Computer Networking Presentation


Submit a presentation that can be used by a small business to train its employees on the importance of network security. Your presentation, at a minimum, should  include slides that address the following:

  • why and how networks are attacked
  • why physical security is as important as the security that comes from properly selected/configured solutions, and 
  • the role employees play in network security.




Assignment Details

In some manner, people have all performed project management at various times in their lives, often without even knowing that they were doing it. Project management is performing and completing a group of activities to accomplish some specific goal. Project management can be applied to something as large and complex as putting humans on Mars to as small and simple as building a tree house in your backyard. In either situation, the projects progress through the same stages.

Think about something that you have done that fits the definition of a project, and discuss how the project progressed through the different phases of the project life cycle. Submit a 3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Describe      the project and how it differed from an operation.
  • What      activities were performed that were part of following phases?
    • Initiating
    • Planning
    • Executing
    • Closing
  • How      were the principles of project management applied to this project?
  • What      skills and knowledge of the project manager were applied to make you      successful (or were lacking, which led to failure)?
  • What      lessons were learned in this project that could be applied to future      projects?

Use this template to complete this assignment.

Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:

  • Title page: The      title should be in all capitals.
  • Length: 3 pages      minimum
  • Body: This      begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be      double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between      paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier      in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as      required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of      the body of your paper for this assignment is 3 pages. In-body academic      citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety      of academic sources is encouraged.
  • Reference page: References      that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page      of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate      spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as      appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is      not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body      citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a      corresponding in-body citation.


Unit 1 Individual Project 

Indent five spaces. Type your introduction. Delete these instructions.

Personal Project Experience

Indent five spaces. Think about something that you have done that fits the definition of a project. Discuss how the project progressed through the different phases of the project life cycle of Initiating, Planning, Executing and Closing. List the activities that were part of the phases. Delete these instructions.

Project was Different than an Operation

Discuss how a project is different than an operation. Delete these instructions. 

How were Principles of Project Management Applied to the Project?

Discuss how the project used project management principles to improve probability of success. Delete these instructions.

Skills and Knowledge Led to Success or Lack of Skills and Knowledge Led to Failure

Discuss what skills and knowledge were applied for success. Discuss what skills and knowledge were lacking that caused failure. Delete these instructions.

Lessons Learned

What lessons were learned in this project that could be applied to future projects? Delete these instructions.

Type some concluding remarks. It is not necessary to provide a subheading for the conclusion paragraph. Delete these instructions.


Project Requirements


Project Requirements


Part I Design ( 25 pts – data fields 1 pt, others 3 pts each) :

Design a class named Account that contains:

1. A private int data field named id for the account (default 0).
2. A private double data field named balance for the account (default 0).

3. A private double data field named annualInterestRate that stores the current interest rate (default 0). Assume all accounts have the same interest rate.

4. A private Date data field named dateCreated that stores the date when the account was created.

5. A no-arg constructor that creates a default account.

6. A constructor that creates an account with the specified id and initial balance.

7. The accessor and mutator methods for id, balance, and annualInterestRate.

8. The accessor method for dateCreated.

9. A method named getMonthlyInterestRate() that returns the monthly interest rate.

10. A method named withdraw that withdraws a specified amount from the account.

11. A method named deposit that deposits a specified amount to the account.

Part I – Testing


Use the following test program to create an Account object with an account ID of 1122, a balance of $20,000, and an annual interest rate of 4.5%. Then using the withdraw method $2,500 is withdrawn, and the deposit method is used to deposit $3,000. Finally the balance, the monthly interest, and the date when this account was created are printed.


import java.text.*;

public class TestAccount {

public static void main (String[] args) {

DecimalFormat fmt_twoDecimalPlaces = new DecimalFormat(“0.00”);

Account account = new Account(1122, 20000);




System.out.println(“Balance is ” +


System.out.println(“Monthly interest is ” +

fmt_twoDecimalPlaces.format( account.getMonthlyInterest() ));

System.out.println(“This account was created at ” +




If you have written the Account class correctly, you should see the following displayed:


Balance is $20500.00

Monthly interest is $76.88

This account was created at < day and time that you correctly run the program> ( e.g.Wed Aug 15 15:22:31 CEST 2012) 

Part II Design using inheritance:


( 30 pts)Next create two subclasses of the Account class – one for the checking account (CheckingAccount) and the other for the savings account(SavingsAccount). A checking account has an overdraft limit. We will assume that you are not allowed to withdraw from a savings account until a preset date is reached. Both of the subclasses have a toString() , which return a String indicating the balance of the specific account.


( 25 pts) Finally write a test program that creates objects of CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount. Ask the user to deposit and withdraw arbitrary amount from the accounts. Be sure to check that the input is a valid input before using it. Finally, invoke the toString() method of each object to test the final balance of the objects. Please also make sure that you ask the user whether he/she would like to continue.

Security Trends and Legal Issues

Your assignment is to explore this incident further, using your research to present it from the perspective of your assigned stakeholder. Your goal is to hold a press conference which explains the controversy and your stakeholder’s future plans or suggested policy changes in response to it.

