
Excel Chapter 1 Mid-Level 1 – Guest House Rental Rates 

Exp22 Excel Ch01 ML1 Rentals

Exp22 Excel Ch01 ML1 Rentals


Project Description:

You manage a beach guest house in Ft. Lauderdale containing three types of rental units. Prices are based on peak and off-peak times of the year. You need to calculate the maximum daily revenue for each rental type, assuming all units are rented. In addition, you need to calculate the discount rate for off-peak rental times. Finally, you will improve the appearance of the worksheet by applying font, alignment, and number formats.


Start Excel. Download and open   the file named Exp22_Excel_Ch01_ML1_Rentals.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.



You want to format the main   title to have a consistent appearance to other documents and spreadsheets.

  Apply the Heading 1 cell style to the range A1:G1.



You want to apply a similar,   complementary style to the date, which is below the main title.

  Apply the 20% – Accent1 cell style to the range A2:G2.



The Peak Rentals heading is   centered over the related data in columns C and D. You want the Off-Peak   Rentals heading to be centered over its related data.

  Merge and center Off-Peak Rentals   in the range E4:G4.


To help other people know that   the Off-Peak Rentals heading is related to three columns of data, you want to   apply a fill color to that heading. You will choose a different color to   distinguish these data columns from the fill color used for the Peak Rentals   heading.

  Apply Blue fill color (the eighth color below Standard Colors) and White,   Background 1 font color to cell E4.



Three headings (Maximum Revenue,   Maximum Revenue, and Discount Rate) do not fully display on the fifth row.   Instead of widening the columns, you want to wrap the headings within their   respective cells. This will enable you to maintain the column width   appropriate for the data below the headings.

  Center and wrap the headings on row 5.


The headings in D5 and F5 wrap   within words because the columns are too narrow. You will widen those columns   and center the number of units below its column heading.

  Set the width of columns D and F to 10.0. Select the range B6:B8 and horizontally center   the data.


One of the rental types is   missing from the list. You want to insert a row after the Studio Apartment   row and enter the missing rental type.

  Insert a row above the 1 Bedroom Suite. In cell A7, type Ocean View   Studio. In cell   B7, type 4. In cell C7, type 275. In cell E7, type 200.


You want to change Suite to   Apartment in the list.

  Find occurrences of Suite and   replace them with occurrences of Apartment.


You are ready to calculate the   Peak Rentals Maximum Revenue that can be earned. The maximum revenue is the   total revenue if all rental units are rented.

  In cell D6, enter a formula that calculates the Peak Rentals Maximum Revenue.



You are ready to calculate the   Off-Peak Rentals Maximum Revenue that can be earned. The maximum revenue is   the total revenue if all rental units are rented.

  In cell F6, enter a formula that calculates the Off-Peak Rentals Maximum   Revenue.


The Discount Rate is the percentage   off of the Peak Rentals Per Day Rate used to calculate the Off-Peak Rentals   Per Day rate. The Studio Apartment rents for $116.05 Off-Peak, which is 77.4%   of the $149.95 Peak rate. Therefore, the Discount Rate for the Off-Peak Per   Day rate is 22.6%.

  In cell G6, enter a formula that calculates the Discount Rate for the   Off-Peak rental price per day.



You created formulas for the   Peak Rentals Maximum Revenue, Off-Peak Rentals Maximum Revenue, and the   Discount Rate for the Off-Peak Rentals for the Studio Apartment rental type.   Now you want to copy the formulas to the remaining rental types so that you   don’t have to create formulas again.

  Copy the formula in cell D6 to cells D7:D9. Copy the formula in cell F6 to   the range F7:F9. Copy the formula in cell G6 to cells G7:G9.



The values in the columns are   hard to read with varying numbers of decimal points. The Accounting Number   Format will align the decimal points and display dollar signs to improve the   appearance of the monetary values.

  Format the range C6:F9 with Accounting Number Format.


The Discount Rate formula   results are displayed as decimal values. However, formatting the values as   percentages will align decimal points and clearly indicate the percentages.

