Pick two web development technologies and discuss why they are important for cloud computing. 300words and reply
SQL Server
Database design diagram
Project Assignments MS Project
MS Project software is required for the course. MS Project 2016 or higher is preferred since the text tracks with this version.Chapter 3 (No practice files are necessary to complete the practice tasks in this chapter.)
- Create a new plan and set its start date
- Set nonworking days in the project calendar
- Enter the plan title and other properties
Chapter 4 (For this assignment, use the SimpleBuildTaskList practice file attached).
- Create tasks
- Switch task scheduling from manual to automatic
- Enter task durations and estimates
- Enter milestone tasks
- Create summary tasks to outline the plan
- Link tasks to create dependencies
- Check a plan’s duration and finish date
- Document task information
Chapter 5 (Use The SimpleSetUpResources practice file for these tasks attached)
- Set up work resources
- Enter the maximum capacity for work resources
- Enter work resource pay rates
- Adjust working time in a resource calendar
- Set up cost resources
- Document resources by using notes
Chapter 6 (Use the practice files for these tasks attached)
- Assign work resources to tasks
- Control work when adding or removing resource assignments
- Assign cost resources to tasks
- Check the plan after assigning resources
Percentage overall grade
Assignment 3 – The card game: War
Percentage overall grade: 5%
Penalties: No late assignments allowed
Maximum Marks: 10
Pedagogical Goal: Refresher of Python and hands-on experience with algorithm coding, input validation, exceptions, file reading, Queues, and data structures with encapsulation.
The card game War is a card game that is played with a deck of 52 cards.
The goal is to be the first player to win all 52 cards. It is played by two players but can also be played with more.
The deck, after being shuffled, is divided evenly between the players. When there are two players each one receives 26 cards, dealt one at a time, face down. So the cards and their order are unknown. Each player places their stack of cards face down. It may seem as a STACK as we know it, since the player takes and plays one card at a time from the top of this stack. However, it is more like a QUEUE, since as we shall see it, when a player wins cards, these are placed at the bottom of this stack of cards.
How do we play the game
Each player turns up a card at the same time and the player with the higher card takes both cards and puts them, face down, on the bottom of their stack.
If the cards are the same rank, it is War. Each player turns up one, two, or three cards face down (so they are not seen) and one card face up. The player with the higher cards face-up at the end takes both piles (six, eight or ten cards). If the turned-up cards are again the same rank, it is War again and each player places another set of cards (one, two or three) face down and turns another card face up. The player with the higher card face-up at the end takes all placed cards, and so on. The game continues until one player has all 52 cards and is declared the winner. There are three versions of this game depending upon the number of cards we place face-down when there is War: one card, two cards, or three cards. It remains consistent throughout the game.
A deck of cards:
A deck of 52 cards has four suits: diamonds, clubs, hearts, and spades). In each suit, we have the King, the Queen, the Jack, the Ace, and cards from 2 to 10.
The Ace is the highest rank, followed respectively by the King, the Queen, the Jack then the cards 10 down to 2. Cards from different suits but with the same rank are equivalent.
To display the cards on the screen, we use two characters to represent a card. The first character is the rank and the second the suit. The rank is either K for king, Q for queen, J for Jack, A for Ace, then 2 to 9 for the numbers and 0 for 10. The suits are D, C, H, and S. Example 8D is eight of Diamond; 0H is 10 of hearts.
Task 1 : Reading and Validating cards
You are given a text file of 52 shuffled cards, each card is in a line coded on two characters as described above. You need to prompt the user for the name of the file, open the file and read it. Make sure the file exists and make sure the cards in the file are correctly formatted as described above. If the cards are in lower case, it is not an error as you can simply transform them in upper case. You can assume the cards are shuffled but don’t assume they are formatted as specified or that there are exactly 52, or even that they are not repeated. Make sure all the standard 52 cards are there in the shuffled deck. You are not asked to correct the cards, but your program must raise and catch an exception if card validation does not go through. The program should then display an appropriate error message and terminate the program in case there is an issue with the cards.
You are given a python program shuffleCards.py that generates the file shuffledDeck.txt as we described above with 52 lines constituting the shuffled deck. However, while this program generates a correct input to your program don’t assume the input file is always correct. The assessment of your assignment may be made with a file that is incorrect.
Task 2: Distributing cards
Now that you have read the 52 cards from the file and you know you shuffled deck is complete and correct, distribute the cards to both players: the user and the computer. You may call them player1 and player2. You should give one card to each player repeatedly until all cards are distributed. You should start randomly with either player.
