Check attached
Create an Array
Create an Array of 10 random whole numbers between 1-100.
You either select them or use the random function for bonus points).
Create a method to find the average of the 10 numbers.
Display the average to the screen.
Create a method to find the min and the max.
Display the min and max to the screen.
Sort the Array from low to high and display the the numbers on the screen.
Reverse the Array sort from high to low and display the numbers on the screen.
Please see attached Document :
Report Continue
Please follow the to do word document and Risk assessment.
*** Here is the topic I have selected risk assessment report on the Healthcare system for Report 1. This is a tier 3 assessment*** Please continue on Report 1 doc. Please make sure to review the todo word document.
Software system design jan 28
I have mentioned several times that you will be doing a team project this semester…lots to do in the project and lots to manage…
You have all worked on team projects in the past…and some of you (okay, most of you…okay, all of you) have expressed concerns over doing a team projects…and you have talked about the many issues and problems that go along with a team project…
But we won’t let that happen this semester!…because this semester, we have the choice of managing the project as with waterfall or agile…
For this assignment, given what we have discussed about waterfall and agile development, tell me which process do you think would work better in school projects – agile or waterfall?…explain why you think one will work better, and why you think the other will not work as well…be VERY SPECIFIC regarding SPECIFIC class projects and SPECIFIC class project tasks, and how they line up to either agile or waterfall processes…use your past experience with group projects as a reference…
Again, when you have completed this, you should have 1 to 2 pages…if you have any questions about anything, just let me know…
one text file page
- Problem statement: what kind of problem is presented by the authors and why this problem is important?
- Approach & Design: briefly describe the approach designed by the authors
- Strengths and Weaknesses: list the strengths and weaknesses, in your opinion
- Evaluation: how did the authors evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme? What kind of workload was designed and used?
- Conclusion: by your own judgment.
The results from the mayor's race have
The results from the mayor’s race have been reported by each precinct and you are to design and write a class called VotingResults to tabulate and display results. It should have at least the following methods:
A method displayReport to print out the table of votes as seen below.
A method displayTotals to compute and print the total number of votes received by each candidate.
A method displayWinner to determine the winning candidate, if any. If a candidate received over 50% of the votes, the method should print a message declaring that candidate is the winner. If no candidate received over 50% of the votes, the program should print a message declaring that a run-off must occur.
A constructor that takes a data file (as a Scanner object) filled with data to use for the class variables. It invokes computeTotals, which computes the total votes per candidate (so displayWinner will have accurate results).
The data is set up as follows:
First line of data – the number of candidates and number of precincts
Then one candidate name (one String) per line
Next bunch of lines of data – integers with number of votes for each candidate per precinct respectively
Sample data:
4 5
192 147 186 114 267
48 90 12 21 13
206 312 121 408 382
37 21 38 39 29
Sample output from some client program invoking displayReport, displayTotals, and displayWinner:
1 192 48 206 37
2 147 90 312 21
3 186 12 121 38
4 114 21 408 39
5 267 13 382 29
TOTALS 906 184 1429 164
Start writing this class by determining the necessary instance variables. Then write the constructor. Finally, write the other methods.
Welcome to the Interest Calculator
Welcome to the Interest Calculator
Enter loan amount: 520000
Enter interest rate: .05375
Loan amount: $520,000.00
Interest rate: 5.375%
Interest: $27,950.00
Create a new application and name it LastName_Assignment2.
Create the Scanner object.
Get the loan information from the end user by using the System class.
Calculate the interest amount by using the BigDecimal class to make sure that all calculations are accurate.
Format the interest rate, interest amount and loan amount and interest by using the NumberFormat abstract base class. It should round the interest that’s calculated to two decimal places, rounding up if the third decimal place is five or greater. The value for the formatted interest rate should allow for up to 3 decimal places.
Display the results by using the System class.
Assume that the user will enter valid double values for the loan amount and interest rate.
The application should continue only if the user enters “y” or “Y” to continue.
Question B
Test the Invoice Application with an invalid total like $1000 and include the dollar sign. This should cause the application to crash.Take a screenshot of the error message and paste it into your assignment.
Study the error message and note the line number in the statement in the InvoiceApp class that caused the crash. Then click on the link to that line of the code. This should open the file in the code editor and highlight the line of code that caused the crash and take a screenshot and paste it into your Word document.
Figure out why the application crashed because you entered in the $1000 and describe how it can be fixed in your assignment.
Evaluate how your chosen tech topic relies on the major hardware components and functions of a modern computer system.
Final blog post:
Discuss how your selected tech topic connects to the fundamentals of information technology covered in this course.
(Fundamentals: History and future of computers (Weeks 1 and 4)
How computers operate,
Major hardware components and functions of a modern computer system,
Programming languages,
Applications software,
Database management,
Network architecture,
Network management and security)
Explain how your chosen tech topic relates to the concepts of information technology and computer science, including the history of computers and the means by which computers operate.
Evaluate how your chosen tech topic relies on the major hardware components and functions of a modern computer system.
Explain how your chosen tech topic uses programming languages and program execution methods.
Analyze the role that application software plays with regard to your chosen tech topic.
Describe how your chosen tech topic relates to the basic concepts of database and database management.
Illustrate how the basic concepts of network architecture, management, and security influence your chosen tech topic.
Support your statements with evidence from sources.