writing help 2

Use the web or other resources to research at least two criminal or civil cases in which  recovered files played a significant role in how the case was resolved.

Use your own words and do not copy  the work of another student.

Attach your WORD document here.

Problem 2- Legal

Two (2) high ranking managers of Anrun Corp. know that the company’s revenue is rapidly declining. However, at a recent shareholder meeting, they tell the shareholders to expect record profits in the next quarter. Explain the three Blanchard and Peale questions that these two managers should have asked themselves before the shareholders’ meeting.


Title: Business 

ISBN: 9780357447642 

Authors: Marianne M. Jennings 

Publication Date: 2021-01-01 

Edition: 12th Edition

For this interactive assignment


For this interactive assignment, you will continue to utilize loops and functions and write a Python program that asks the user for an integer (number) greater than 1. Once the user enters an integer, it should then allow the user to choose between the following two options:
If 1 is entered, a countdown from that number to zero is printed.
If 2 is entered, the factorial of the number is *****
If the user inputs a number less than 1, your program should display a message informing the user that the program only accepts numbers greater than 1.
(Note: As a programmer, you should always consider telling the user what type of data the program is expecting before they attempt to enter that data.)
Once you have completed the program, take a screen shot of the completed functionality (including the input and the output) and save it in a Word document, along with the script.

need a help with paper

Executive Program Practical Connection Assignment

At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Modify the Bookstore Program


Modify the Bookstore Program to include the following additional functionality:

o Add an Add button to the GUI. When clicked, the user should be allowed to enter the ISBN, title, author, publisher, year published and the price. The new inventory item should be sorted and then displayed.

o Add a Delete button to the GUI. When clicked, the current inventory item should be removed from the inventory. User should receive confirmation of the deletion. The next item in the inventory should be displayed.

o Add a Modify button to the GUI. When clicked, the user should be allowed to modify the title, author, publisher, year published and the price. The modified inventory item should be displayed.

o Add a Save button to the GUI. When clicked, the entire inventory should be saved to C:datait215bookinventory.dat. Note: Exception handling should be used to create the directory and file if necessary.

o Add a Search button to the GUI. When clicked, the user should be allowed to search for an item in the inventory by the title. If the book is not found, the GUI should display an appropriate error message. If the product is found, the GUI should display that product’s information in the GUI.

Database Research Assignment


For this assignment, you are going to do a detailed technical and business evaluation of Apache Databases (Pig, Hive, Cassandra, etc.)

You must answer the following questions. The report is a DETAILED, RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT. This is not an outline, excel spreadsheet, or a one-two project. This will require a significant level of effort and time. You are building a business use as to WHY a company would want to use this database technology solution or vendor technology. 


What are the key database products made by the vendor OR the key database platforms available under the database category? (Describe functionality and technical highlights)

If a vendor, who are the competitors to the platform? If a database technology class, who is the clear leader and why?

What are the key features for each of these database platforms that make them unique?

Provide three (3) business uses for why a customer/client would want to use your vendors/class of database technology in their environment.

What are key technical skills a data administrator or database administrator would require if they use this platform?

As you can tell, this is about a 15-20 Page Paper! Your group will have a LOT OF RESEARCH. Start BEFORE the residency (seriously)!

You MUST use APA citations throughout this paper. It counts as 20% of your overall grade for this assignment. Your paper will be graded against the assignment rubric which measures the following weight based on the points assigned (i.e. 20 points, 25 points depending on if you are in MAIN or 1G/IIG)

Technical Competency (25%)

Business Competency (20%

Technical Accuracy (25%)

Spelling / Grammar (10%)

Citations / APA (20%) 

IT217 Week 8

question 1

 JustBasic allows you to use file from your computer to load into your program.  Use some specific examples to explain the advantages of importing files from your computer into your program. 

question 2

Modify the Tic-tac-toe program Below

1. Modify the Tic-tac-toe program to add two little windows on each side of the “Start Game” button: On the left, first window will say “Player X Turn” only when Player X needs to play and second window will say “Wins” to keep count of payer X wins. On the right-hand side of the “Start Game” button, do the same for “Player O”.

