in nature?
25 pts Full Marks

25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Description quality In the description sections, are the descriptions quality in nature? Do they truly answer the sections requirements or are they minimal to complete the section?
25 pts Full Marks

25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Originality Did the student show initiative and originality in picking the 3 systems and providing the system owners and descriptions?
25 pts Full Marks

0 pts No Marks
25 pts
Total Points: 100

Computer Graphics

I have code for my assignment, but you have to add more code like create code for background animation and create code for any man or women character in that scne and it has to movable in that background.



a main application called Project1.java, and a GUI (that extends JFrame) called WordGUI.java. The main program should open a file called “input.txt” which will contain words, one per line. As the words are read from the file, they should be displayed in the GUI as follows:

The GUI should have a grid layout of two rows (row 0 and row 1) and three columns (column 0, 1 and 2). All words that start with an ‘A’ or ‘a’ should be displayed in row 0, column 0. All words that start with an ‘E’ or ‘e’ should be displayed in row 0, column 1. Likewise for words starting with ‘I’ or ‘I’ in row 0 column 2, with ‘O’ or’o’ in row 1 column 0, with ‘U’ or ‘u’ in row 1 column 1, and the rest of the words in row 1, column 2. The input file Each line of the input file will contain a word.

An example of the input file would be:








needs 2 files::




input.txt is::






