The players keep their cards in such a way that the first card served is the first that will be played. In other words, the containers of these cards should receive the cards on one end and use them from the other end. use the circular queue we saw and implemented in class to represent the player’s hand. The capacity should be set to 52 since you will never have more than 52 cards. The Circular Queue class should be inside assignment3 file that you submit.
Task 3: Asking user for data
Ask the user whether they would like to play a war with one, two, or three cards face-down. validate the input from the user and don’t proceed until a valid input is given.
Example of a War with 3 cards down
Task 4: Comparing cards
You need a way to compare two cards. Write a function that given two correct cards returns 0 if the cards are of equal rank; 1 if the first card is of higher rank; and -1 if the second card is of higher rank. The ranks are explained above. Also, remember that the rank is the first character of the card and the cards are strings of two characters.
Task 5: class OnTable
We need to represent the cards on the table, the cards that are currently placed on the table by both players either face-up or face-down. Create an encapsulated class OnTable with the behaviour described below. We will use two simple lists: one list for the cards and one list to indicate whether they are face-up or face-down. The attributes of the class are: __cards which is a list that will contain the cards, and __faceUp with will have booleans to indicate if the __cards list in the same position in __cards is face-up or face-down. Cards put on the table by player 1 will be added on the left of self._cards. The cards put on the table by player 2 will be added on the right of self._cards. The interface of this class should include place(player, card, hidden), where player is either 1 or 2 for player 1 or player 2, card is the card being placed on the table, and hidden is False when the card is face-up and True when the card is face-down. This method should update the attributes of the class appropriately. The interface should also have the method cleanTable(). This method shuffles and then return a list of all cards on the table as stored in the attribute __cards and resets __cards and __faceUp. All cards returned this way are visible. Finally, also write the method __str__() that should allow the conversion of the cards on the table into a string to be displayed. We would like to display the cards as a list. However, cards that are face-down should be displayed as “XX”. Moreover, player1 and player 2 cards should be separated by a vertical line.Please see sample output.
Task 6: The Game
Given the following algorithm and based on the previous tasks, implement the card game War. Obviously, there are details in the algorithm specific to the implementation in Python that are missing and it is up to you as an exercise to do the conversion from this pseudo-code to Python.
There are other practical details to add to the algorithm. At the end of the game, we need to display who was the winner (player1, the user, or player2 the computer). As indicated in the algorithm, on line 45 and 46, after each round of the game, 60 dashes are displayed and the program will wait for the user to press enter before displaying the next round.
3 Discussions 250 -300 words
Big Companies Are Embracing Analytics, But Most Still Don’t Have A Data-Driven CultureFor six consecutive years NewVantage Partners has conducted an annual survey on how executives in large corporations view data. This year, results show nearly every firm is investing in some form of analytics, and most are seeing value. But only one-third say they have succeeded in creating a data-driven culture. And many fear disruption by firms better equipped to use AI. Almost four in five respondents said they feared disruption or displacement from firms like those in the fintech sector or firms specializing in big data. The technology judged most disruptive is AI — by far. Seventy-two percent chose it as the disruptive technology with the most impact — far more than cloud computing (13%) or blockchain (7%).Discussion Questions1. How do executives in large corporations view data?
2. What has made big data and AI projects virtually indistinguishable?
3. Why does it take large established firms so long to shift to a data-driven culture?
Corea, F. (2017, March 6). Big data strategy: Is your company data driven. Retrieved from Medium: https://francesco-ai.medium.com/big-data-strategy-part-iii-is-your-company-data-driven-acf871c38001Discussion Topics requirements
- This Post and Replies be minimum 250 words minimum per Post/Reply.
- Post your initial responses by Wednesday night of the module week so that your classmates have a good chance to read and reply before the end of the week.
- Respond to at least two of your peers by Sunday night. Peer responses should be approximately 250 words.
- Provide cogent responses by either supporting or debating your fellow students’ posts, and explain your viewpoint(s) clearly.
- References must be cited and in current APA format.
- Minimum of 2 references to support your views
- Refer to Discussion board Rubric for additional requirements discussionrubric22.pdf
The digital transformation of the workplace is an ongoing process for firms that are striving to stay relevant within today’s business environment. Moving towards a digital profile is to some extent inevitable, as information technology (IT) pervades all types of branches and sectors. The Internet of things (IoT) is a catch-all name for the growing number of electronics that aren’t traditional computing devices, but are connected to the Internet to send data, receive instructions or both (Fruhlinger, 2020). IoT encompass many different industries, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, construction, and consumer electronics. IoT devices include wireless sensors, software, actuators, and can be embedded in to industrial equipment,
environmental sensors, medical apparatus, and mobile phones (ARM, 2020). According to Statista, there were 22 Billion IoT devices in use in 2018 and that number is expected to increase to 50 billion in 2050 (Statista, 2020).Discussion Questions
- What role has information technology and the IoT played in helping organizations benefit their business?