  Format the range G6:G9 in Percent Style with one decimal place.


You applied a solid blue to the   Off-Peak Rentals heading, so you will apply a complementary lighter blue fill   color to the data below that heading.

  Apply Blue, Accent 5, Lighter 80% fill color to the range E5:G9.



You want to apply a   complementary fill color to the data below the Peak Rentals heading.

  Select the range C5:D9 and apply Gold, Accent 4, Lighter 80% fill color.


To help offset the headings from   the rental data, you will apply a border.

  Apply the Bottom Border style to the range A5:G5.



Before finalizing the worksheet,   you should check the spelling.

  Use Excel to check the spelling and correct errors. Excel should find two   errors. (Mac users, if only one error is found, manually check and correct   spelling errors.)


To preserve the original data,   you make a copy a worksheet so that you can manipulate the data or if you   want to review the formulas.

  Create a copy of the Rates worksheet, place the new sheet to the right side   of the original worksheet, and rename the new sheet as Formulas.


Now that the worksheet contains   formulas and is formatted, you are ready to apply Page Setup options to   prepare the worksheet to be printed, if needed.

  Select both worksheets. Select Landscape orientation. Set 1-inch top, bottom,   left, and right margins. Center the data horizontally on the page, and apply   the setting to fit to one page.



It is important to provide   identification information in a footer of the worksheets. In particular, the   textbook series name, the worksheet name, and the file name help identify the   worksheet.

  Insert a footer with the text Exploring Series on the left side, the sheet name code in the   center, and the file name code on the right side.


You want to display the formulas   and set print options so that it will be easier to read and interpret the   rental formulas on a printout, if needed.

  On the Formulas worksheet, display cell formulas, and set options to print   gridlines and headings. Set a width of 13 for column A and 7 for column B.


Save and close Exp22_Excel_Ch01_ML1_Rentals.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.

Incident Response Management


Prior to or when security measures fail, it is essential to have in place several response strategies.

Create an incident response plan that can immediately protect digital assets in the event of an attack, breach, or penetration. The incident response plan should include (but is not limited to):

  1. Procedures to initially identify and      document an incident
  2. Procedures that will inform tactical      operational managers, internal and external stakeholders, and/or      individuals affected
  3. Procedures to investigate the breach, to      mitigate harm to individuals, and to protect against further breaches
  4. Enforcement mechanisms for breaches and      non-adherences
  5. Procedures to assess the damage to the      organization and estimate both the damage cost and the cost of the      containment efforts
  6. Procedures to review response and update      policies

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Refer to “CYB-690 Incident Response Management Scoring Guide,” prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

The program should request


The program should request as input the following information:

– the name of the organization visited

– the date you arrived at the organization

– the date you left the organization

– the location of the visit

– the expenses for meals and entertainment

– airplane fare

– lodging expenses

– taxi fares

All the inputs except the arrival date and the departure date should be entered into the

program via text boxes. The arrival date and the departure date are entered via masked

text boxes

When “submit” button is clicked, all the information should be displayed in a list box as


shown in the screen shot below.


Only 50% of the expenses for meals and entertainment are deductible. Therefore, your


program will also calculate and display


– the total except meals and entertainment


– 50% of meals and entertainment


– total deductible expenses

Do you agree to suggested price? i can have it ready in 24 hrs if you do agree to new suggested price


I need to write a term paper on the topic Siemens Simatic- PCS7/WINCC (SCADA) 

There are all the requirements for the term paper alongside the template for the term paper.
Please help and thank you 




Exp19 Excel Ch01 ML1 Rentals

Excel Chapter 1 Mid-Level 1 – Rentals 


Project Description:

You manage a beach guest house in Ft. Lauderdale containing three types of rental units. Prices are based on peak and off-peak times of the year. You need to calculate the maximum daily revenue for each rental type, assuming all units are rented. In addition, you need to calculate the discount rate for off-peak rental times. Finally, you will improve the appearance of the worksheet by applying font, alignment, and number formats.


Start Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch01_ML1_Rentals.xlsx. Grader has automatically   added your last name to the beginning of the filename.



