

Assignment Instructions

Select from one of the following scenarios:

  1. You are the IT administrator for your  company. One of the employees discovers a loophole in the security  whereby the employees may access the personnel records of other  employees in the company. Personnel records include names, addresses,  Social Security numbers, disciplinary actions, annual reviews, and  salary information. You are working on a time-sensitive project and do  not fix the problem for 2 weeks. As you are fixing the problem, you note  that several employees have accessed personnel records using the  loophole.
  2. You are the CIO of a large national auto  retailer. As a part of your service, you offer auto loans through your  dealerships. This requires your company to collect and store personally  identifiable information on your customers. Additionally, you store  customer bank account and credit card information so that customers can  use automatic payment options for their loans. Recently, your company  has been hacked, and a significant number of client accounts have been  breached. The CEO is demanding that the IT group handle this privately  rather than reporting the breach for fear that publicizing the  information will have a negative effect on quarterly earnings.

Analyze your chosen scenario from the aspect of  computing ethics and privacy ethics. Discuss the ethical dilemma from  the perspective of societal ethics, organizational ethics, and  individual ethics. Research on the Internet to determine what data  security and privacy laws are relevant in this scenario. Describe each  law and consequences for violation of the law. Discuss the reputational  and financial impact this scenario might have on the organization. From  the perspective of the IT administrator in scenario 1, or the  perspective of the CIO in scenario 2, how would you respond to the  situation? Justify your response from an ethical and legal perspective.

Assignment Requirements

  1. Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length and follow APA format.
  2. Include Table of 
  3. Use Times New Roman 12 pt font.
  4. Select one of the scenarios provided.
  5. Analyze the scenario from a computing ethics and privacy ethics perspective.
  6. Analyze the scenario from a societal ethics, organizational ethics, and individual ethics perspective.
  7. Identify relevant data security and privacy laws for this scenario and the consequences for violating these laws.
  8. Discuss the reputational and financial impact on the organization in the chosen scenario.
  9. Discuss how you would respond to the situation and justify your choice.

Information System and information Technology on APPLE INC.


need to write three section on a case study as follows ON APPLE INC:

1)  Existing Information Systems (IS)/Information Technology (IT) Applications (those currently in place or already being provisioned in the near future)

2Required Information Systems (IS)/Information Technology (IT) Applications (those investments identified as essential to achieve the existing business objectives and create changes that can achieve required levels of performance or be shown to make a specific contribution to enabling or delivering the future business strategy, likely over a 3 to 12 month horizon), 

3) Potential Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) Applications (those that might be valuable in the future, provided they prove feasible to deliver and can be shown to produce relevant benefits, either to the strategy directly by creating new strategic opportunities or via the valuable indirect effects of business changes the applications make possible, over probably the next 6 to 24 months). 

Note: For the Required Information Systems (IS)/Information Technology (IT) Applications and the Potential Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) Applications, you must identify a minimum of three required and three potential IS/IT applications.    

Please construct a Word document (times new roman 12-point font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, APA 7th edition in-text citations and end references). Please add additional sources to your References page. When complete, upload your document (it must include all sections – so you will have a total of five for this submission) to Canvas using the appropriate link (you can upload it as many times as you want up to the deadline noting that the last submission will be graded. All uploads will be checked against SimCheck (a plagiarism tool). 

The below SimCheck criteria will be used as one of the grading criteria for your waypoint.

  • If your SimCheck score is 15% or less, you will start with the maximum possible points available.

Article writing

Write a 3-page paper (1000 words): How does artificial intelligence impact games intelligence. Provide a game algorithm.
Provide examples and present your written findings. You must write a 3-page essay in APA format. You must include 3 scholarly reviewed references that are DIRECTLY related to the subject.

Use Cases


  1. Read the narrative on Acme Electric, LLC download.
  2. Determine all the use cases in the ‘Job Management Application’ section, sub-section #1 only, in the narrative. Create brief summaries for every use case you find.
  3. Your senior architect has determined that “Create a job.” is architecturally significant. Create a fully dressed or detailed use case.
  4. Tom has determined that “Assign crew(s), tools and BOM to a specific job with dates” is of high business value to him. Create a fully dressed or detailed use case.
  5. Create a use case diagram of the use cases you have just created.



ER Model and Normalization

Q1: Garage Database [40 points]

We want to design a database for a local garage. For each customer, we want to record the (unique) name, the customer address, and the contact phone number. For each vehicle, we want to record the unique vehicle’s identification number (VIN), and the vehicle’s make, model and year. For each repair job we want to record the description of the job done (maximum 200 chars), the date, and the total dollar cost. A repair job may involve zero or more parts (like, e.g., “windshield wipers”, “battery”, etc.) For each part we want to record its (unique) part number, the part name and its cost. In addition, note that:

• Each vehicle may have 1 or more repair jobs.

• Each customer may be the primary owner of 1 or more vehicles.

• Every vehicle has only one primary owner (we ignore co-owners).

• No vehicle can have more than one repair job in any given day.

Please answer the following questions:

Q1.1. (10 points) Draw an ER diagram for this database. Make sure to indicate primary keys, cardinality constraints, weak entities (if any), and participation constraints. List any assumptions you make in the process.

