
 Explain a situation where computer security has been compromised (a personal experience is preferred if you know of one). If you do not have any personal experience with a security comprimise, explain one that you have read about on the Internet. What can be learned from the experience? answer would go on plagarism

Computer Foundations I – Dicussion 4

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both Java and Ruby

Include, in your description, an analysis of what might have caused the problems and potential solutions to them. Be sure to provide supporting evidence, with citations from the literature

450 Words.


 Please make sure that you copy and paste your output to show your work.  You also must write a conclusion reporting your statistics in APA format. 



Final essay: 5 pages (not including reference page), well-written, properly cited with Website link, and with plenty of critical thinking applied to this topic:

APA 7 format

– When considering forensic investigations, how do criminal and cyber investigators need to work together? What common investigative techniques are used? How can these two disciplines work together to investigate potential crime scenes?  

Need it by 3 June 2021 6:00pm.

Instructions This assignment will help students understand interface implementation as a crucial software engineering component. You will implement the given interface in JAVA


Instructions This  assignment will help students understand interface implementation as a  crucial software engineering component. You will implement the given  interface in JAVA. Overall interface coding This assignment requires you  to write the class which implements the interface shown below. After you have written  the code for the program, you will then test your  code with the code that I provide for you at  the end of the page. The expected results are at the bottom of the page  as well. Each of the methods properly implemented Overall coding  practices, comments, following the ICS Java coding standard, correct  results printed. Utilfties211Interface: abstract interface Utilities 211 Interface /*  Method reads a string and verifies that the string contains at least 2  non-blank characters. For example if the String is ” a b ” the string  length is 7 and the method returns true ” x ” the string length is 8 and the method returns false “” the string length is 0 and the method returns false ”   ” the string length is 12 and the method returns false “123abc” the  string length is 6 and the method returns true Just pointing out that  the length of the string doesn’t determine the validity of the string.  @param String s the string to be tested @return boolean valid = true,  false otherwise */ abstract boolean validString(String s); /* @param  double d number to be tested @returnint 1 of the number is positive −1  of the number is negative 0 of the number is zero */ abstract int  numberSign(double d); /* This method receives 2 int numbers and counts  the numbers in range between them For example if int 1=20 and int 2=33 it will return 13 if int 1=12 and int 2=−5  it will return 17 @param int1, int2, numbers defining the range @return  int, range */ abstract int range(int i1, int i2); } Use it to test your code. public class  Utilities211Driver{ public static void main(String[ ] arg)র double d=−2.1 int x=5; int y=−6; String s1= ” x “; String s2=  ” cow “; Utilities211Code u = new Utilities211Code( );  System.out.printIn(u.validString(s1));  System.out.println(u.validString(s2)); System.out.println(u.numberSign( d  )); System.out.println(u.range( (x,y) ); } } Your output when running this program should be:

Please provide assistance in writing a Code that will implement Utilities211Interface and Utilities211Driver. Thank you

Java help


  1. Create a program that will model a music playlist by using an ArrayList that holds Song objects.
  2. Using jGRASP, write a Java program named, using your last name and your first name, that does the following:
    • Uses an ArrayList to model a music playlist.
    • Uses Song objects to represent songs in the playlist, with the following instance variables:
      • Title
      • Artist
      • Minutes
      • Seconds
      • Note: Your toString should print minutes and seconds together (see possible examples below in the Expected Output section)
    • Create a method called createPlaylist. Create an ArrayList of at least 5 songs of your choice. Return the ArrayList.
    • Create a method called editPlaylist. An ArrayList of Song objects will be passed to this method. In this method, ask the user if they would like to add or remove a song to the playlist, or if they change their mind and don’t want to add/remove any songs.
      • If they choose to add a song, ask them for the song information. Create a Song object and add it to the ArrayList.
      • If they choose to remove a song, print out the ArrayList in a readable format — in other words, don’t just use “System.out.println(playlist);” (see below for Example Output).
      • If they change their mind and do not want to add/remove a song, don’t change anything.
      • Return the ArrayList.
      • Note: I recommend you use a loop here so that the user can add/remove as many songs as they like. This makes for a better, more useful program, but it is not required for this assignment.
    • Create a method called savePlaylist. This playlist will have two parameters: the ArrayList and an indicator for whether the user would like to append to or overwrite a file. In the file, record the date that the playlist was saved, then write the ArrayList information to the file in a readable format — in other words, don’t just use “System.out.println(playlist);”. Confirm to the user that the file was successfully saved, and print the filename or filepath.
    • In the main method:
      • Call the createPlaylist method, then print the returned ArrayList. Make sure to print it out in a readable format — in other words, don’t just use “System.out.println(playlist);” (see below for Example Output).
      • Ask the user if they would like to edit your playlist. If so, call the editPlaylist method and print the returned ArrayList.
      • Ask the user if they would like to save the playlist. If so, call the savePlaylist method.
  3. Your program MUST:
    • Create at least 5 Song objects, all with valid data
    • Store the Song objects in an ArrayList
    • Use the printPlaylist method to write out the data for all Song objects in your ArrayList to a separate text file in a neatly arranged format.
    • Actively use in-line comments stating what each section of code does.
    • Use try/catch if, and only if, necessary.
  4. Your program must conform to the Java coding standards reviewed in class during Week 3.
  5. Your program should not use code/concepts we have not yet covered. You must demonstrate that you have mastered the concepts covered in class.
  6. Remember to always begin your code with the following documentation comments:
* Short description of the program.
* @author     Last Name, First Name
* @assignment ICS 111 Assignment XX
* @date       Today's Date
* @bugs       Short description of bugs in the program, if any.