You want to format   the main title to have a consistent appearance to other documents and   spreadsheets.
  Apply the Heading 1 cell style to the range A1:G1.

  Hint: Cell Styles is on the Home tab.


You want to apply a   similar, complementary style to the date, which is below the main title.

  Apply the 20% – Accent1 cell style to the range A2:G2.


The Peak Rentals   heading is centered over the related data in columns C and D. You want the   Off-Peak Rentals heading to be centered over its related data.

  Merge and center Off-Peak Rentals   in the range E4:G4.

  Hint: Merge and Center is on the Home tab.


To help other people   know that the Off-Peak Rentals heading is related to three columns of data,   you want to apply a fill color to that heading. You will choose a different   color to distinguish these data columns from the fill color used for the Peak   Rentals heading.

  Apply Blue fill color (the eighth color below Standard Colors) and White,   Background 1 font color to cell E4.

  Hint: Fill Color and Font Color are on the Home tab.


Three headings   (Maximum Revenue, Maximum Revenue, and Discount Rate) do not fully display on   the fifth row. Instead of widening the columns, you want to wrap the headings   within their respective cells. This will enable you to maintain the column   width appropriate for the data below the headings.

  Center and wrap the headings on row 5.

  Hint: Use the Home tab.


You are ready to   calculate the Peak Rentals Maximum Revenue that can be earned. The maximum   revenue is the total revenue if all rental units are rented.

  In cell D6, enter a formula that calculates the Peak Rentals Maximum Revenue.

  Hint: Formula is: No. of Units*Daily Rate



The Discount Rate is   the percentage off of the Peak Rentals Per Day Rate used to calculate the   Off-Peak Rentals Per Day rate. The Studio Apartment rents for $120 Off-Peak,   which is 80% of the $149.95 Peak rate. Therefore, the Discount Rate for the   Off-Peak Per Day rate is 20%.

  In cell G6, enter a formula that calculates the Discount Rate for the   Off-Peak rental price per day.

  Hint: Formula is: 1-(Off-Peak Rentals Daily Rate/Peak Rentals Daily Rate)


You created formulas   for the Peak Rentals Maximum Revenue and the Discount Rate for the Off-Peak   Rentals for the Studio Apartment rental type. Now you want to copy the   formulas to the remaining rental types so that you don’t have to create formulas   again.

  Copy the formula in cell D6 to cells D7:D8. Copy the formula in cell G6 to   cells G7:G8.

  Hint: Use the fill handle.


The values in the   columns are hard to read with varying number of decimal points. The   Accounting Number Format will align the decimal points and display dollar   signs to improve the appearance of the monetary values.

  Format the range C6:F8 with Accounting Number Format.

  Hint: Accounting Number Format is on the Home tab.


The Discount Rate   formula results are displayed as decimal points. However, formatting the   values as percentages will align decimal points and clearly indicate the   percentages.

  Format the range G6:G8 in Percent Style with one decimal place.

  Hint: Look in the Number group on the Home tab.



You applied a solid   blue to the Off-Peak Rentals heading, so you will apply a complementary   lighter blue fill color to the data below that heading.

  Apply Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% fill color to the range E5:G8.

  Hint: The Fill Color palette contains an option for selecting more colors to   customize.



A solid red fill is   applied to the Peak Rentals heading. You will select a complementary custom   fill color for the data below that heading.

  Select the range C5:D8 and apply a custom fill color with Red 242, Green 220,   and Blue 219.

  Note, Mac users, in the Colors dialog box, click the Color Sliders tab and   then select the RGB Sliders.
  Hint: On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Fill Color, and then click More   Colors.



Answer the first   question below the worksheet data. Apply Yellow highlight color to the   correct answer in either cell A16, A17, or A18.


Answer the second   question below the worksheet data. Apply Yellow highlight color to the   correct answer in either cell A22, A23, or A24.


Answer the third   question below the worksheet data. Change XX.X%   to the correct percentage in cell A28.


Now that the   worksheet contains formulas and is formatted, you are ready to apply Page   Setup options to prepare the worksheet to be printed, if needed.

