Response to Siobhan

In my prior profession, I was in banking. I worked in Commercial Lending and we used Excel for a lot of different things including customer lists, financial planning, budgeting, etc. I worked with one guy who was a total whiz at Excel and he used to formulate so many different documents for us. 

The information from the cheat sheet is very helpful. I think the decipher error values in Excel 2016 formulas would’ve been really helpful to me in the past. I always received “error values” when using an Excel worksheet that was already programmed by someone at my job. “You can tell right away that an Excel 2016 formula has gone haywire because instead of a nice calculated value, you get a strange, incomprehensible message. This weirdness, in the parlance of Excel 2016 spreadsheets, is an error value. Its purpose is to let you know that some element — either in the formula itself or in a cell referred to by the formula — is preventing Excel from returning the anticipated calculated value” (Excel 2016 For Dummies Cheat Sheet, n.d.). The top features section was good information to know as well. It’s been a few years since I’ve used Excel and this information is good to have. I’ll definitely be saving this cheat sheet and sharing it with my husband as he used Excel daily in his line of work. 


Excel 2016 For Dummies Cheat Sheet. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2019, from

autobiography 22

  1. Autobiography: Write a 3 paragraph, 500-word autobiography (written in 1st person) that describes:  
    • your life to this point including where you were born and an interesting fact about where you were born;
    • your education and experience in your major area of study;
    • and the goals you set for yourself after you obtain your masters in computer science 

Continue Report 3 Final


Please follow the to-do word document and Risk assessment.

 *** Here is the topic I have selected risk assessment report on the Healthcare system for Reports 1 & 2. This is a tier 3 assessment***  Please continue on Report 1 & 2 doc. Please make sure to review the to-do word document and follow all the steps that are required Starting from Overview to Rubric. Please make sure it covers all the Rubric Grading Criteria. I also attached Reports 1 and 2 doc.

Digital Forensics Evidence


At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

– Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

– Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

– Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Objective summary

Answer the 6 questions who, when, where, why (all together in 1-2 sentences) then HOW and WHAT in 2-3 sentences EACH -we need detail), then write an objective summary using the sample in the resource manual as a template.

  • Objective 1: Identify the elements of a scholarly research article: who conducted it (plus credentials or affiliation), when and where it was conducted, why the research was undertaken, how it was conducted (methodology), and what was found (results).


Complete this note sheet for research article before you start the objective summaryW(5)H(1):1. Who conducted the research?2. Why was the study completed (purpose / what researchers hoped to learn)?3. When was data collected (not the publication year)?4. Where was data collected (physical location)examples:in hospitals in NY State,in rural China,in 3 countries in Africa: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Djibouti)?5. How was data collected (methodology)?6. What were the findings?


– need one page


  • What personal computing or network resources are essential to your personal life, schooling, and work life?




Exp19 PowerPoint Ch02 ML1 Duarte

PowerPoint Chapter 2 Mid – Level 1 Duarte 

Project Description:

Video-sharing sites on the Internet make it possible to learn from PowerPoint industry experts. After viewing a video about good design principles, you will use shapes, text boxes, images, animation, video, or audio to illustrate several design rules in your presentation.


Start PowerPoint. Download and   open the file named Exp19_PPT_Ch02_ML1_Duarte.pptx.    Grader has automatically added your last name to   the beginning of the filename.


Click the subtitle text box on   Slide 1. Replace Student Name with Anna Baker. Access the Internet and go to Search for the video Duarte Design’s Five Rules for   Presentations by Nancy Duarte. View the video and take notes on how to   apply the five rules to your presentations.


Click Slide 2 and type Treat Your   Audience Well as   the title.


Select all of the bulleted text   on Slide 2 and apply the Fade Entrance effect. Set the animation to start   After Previous with a Duration of 03.00 and a Delay of 03.00


Click the Show Additional Effect   Options Dialog Box Launcher to access the Fade dialog box. Set the After   Animation to Orange on the Effect tab.


Click Slide 3 and type Use Movement   to Express Your Ideas as   the title.


Insert the video Duarte.mp4. Apply an Oval video shape.


Apply an Orange, Accent 2 video   border. Set the Fade In duration to 01.00. Select and delete any additional   text boxes that may display when the video is inserted.


Click Slide 4 and type Show   Meaningful Visuals as   the title. Delete the subtitle placeholder.


Click Slide 5 and type Design for   Impact as the   title. Type Don’t decorate in the content placeholder and change the font size   to 44.


Select the title Don’t decorate, and apply the Fade   Entrance effect. Set the animation to start After Previous with a Duration of   03.00 and a Delay of 03.00


Click Slide 6 and type Talk to the   Audience as the   title.


Insert a rectangle shape, type Relationships   matter and then   size the shape to a Height of 0.7″ and a Width of 5.75″. Position it at a horizontally   at 6.25″   from the Top   Left Corner and vertically at 2.5″ from the Top Left Corner.


Apply the Heart motion path to   the inserted shape. Set the animation to start After Previous with a Duration   of 03.00 and a Delay of 02.00. Or, use the Draw Freeform motion path to draw the heart shape.


Click Slide 1 and apply a Push   transition. Set the Effect Option to From Right and apply to all slides.


Save and close Exp19_PPT_Ch02_ML1_Duarte.pptx. Exit   PowerPoint. Submit the file as directed.

Report Writing

 Based on the article, Windows Server Backup and Restore for Moodle E-Learning Platform. Consider a presented use care and determine wheter GFI LanGuard or MBSA would be a better fit to scan and analyze the use case environment, and then provide both a managmement summary and more detailed decision justification. Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 2 -3 pages
  • Follow APA7 guidelines
  • Scholarly references
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.