- What are some of the IoT challenges?
Discussion Topics requirements
- Post and Replies should be minimum 250 words minimum for each.
- Post your initial responses Wednesdays by midnight of the module week so that your classmates have a good chance to read and reply before the end of the week.
- Respond to at least two of your peers by Sunday night. Peer responses should be approximately 250 words.
- Provide cogent responses by either supporting or debating your fellow students’ posts, and explain your viewpoint(s) clearly.
- References must be cited and in current APA format. Minimum of 2 references to support your views
- Refer to Discussion board Rubric for additional requirements discussionrubric22.pdf
While some disruptions are nearly impossible to prepare for and even more difficult to recover from, others can be addressed with a thorough disaster recovery plan. In almost all cases, disruptions of your IT infrastructure fall in the second category and can be fixed. The goal of a disaster recovery plan is to provide organizations with the means to address unplanned incidents as quickly as possible to minimize their operational, financial, and reputational impact.
Discussion Questions1. If you were developing a business continuity plan for your company, where would you start?2. What aspects of the business would the plan address? Provide reasons for your answer. Discussion Topics requirements
- Post/.Replies are 250 words minimum for each.
- Post your initial responses no later thanWednesdays of the module week so that your classmates have a good chance to read and reply before the end of the week.
- Respond to at least two of your peers by Sunday night.
- References must be cited and in current APA format. Minimum of 2 references to support your views
- Refer to Discussion board Rubric for additional requirements discussionrubric22.pdf
cyber threat
-Results and analysis
-Incident classification pattern and subsets
EX19_AC_CH10_GRADER_CAP_HW – Specialty Foods 1.1
EX19_AC_CH10_GRADER_CAP_HW – Specialty Foods 1.1
EX19 AC CH10_GRADER CAP HW – Specialty Foods 1.1
Access Chapter 10 Grader Capstone – Specialty Foods
Project Description:
You are employed at Specialty Foods, Ltd., a small international gourmet foods distributor. The company has asked you to modify the database and improve the reliability of the data entry process. You decide to create a few macros and add a menu for the common forms and reports. You will also modify the record source of one of the reports.
Start Access. Open the downloaded Access file named Exp19_Access_Ch10_Cap_Specialty.accdb. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename. Save the file to the location where you are storing your files.
You will create an event-driven data macro that will populate a new field automatically each time a record is added to the table.
Open the Orders table in Datasheet view, observe the data, and then switch to Design view. Add a new field, ExpectedShipDate with the data type Date/Time below the OrderDate field. Save the table.
Create a data macro attached to the Before Change event. Use the SetField Action to populate the ExpectedShipDate in the table. The ExpectedShipDate will always be five days after the OrderDate. Save the macro. Close the macro. Save the table.
You will change a value in the first record, and then move to the second record to trigger the macro.
Switch to Datasheet view of the Orders table. Retype the OrderDate in the first record (OrderID 10248) and press DOWN ARROW. The macro will be triggered and automatically fill in the ExpectedShipDate with a date five days after the OrderDate.
Repeat the test on the second and third records (10249 and 10250). Close the table.
Open the Main Menu form in Design view. Add three buttons below the Forms label that will open the three forms in the database: Enter Customers, Enter Orders, and Enter Suppliers (in that order and to show all records). Set the first one at the 2″ mark on the vertical ruler and the 1″ mark on the horizontal ruler. Set the height of the button to 0.5” and the width to 1“. The first button should have the caption Enter Customers with the button named as cmdEnterCustomers.
Repeat the same procedure for Enter Orders and Enter Suppliers, setting each button immediately below the one before it. For example, set Enter Orders so that its top border is set approximately at the 2.6-inch mark, and Enter Suppliers is set approximately at the 3.1-inch mark.
Add three buttons below the Reports label that will print preview the three reports in the database: Employees, Orders, and Products (in that order). Set the first one at the 2″ mark on the vertical ruler and the 4″ mark on the horizontal ruler. Set the height of the button to 0.5” and the width to 1“. The first button should have the caption Employees with the button named as cmdEmployees.
Repeat the same procedure for Orders and Products, setting each button immediately below the one before it. Save the form, switch to Form view, and then test the buttons. Close all objects except the Main Menu form. For example, set Orders so that its top border is set approximately at the 2.6-inch mark, and Products is set approximately at the 3.1-inch mark.
Switch to Design view, add a Close Database button that exits Access to the top-right corner of the form, at the 0″ mark on the vertical ruler and the 5″ mark on the horizontal ruler, with a height of 0.5” and a width of 1“. Name the button cmdExit.