  Select Landscape orientation, center the data horizontally on the page, and   apply the setting to fit to one page.

  Hint: The Page Layout tab contains options needed.



It is important to   provide identification information in a footer of the worksheets. In   particular, the textbook series name, the worksheet name, and the file name   help identify the worksheet.

  Insert a footer with the text Exploring Series on the left side, the sheet   name code in the center, and the file name code on the right side.

  Hint: Use the Insert tab or the Page Layout tab to insert a footer.



To preserve the   original data, you make a copy a worksheet so that you can manipulate the   data or if you want to review the formulas.

  Create a copy of the Rental Rates worksheet, place the new sheet to the right   side of the original worksheet, and rename the new sheet as Formulas.

  Hint: Display a shortcut menu from the sheet tab.


You want to display   the formulas and set print options so that it will be easier to read and   interpret the rental formulas on a printout, if needed.

  On the Formulas worksheet, display cell formulas, and set options to print   gridlines and headings.

  Hint: Use the Formulas tab on the ribbon.



Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch01_ML1_Rentals.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.

Unit 6 Part 2


GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.

PC-2.1: Achieve goals through planning and prioritization.

Assignment Instructions:

Based on the knowledge you have achieved thus far in this course or in your degree program, compose a minimum 3-page, double-spaced expository paper describing how you are able to achieve your goals through planning and prioritization. The paper must include a title page and follow APA formatting guidelines.

Scenario 1: You Have a Plan

List the goals and objectives you had coming into the course/degree program. Did you have a priority for those goals? Were you able to create a plan for completing those goals? Discuss if you have been able to follow that plan and how it has helped with meeting your prioritized objectives.

You might consider some or all of the following:

  • Content: Where are you weak/strong? Do you place different emphasis on some content areas over others?
  • Risks of non-completion: What are the costs of non-completion (monetary and other)? What factors might prevent or hinder your expected performance in the course? Can you plan to avoid or mitigate these risks?
  • Schedule: Do you set aside periods of time to complete coursework? How detailed is your schedule?
  • Material: Is it adequate for your needs? What other sources of content would you identify to help?
  • Explicit versus implicit planning: Everyone plans, even if they do not necessarily realize it. What differences do you experience when you make the plan explicit (like in this exercise)?
  • How do you prioritize goals and time? Are you trying to get an A or just pass? Is the grade or the knowledge more valuable to you? Alternatively, are they equally important?
  • What other strategies might you explore? Being more collaborative (as in a study group)? The possibility of finding a tutor or mentor?
  • What do you do if you are struggling or falling behind? Would it pay to think of these possibilities in advance and have a plan in mind in case it happens?
  • If time gets tight, what areas could you lighten up on?
  • Achieving excellence: Are there particular areas where you would like to develop your skills or knowledge to a higher level than you have previously or currently attained?

Scenario 2: You Do Not Have a Plan:

If none of the above seem to apply to your experience with the course/degree so far, examine the final 5 weeks of this course and complete a plan using the above exercise as a guide.

Based on the knowledge you have achieved thus far in this class, compose a minimum 3-page, double-spaced paper describing how you are able to achieve your goals for this course through planning and prioritization. List the goals and objectives you had coming into the course. Reflect on whether you have a priority for those goals. Were you able to create a plan for completing those goals? Describe what you have learned and how you will use this knowledge with any other class. Lastly, discuss how you will use this knowledge in your present or future career or your personal life. Your paper needs to include a title page and follow APA formatting guidelines.

In the final page of your paper, include 2–3 paragraphs describing how this kind of planning approach relates to people working in the area of networking and computing infrastructure. Discuss the importance of the goals you have, whether they are specific or general in nature, what priority you have placed on each, and how they fit into your plan for the future.

Assignment Requirements:

  • Expository paper.
  • Standard APA formatting.
  • Includes a title page.
  • Font size of 10 or 12.
  • At least 3 full double-spaced pages in length, not counting the title page.
  • Includes a highly developed viewpoint, purpose, and exceptional content.
  • Demonstrates superior organization, and is well ordered, logical, and unified.
  • Free of grammar and spelling errors.
  • No evidence of plagiarism.

Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Points deducted from the grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion.

Answer Attached



Please read the discussion article entitled “Connecting the Dots to Gain Competitive Advantage: Articulating a Technology Ecosystem Advantage to Your Board” and then compose a short response. Address the following two points in your post.

Briefly summarize the main ideas of the publication in 4-6 sentences.

The authors encourage the development and use of a Strategic Technology Map approach. What are the key advantages of this method? What are any disadvantages? Lastly, what recommendations would you provide to potential improve this process?

In addition to your post, please read your peer’s threads and make at least ONE substantial comment on their discussion post (2-4 sentences).


Please read the discussion article entitled “What CIOs Need to Know and Do to Exploit Cloud Computing” and then compose a short response. Address the following two points in your post.

Briefly summarize the main ideas of the publication in 4-6 sentences.

The publication lists five key Recommendations its first and second pages. Based on your reading, which of these recommendations is the most critical to an organizations effective exploitation of cloud computing? Why?

In addition to your post, please read your peer’s threads and make at least ONE substantial comment on their discussion post (2-4 sentences).


The article Connecting the Dots to Gain Competitive Advantage: Articulating a Technology Ecosystem Advantage to Your Boardtalks about how CIOs are no longer just the “tech guys” that fix the computers and decide how programs will be used. It says that the world of the CIO is now very complex, and the responsibilities for the CIO are also more complex because technology is now needed for nearly everything, compared to, for example, 10 years ago. Because of that, the “decision making” of the CIO continues to grow, and the biggest question to ask is whether all the needs of a technological ecosystem can be met in every single one of its dependencies. As dependencies, they need to work together. The job of the CIO is to make a good game plan on how to implement a system that consistently ensures that all the available technology options are ready to go to contribute to the vision of the organization: This is the Strategic Technology Map. 

The authors encourage the development and use of a Strategic Technology Map approach. What are the key advantages of this method? What are any disadvantages? Lastly, what recommendations would you provide to potential improve this process?  

Please read the discussion article entitled “What CIOs Need to Know and Do to Exploit Cloud Computing” and then compose a short response. Address the following two points in your post.

Briefly summarize the main ideas of the publication in 4-6 sentences.

Develop a cloud strategy so that decisions do not have to be re-evaluated and analyzed with every new project/product, thus increasing enterprise agility and productivity. Is the recommendation that I would 

Please read the discussion article entitled “Connecting the Dots to Gain Competitive Advantage: Articulating a Technology Ecosystem Advantage to Your Board” and then compose a short response. 


Module 06 Content

  1. For this assignment, you will be researching potential career roles in the healthcare revenue cycle field, which your health information education prepares you for.

    To complete this assignment, do the following:

    1. Research positions in the revenue cycle using your course readings, the AHIMA Career Map (https://my.ahima.org/careermap), or other resources you may find on the Internet. From this research, select three different positions that interest you. Identify the job title and provide a brief overview of the responsibilities and which component of the revenue cycle you think this position belongs in.
    2. Select one revenue cycle position from a career job site where open positions are listed, such as Indeed.com, Simply Hired, or AHIMA Career Assist (http://ahima.org). (On the AHIMA home page, click Career & Student Center, and then click Career Assist: Job Bank).
    3. Prepare a short narrative describing the one position you selected in #2 above. The narrative summary of your research should include the following:
    • Job title
    • Overview of the role and responsibilities
    • Job requirements: education, experience, certifications, and other skills
    • Whether this is a remote work opportunity or requires travel or relocation
    • Salary range, if available
    • Number of direct reports, if applicable
    • Site(s) responsibility
    • Type of organization (for example, acute care, vendor or contract service, ambulatory care, physician clinic, academic institution)
    • In your narrative, comment on why you chose this position, what you found interesting about the role, and how and where it fits in the revenue cycle. 
    • Include an APA-formatted References page of all the sources you accessed and used in your narrative, including job search sites. Be sure to cite all sources within your narrative.