The Internet
Admission questions
it even asks about my background so I have written little about myself in the a file so please do review it before answering questions.
CASE 1 Maersk Develops a Global Shipping Management System
CASE 1 Maersk Develops a Global Shipping Management System
A.P. Moller-Maersk is a Danish shipping, logistics, and energy which operates the largest
container feet in the world with over 600 ships, moving 13 million containers a year, with
340 port facilities in 36 countries, and ofces in 130 countries. Standard steel shipping
containers revolutionized world shipping in the latter half of the 20th Century because
they could be used to bundle cargo into unitized loads in a single steel box that could be
easily moved, stored, and re-used. Also called “inter-modal containers”, they can be moved
from ship to rail and trucks without re-loading or breaking up the contents by hand, greatly
adding to the efciency of world trade. The standard container is 8.5 feet high, and 20 or 40
feet long. Containers are more than just steel boxes. With the growth in global shipments
of food and produce, specialized reefer containers refrigerate their contents to levels of
temperature and humidity needed to preserve food. Maersk ships 25% of the refrigerated
containers in the world.
Maersk refers to itself as the world’s largest shipping company. Founded in 1904 by steam-
ship captain Peter Maersk Moller, in 2018 it accounts for about 15% of the world’s $80 trillion global domestic product, which amounts to an estimated $12 trillion in goods. Today it
operates as two separate divisions: transport and logistics, and energy logistics. In 2017 it
exited the oil exploration business, but retained its energy logistics business. In 2017 it
generated $31 billion in revenue, up 7% from the previous year, and cut its 2016 losses of
nearly $2 billion down to $1.1 billion, a 40% improvement. Maersk has 88,000 employees
While most industries and frms have undergone extensive changes and disruptions in the
last 25 years as digital technology and the Internet have developed, this has not been true
of the global shipping industry. The underlying business processes involved in shipping
today are still largely manual paper-based transactions although individual companies
have made extensive digital investments in ship systems, navigation, communications,
and container tracking. The culture of global shipping frms has focused primarily on the
process of shipping, and not on the processes needed to manage millions of containers,
or provide digital services to their customers. The lack of industry- wide and government-
wide standards has been a major impediment to improving performance using digital
systems. In part this is because of the complexity of shipping goods among 130 countries,
each of which has diferent kinds of documents like bills of lading, diferent export-import
documents and procedures, and diferent legal and fnancial systems. Firms that use inter-
national shipping also have their own unique shipping systems developed by a variety of
enterprise software companies. There are no industry or inter-governmental standards that
address the business processes for managing global container shipping.
Standardization typically comes about in industries when either one or a few companies
dominate the industry, and establish standards (as in the telephone industry), or through
some government intervention that forces standards on industries (as in the automobiles
and pharmaceutical industries). The Internet is an exception to this rule: the Internet
grew out of university and private eforts at frst, and then was developed by both non-
government engineering groups, and government agencies within the United States.
None of these conditions apply to global shipping frms where no one frm dominates the
industry, and international standards have not been imposed by international organizations
such as the United Nations. This is a problem for an industry with over 200 million shipping
containers, six million of them onboard vessels, and making 200 million trips a year! For
each container shipped, there may be up to 30 diferent parties involved such as govern-
ment agencies, the shippers and the receivers of goods, port authorities, and tax authorities,
communicating up to 200 times for each container being shipped. The result is costly and
inefcient industry-wide business practices, with signifcant opportunities for improvement.
Maersk is one global shipping frm that has built an enterprise-wide digital shipping
management system that can reduce fuel consumption of its feet by optimizing voyage
routing, optimize utilization of its containers, enhance the tracking of containers on its
ships, as well as manage the empty containers waiting to be deployed. One foundation of this efort involves the Internet of Things (IoT): using sensors on every container to continu-
ously monitor its location, and movement, along with the temperature and humidity of its
contents for reefers. A second foundation of Maersk’s system is using business analytics
to achieve optimal fuel and voyage management. Longer term, Maersk is planning to
commercialize this capability by enabling shipping customers to access the system to track
their cargos directly, and to reserve containers for their use based on their own produc-
tion and shipping plans. The goal, in the end, is to make global shipping as convenient as
domestic UPS or FedEx shipping. Changing the culture at Maersk involves in part becoming
a digital services company with a customer-friendly system, while maintaining its feet of
ships and containers.