Modify the embedded macro in the On Click property of the cmdExit button. Add a MessageBox action to the macro to display the message Please check all updates before exiting! and set the Type to Information. Move the action up to before the QuitAccess action. Change the option under QuitAccess from Prompt to Exit. Save and close the macro.
Save the form, switch to Form view, and then set the Main Menu form to display when the database opens. Test the Close Database button. Reopen the database.
You want to modify the records displayed in the Employees report. You will use an SQL statement to modify the record source so that only employees who live in London display in the report.
Open the Employees report in Design view. Open the Property Sheet and click in the Record Source property box. Type an SQL statement into the Record Source property of the report. The statement should select all fields (*) for employees where the City equals (=) London. Save the report. Test the report in Print Preview and close the report.
Close all database objects. Close the database and then exit Access. Submit the database as directed.
Urgent 1
In this project you will design and build a simple CPU on Logisim and write programs that can run on it. If you haven’t yet, you can download Logisim by following this link: http://www.cburch.com/logisim/download.html
Your design will go through four phases. In the first phase, you will design and build the ALU using Logisim. In the second phase, you will design the instruction set that implements the instructions you designed in phase one. In the third phase, you will design and implement a control unit for this ALU using Logisim. By connecting the CPU to the ALU, you will get a functional CPU. In phase four of the project, you will write assembly language programs for the CPU you built.
Phase One
Start by building an 8-bit ALU using Logisim. This ALU can implement 16 instructions on 8-bit operands. We would suggest the following minimum list of instructions:
- Arithmetic addition
- Increment
- Decrement
- Comparison (with 3 outputs: one for equals, one for less than and one for greater than)
- Logic bitwise Not
- Logic bitwise And
- Logic bitwise Or
- Register right logic shift
- Register left logic shift
In addition to these nine instructions, please suggest five more instructions that the ALU can implement for a total of 14 instructions (we are reserving 2 instructions for branching). Justify the importance of the five instructions you added in a Word doc to submitted as part of this assignment. Label these instructions as ‘Phase One.’
After you’ve suggested and justified your five suggested instructions, please build at least the nine above-mentioned operations as blocks in Logisim.
Phase Two
In phase two of the project, you are required to design the instruction set of the ALU/CPU as follows:
- Create the opcode table for the ALU by giving a binary code and a name for each instruction you built in Logisim in phase one.
- Decide how many operands you want your instructions to handle and justify your choice. We suggest either one operand with accumulator or two operands with the result stored in one of the input registers.
- In Logisim, add a multiplexer to the circuit you built in phase one that chooses one of the available operations. The simplest way to create this part of the CPU is to connect the outputs of the multiplexer to the inputs of AND arrays connected to the output of the operation blocks.
Please record your answer to phase two in the same Word doc and label it ‘Phase Two.’
Phase Three
In phase three, you are required to use Logisim to implement the control unit for at least the following three operations:
- addition
- logic bitwise AND
- right logic shift
In order to finish this phase, you need to add operand registers according to the decision you took for the number of operands in phase two and, if needed, a flag register.
Please record your answer to phase three in the same Word doc and label it ‘Phase Three.’
Phase Four
In order to be able to write assembly language for the CPU we need to add to instructions (without implementation):
- branch to an address (name it JMP)
- conditional branch to an address (name it CJMP and suppose that the jump takes place if the comparison operation result is ‘equals’)
Now, write the following programs using the assembly language you designed in the previous phases of the project as well as these two branching additional instructions:
- Write a program that adds two operands.
- Write a program that adds operands until the new value to be added is 0. You do not need to implement the input operations to modify the contents of the registers. Just assume that by the end of each iteration, the register content is modified.
- Write a program that increments by 2 the content of a register 10 times.
- Write a program that shifts the content of a register until the least significant bit is 0. Think of a way to stop shifting if the content of the register is 11111111 and add it to your program.
Please record your programs in the same Word doc and label them under the section ‘Phase Four.’
Please complete the full lab and answer all the highlighted questions from the Module 1 document. Including lab steps. Also please review the APA document before starting the lab.
Knowledge Management Cycle
Title: Information Technology and Organizational Learning
ISBN: 9781351387583
Authors: Arthur M. Langer
Read the knowledge management cycle noted in Figure 5.4 in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning text (p. 117). For this discussion, reflect on your own organization and address the various aspects of knowledge management, continuous innovation, and competitive advantage and how they integrate with one another. What challenges do you see in your organization with the knowledge management process?
Your response should be 250-300 words. Follow APA 7 guidelines for references and in-text citations.