Q1.2. (10 points) Translate the ER diagram in Q1.1 into relational database tables (i.e. give the SQL DDL statements). Make sure that the translation captures key constraints (primary keys and foreign keys if applicable) and participation constraints in the ER diagram. Identify constraints, if any, that you are not able to capture.

Q1.3. (20 points) Identify the functional dependencies that you expect should hold for the Garage Database domain. Use the dependencies to find keys and BCNF normal forms.

Q2: Restaurant Database [ 40 points]

The student administrator of the Mini University wants to design a database for profiling students’ preferences for the nearby restaurants and the dishes. For example, the student Jack Smith likes the “rib eye steak” at the “TGI Fridays”, not the “rib eye steak” at the “Olive Garden”, while the student Nancy Graham likes the Italian spaghetti at “Zeppoli’s”.

• Each student has his/her SSN, the name, and the department.

• Each restaurant has its name, and the mailing address.

• The name of a restaurant may not be unique, but the mailing address is unique.


• Each dish has the name and the price.

• The price of a dish might differ on different restaurants. For example, “rib eye steak” is $15 at “TGI Fridays”, but $20 at the “Olive Garden”.

• The name of a dish is unique within a restaurant. Two restaurants may have the same dish name.

• A dish is offered by at least one restaurant, and a restaurant offers at least a dish.

Please answer the following questions:

Q2.1. (10 points) Draw an ER diagram for this database. Make sure to indicate primary keys, cardinality constraints, weak entities (if any), and participation constraints. List any assumptions you make in the process.

Q2.2. (10 points) Translate the ER diagram in Q2.1 into relational database tables (i.e. give the SQL DDL statements). Make sure that the translation captures key constraints (primary keys and foreign keys if applicable) and participation constraints in the ER diagram. Identify constraints, if any, that you are not able to capture.

Q2.3. (20 points) Identify the functional dependencies that you expect should hold for the Restaurant Database domain. Use the dependencies to find keys and BCNF normal forms.

Q3: Reverse Engineering [20 points]

This question tests how well you understand the algorithm for converting E/R diagrams to relational schemas. An E/R diagram when converted to relations (using the mechanical construction that we know and love) gives rise to the following relations:

  • R(a, b, c)
  • S(a, d)
  • T(a, d, f, g)

You may assume that the same symbols refer to the same attribute and different symbols refer to different attributes (e.g., the attributes a in the relations R, S and T are the same) i.e. it ultimately comes from a single entity set or relationship in the E/R diagram.

Your task is to reverse-engineer the E/R diagram from these relations; in other words, what E/R diagram could have produced these relations. For full credit, give two different E/R diagrams that could have produced these (and only these) relations (i.e. 10 points for each correct E/R diagram).


Submission Guidelines and Requirements

  • Include your name and UCM ID in the assignment
  1. Add the following statement in your solution “I certify that the codes/answers/outputs of this assignment are entirely my own work.”

// Your Name

// Your UCM ID

//Certificate of Authenticity: “I certify that the assignment is entirely my own work.”

  1. Add comments to your submission as much as possible
  2. Submit your ER diagrams, relation schemas, functional dependencies and normalized forms
  3. Zip your files and upload the zipped file onto Blackboard
  4. There could be more than one correct answer. We shall accept them all
  5. Whenever you are making an assumption, please state it clearly
  6. Grading standards:
  • There will be automatic 10 points penalty if your submission is missing certificate of authenticity
  • Late submission: Late submission is allowed with a 10% deduction per day (delay in submission). Submission after 3 days of the deadline won’t be accepted

Organ Leader and decision making PHDIT

 This week’s journal article focus on the how positive team culture can correct the impact of lagging leadership creativity.  Additionally, we discussed how digital transformation leaders in regard to artificial intelligence (AI).  After reviewing the reading, please answer the following questions:

  1. What is your definition of AI?  Please explain.
  2. What is your opinion of AI, is the technology currently available? Why or why not?
  3. Please note at least four AI technologies, explain if they are truly AI or something else.  Thoroughly explain your answer.
  4. How is AI perceived as different in various industries and locations? Please explain.

 The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed.  The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

Mobile Device Sensors, Features and Interfaces

This assignment covers the different mobile devices, sensors and features that exist on Android and iOS. You will find mobile applications that make effective and innovative use of those options.• Start by reviewing the features, device sensors and interfaces of iOS and Android from the resources provided in this unit. 

• Choose 3 of the features, device sensors and interfaces that you find to be unique, effective and innovative. 

o For each of those options, find 2 mobile applications that make good use of those options. 

o Share screenshots to the mobile applications, the link to download them from their respective app store and an explanation of what makes the mobile app make effective use of those options.

Bitcoin Pyramid Schemes Wreak Havoc on Brazil's 'New Egypt'

 opening sentence and your thesis statement!

powerpoint only 9 slides

1 objective summary 

Answer the 6 questions who, when, where, why (all together in 1-2 sentences) then HOW and WHAT in 2-3 sentences EACH -we need detail), then write an objective summary using the sample in the resource manual as a template.

complete literature review : It consists of Introduction, literature review and analysis