Answer the following questions and save in a word doc:
1. Why is Maersk’s business model “complex”?
2. What role do IoT sensors play in Maersk’s systems?
3. Why is tracking empty containers so important to efcient operations?
4. What is the “data driven culture” that Maersk is trying to strengthen?
5. Why does Maersk want to give their customers access to their system?
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: In this assignment, you will be processing user submitted images in C++. Specifically, you will be labelling and counting the number of objects in a given image. Each image consists of a number of pixels, and initially all pixels will have one of two labels, 0 and1. 0 is considered a background pixel while a 1 represents a pixel that is part of an object. Your system will apply, over two iterations, the same label to pixels that are connected to form objects, and then count the number of objects for a given image.
CSCE 1030: Homework Assignment PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: In this assignment, you will be processing user submitted images in C++. Specifically, you will be labelling and counting the number of objects in a given image. Each image consists of a number of pixels, and initially all pixels will have one of two labels, 0 and 1. 0 is considered a background pixel while a 1 represents a pixel that is part of an object. Your system will apply, over two iterations, the same label to pixels that are connected to form objects, and then count the number of objects for a given image. Additionally, sample input files will be found on the CSE machines at home/jeh0289/public/csce1030/sp19/hw4 You can cd into that directory and copy the input files from there. Every line will contain the comma delimited list of 0/1 pixel labels. Example Input Image .Label 0 indicates a background pixel 11 0 1 01 0 1 11 110 00 1 Label 1 indicates a pixel that is part of an object ? ()Oly (24xmsickx visels which hares: label 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 1 First Pass (d) Pixel1,8) has no pixel above of left (b) Start from top left with new labelPie1,4] has no pixel above of left Create a new label 2 Create a new label 3 e) Pixell3,4) has both above and left label. Choose the smallest label Store larger label as a child of smallest (f) Completing row 7, new label 6 B) First pass complete Second Pass (c) The Final result (a) Label after First Pass (b) Converting a ‘2’ into a ‘1’ Start again from top left with new label: .checks the data structure for the label ‘1’ ‘1’ is not a child of any other labels For pixel (1,4),checks the data structure for ‘2 It notices that ‘2’ is a child of ‘1 . Then, it checks for ‘1’ (root) It replaces the label of (1, 4) with ‘1’ PROGRAM REQUIREMIENTS You must organize your program into three files: * euidHW4func.h This file will contain the include directives for the necessary libraries, any type definitions, any structure definitions, and the list of function prototypes (i.e. function euidHW4main.cpp This file will contain the local include directive for the header file as well as * the main function for the program. *euidHW4func.cpp This file will contain the local include directive for the header file as well as all function definitions (except the main) used in the program. *Be sure to replace euid with your EUID Be sure to submit all three files when submitting your assignment. As with all homework programs in this course, your program’s output will initially display the department and course number, your name, your EUID, and your email address. This output should be performed through a function you declare and define. Define a structure (i.e. struct) to represent a relationship between two integer labels. It should store two integer labels, and a pointer to another relationship structure of the same type * . * You will need to declare and define a function to process the user specified file by Prompting the user for a file name. If the file does not exist, let the user know this and reprompt until a correct file name is submitted. .Reading from the file and comectly storing the 0’s and 1’s into the dynamic 2-dimensional array You will need to declare and define a function that takes in a dynamic, 2-dimensional array and its size, and outputs the int value of every slot in a grid format. You will need to declare and define a function to perform the first pass processing of the image stored in the dynamic, 2-dimensional aray. The function should examine each pixel and process it in the following way. . . If the current pixel is a 0, the it is a background pixel and should be ignored If the current pixel is a 1, the label of the pixels above and to the left of the current pixel should be checked There will be three possible cases . Case 1: If the top and left pixels are background pixels or do not exist, create a new, non zero, positive integer, unique label and assign it to the current pixel.] ” Case 2: If one of the top or left pixels is a background pixel or does not exist, and the other has a label, the current pixel will be assigned the same label as the labeled pixel. Case 3: If both the top and left pixels have different labels, assign the current pixel the smallest label