Expected Output:

You may format your toString any way you want, as long as it presents the song info in a readable manner. Here are some suggestions:

“Say So” by Doja Cat (3:58)

“South” by Galimatias
3 minutes 35 seconds

Title:  “Fly – FKJ Remix”
Artist: June Marieezy, FKJ
Time:   4:12

Feel free to choose one of these formats, or make up your own!

The following example uses the 1st format. The example also adds in the option to allow the user to continuously add/remove songs until they choose to stop, and to specify where in the playlist they’d like to add a song. These  two features are optional.

----jGRASP exec: java ManuelNikki14
Hey! Check out this really cool playlist I made!

                   *** My 2am Playlist ***

                                   "Solitude" by re:plus (4:16)
                             "Paris in the Rain" by Lauv (3:24)
                     "Enamored" by Ibrahim (feat. Limes) (2:47)
                "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley (3:35)
"Spending Late Nights with You" by Rook1e (feat. Aimless) (1:36)
                     "Kimi no Toriko (remix)" by Heiakim (2:55)

What do you think? Should I make any changes?
Type yes or no: yes

Should I add or remove a song?
(Or if you change your mind, you can say nevermind!)
Type add, remove, or nevermind: add

  Okay, let's add a song! Please enter the song information:
     Song title: "in your arms"
     Artist: Saib
     Minutes: 4
     Seconds: 37
  What # song in the playlist should it be? 3

  Now adding "in your arms" by Saib (4:37) as #3 on the playlist...

Here's the new playlist:

                   *** My 2am Playlist ***

                                   "Solitude" by re:plus (4:16)
                             "Paris in the Rain" by Lauv (3:24)
                                  "in your arms" by Saib (4:37)
                     "Enamored" by Ibrahim (feat. Limes) (2:47)
                "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley (3:35)
"Spending Late Nights with You" by Rook1e (feat. Aimless) (1:36)
                     "Kimi no Toriko (remix)" by Heiakim (2:55)

What do you think? Should I add or remove a song?
(Or if you're done editing, you can say finished!)
Type add, remove, or finished: remove

  Okay! Just in case you forgot, here is the current playlist:

                   *** My 2am Playlist ***

                                   "Solitude" by re:plus (4:16)
                             "Paris in the Rain" by Lauv (3:24)
                                  "in your arms" by Saib (4:37)
                     "Enamored" by Ibrahim (feat. Limes) (2:47)
                "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley (3:35)
"Spending Late Nights with You" by Rook1e (feat. Aimless) (1:36)
                     "Kimi no Toriko (remix)" by Heiakim (2:55)

  Which # song would you like to remove? 5

  Now removing "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley (3:35)...

Here's the new playlist:

                   *** My 2am Playlist ***

                                   "Solitude" by re:plus (4:16)
                             "Paris in the Rain" by Lauv (3:24)
                                  "in your arms" by Saib (4:37)
                     "Enamored" by Ibrahim (feat. Limes) (2:47)
"Spending Late Nights with You" by Rook1e (feat. Aimless) (1:36)
                     "Kimi no Toriko (remix)" by Heiakim (2:55)

What do you think? Should I add or remove a song?
(Or if you're done editing, you can say finished!)
Type add, remove, or finished: finished

Sounds good. What a great playlist! :)

Once you close this program, you're gonna lose all the playlist data.
Would you like to save it to a file, so you can refer to it later?
Type yes or no: yes

  This playlist will now be saved to: playlist.txt
  Would you like to append to or overwrite this file?
  Type append or overwrite: append

  Okay, got it!
  Playlist is now saved to: /home/nikki/Desktop/playlist.txt

Thanks for using my program. Bye!

----jGRASP: operation complete.

Submission Instructions:

  • Submit your file through Laulima via the Assignments section.
  • In addition, submit any additional files needed to run your program.
  • DO NOT submit the .class file, submit only the .java file.


  • This assignment is out of 50 points.
  • -10 points for each method
  • -5 points for ArrayList or object class errors
  • -5 points if user does not use conditionals, loops, arrays, or methods if possible
  • -5 points if assignment is not submitted to specifications. For example, documentation comments are not included or are incomplete/incorrect, file name does not follow the specified format, your name is not included in the file name, wrong file attached, etc.
  • (-1 to -5 points) Miscellaneous mistakes, bugs, or problems.

Assignment will receive a grade of 0 (zero) points if instructions are not adhered to.

write a C programming

Write a menu driven program to allow the user to 1) Push, 2) Pop, 3) Print, and 4) Quit.

You must use separate compilation with files main.c, boolean.h, stack, h, and stack.c