Analyzing an Email Archive for an Electronic Discovery Investigation



D&B is conducting a very large electronic discovery (eDiscovery) investigation for a major client. This case is so large that dozens of investigators and analysts are working on specific portions of the evidence in parallel to save time and improve efficiency.

Since this is the first time you will be working on this type of investigation for D&B, your manager gives you a “test” (a sample email archive) so she can assess whether you need additional training before you begin working with the rest of the team on the eDiscovery case. Your manager tells you that this archive was extracted from a hard drive image marked “suspect,” but at present nothing more is known about the user. She expects you to examine the archive and document all findings that might be of interest to a forensic investigator. She explains that she will use your report to evaluate your investigation skills, logic and reasoning abilities, and reporting methods.


• Review the information about email forensics and Paraben P2 Commander E-mail Examiner (EMX) in the chapter titled “Email Forensics” in the course textbook.

• Using P2 Commander E-mail Examiner, create a case file, select Add Evidence, and import the email archive (filename: Outlook.pst). P2 Commander will automatically begin sorting and indexing if you choose that option.

• Search for information about the user; your goal is to learn as much as possible about who the user is and what he or she has been doing. You may find evidence in the inbox or other mailboxes. You can use E-mail Examiner features to help you keep track of the evidence you identify, for instance, by bookmarking sections of interest and exporting attachments.

• Write a report in which you:

o Document your investigation methods.

o Document your findings. Explain what you found that may be of interest to a forensic investigator, and provide your rationale for including each selection.

Use the attached screenshot to complete this question.

Required Resources

▪ Course textbook

▪ Outlook.pst file (email archive)

▪ Internet access▪ Internet access

Week 7 Assignment

 Graded Assignment:  Week 7 – (Complete the following assignment in one Microsoft Word document)Chapter 12: Questions for Discussion #1 through #3

  • Some people say that chatbots are inferior for chatting. Others disagree. Discuss.
  • Discuss the financial benefits of chatbots.
  • Discuss how IBM Watson will reach 1 billion people by 2018 and what the implications of that are.

Chapter 12: Exercise #1, #12 and #16

  • Compare the chatbots of Facebook and WeChat. Which has more functionalities?
  • Research the role of chatbots in helping patients with dementia.
  • Microsoft partners with the government of Singapore to develop chatbots for e-services. Find out how this is done.

Chapter 13: Questions for Discussion #1 through #4

  • Compare the IoT with regular Internet.
  • Discuss the potential impact of autonomous vehicles on our lives.
  • Why must a truly smart home have a bot?
  • Why is the IoT considered a disruptive technology?

Chapter 13: Exercise #3, #4, and #6

  • AT&T is active in smart city projects. Investigate their activities (solutions). Write a summary.
  • It is said that the IoT will enable new customer service and B2B interactions. Explain how.
  • Find information about Sophia, a robot from Hanson Robotics. Summarize her capabilities.

Important Note:  In cases if any websites or links do not work, select another respective exercise of choice to replace. ????When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least two APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week.  Below is the general assessment rubric for this assignment and remember that late penalties are built within the overall assessment so complete this assignment by the Sunday due date of week 7.Important Note:  When I see similarity indexes over 20%, I will review the similarity report to determine if points are going to be docked for plagiarism issues and as a tip, do not include or write the actual questions or exercise directions within these papers.  In other words, all work must be original and not copied from any source and very high similarity indexes will be reported to the University.Assessment CriteriaPossible PointsPoints EarnedChapter 12: Questions for Discussion #1 through #35 Chapter 12: Exercise #1, #12, #1610 Chapter 13: Questions for Discussion #1 through #45 Chapter 13: Exercise #3, #4 and #610 A minimum of two sources of research is used10 Student included a paper professionally formatted using APA and free of grammar and spelling issues5 Student successfully completed and successfully submitted this paper by the Sunday due date.5 Grade Adjustments (High Similarity Indexes Over 20%)  Total Earned points50 Comments:  

Assignment 4

1. What is CIGAR string? How is it generated and where will you find it?

2. What is BAI file and how is it made? Be specific?

3. Compare and contrast FASTA and FASTQ files

4. What is the relationship between SAM,BAM, and BAI? how is each of these generated? What information do they contain and why are they useful?