and store that there is a relationship between the two labels in a relationship structure. Be sure to connect the new structure at the end of the chain of structures, as this will be used in the second pass. See the First Pass example, and note the 2 ->1 style relations on the right side of the grid. ” ” You will need to declare and define a function to perform the second pass processing of the image stored in the dynamic, 2-dimensional array. The function should examine each pixel and process it in the following way. . If the current pixel is a 0, then it is a background pixel and should be ignored Otherwise, the pixel’s label should be checked against the chain of relationships, and if a relationship exists between its label and another label, the smaller label should replace the current one. The chain may need to be checked multiple times to ensure the smallest label is applied to a pixel. *See the Second Pass example. You will need to declare and define a function to count and output the current number of unique labels in the dynamic, 2-dimensional array Inside your main function you will need to . . Declare and dynamically allocate the correct amount of space for an 8×8, two-dimensional, dynamic array of integers representing the image to be processed. Declare a relationship structure pointer to maintain the chain of discovered relationships. Process the input file using the appropriate function and store the data in the dynamic aray. Because the dimensions of the image cannot be stored globally, be sure you store them for later function calls. Output the current state of the two-dimensional, dynamic array using the appropriate function. *Perform the first pass processing on the two-dimensional, dynamic aray using the appropriate function Output the updated state of the two-dimensional, dynamic array using the appropriate functioin. Output the current number of labels objects in the two-dimensional, dynamic array using the appropriate function. *Perform the second pass processing on the two-dimensional, dynamic array using the appropriate function and the chain of relationships. Output the final state of the two-dimensional, dynamic array using the appropriate function. Output the final number of labels objects in the two-dimensional, dynamic aray using the appropriate function. You should not to create or use any globally defined variables, though your struct should be globally defined. * . Your code should be well documented in terms of comments. For example, good comments in general consist of a header (with your name, course section, date, and brief description), comments for each variable, and commented blocks of code. This means, that in addition to the program printing your information to the terminal, it will also appear in the code in the comments as well. * Your program will be graded based largely on whether it works correctly on the CSE machines (eg.. cse01, cse02, …, cse06), so you should make sure that your program compiles and runs on a CSE machine. This programming assignment is designed to help you practice your coding on a larger project with various pieces of functionality. While the coding should be primarily your sole work, any help you I SAMPLE OUTPUT: Here is a sample output to help you write and test your code. The item in bold is the information entered by the usei $ ./a.out Computer Science and Engineering CSCE 1030 – Computer Science I Student Name EUID [email protected] I Please enter the name of the file: imagel.txt Original image: 010 0001 0 0 10 1101 0 0 10 1101 0 010 0001 0 First pass image: 010 0001 0 0 1022 01 0 0 1022 01 0 010 0001 0 Image contains 2 objects. Second pass image: 010 0001 0 0 1022 01 0 0 1022 01 0 010 0001 0 Image contains 2 objects I $ ./a.out Computer Science and Engineering CSCE 1030 – Computer Science I Student Name EUID [email protected] I Please enter the name of the file: imagew.txt imagew.txt does not exist. Please try again image2.txt Original image: 1 01 11011 1 11 0111 0 1 10 00 0 0 1 010 00 0 0 1 1 10 00 0 0 1 1 00 00 0 0 1 First pass image: 1 0 2 2 2 03 3 1 11 0 2 2 2 0 4 40 0 0005 0 40 00 0 0 5 6 40 00 0 0 5 6 00 00 0 0 5 Image contains 7 objects. Second pass image: 1 01 11011 1 11 0111 0 4 40 00 0 0 5 0 40 00 0 0 5 4 40 00 0 0 5 4 00 00 0 0 5 4 40 5 5 5 5 5 Image contains 3 objects. TESTING Test your program to check that it operates as desired with a variety of inputs. Then, compare the answers your code gives with the ones you get from hand calculations. Show transcribed image text CSCE 1030: Homework Assignment 4 Due: 11:59 PM on Sunday, April 28, 2019 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: In this assignment, you will be processing user submitted images in C++. Specifically, you will be labelling and counting the number of objects in a given image. Each image consists of a number of pixels, and initially all pixels will have one of two labels, 0 and 1. 0 is considered a background pixel while a 1 represents a pixel that is part of an object. Your system will apply, over two iterations, the same label to pixels that are connected to form objects, and then count the number of objects for a given image. Additionally, sample input files will be found on the CSE machines at home/jeh0289/public/csce1030/sp19/hw4 You can cd into that directory and copy the input files from there. Every line will contain the comma delimited list of 0/1 pixel labels. Example Input Image .Label 0 indicates a background pixel 11 0 1 01 0 1 11 110 00 1 Label 1 indicates a pixel that is part of an object ? ()Oly (24xmsickx visels which hares: label 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 1 First Pass (d) Pixel1,8) has no pixel above of left (b) Start from top left with new labelPie1,4] has no pixel above of left Create a new label 2 Create a new label 3 e) Pixell3,4) has both above and left label. Choose the smallest label Store larger label as a child of smallest (f) Completing row 7, new label 6 B) First pass complete