 ‘ *************************************************************************

‘ Script Name: TicTacToe.bas (The Tic Tac Toe Game)

‘ Version:     1.0

‘ Author:      Jerry Lee Ford, Jr.

‘ Date:        March 1, 2007

‘ Description: This game is a Just BASIC implementation of the classic

‘              children’s Tic Tac Toe game. This game pits two players

‘              against one another to see who can line up three

‘              consecutive characters in a row.

‘ *************************************************************************

nomainwin   ‘Suppress the display of the default text window

‘Assign default values to global variables

global currentPlayer$, noMoves

global a1$, a2$, a3$, b1$, b2$, b3$, c1$, c2$, c3$

currentPlayer$ = “X”  ‘Player X always starts off each game

call ManageGamePlay ‘Call the subroutine responsible for managing game play

wait  ‘Pause the application and wait for the player’s instruction

‘This subroutine displays the game board and controls interaction with the


sub ManageGamePlay

  WindowWidth = 400   ‘Set the width of the window to 500 pixels

  WindowHeight = 500  ‘Set the height of the window to 500 pixels

  loadbmp “_”, “C:images_.bmp”   ‘Load the specified bitmap

                                   ‘file into memory

  loadbmp “O”, “C:imageso.bmp”   ‘Load the specified bitmap

                                   ‘file into memory

  loadbmp “X”, “C:imagesx.bmp”  ‘Load the specified bitmap

                                   ‘file into memory

  ‘Define the format of statictext controls displayed on the window

  statictext #play.statictext1, “T I C   T A C   T O E”, 45, 20, 440, 30

  statictext #play.statictext2, “Copyright 2007”, 265, 55, 80, 20

  ‘Add nine bmpbutton controls representing the game board to the window

  ‘First column

  bmpbutton #play.a1, “C:images_.bmp”, ProcessMove, UL, 45, 90

  bmpbutton #play.a2, “C:images_.bmp”, ProcessMove, UL, 150, 90

  bmpbutton #play.a3, “C:images_.bmp”, ProcessMove, UL, 255, 90

  ‘Second column

  bmpbutton #play.b1, “C:images_.bmp”, ProcessMove, UL, 45, 194

  bmpbutton #play.b2, “C:images_.bmp”, ProcessMove, UL, 150, 194

  bmpbutton #play.b3, “C:images_.bmp”, ProcessMove, UL, 255, 194

  ‘Third column

  bmpbutton #play.c1, “C:images_.bmp”, ProcessMove, UL, 45, 298

  bmpbutton #play.c2, “C:images_.bmp”, ProcessMove, UL, 150, 298

  bmpbutton #play.c3, “C:images_.bmp”, ProcessMove, UL, 255, 298

  ‘Add the game’s button control to the window

  button #play.button1 “Start New Game”, ResetGameBoard, UL, _

    147, 420, 100, 30

  ‘Open the window with no frame and a handle of #play

  open “Tic Tac Toe” for window_nf as #play

  ‘Set up the trapclose event for the window

  print #play, “trapclose ClosePlay”

  ‘Set the font type, size and attributes

  print #play.statictext1, “!font Arial 24 bold”

  print #play.button1, “!setfocus”;  ‘Set focus to the button control

  ‘Pause the application and wait for the player’s instruction


end sub

‘This subroutine processes player moves, deciding when moves are

‘valid and invalid and assigning game board squares accordingly

sub ProcessMove handle$

  ‘Set up a select case code block to process player moves

  select case handle$

    case “#play.a1”  ‘The player selects the 1st square on the 1st row

      if a1$ = “” then  ‘Let the player have the square if its available

        a1$ = currentPlayer$  ‘Assign the square to the current player

        print #play.a1, “bitmap ” + currentPlayer$  ‘Display bitmap image


        notice “Sorry, but this square is already assigned. Try again!”

        exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

      end if

    case “#play.a2”  ‘The player selects the 2nd square on the 1st row

      if a2$ = “” then  ‘Let the player have the square if its available

        a2$ = currentPlayer$  ‘Assign the square to the current player

        print #play.a2, “bitmap ” + currentPlayer$  ‘Display bitmap image


        notice “Sorry, but this square is already assigned. Try again!”

        exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

      end if

    case “#play.a3”  ‘The player selects the 3rd square on the 1st row

      if a3$ = “” then  ‘Let the player have the square if its available

        a3$ = currentPlayer$  ‘Assign the square to the current player

        print #play.a3, “bitmap ” + currentPlayer$  ‘Display bitmap image


        notice “Sorry, but this square is already assigned. Try again!”

        exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

      end if

    case “#play.b1”  ‘The player selects the 1st square on the 2nd row

      if b1$ = “” then  ‘Let the player have the square if its available

        b1$ = currentPlayer$  ‘Assign the square to the current player

        print #play.b1, “bitmap ” + currentPlayer$  ‘Display bitmap image


        notice “Sorry, but this square is already assigned. Try again!”

        exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

      end if

    case “#play.b2”  ‘The player selects the 2nd square on the 2nd row

      if b2$ = “” then  ‘Let the player have the square if its available

        b2$ = currentPlayer$  ‘Assign the square to the current player

        print #play.b2, “bitmap ” + currentPlayer$  ‘Display bitmap image


        notice “Sorry, but this square is already assigned. Try again!”

        exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

      end if

    case “#play.b3”  ‘The player selects the 3rd square on the 2nd row

      if b3$ = “” then  ‘Let the player have the square if its available

        b3$ = currentPlayer$  ‘Assign the square to the current player

        print #play.b3, “bitmap ” + currentPlayer$  ‘Display bitmap image


        notice “Sorry, but this square is already assigned. Try again!”

        exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

      end if

    case “#play.c1”  ‘The player selects the 1st square on the 3rd row

      if c1$ = “” then  ‘Let the player have the square if its available

        c1$ = currentPlayer$  ‘Assign the square to the current player

        print #play.c1, “bitmap ” + currentPlayer$  ‘Display bitmap image


        notice “Sorry, but this square is already assigned. Try again!”

        exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

      end if

    case “#play.c2”  ‘The player selects the 2nd square on the 3rd row

      if c2$ = “” then  ‘Let the player have the square if its available

        c2$ = currentPlayer$  ‘Assign the square to the current player

        print #play.c2, “bitmap ” + currentPlayer$  ‘Display bitmap image


        notice “Sorry, but this square is already assigned. Try again!”

        exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

      end if

    case “#play.c3”  ‘The player selects the 3rd square on the 3rd row

      if c3$ = “” then  ‘Let the player have the square if its available

        c3$ = currentPlayer$  ‘Assign the square to the current player

        print #play.c3, “bitmap ” + currentPlayer$  ‘Display bitmap image


        notice “Sorry, but this square is already assigned. Try again!”

        exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

      end if

  end select

  noMoves = noMoves + 1  ‘Increment the variable representing the number of

                         ‘moves made so far in this game

  ‘Call the subroutine responsible for determining when the game is over

  call LookForEndOfGame

  ‘Call the subroutine responsible for controlling whose turn it is

  call SwitchPlayerTurn

end sub

‘This subroutine is responsible for switching between Player X and

‘Player O’s turns

sub SwitchPlayerTurn

  ‘If Player X just went then it is Player O’s turn

  if currentPlayer$ = “X” then

    currentPlayer$ = “O”  ‘Make Player O the current player

    exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

  end if

  ‘If Player O just went then it is Player X’s turn

  if currentPlayer$ = “O” then

    currentPlayer$ = “X”  ‘Make Player X the current player

    exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

  end if

end sub

‘This subroutine is called at the end of each player’s turn and is

‘responsible for determining if the game is over

sub LookForEndOfGame

  ‘Look horizontally for a winner

  ‘Check the first column

  if (a1$ = currentPlayer$) and (a2$ = currentPlayer$) and _

    (a3$ = currentPlayer$) then

    notice “Player ” + currentPlayer$ + ” has won!”

    exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

  end if

  ‘Check the second column

  if (b1$ = currentPlayer$) and (b2$ = currentPlayer$) and _

    (b3$ = currentPlayer$) then

    notice “Player ” + currentPlayer$ + ” has won!”

    exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

  end if

  ‘Check the third column

  if (c1$ = currentPlayer$) and (c2$ = currentPlayer$) and _

    (c3$ = currentPlayer$) then

    notice “Player ” + currentPlayer$ + ” has won!”

    exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

  end if

  ‘Look vertically for a winner

  ‘Check the first row

  if (a1$ = currentPlayer$) and (b1$ = currentPlayer$) and _

    (c1$ = currentPlayer$) then

    notice “Player ” + currentPlayer$ + ” has won!”

    exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

  end if

  ‘Check the second row

  if (a2$ = currentPlayer$) and (b2$ = currentPlayer$) and _

    (c2$ = currentPlayer$) then

    notice “Player ” + currentPlayer$ + ” has won!”

    exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

  end if

  ‘Check the third row

  if (a3$ = currentPlayer$) and (b3$ = currentPlayer$) and _

    (c3$ = currentPlayer$) then

    notice “Player ” + currentPlayer$ + ” has won!”

    exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

  end if

  ‘Look diagonally for a winner

  ‘Check from the top-left corner down to the lower-right corner

  if (a1$ = currentPlayer$) and (b2$ = currentPlayer$) and _

    (c3$ = currentPlayer$) then

    notice “Player ” + currentPlayer$ + ” has won!”

    exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

  end if

  ‘Check from the top-right corner down to the lower-left corner

  if (a3$ = currentPlayer$) and (b2$ = currentPlayer$) and _

    (c1$ = currentPlayer$) then

    notice “Player ” + currentPlayer$ + ” has won!”

    exit sub  ‘There is no need to keep going so exit the subroutine

  end if

  ‘If neither player has won and all squares have been chosen the game

  ‘ends in a tie

  if noMoves = 9 then

    notice “Tie. There was no winner this time!”

  end if

end sub

‘This subroutine resets the game board and global variables in order to

‘ready the game for a new round of play

sub ResetGameBoard handle$

  ‘Display a blank bitmap image in each game board square

  print #play.a1, “bitmap _”

  print #play.a2, “bitmap _”

  print #play.a3, “bitmap _”

  print #play.b1, “bitmap _”

  print #play.b2, “bitmap _”

  print #play.b3, “bitmap _”

  print #play.c1, “bitmap _”

  print #play.c2, “bitmap _”

  print #play.c3, “bitmap _”

  ‘Clear out any game board square assignments

  a1$ = “”

  a2$ = “”

  a3$ = “”

  b1$ = “”

  b2$ = “”

  b3$ = “”

  c1$ = “”

  c2$ = “”

  c3$ = “”

  noMoves = 0  ‘Reset the variable used to keep track of the total number

               ‘of moves made per game to zero

  currentPlayer$ = “X”  ‘Set Player X as the current player

end sub

‘This subroutine is called when the player closes the #play window

‘and is responsible for ending the game

sub ClosePlay handle$

  ‘Get confirmation before terminating program execution

  confirm “Are you sure you want quit?”; answer$

  if answer$ = “yes” then  ‘The player clicked on Yes

    close #play  ‘Close the #play window

    end  ‘Terminate the game

  end if

end sub