5. Using pseudocode, describe an algorithm that searches for all instances of ATC in a given sequence. What do you think the BigO will be for this algorithm and why?

APA format 





Project Description:

As a student in the marketing program, you have been asked to create a presentation on the power of color and its impact on marketing. You have begun a presentation and now need to add the content to the presentation.


Start   PowerPoint. Download and open the file named Exp19_PPT_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment_Color.pptx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename. 


Change the theme fonts to   TrebuchetMS.


Click Slide 5 and use the Reuse   Slides option to insert all slides from Color.pptx.
  Keep the source formatting of the original slides (inserted slides). Note,   Mac users, insert all slides from the file using the default formatting.


On Slide 13 in the left content   placeholder, insert the Orange1.jpg   image. In the middle content placeholder, insert the Orange2.jpg image. In the right content placeholder, insert the Orange3.jpg image.

  Apply the Drop Shadow Rectangle picture style to the three images. 


On Slide 3 insert the ColorWheel.mp4 video file. Make the   following changes to the
  • Apply the Monitor, Gray video style.
  • Set the video to start Automatically.
  • Compress the video


On Slide 16 insert the image Balloon.jpg as a background image on   the slide. Change the transparency to 10%.


On Slide 4 convert the bulleted   list to a Vertical Box List SmartArt graphic. Make the following changes to   the SmartArt graphic:

• Change the colors to Colorful Range   – Accent Colors 4 to 5.
  • Change the SmartArt style to Intense Effect.
  • Change the text font size in all four shapes to 28 pt. 


On Slide 16 apply the Gradient   Fill: Purple, Accent color 5, Reflection WordArt style to the text Questions?

  Make the following changes to the WordArt:

  Increase the font size to 96 pt.
  • Change the Text Fill to Gold, Accent 3.
  • Apply the Wave Up text effect in the Transform gallery (Mac users: Apply   the Wave 2 text
 effect in the Transform gallery).
  • Change the Shape Height to 2.8″.
  • Set the Horizontal position of the shape to 0.8″ and the Vertical   position to 1.7″.


On Slide 15 insert an Oval shape   on the slide.

  Make the following changes to the Oval shape:
  • Change the Shape Height to 1.5″ and the Shape Width to 1.5″.
  • Type Blue   in the shape   and apply the Moderate Effect – Dark   Blue, Accent 6 shape style.
  • Change the font color of the text to Black, Background 1, increase the font   size to
 20 pt and apply Bold.
  • Set the Horizontal position of the shape to 3.15″ and the Vertical position to 4.5″.


Make a copy of the formatted   oval shape and paste on the slide. Set the Horizontal position of the new   shape to 7.15″ and the Vertical position to 4.5″. Highlight the text in the   shape, and type Red, apply the Moderate Effect – Red, Accent 1 shape style.


Copy the formatted oval shape   again and paste on the slide. Set the Horizontal position of the new shape to   11.15″ and the Vertical position to 4.5″. Highlight the text in the   shape, and type Yellow, apply the Moderate Effect – Gold, Accent 3 shape style.


On Slide 5 insert a table with 2   columns and 6 rows.
  Make the following changes to the table structure:
  • Apply the No Style, Table Grid table style.
  • Change the width of the first column to 2.4″.
  • Change the width of the second column to 6.3“. 


Type the following information   into the table:
  Row 1: Col 1: Red; Col 2: Excitement, Youthful, Bold
  Row 2: Col 1: Blue; Col 2: Trust, Dependable, Strength
  Row 3: Col 1: Yellow; Col 2: Optimism, Clarity, Warmth
  Row 4: Col 1: Black; Col 2: Power, Mystery, Intensity
  Row 5: Col 1: Green; Col 2: Peaceful, Wealth, Growth
  Row 6: Col 1: Orange; Col 2: Friendly, Cheerful, Confidence


Set the height of the table to 3.9″. Center Vertically the text in   the first and second columns of the   table.