Second Pass (c) The Final result (a) Label after First Pass (b) Converting a ‘2’ into a ‘1’ Start again from top left with new label: .checks the data structure for the label ‘1’ ‘1’ is not a child of any other labels For pixel (1,4),checks the data structure for ‘2 It notices that ‘2’ is a child of ‘1 . Then, it checks for ‘1’ (root) It replaces the label of (1, 4) with ‘1’ PROGRAM REQUIREMIENTS You must organize your program into three files: * euidHW4func.h This file will contain the include directives for the necessary libraries, any type definitions, any structure definitions, and the list of function prototypes (i.e. function euidHW4main.cpp This file will contain the local include directive for the header file as well as * the main function for the program. *euidHW4func.cpp This file will contain the local include directive for the header file as well as all function definitions (except the main) used in the program. *Be sure to replace euid with your EUID Be sure to submit all three files when submitting your assignment. As with all homework programs in this course, your program’s output will initially display the department and course number, your name, your EUID, and your email address. This output should be performed through a function you declare and define. Define a structure (i.e. struct) to represent a relationship between two integer labels. It should store two integer labels, and a pointer to another relationship structure of the same type * . * You will need to declare and define a function to process the user specified file by Prompting the user for a file name. If the file does not exist, let the user know this and reprompt until a correct file name is submitted. .Reading from the file and comectly storing the 0’s and 1’s into the dynamic 2-dimensional array You will need to declare and define a function that takes in a dynamic, 2-dimensional array and its size, and outputs the int value of every slot in a grid format. You will need to declare and define a function to perform the first pass processing of the image stored in the dynamic, 2-dimensional aray. The function should examine each pixel and process it in the following way. . . If the current pixel is a 0, the it is a background pixel and should be ignored
If the current pixel is a 1, the label of the pixels above and to the left of the current pixel should be checked There will be three possible cases . Case 1: If the top and left pixels are background pixels or do not exist, create a new, non zero, positive integer, unique label and assign it to the current pixel.] ” Case 2: If one of the top or left pixels is a background pixel or does not exist, and the other has a label, the current pixel will be assigned the same label as the labeled pixel. Case 3: If both the top and left pixels have different labels, assign the current pixel the smallest label and store that there is a relationship between the two labels in a relationship structure. Be sure to connect the new structure at the end of the chain of structures, as this will be used in the second pass. See the First Pass example, and note the 2 ->1 style relations on the right side of the grid. ” ” You will need to declare and define a function to perform the second pass processing of the image stored in the dynamic, 2-dimensional array. The function should examine each pixel and process it in the following way. . If the current pixel is a 0, then it is a background pixel and should be ignored Otherwise, the pixel’s label should be checked against the chain of relationships, and if a relationship exists between its label and another label, the smaller label should replace the current one. The chain may need to be checked multiple times to ensure the smallest label is applied to a pixel. *See the Second Pass example. You will need to declare and define a function to count and output the current number of unique labels in the dynamic, 2-dimensional array Inside your main function you will need to . . Declare and dynamically allocate the correct amount of space for an 8×8, two-dimensional, dynamic array of integers representing the image to be processed. Declare a relationship structure pointer to maintain the chain of discovered relationships. Process the input file using the appropriate function and store the data in the dynamic aray. Because the dimensions of the image cannot be stored globally, be sure you store them for later function calls. Output the current state of the