

Select an organization that you can research that has an on-premises business function that you believe will benefit from a migration to cloud computing. This paper must be entirely original content and checked with grammarly.com before submitting. The paper must include the following sections. Each explicitly listed with a heading. 

  • Company      Overview:  The section should      include the company name, the industry they are in, and a general overview      of the organization.
  • The      On-Premises Function: Discuss the current      application or functional domain that you are proposing for a move to the      cloud. For example, an inventory management system or the organization’s      email platform. Why will this benefit from cloud migration?
  • The      Proposed Cloud Solution:  Describe your proposal      for moving the function to the cloud. Be specific and detailed. What      services would you use? Which service provider would you use? What      timeline do you propose? Include as much detail as possible. This portion      should be a minimum of 2 pages. For example, indicate the specific      services you will consume or subscribe to, (if you are moving to AWS, I      would expect to see specific services listed such as EC2, S3, Redshift,      Lambda, and others). Indicate where storage is duplicated and failovers      may be present.
  • Diagram:      You must diagram the solution you are proposing 
  • Conclusion:       Summarize the most important ideas from the paper and make      recommendations on how they might achieve even greater success.      
  • This paper should not be a cursory overview. This class has a technical  focus and this work should center  on the proposal of the technical  solution. It should detail moving to the cloud, what cloud services will  be used, and what the predicted benefits are. This is a persuasive  paper trying to convince the organizational leadership to approve a  well-defined project to move a function to the cloud. This paper is not  an analysis of an organization that has already done so. Do not write  about Amazon, Azure, Google, Apple, IBM, or other cloud providers. You  may not use Netflix, Xerox, and Fitbit as a topic organization for this  paper.


 This is a required assignment, worth 20 points, and must be submitted by the due date.
Review the Grading Rubric before completing this assignment.Research a scholarly paper  on Business Processes, and Process Specifications” and reflect on only one of the following topics:

  • “Processes”: What type of Business Processes exist?
  • “Specifications”: How important is it to define the Process Specifications?
  • “Review”: How important is it to review the Processes on a regular basis?

You must copy and paste the topic (“Processes” or “Specifications” or “Review”) at the start of your paper to provide a context for your answer.
This paper must be between 250-300 words on what caught your eye and reflect on what you read. 
Do not add extraneous text that does not address the question – do not add an introduction or conclusion.
Do not copy and paste text from the referenced resource.You must provide at least one APA reference for your resource and corresponding in-text citations..
You must provide the referenced resource URL/DOI in the APA reference.
Do not use the Textbook as a referenced resource. 

Paper 1

Please read all instructions, will be checking paper on turnitin.com so 100% plagiarism free  . APA please 



Assignment Description

  • Discuss the process of deploying and securing an Android phone application. What important considerations and steps should the programmer follow? Include a      discussion about testing steps necessary prior to deployment of the application to ensure that quality and security goals are met. (350      words)

how stored data can be shared between Android Apps? (100 words)

how security can be compromised in applications that allow user input? (100 words)

what application security permissions are and how they work in Android? (100 words)


Piensa en la posibilidad de comenzar un negocio propio. ¿Qué tipo de negocio te gustaría tener? Prepara una presentación en PowerPoint donde expongas una descripción de ese negocio que te gustaría tener, la localización, el objetivo de la presentación y otra información relevante que te ayude a lograr que el Banco SYSAN te considere como cliente y apruebe el préstamo que necesitas para establecer tu negocio.


  • 8 “slides” * 
  • seleccionar un “template” (“Themes”)
  • en el primer “slide” debes escribir el título que le darás a la presentación utilizando la opción de “WordArt”.
  • incluir un “Footer” con tu nombre y número del “slide” en todos los “slides” menos en el primero.
  • utiliza los “bullets” o la enumeración en 2 de los “slides”.
  • colocar imágenes o fotos en las láminas (con créditos a autores)–[Buscar imágenes en unsplash.com].
  • integrar una foto utilizando la opción de “Background” (fondo) en uno de los “slides”
  • integrar un hiperenlace (“hyperlink”) en un texto o imagen en un “slide” (que no sea el primero) que conecte a una dirección en la Internet
  •  incluir un vídeo de un negocio similar al que tú deseas establecer en uno de los “slides”
  • la penúltima lámina debe tener un listado de los puntos más importantes de la presentación.
  •  el último “slide” debe contener datos de contacto para tu empresa, email, redes sociales, etc.

* Nota: Los términos “slides”, transparencias o diapositivas se estarán utilizando como sinónimos en las tareas de PowerPoint.

Informational Interview Assignment

Complete the Informational Interview Assignment using the document below, then reflect on the experience in the Informational Interview

NOTE : Please refer attached file for more details.

Technology : Azure Cloud

Exp19_Access_Ch09_Cap – Trading Cards 1.0


Exp19_Access_Ch09_Cap – Trading Cards 1.0


Exp19_Access_Ch09_Cap – Trading Cards 1.0

 #Exp19_Access_Ch09_Cap – Trading Cards 1.0

Exp19 Access Ch09 Cap – Trading Cards 1.0

Project Description:

You and your partner Stann Dupp have a small business selling  baseball cards online through eBay. As the more computer-savvy partner;  you created an Access database with records of the cards you have in  stock. As it turns out, Stann was attempting to manage the card  inventory and ended up modifying crucial aspects of the database that  impact the general operation of the database. You will reverse those  changes and create other safeguards to protect from this happening again  in the future. The database tables may already be normalized; however,  you will examine the tables to verify.

