Discussion Question #1: Some say that analytics in general dehumanize managerial activities, and others say they do not. Discuss arguments for both points of view. Discussion Question #3: What are some of the major privacy concerns in employing intelligent systems on mobile data? Discussion Question #4: identify some cases of violations of user privacy from current literature and their impact on data science as a profession. Exercise #2: Search the Internet to find examples of how intelligent systems can facilitate activities such as empowerment, mass customization, and teamwork. Write a report.
1. Introduction
a. What is snort?
i. Creation & history
1. Created in 1998
2.Martin Roesch
3.Pcap origin
4.Cisco Acquisition
ii. Value to network admins
1. Open-source nature
2.Consistent rule updates
1. Overview of important features
a. Traffic monitoring
a. Packet Logging
a. OS fingerprinting
Project 3: SDN and IBN Assignment
You must have 10 external scholarly citations within the submission.
Software-defined networking (SDN) and intent-based networking (IBN) offer an ability to revolutionize the modern network architecture. Both of these concepts are relatively new, and your chief technology officer (CTO) has only heard them in passing. In fact, she pawned them off as the new “marketing fad” dressed up as a new concept. Since you have researched both technologies, you understand this is not a fad. When used in combination with virtualization and cloud computing, you know SDN and IBN could revolutionize how the organization operates, providing for reduced costs, efficiency, better management of the network assets, and security.
However, you need to develop an indepth white paper for the Caduceus CTO to highlight these benefits. Given the CTO has only heard the term in passing, you must describe in this white paper, the SDN and IBN concepts, their benefits, and what it would take for the organization to implement.
Forming Your Teams
In addition to submitting your individual white paper here in Assignment 3, you will also begin to work with your team for the upcoming collaborative projects (Assignments 4 and 5). You should meet your team, brainstorm ideas for your white paper together, and begin planning your upcoming work.
Writing Your Paper
After you introduce yourself to your team and brainstorm ideas for this assignment, refer to the SDN and IBN Assignment Resources for more details about Caduceus and download the assignment template.
In your white paper, use additional sources of information but also describe the concept in layman’s terms. Use visuals where appropriate. Describe how an SDN/IBN architecture would look different than network architectures we have traditionally deployed. Compare and contrast the network architectures and discuss the pros and cons of each.
The paper should include the following sections:
- introduction to software-defined networking (SDN) (discussed in Week 3)
- introduction to intent-based networking (IBN) (discussed in Week 4)
- discussion on how virtualizing the desktop and now back-end infrastructure are complementary and related
- discussion of how SDN and IBN are related
Threat intelligence information must be distributed as quickly as possible to others. To rely on email alerts that require a human to read them and then react takes far too much time. As an alternative, Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS) can be used instead. AIS enables the exchange of cyberthreat indicators between parties through computer-to-computer communication, not email communication. Threat indicators such malicious IP addresses or the sender address of a phishing email can be quickly distributed to enable others to repel these attacks.
Those participating in AIS generally are connected to a managed system controlled by the public information sharing center that allows bidirectional sharing of cyberthreat indicators. Not only do participants receive indicators, but they can also share indicators they have observed in their own network defenses to the public center, which then distributes them to all participants.
Two tools facilitate AIS. Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX) is a language and format used to exchange cyberthreat intelligence. All information about a threat can be represented with objects and descriptive relationships. STIX information can be visually represented for a security analyst to view or stored in a lightweight format to be used by a computer. Trusted Automated Exchange of Intelligence Information (TAXII) is an application protocol for exchanging cyberthreat intelligence over Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). TAXII defines an application protocol interface (API) and a set of requirements for TAXII clients and servers.
Description: Research the web to find more information on Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX) and Trusted Automated Exchange of Intelligence Information (TAXII). How are they used? What formats do they provide? How widely are they used? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Write a minimum of a one-page, double-spaced paper on your findings.
Sequence Diagrams: Hospital Management System
Sequence diagrams in analysis model the behavior of the system from the user’s viewpoint. Thus, sequence diagrams are a good “whiteboard” technique to capture the various usage scenarios described by users. For this week’s Critical Thinking Assignment, create a sequence diagram of a hospital management system. Include the following notations: actor, object, timeline, focus of control, message, self-message, return message, asynchronous message, object destruction, steps (in a sequence), and notes.
Provide sample pseudocode with your sequence diagram activity.
Social Media and Work Issue
timeline analysis – Digital forensics
what is your opinion on how important is timeline analysis relating to digital forensics?
Java : Question: Pleased write a program that allows your computer program play the rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock game against itself. Refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock for more information.
Question: Pleased write a program that allows your computer program play the rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock game against itself. Refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock for more information.
In this problem, the program simulates two players who play against each other. The play continues until one of the computer-generated players wins 4 times. Solve the problem using a class called “RockPaperScissorLizardSpock”. Feel free to use as many other classes as needed to make proper use of OOP design.
The program should use multiple threads to simulate “simultaneous play”, just as in the real game itself. Use multi-threading / concurrency techniques to simulate the actual game’s simultaneous play method where both players throw their hand at the same time for each iteration of the game and then determine who wins this play.
In this game, in every iteration, two random integers are generated in the range of [1 to 5] – 1 refers to Rock. 2 refers to Paper. 3 refers to Scissors. 4 refers to Lizard. 5 refers to Spock.