two-dimensional, dynamic array using the appropriate function. *Perform the first pass processing on the two-dimensional, dynamic aray using the appropriate function Output the updated state of the two-dimensional, dynamic array using the appropriate functioin. Output the current number of labels objects in the two-dimensional, dynamic array using the appropriate function. *Perform the second pass processing on the two-dimensional, dynamic array using the appropriate function and the chain of relationships. Output the final state of the two-dimensional, dynamic array using the appropriate function. Output the final number of labels objects in the two-dimensional, dynamic aray using the appropriate function. You should not to create or use any globally defined variables, though your struct should be globally defined. * . Your code should be well documented in terms of comments. For example, good comments in general consist of a header (with your name, course section, date, and brief description), comments for each variable, and commented blocks of code. This means, that in addition to the program printing your information to the terminal, it will also appear in the code in the comments as well. * Your program will be graded based largely on whether it works correctly on the CSE machines (eg.. cse01, cse02, …, cse06), so you should make sure that your program compiles and runs on a CSE machine. This programming assignment is designed to help you practice your coding on a larger project with various pieces of functionality. While the coding should be primarily your sole work, any help you
I SAMPLE OUTPUT: Here is a sample output to help you write and test your code. The item in bold is the information entered by the usei $ ./a.out Computer Science and Engineering CSCE 1030 – Computer Science I Student Name EUID [email protected] I Please enter the name of the file: imagel.txt Original image: 010 0001 0 0 10 1101 0 0 10 1101 0 010 0001 0 First pass image: 010 0001 0 0 1022 01 0 0 1022 01 0 010 0001 0 Image contains 2 objects. Second pass image: 010 0001 0 0 1022 01 0 0 1022 01 0 010 0001 0 Image contains 2 objects
I $ ./a.out Computer Science and Engineering CSCE 1030 – Computer Science I Student Name EUID [email protected] I Please enter the name of the file: imagew.txt imagew.txt does not exist. Please try again image2.txt Original image: 1 01 11011 1 11 0111 0 1 10 00 0 0 1 010 00 0 0 1 1 10 00 0 0 1 1 00 00 0 0 1 First pass image: 1 0 2 2 2 03 3 1 11 0 2 2 2 0 4 40 0 0005 0 40 00 0 0 5 6 40 00 0 0 5 6 00 00 0 0 5 Image contains 7 objects. Second pass image: 1 01 11011 1 11 0111 0 4 40 00 0 0 5 0 40 00 0 0 5 4 40 00 0 0 5 4 00 00 0 0 5 4 40 5 5 5 5 5 Image contains 3 objects. TESTING Test your program to check that it operates as desired with a variety of inputs. Then, compare the answers your code gives with the ones you get from hand calculations.
Discussions and Research paper
We develop good DR plans and some of those plans will include a remote recovery site (hot or cold). How do we ensure that the remote site is protected like we would the main location? Discuss the challenges of maintaining information security at a remote recovery location. ***Standard for all discussion posts: Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:
- Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
- Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
- Provide extensive additional information on the topic
- Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
- Share an applicable personal experience
- Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA 7)
- Make an argument concerning the topic
At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.
Portfolio assignment:
Review over the DR template and pick an industry such as (airlines, ecommerce, banking, etc.). Within that industry, pick a specific organization for the development of the Disaster Recovery Plan such as Healthcare – Physical Therapy Clinics – ATI. Pick an industry/company to focus on for this assignment. Based upon the given information you can find on the company and any past issues/breaches the company has gone through, create a Disaster Recovery plan using the template provided. Project selection is submitted for approval. ***Standard for all Research Assignments Your paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
- Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
- Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
- Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
Using the attached document, research and describe a selected automated IT security policy compliance system
Diagramming a Home Network
Diagramming your home network can be beneficial in various ways. It can help you determine what equipment to include and is present on your network. Diagramming your network can help determine the best layout for your equipment- for example, the best placement of your wireless router. It can be helpful to keep track of equipment and who is the primary user of the equipment–labeling who the devices belong to on a home network diagram can be very helpful for inventory and tracking purposes. Diagramming a home network can help you plan for potential changes you make to your network.
