Topic: Inside the Teenage Brain

Inside the Teenage Brain

Please write a film analysis (film review) paper. 1 hr for watching whatever film you choose.   You will only need to analyze ONE film (of your choice) for the analysis. The list of films is as  follows (choose the movie yourself): • Babies (not provided, you must acquire) • The Business of Being Born (not provided, you must acquire) • Consuming Kids • Inside the Teenage Brain • The Suicide Plan  For whatever film you to analyze from the list above, the requirement is to clearly and accurately explain how each film addresses concepts and theories front relevant chapters of the text and other relevant course resources.  You will use the film analysis sheet, found below, to specific details from the film and explain how that information relates to what we are learning frorn the course, The exact questions from the analysis sheet must be included, so you MUST use the sheet provided OR copy and paste the exact quest number and question to your document. Successful completion of the assignment is the dependent accurate application of theories and milestones from our course. as well as use of the exact questions. Relevant SLOs • Critically describe the developing peron at different stages in the life span. • Assess the biopsychosocial changes that take place during each life stage. • Articulate the multidirectional. mufti-contextual, multicultural and multidisciplinary life-span perspectives. • Implement and explain the importance of understanding lifespan development and its significance toward establishing a quality life. • Identify and articulate how lifespan theories are portrayed through the rnedia and other smjrces of public display (e.g. internet, books, television movies, etc.)  Fill out the worksheet. I. Provide the title of the film, the release date, and the writer/director. 2. Describe the central message of the film in your own words. Provide examples from the film to support your choice. 3. List several facts that stood out for you from the film and explain why they were significant to you. In other words, provide your subjective response to the ideas in the film. 4. List three major concepts/ideas from the film and discuss how each relates to our course material. Be specific, be detailed. 5. List and describe aspects of society and culture from our text and other course resources demonstrated in the film. Provide evidence from the film to support your choices and explain the connections in detail. 6. Describe an aspect of the film that showed you something you hadn’t seen before, caused you to think in a new way, or helped you understand something more deeply than before. Describe how your thinking was changed.  

Discussion Question (1-2 Paragraphs

Please respond to the following:

  • You have just completed 10 weeks of a human-computer interaction  course. Imagine you have been asked to create a one-day training course  entitled “Human-Computer Interaction: The Essentials Presented in One  Day” that highlights the important elements of the course you just  completed. Create a hierarchy of five of the most important topics this  one-day course should address. Provide a detailed rationale for each of  the five topics.

Assignment 300 words

 After responding to the weekly discussion topic on FOOTPRINTING, you now have an idea as to how to conduct a digital investigative project. For this assignment, you are asked to develop your own crime scenario. Explain the incident that occurred, and then list the steps you would follow to solve this case (examples might include: a lost child, an unauthorized charge on your credit card, an unidentified charge made with your EZ PASS, etc.). 



Build your first draft of your final presentation discussing the content of your Final Paper. Include:

  1. Introduce the organization
  2. Outline the the issues involved in the case
  3. Document the Strategic Communication Tactics used in the case.
  4. Offer perspective on the behaviors in the case and its effect on stakeholders and society in general.
  5. Provide a conclusion
  • Assignment Format: MS Powerpoint Slide Deck; APA format

 Length: 8 – 10 slides

 Citations Required: Minimum 5 Scholarly Reference

300 words

 Explain how cookies can show that a user has visited a site if that user’s history has been deleted. 

Creation of instance classes

Objectives Successful completion of this activity will show that you can do the following:Develop using custom objects

Creation of instance classes

Demonstrate integrative development

Instructions To complete milestone 2, revisit code from the previous milestone. If updates are needed based on provided feedback, please make those before moving forward.Open your existing GameConsole application

Add new class files: Menu and User

Include header comments: Name, Date, Course, and Synopsis in each

  user.csCreate fields to store user data: username, age, and theme (light/dark)

      use the constructor pass-in/set field values when a user object is instantiated

When instantiated, call a method that changes the console’s coloring based on the value of the object’s field data.