Analyzing and Visualizing Data Exam

Select any example visualization or infographic and imagine the contextual factors have changed:

  1. If the selected project was a static work, what ideas do you have for potentially making it usefully interactive? How might you approach the design if it had to work on both mobile/tablet and desktop?
  2. If the selected project was an interactive work, what ideas do you have for potentially deploying the same project as a static work? What compromises might you have to make in terms of the interactive features that wouldn’t now be viable?
  3. What about the various annotations that could be used? Thoroughly explain all of the annotations, color, composition, and other various components to the visualization.
  4. What other data considerations should be considered and why?  
  5. Update the graphic using updated data, in the tool of your choice (that we’ve used in the course), explain the differences.

Be sure to show the graphic (before and after updates) and then answer the questions fully above.  This assignment should take into consideration all the course concepts in the book.  Be very thorough in your response.  The paper should be at least three pages in length and contain at least two-peer reviewed sources.



Exp22 Excel Ch01 Cumulative Medical

Excel Chapter 1 Cumulative – Medical Expenses 


Project Description:

You track your medical expenses each month. You developed a worksheet that contains dates, descriptions, amount billed, and applicable copayments. Your health insurance provider details the amount not covered and how much was covered by insurance. You want to create formulas, format the worksheet to improve readability, and copy the worksheet to use as a template for the next month.


Start Excel. Download and open   the file named Exp22_Excel_Ch01_Cumulative_Medical.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.


You notice that the 3/21/2024   Vision expense on Row 10 is a duplicate of the expense on Row 8. You will   delete the duplicate row.

  Select and delete row 10 that contains the duplicate 3/21/2024 Vision data.


You want to move the 3/2/2024   Pharmacy expense to be listed in chronological order.

  Select and cut row 11 that contains the 3/2/2024 Pharmacy expense and insert   cut cells on row 5.


You decide to insert a column   for additional data.

  Insert a new column A and type Expense # in cell A3.


In the new column, you want to   create a coding system consisting of the year, month, and sequential   numbering for the expenses.

  Type 2024-03-001 in cell A4 and use Auto Fill to   complete the expense numbers to the range A5:A11.


After filling in the expense   numbers, you will increase the column width to display the data.

  Change the width of column A to 12.


The worksheet should have a   title above the data.

  Type March   2024 Medical Expenses   in cell A1 and merge and center the title over the range A1:J1.


The title would look more   professional with some formatting.

  Apply bold, Green font color, and 14-pt font size to the title in cell A1.


You decide to replace Lab with   Laboratory to provide a more descriptive expense name.

  Find all occurrences of Lab and replace them with Laboratory.


The worksheet contains spelling   errors that need to be identified and corrected.

  Check the spelling in the worksheet and correct all spelling errors.


You are ready to enter the first   formula to calculate the adjusted rate.

  Calculate the Adjusted Bill in cell F4 by subtracting the Amt Not Covered   from the Amount Billed. Copy the formula to the range F5:F11.


Next, you will calculate the   amount owed.

  Calculate the Amount Owed in cell I4 by subtracting the Insurance Paid and   Copay from the Adjusted Bill. Copy the formula to the range I5:I11.


Finally, you will calculate the   percentage paid of the adjusted bill.

  Calculate the % Pd of Adj Bill in cell J4 by adding the Copay and Amount Owed   and then dividing that amount by the Adjusted Bill. Copy the formula to the   range J5:J11.


The first row of monetary values   should be formatted with dollar signs.

  Apply Accounting Number Format to the range D4:I4.


For the remaining rows of   monetary values, you decide to apply Comma Style.

  Apply Comma Style to the range D5:I11.


The percentage paid column needs   to be formatted with percent signs.

  Apply Percent Style with one decimal place to the range J4:J11.


Formatting the column headings   on the third row will provide a professional appearance.

  Wrap text, bold, and horizontally center the labels in the range A3:J3.


You want to continue formatting   the column headings.

  Apply Green fill and apply Thick Bottom Border to the range A3:J3.


You will apply a cell style for   the last three columns that represent your costs.

  Apply the Good cell style to the range H4:J11.


For the last column, you want to   format the percentages below the column heading.

  Apply Align Right and indent once the data in the range J4:J11.


Changing the page orientation   will enable the data to better fit on a printout.

  Select landscape orientation.


Next, you are ready to set the   top margin and center data on the page.

  Set a 1-inch top margin and center the worksheet horizontally between the   left and right margins.


To make the data easier to read,   you will increase the scaling.

  Set 110% scaling.


Insert a footer with the text Exploring   Series on the   left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the   right side of the worksheet.


You will rename the sheet tab   and copy the worksheet to start creating a template for the next month.

  Rename Sheet1 as March. Copy the worksheet, place the duplicate to the right, and then   rename it as April.


You will make some changes on   the April worksheet so that it will be ready for data entry.

  Change the title to April 2024 Medical Expenses in the April worksheet. Delete   data in ranges A4:E11 and G4:H11. The formula results in column J display   #DIV/0! because you deleted the data, which generates a divide by zero error.   Type 1 in cell D4 and copy the value   to the range D5:D11 as placeholder values to avoid displaying the error   results


Save and close Exp22_Excel_Ch01_Cumulative_Medical.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.

The first 10 records in your


The first 10 records in your data file each contain a pay code and the corresponding pay rate per hour. the remaining records in the file are 1 per employee, and each record contains an employee name, hours worked, and pay code. Your are to output for each employee his/her name, hours worked, pay rate per hour, and gross pay.

1. Don’t worry about overtime.
2. You may assume that the employee’s pay code will be one of the initial 10 pay codes.
3. Validate the hours worked (must be great than 0).