Access Controls

Part 2: Cybersecurity Policy Foundation-Overview 

Using the Internet and/or the Library, research and complete the following: 

In a minimum of 1,000 words, answer the following question: 

Why does an organization’s management present special challenges when it comes to policy compliance? Provide examples. 

Part 3: Access Controls 

Using the Internet and/or the Library, research and complete the following: 

In a minimum of 1,000 words, answer the following: 

Evaluate the different types of access controls and the roles they play in a “defense in-depth” strategy. 

Conducting And Reporting An IT Infrastructure Compliance Audit


All posts must be a minimum of 250 words. APA reference. 100% original work. no plagiarism.

1. What are the skills related to IT Auditing? List and describe 3 areas

2. What are examples of Auditor’s Standards of Practice? Which organizations have issued standards or guidance to the auditor?

3. Why are the “Equity Funding” and “Enron” events so important to computer auditing?

4. What are the differences in “auditing through the computer” versus the more traditional book and records audit?



  1. Give an example from the book where insufficient testing was a factor in a program error or system failure.
  2. What was one cause in the delay in the completing of the Denver Airport.
  3. Why didn’t the website work at first?
  4. What is one characteristic of high reliability organizations?
  5. Describe the potential risks of alert fatigue in EHR systems.
  6. What were 2 common factors in both the Therac-25 case and the space shuttle disaster.
  7. What does design for failure mean?

Agile for All ( Software System Design)

I have mentioned several times that you will be doing a team project this semester…lots to do in the project and lots to manage…

You have all worked on team projects in the past…and some of you (okay, most of you…okay, all of you) have expressed concerns over doing a team projects…and you have talked about the many issues and problems that go along with a team project…

But we won’t let that happen this semester!…because this semester, we have the choice of managing the project as with waterfall or agile…

For this assignment, given what we have discussed about waterfall and agile development, tell me which process do you think would work better in school projects – agile or waterfall?…explain why you think one will work better, and why you think the other will not work as well…be VERY SPECIFIC regarding SPECIFIC class projects and SPECIFIC class project tasks, and how they line up to either agile or waterfall processes…use your past experience with group projects as a reference…


Again, when you have completed this, you should have 1 to 2 pages…if you have any questions about anything, just let me know…




Project Description:

You are preparing a presentation on Impressionism as your final project in your art history class. You will mention some of the major artists, show a couple of the paintings from this movement, and provide information about where the original artworks may be seen.


Start PowerPoint. Download and   open the file Exp19_PPT_Ch04_ML1_Painting.pptx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.


Click Slide 1 and change the   subtitle Student Name to Marie   LaPointe.


Insert Painting1.jpg as the background on Slide 1. Set the Transparency   at 75%.



Select the SmartArt graphic on   Slide 2. Apply the Wipe animation. Set the Effect Options to From Right in   the Directions section and One by One in the Sequence section. Set Start to   After Previous. Set Duration to 02.50 and Delay to 00.25.



Remove the background of the   picture on Slide 3.



Apply the Split animation to the   top table on Slide 4. Set the Effect   Option to Vertical Out. Set Start to After Previous. Set Duration to 01.50 and set Delay to 00.25.



Apply the Split animation to the   bottom table. Set the Effect Option to Vertical Out. Set Start to After   Previous. Set Duration to 01.25 and set Delay to 00.50.


Apply the Shape animation to the   chart on Slide 5. Set the Effect Option to Out. Set Start to After Previous.   Set Duration to 02.50 and set Delay to 00.25.


Duplicate Slide 6.



Replace the existing picture on   the new Slide 7 with Painting2.jpg.


Apply the Morph transition.   Compress all pictures in the presentation.



Create a Summary Zoom using   Slides 1, 2, 4, and 5. Type Impressionism in the title placeholder of the new Slide 1.



Save and close Exp19_PPT_Ch04_ML1_Painting.pptx. Exit   PowerPoint. Submit the file as directed.

What happens when you

What happens when you close a file with the Close method?

What is the difference between the WriteLine method and the Write method

The WriteLine() always appends a new line character to the end of the string. this means any subsequent output will start on a new line.

What has happened when the Peek method returns -1?

What does the Read method return?

Where must Structure statements appear?

Why should you call the Peek method before calling the “ReadLine” method?


Appcelerator Titanium was released in December 2008, and has been steadily growing in functionality since its release.  Starting with its Titanium Developer product, Appcelerator provides a single-point interface to run applications.  Titanium Studio is a full-featured IDE which provides a single place to handle all steps of the development environment including a debugging solution.   Titanium is not a magic bullet; however, it does include a solid framework for developing a single codebase to deploy to multiple platforms.   In addition, it allows developers to use a language they are more familiar with to create apps in a domain outside of their knowledge.

  1. What are some advantages to using Appcelerator Titanium?
  2. Though Appcelerator is reasonably priced, why do some mobile app developers feel that the bugs don’t make it worth the effort?.
  3. How is Appcelerator different from other mobile application developers?

The Caesar Cipher


The Caesar Cipher

Create a program that decodes messages. The messages will be encoded using a Caesar cipher, with each letter being decoded by replacing it with the previous letter in the alphabet. (Supposedly, this was invented by Julius Caesar.)

The message: J MPWF KBWB would be decoded as I LOVE JAVA.

Offer the user a menu with the following choices:

1. Decode a message.

2. Encode a message.

3. Display the alphabet.

4. Exit the program.

If the user selects option 1, prompt the user to enter an encoded phrase or sentence of text. Convert it to uppercase. Decode it. Print out each decoded letter as you convert it.

If the user selects option 2, prompt the user to enter a decoded phrase or sentence of text. Convert it to uppercase. Encode it. Print out each encoded letter as you convert it.

If the user selects option 3, display the alphabet on the monitor screen.

If the user selects option 4, the program should terminate.

Your program should redisplay the menu after each translation is finished. 

Each task should be in its own method: load the data, display the menu, read the data/phrase entered at the keyboard, translate the encoded message, translate the decoded message, display the alphabet.

Your program must also handle the spaces between the words. 

Do not use or anticipate any punctuation in the input.

Use my examples for test data. Method Definitions on the next page.

Encoded Message  Decoded Message

J mpwf Kbwb  I LOVE JAVA

Uijt jt gvo  THIS IS FUN

Kbwb jt nz gbwpsjuf  JAVA IS MY FAVORITE