Create another method to display the user’s profile

Menu.cs Menus should be dynamic objects. Note: As an analogy, think of how a restaurant has menus for appetizers, specials, lunch, dinner, drinks, desserts, etc… They may be shown together, or not. Each menu however is still just a displaying of options.

The constructor should allow passing in/saving a list of menu options

Create a Display method so it displays the object’s options. If you can, allow the starting number of the menu options to be dynamic.

Note: Since the Menu class now doesn’t contain any hard-coded items related to specific menus, it can even be reused for future applications. Just like validation or UI.Program.cs. Remove the ‘setup screen’ (user questions from milestone 1) from the application flow. Instead, instantiate a user object after the loading screen. Passing in the required arguments to simulate a user being auto-logged in.

Within the ‘home screen’, instantiate three menu objects: games, user, and system. Passing in an appropriate list of options to each… view the example below to see which options each should contain.

Similar to the games, we want to allow the user to keep playing. Instead of asking them directly, we can simply re-display the menus until they choose to exit. Use a loop like we’ve done before to welcome the user and display each of the menus.

Additionally, use another method to request a menu selection, providing instructions on what to do based on their choice. The user’s selection will be from one of the options in either of the three menus.

The games do not need to actually run, then can be simulated like within the examples below. Register New User, will also just be a placeholder, this functionality will be added in milestone 3.

Since this selection method knows if the user wants to exit, use it return whether or not the play loop should continue.

ITS-834: Emerging Threats & Countermeasures. Discussion:Reflection


Subject: ITS-834: Emerging Threats & Countermeasures

Reading Resources: 

Chapters 19 and 21 in the course textbook.

Textbook Title: (ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Study Guide ISBN: 9781119475958, Authors: Mike Chapple, James Michael Stewart, Darril Gibson, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Publication Date: 2018-04-10  

Discussion: Reflection

Word count: 300+ words  

During this semester, we reviewed a number of areas in information security and the threats that companies face, we face, the numerous threats and ways we can help to minimize these attacks.

Getting closer to your dissertation, you will need to choose a topic in your dissertation class, so it is essential to start preparing. This week, let us take a look at some topics to consider, and by the end of the week, we could have several ideas for dissertation topics

Since you have already examined several research articles, another way would be to examine previous dissertations in these areas.

Locate an interesting topic on cybersecurity, policy, threats, behavior, etc.

Here are some pointers that will help critically evaluate some viable topics.

• Is the topic attainable for a first-time dissertation student?
• Is the problem rooted in the literature?
• Is the research empirical, i.e., is there a survey, is there an interview guide, has the data been analyzed via some statistical tool?
• Is there a theoretical model or framework discussed?

Discuss the topic, the problem the model has been used in the research, and any present findings.

Do not read the entire dissertation, as the abstract and chapter one introduction should give a clear understanding of the research.

– Make sure to back up your statements with scholarly support.· 

– Please cite properly in APA 7· 

– At least one scholarly source should be used. · 

– Use proper citations and references in your post.

– Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.  

Note: plagiarism check required, APA7 format, include References, within 8hrs

Research paper review in detail


I need the following after reviewing the paper

Problem Statement – Issues discussed by the author

Approach & design – How the authors approach to the issue & what proposed ideas they mentioned

Strengths and Weakness – strengths & weakness of the proposed approach & design, and about the paper.  what are the key strengths of the authors proposed system and weakness of the system.

Evaluation(Performance) – How the authors evaluated the proposed system, what parameters they used to test the performance

Conclusion(In readers perspective)

Along with these, I need to have a detailed explanation of the paper section-wise:

sections are:



Bayou Applications

Bayou’s basic system model

Conflict detection and resolution

Replica consistency

Write stability and commitment

Storage system implementation issues

Access control 

Status and experience