Start Access. Open the downloaded   Access database named Exp19_Access_Ch09_Cap_Trading_Cards.accdb.  Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the  filename. Save the file to the   location where you are storing your  files.

You   will first establish relationships between the Cards, Brands,  and Rarity   tables based on the common fields that they share.

  Open the Relationships window. Add the Cards,   Brands, and Rarity tables to the layout.

After   creating a relationship between two tables, you will enforce  referential   integrity, which ensures that the relationship will remain  intact if/when   data is updated in either table. Furthermore, you will  ensure that all   changes to the primary key in your Cards table will  be reflected in the foreign   keys that exist in the Rarity table by  selecting the Cascade Update Related   Fields option.

  Create a relationship between the Cards   and Rarity tables tables, ensuring   you check the Enforce Referential   Integrity and Cascade Update   Related Fields options for the relationship.

After   also establishing the relationship between the Cards and  Brands tables, in   the same manner, you will analyze the database to  identify any flaws in the   design as well as suggested low-risk  improvements that can be made to your   database.

  Create a relationship between the Cards   and Brands tables, ensuring you   check the Enforce Referential   Integrity and Cascade Update   Related Fields options for the relationship. Save, and close the   Relationships window. Open the Performance   Analyzer dialog box, under All Object Types, click Select All, and then click OK.   Note the idea to relate the Cards table to the others in the database. Close   the Performance Analyzer.

You   will now provide your users with a simple and intuitive way to add and edit   cards by creating a form.

  Create a new form based on the Cards   table using the Form tool. Save   the form as Add or Edit Cards.   Close the form.

Now   that you have the Add or Edit Cards form created, you can add  that and the   remaining forms to a Horizontal Tab navigation form. By  doing this, you will   create a one-stop-shop for your users to view and  edit the trading cards in   the database.

  Create a navigation form based on the Horizontal   Tabs template. Drag the Add or   Edit Cards form to the first tab position.

Drag   the All Player Cards report to the   second tab position.

Drag   the Bowman Cards report to the   third tab position.

Drag   the Donruss Cards report to the   fourth tab position.

Drag   the Fleer Cards report to the   fifth tab position.

Drag   the Topps Cards report to the   sixth tab position.

Switch   to Form view and test the navigation form. Save the navigation form with the   default name and close it.

You   will finalize the interface for your users by hiding the  Navigation Pane so   that it is out of their way, and setting the  navigation form you created to   open automatically when the database  opens. This ensures that the user’s   experience is seamless and  straightforward.

  Set the database to hide the Navigation Pane and open the  navigation form   when the database opens. Close the database and reopen  it observe that the   form opens automatically.

Close   all database objects. Close the database and then exit Access. Submit the   database as directed.

in c program

Write a solution for the producer/consumer problem using processes instead of threads. Refer to the solution worked out in the demo and make sure you fully understand what is going on there before beginning this one (source file is attached to this assignment). Turn in all code and a text file called README containing instructions for building and running your programs. All programs must compile and run on os.cs.siue.edu. Descriptions of functions listed below in bold can be found in the man pages (e.g. man fork), though sometimes you may need to specify the correct section of the manual to get the correct page (e.g. man 3 printf). Approach the homework in phases and incrementally grow your solution: start with process creation (e.g. if there’s one producer and one consumer specified, one process -the parent- will fork two others, a producer program and a consumer program), then move on to shared memory stuff (making sure that the children can read what the parent is placing in there), and only then finish up the producer/consumer portion (pretty much the same as the threaded version).

Use the following functions for process creation, etc:

fork – create a new process

execlp – replace current process image with a new process image (i.e. execute a file)

waitpid – allows parent to wait for a child with specified pid

Use the following functions for sharing stuff between processes:

shm_open – create a named chunk of shared memory

ftruncate – to change the size of the named chunk of shared memory

mmap – to map the shared memory chunk into current process’ address space


Let’s say you want to share a struct, like:

typedef struct shared{

   int some_int_to_share;

   int some_other_int_to_share;



In the parent process (the one that starts everything):

int fd = shm_open(“prodconshare”, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);

ftruncate(fd, sizeof(shared));

shared* sharedstruct = mmap(NULL, sizeof(shared), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);

In the child process it is similar, but the child process would not create the named chunk if it doesn’t exist and the child process has no need to resize the chunk (so, no ftruncate):

int fd = shm_open(“prodconshare”, O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);

shared* sharedstruct = mmap(NULL, sizeof(shared), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);

Use the following functions to synchronize the producers and consumers:

sem_init – initialize a semaphore

sem_wait – decrement a semaphore

sem_post – increment a semaphore

(remember that decrementing a semaphore below zero will put the calling process to sleep and sem_post will have to be called by another process to wake it up. You might think about stuffing some semaphores into the shared memory, using a struct to arrange the shared memory chunk’s contents.)

The producers can exit when they’ve produced their whole string, e.g. “hello world”.

For simplicity, the consumers may run indefinitely and be terminated with ctrl+c.

Other useful functions:

malloc – allocate memory

sizeof – get the size of things

printf – print stuff

perror – print error stuff

Errors Failures and Risks

 Answer each of these questions in a paragraph with at least five sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly. Provide a citation for each answer.

  1. Give an example from the book where insufficient testing was a factor in a program error or system failure.
  2. What was one cause of the delay in the completion of the Denver Airport?
  3. Why didn’t the healthcare.gov website work at first?
  4. What is one characteristic of high-reliability organizations?
  5. Describe the potential risks of alert fatigue in EHR systems.
  6. What were 2 common factors in both the Thorac-25 case and the space shuttle disaster?
  7. What does design for failure mean?