Home networks vary. Some rely heavily on Wi-Fi, and others primarily use hard-wired connections and little to no Wi-Fi. Some home networks use a cable modem to connect to the ISP (Internet service provider), while others may use a DSL modem. Fiber optics is becoming popular for a home network connection to the ISP. Whatever the case, the type of connection to your ISP will often determine things like the type of modem, router, and network cabling your home network will need. These characteristics, networking equipment, and items such as PCs, laptops, and IoT devices should all be documented on a network diagram.
You will use the information at this link to complete the discussion for this week. Make Use of: Home Network Setup Diagram
Answer the following:
- Which of the six network diagram examples most closely represent your home network? What would you need to add/remove with this diagram to represent your home network?
- What kind of labeling scheme would you use for your home network for each device? Provide an example of your naming scheme and discuss why you chose your naming scheme.
- Choose and discuss the pros and cons listed for one of the example network setups. Do you agree with the pros and cons listed? Why or why not? What other pros and cons would you add and why?
Cyber Security
1-Please define the Primary difference between User rights and File level rights.
2-Please define DoS attack
3-Please explain about Security threats and vulnerabilities with examples.
4-Please define CIA.
5-Please provide five Security hardware and Software.
6-Explain Comprehensive concepts and mechanisms of network security.
7-Please explain internet cryptography.
8-Please explain about Dictionary Attack, TCP Attack and Packet Sniffing
9-Please define Risk Management.
10-Please explain how to identify risk?
No Plagiarism. 2-3Pages.
Open the PowerPoint file Student_PowerPoint_3E_Garden.pptx downloaded with this project.
Using the tools on the Design tab, change the Colors for the presentation to Green, and the Fonts to Cambria.
On Slide 1, format the background by changing the Fill Color to, in the fourth column, the last color.
Select Slides 2 and 3, and then format the background of the two selected slides with the Canvas Texture.
On Slide 2, select the paragraph on the right side of the slide, and then apply the Split entrance effect. Change the Effect Options to Horizontal Out. Change the Start setting to After Previous, and then change the Duration to 01.00.
Use Animation Painter to apply the same animation from the paragraph on Slide 2 to the bulleted list on Slide 3. Then, on Slide 3, remove the animation from the title.
On Slide 4, hide the background graphics. Format the background with the downloaded picture file p03E_Flower.jpg. Change the Transparency to 50%.
Format the title placeholder with a Shape Fill color, in the fifth column, the last color.
On Slide 4, from your downloaded project files, insert the video p03E_Video.mp4. Change the Video Height to 5.
Using the Align to Slide option, apply the Align Center and Align Middle options.
Format the video by applying, from the Video Styles gallery, a Moderate style—Beveled Oval, Black.
Change the video Start setting to Automatically. Trim the video to an end time of 00:12. Compress the video using the Standard Quality setting.
(Mac users, the Compress Media feature is not available in the Mac version of PowerPoint.)
Insert a Header & Footer on the Notes and Handouts. Include the Date and time updated automatically, the Page number, and a Footer with the text 3E_Garden. Display the document properties. As the Tags, type botanical gardens
Save and close the file, and then submit for grading.
Develop a Complete Disaster Recovery Plan to be submitted to the executive board of your company.
Develop a Complete Disaster Recovery Plan to be submitted to the executive board of your company.
Need a PPT of 10-12 pages and Word Doc.
Word Doc:MS Word (.doc, .docx) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF) formats are acceptable. Please note that this is a formal writing, all references (peer-reviewed) mostly must be cited appropriately within the text and clearly avoid plagiarism. The paper should have a minimum of 10 pages, 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman font. A minimum of 5 peer review references must be provided. Reference style is APA. You can also have some web references alongside the stated requirement. Please see class syllabus for additional details
TCP/IP model
Please see the attachment for the question.