Caped Crusaders Inc


Caped Crusaders Inc.

The Super Heroes of the comic world have united in an organization to save the world from villains (some who also possess super powers). You are charged with keeping track of things in this comic world. Your database will contain the information presented below.


Table: tblSuperheroes

Table: tblArrests

Table: tblVillains


Super Hero ID (autonumber)

Arrest ID (autonumber)

Villain ID (autonumber)


Super Hero, Secret Identity (text)

Super Hero ID (foreign key)

Villain, Secret Identity


Last Name

Villain ID number (foreign key)

Villain, home planet


First Name

Date of Crime (Date/Time with input mask)

Primary Characteristic (what is their special power?)


Super Hero, Home Planet

Arrest Date (Date/Time with input mask)

Strength Rating


Primary characteristic, other than flying. (What is the character’s special power?)

Fine Charged (Should be more than largest Hero’s charge;   currency)


Indicator if the Hero can fly (Yes/No)

Indicator if fine was paid. (Yes/No)


Strength Rating. (1-10 with 10 being the strongest)


Fee Hero Charges to make arrests (currency)

Step by Step Description:

1. Use all naming conventions discussed in this course.

2. Set the database to compact on close. 

3. Create three tables as per specifications below.

4. Set table relationships and referential integrity (including cascade update and cascade delete if applicable)

5. Enter data into the tables

a. Create a minimum of eight super heroes in your database

b. Create at least ten villains

You may use existing characters from comic books or invent your own. Some villains should have a record indicating multiple arrests and some of the super heroes should have more than one arrest to their credit. At least one super hero should have NO arrests. Some of the fines will and others will not be paid.

c. Create a minimum of 15 arrests. Most super heroes should have arrests but at least one super hero should not have an arrest. 

6. Create Queries

§ A query that computes the strength quotient for each arrest. Name this query: qryQuotient.

The strength quotient = hero’s strength rating divided by the villain’s strength rating.

§ A query that lists the sum of all of the fines collected, grouped by each superhero. Name this query: qryHeroFines

7. Create the following forms:

§ One that allows you to enter a new hero. Name this form: frmNewHero

§ One to enter a new villain. Name this form: frmNewVillain

§ One to enter a new arrest record. This last form assumes that the superhero and villain are already listed in the database. Name this form: frmNewArrest

§ Create a form that lists the superhero and identity that is sorted by the hero’s last name. This form should contain a subform that lists all of the arrests made by that hero with the name(s) of the villain, date(s) of arrest and fine(s). Any hero that has no arrests should not appear in this form. Name this form: frmFinesFromHero. Name the subform: fsubArrests.

8. Create the following Reports:

§ One that lists all of the arrests and the fines that have been levied. Make sure to include the hero and villain names Name this report: rptArrests

§ One that lists the heroes who can fly. Name this report: rptFly

§ One that shows the total amount (one number) fined for all arrests. Name this report: rptTotalFines

§ One that gives the total outstanding amount (not paid by the villains) by each villian. Name this report: rptOutstanding

§ One that lists all of the arrests with the villains that involved a strength quotient that was less than one. Name this report: rptStrength


9. Include at least one graphic in your database on one or more of your forms.


There are four possible time moments for complication prediction: on base of the information known at 1. the time of admission to hospital: all input columns (2-112) except 93, 94, 95, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 can be used for prediction; 

2. the end of the first day (24 hours after admission to the hospital): all input columns (2- 112) except 94, 95, 101, 102, 104, 105 can be used for prediction;

 3. the end of the second day (48 hours after admission to the hospital) all input columns (2- 112) except 95, 102, 105 can be used for prediction;

 4. the end of the third day (72 hours after admission to the hospital) all input columns (2- 112) can be used for prediction

Research Paper

Provide a detailed analysis of the usability flaws you found for this site, along with a) the heuristics each flaw violates, and b) an explanation of why this flaw violates those heuristics. On   sell part only. Please go through the attachments. Also please follow APA format along with citations and references. I need two pages.

System Analysis and Design – Chapter 7 Minicase 1 Susan solutions

Please complete Mini-case 1 found on page 279 in the 5th edition  “Systems Analysis and Design”

a) Outline the issues that Susan should consider which would support the development of a custom software application in-house

b) Outline the issues that Susan should consider which would support the purchase of a software package.

c) Within the context of a systems development project, when should the decision of

Operating System


  • Unit3: Check the slides of part II and the short videos (video8 and 9).
  • Assignment2 (10 points / due October 20 – 11:59pm): In that folder, you will find:
    • Zip folder (a number of .java files).
    • Video (explaining how to build the project, how to include the java files, and how to use locks and semaphores in Java).
    • Document (explaining the tasks)

Math 3300


Math 3300 Programming Assignment 4 Instructions:. Your program should then sort the 4 numbers from smallest to largest and then display the sorted list. Your program should also be able to handle an incorrect input (like if the user enters a negative number for income, or an incorrect choice for filing status). This program may seem daunting, but it is much easier if you realize that the calculations performed for each filing status (column in table above) would be the same for each tax bracket (each filing status has 6 tax brackets (the rows in the table above)), and only the ranges of incomes for the tax brackets change between the different filing statuses. A switch statement might be useful to set the income levels based on choice of filing status, before the calculations are completed. Write a program that will ask the user to select how he or she will file (Single, Married Filing Jointly, Married Filing Separately, or Head of Household), and asks for the user’s taxable income. Your program should then display the user’s tax bracket (10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%), the user’s federal income tax, and the actual percentage of the user’s income has been paid for taxes. You will have to use a series of if, if-else, or switch statements. Your program should also be able to handle an incorrect input (like if the user enters a negative number for income, or an incorrect choice for filing status). 

Save the file as to execute


Save the file as to execute


A hotel’s occupancy rate is calculated as follows: Occupancy rate=number of rooms/total number of rooms. Write a program that calculates the occupancy rate for each floor of a hotel. The program should start by asking for the number of floors in the hotel. A loop should then iterate once for each floor. During each iteration, the loop should ask the user for the numbe rof rooms on the floor and the number of them that are occupied. After all the iterations, the program should display the numbe rof rooms the hotel has, the number of them that are occupied, the number that are vacant, and the occupancy rate for the hotel. Input Validation: do not accept a value less than 1 for the number of floors. Do not accept a number less than 10 for the number of rooms on a floor.



1. Write a Visual Logic program that opens an input file and writes the file data in an array. 

2. Calculate the average from the data and display the average.

3. Think about a file exception error. Handle the exception in your program.

Activity 1- Project Risks

Problem Set #1

#1 Back to basics to start this course:

  1. Define project.
  2. What are the five project process areas – give a short explanation of each.
  3. What are the ten project knowledge areas – give a short explanation of each.
  4. Define Project Risk – list the major processes related to project risk – explain how risk remediation is a part of our every day lives.
  5. How would you define quality in a project?
  6. Why is risk a dynamic variable within a project?
  7. How can a risk be related to a desirable event?


Title: Managing Project Risks 

ISBN: 9781119489733 

Authors: Peter J. Edwards, Paulo Vaz Serra, Michael Edwards 

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons 

Publication Date: 2019-08-13