For example, if the computer randomly generates integers 2 and 5 in the first iteration, 2 is for the first player and 5 is for the second player. 2 refers to Paper and 5 refers to Spock. Based on Rule 8 in the following 10 rules, Paper (2) disproves Spock (5), so player 1 wins.
Likewise, continue the iterations until one player wins 4 times. All other outcomes such as the “Spock vs. Spock” would be considered a draw. Also, ensure that the play ends after a certain number of iterations. Use custom Exceptions with try/catch and not accept any system error message.
rule 1: Scissor cut paper
rule 2: Paper covers rock
rule 3: Rock crushes lizard
rule 4: Lizard poisons Spock
rule 5: Spock smashes (or melts) scissor
rule 6: Scissor decapitate lizard
rule 7: Lizard eats paper
rule 8: Paper disproves Spock
rule 9: Spock vaporizes rock
rule 10: Rock breaks scissors
Exp19 Excel App Capstone IntroAssessment Travel
Exp19 Excel AppCapstone IntroAssessment Travel
Project Description:
You are considering several cities for a vacation. In particular, you are interested in Washington DC, Philadelphia, and Boston. You will format a list of memorials in DC, add Sparklines to compare the number of visitors over a 15-year period, and create a bar chart to illustrate annual visitors at each memorial. In addition, you will create a table of sightseeing locations, sort and filter the data, apply conditional formatting, and add a total row to display average time needed to spend at each memorial. Finally, you will complete a worksheet by adding formulas to compare estimated major expenses for each city.
Start Excel. Download and open the file named exploring_ecap_grader_a1.xlsx.
#On the DC worksheet, select the range A4:G4, wrap the text, apply Center alignment, and apply Blue, Accent 5, Lighter 60% fill color.
#On the DC worksheet, merge and center the title in the range A1:G1. Apply Accent5 cell style and bold to the title.
#On the DC worksheet, change the width of column A to 34.
#On the DC worksheet, select the range C5:F10 and insert Line Sparklines in the range G5:G10.
#On the DC worksheet, select the range G5:G10, display the high point sparkline marker, and change the color of the high point markers to Dark Blue.
#On the DC worksheet, select the range G5:G10, apply Same for All Sparklines for both the vertical axis minimum and maximum values.
#On the DC worksheet, select the ranges A4:A10 and C4:F10 and create a clustered bar chart. Apply the Color 16 chart color. Apply the gradient fill to the plot area. Do not change the default gradient options.
Note, depending on the version of Office used, the chart color may be named Monochromatic Palette 12.
Position the top-left corner of the chart in cell A13. Change the chart height to 6 inches and the chart width to 7 inches.
#Change the chart title to Annual Visitors. Apply Blue, Accent 5, Darker 25% font color to the chart title and category axis labels. Change the value axis display units to Millions.
#Apply data labels to the outside end of the 2015 data series. Apply Number format with 1 decimal place to the data labels.
#Click the Places sheet tab, convert the data to a table, and apply Table Style Medium 6.
#On the Places worksheet, sort the data by City in alphabetical order and then within City, sort by Sightseeing Locations in alphabetical order.
#On the Places worksheet, add a total row to display the average of the Time Needed column. Apply Number format with zero decimal places to the total.
#On the Places worksheet, select the values in the Time Needed column and apply conditional formatting to highlight cells containing values greater than 60 with Green Fill with Dark Green Text.
#On the Places worksheet, apply a filter to display only fees that are less than or equal to $10.
#On the Cities worksheet, click cell F4 and enter a formula that will subtract the Departure Date (B1) from the Return Date (B2) and then multiply the result by the Rental Car per Day value (F3).
#On the Cities worksheet, click cell E13. Depending on the city, you will either take a shuttle to/from the airport or rent a car. Insert an IF function that compares to see if Yes or No is located in the Rental Car? Column for a city. If the city contains No, display the value in cell F2. If the city contains Yes, display the value in the Rental Car Total (F4). Copy the function from cell E13 and use the Paste Formulas option to copy the function to the range E14:E18 without removing the border in cell E18.
#On the Cities worksheet, click cell F13. The lodging is based on a multiplier by City Type. Some cities are more expensive than others. Insert a VLOOKUP function that looks up the City Type (B13), compares it to the City/COL range (A7:B10), and returns the COL percentage. Then multiply the result of the lookup function by the Total Base Lodging (B5) to get the estimated lodging for the first city. Copy the function from cell F13 and use the Paste Formulas option to copy the function to the range F14:F18 without removing the border in cell F18.
#On the Cities worksheet, click cell H13 and enter the function that calculates the total costs for the first city. Copy the function in cell H13 and use the Paste Formulas option to copy the function to the range H14:H18 without removing the border in cell H18.
#On the Cities worksheet, select the range E14:H18 and apply Comma Style with zero decimal places. Select the range E13:H13 and apply Accounting Number format with zero decimal places.
#On the Cities worksheet, in cell I2, enter a function that will calculate the average total cost per city. In cell I3, enter a function that will identify the lowest total cost. In cell I4 enter a function that will return the highest total cost.
#On the Cities worksheet, select Landscape orientation, set a 1-inch top margin, and center the worksheet data horizontally on the page.
#Ensure that the worksheets are correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: DC, Places, Cities. Save the workbook. Close the workbook and then exit Excel. Submit the workbook as directed.
Do a bit of research on JSON and AJAX. How do they relate to the Same-Origin policy?
Using WORD, write several short paragraphs on each. A total of 200-300 words.