In the table, apply the   following shading:
  •Red, Accent 1 to the cell with the text Red   
  •Dark Blue, Accent 6 to the cell with the text Blue
  •Gold, Accent 3 to the cell with the text Yellow
  •Dark Green, Accent 4 to the cell with the text Green
  •Orange, Accent 2 to the cell with the text Orange


On Slide 14 insert a Clustered   Column chart. Replace the spreadsheet information with the following   information: Leaving cell A1 blank, type Percentage in cell B1. Populate cells   A2:B5 with the following:

Red 29%
Blue  33%
Black/Grayscale 28%
Yellow 13%

  Change the source data to use the range A1:B5.


Make the following changes to   the chart:

  • Apply the Style 4 chart style
  (Note, ensure that the selected style contains the silvery background color,   gridlines, and inside end data labels.)
  • Remove the chart title, gridlines, and legend.
  • Increase the font size of the data labels to 32 pt.
  • Change the Shape Fill of the Blue data point to Dark Blue, Accent 6
  • Change the Shape Fill of the Black/Grayscale data point to Black,   Background 1
  • Change the Shape Fill of the Yellow data point to Gold, Accent 3


On Slide 15 select the blue   circle shape, press SHIFT, and then select the rectangle shape with the blue   outline. Group the shapes. Repeat for the two remaining shapes on the slide   to group each of the circle shapes with their associated rectangle shapes.


On Slide 14 apply the Fly In   animation (Entrance category) to the chart. Set the Effect Options to   Sequence By Element in Series. Set the animation to start After Previous. Set   the Delay to 00.75.


Add page numbers to all slides   with the exception of the first slide. 


Apply the Push transition to all   slides.


On Slide 1 type Welcome to   the power of color presentation. (including the
  period) as a speaker note.


Check the presentation for   spelling errors, and correct any errors.


Save and close Exp19_PPT_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment_Color.pptx.   Submit the file as directed.


Use the Week 3 Assignment Template [DOCX] to complete this assignment.

Choose a company to base this paper on. You may use a current or former employer, but do not disclose anything confidential. You may pick another organization if you are familiar with their internal (not customer-facing) information systems. You can disguise the organization and populate it with famous names. Made-up companies are problematic because of the amount of detail and realism they require.

You’ve just left an all-hands meeting at this company. The CEO was very upset at the rise of shadow IT projects, a major indicator that the company’s internal information system has failed to meet its needs. Because the current information system is inadequate, inefficient, and outdated, the CEO is inviting everyone in the organization to propose a new operational, decision support, or enterprise information system to replace it. The executives have allocated $5 million to fund the most promising idea.

This is your chance to make a difference in the company (not to mention your own career). Write your proposal as a memo that the entire C-suite will review. Include at least these points, in your own words, to be persuasive:

  1. Identify the main functions of your proposed information system and why they are important to the business.
  2. Describe what types of data your information system will hold and how data quality will be ensured.
  3. Explain how the old information system handles the functions you mentioned, the problems that occur, and why your information system will handle things better.
  4. Offer evidence of feasibility: Show that similar information systems have been built successfully and that they save more money than they cost.

The executives are busy, so keep your memo to 1–4 pages and avoid any extraneous content.

If you use sources to support your writing for this assignment, choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Develop an information systems solution to address an organizational problem.

HR Management & Blockchain

 What are blockchain’s potential applications in organizational functions such as human resource management, accounting, and supply chain management?

500 words paper

 Reference page and in-text citations must match 100%. 



Assignment Description

You will create this assignment following the Assignment Detail instructions below.

Review the tutorial How to Submit an Individual Project.

Software developers are often guilty of writing code before anyone even knows what they should be writing (aside from a grey concept). The first task in the software development process should be an analysis to answer the question of what the software needs to do. This is called the analysis phase, and for this project, you will be adding the Analysis section to your Software Development Plan document.

The project requires that you do the following:

  • Update the Software Development Plan document title page with the new date and project name.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
  • Requirements:
    • Describe how the requirements will be gathered.
    • Identify the sources of information for the requirements.
    • List at least 10 of the major requirements, making assumptions where necessary.
    • Perform a requirements analysis, and document the process and results.
  • Modeling:
    • Prepare at least 2 models for the project.
    • Models can include data models, process models, or object models.
  • Be sure to update your Table of Contents before submission.
  • Name the document “yourname_ITSD422_U2Submission.doc.”
  • Submit the document for grading.