Take the following


Take the following set of Pseudocode and make a flowchart as well as an output sample using the visual logic program:
Begin parcelCharges

Calculate delivery_charge
Prompt parcel for weight in kilograms (kg)
Get parcel_weight
If parcel_weight <2.5 THEN
delivery_charge = $3.50 * parcel_weight
If parcel_weight <= 5 THEN
delivery_charge = $2.58 * parcel_weight
delivery_charge = $2.45 * parcel_weight
Display “Delivery charge for parcel is”, delivery_charge


500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) APA formatted reflection. no plagiarism


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course (InfoTech Import in Strat Plan) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 


  • Provide a 500 word      (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
  • Use of proper APA      formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from      outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
  • Share a personal      connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this      course(InfoTech Import in Strat Plan).
  • Demonstrate a      connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed,      demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 
  • You should not      provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The      assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills      obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be      applied in the workplace.

My current occupation: software developer

Course_name :  InfoTech Import in Strat Plan

Course Description

This course focuses on the information technology leader’s collaborative roles working with an organization’s senior leadership, including aligning business strategy with IT strategy, acting as an equal contributor to the formation of organizational strategy, and integrating ethical policies and practices into an organization. Learners evaluate multidisciplinary research and practices related to leadership, organizational structures, and culture. Through the lens of complexity/chaos and change theories, learners analyze information technology’s role in contributing to organizational resiliency.




Project Description:

You are considering several cities for a vacation. In particular, you are interested in Washington DC, Philadelphia, and Boston. You will format a list of memorials in DC, add Sparklines to compare the number of visitors over a 15-year period, and create a bar chart to illustrate annual visitors at each memorial. In addition, you will create a table of sightseeing locations, sort and filter the data, apply conditional formatting, and add a total row to display average time needed to spend at each memorial. Finally, you will complete a worksheet by adding formulas to compare estimated major expenses for each city.

Steps to Perform:



Points    Possible


Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment_   Travel.xlsx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the   beginning of the filename.



On the DC sheet, check the spelling and correct all   misspelled words.



On the   DC worksheet, select the range A4:G4, wrap the text, apply Center alignment,   and apply Blue, Accent 5, Lighter 60% fill color.



On the DC worksheet, merge and center the title in   the range A1:G1. Apply Blue, Accent5 cell style and bold to the title.



On the   DC worksheet, change the width of column A to 34.



On the DC worksheet, select the range C5:F10 and   insert Line Sparklines in the range G5:G10.



On the   DC worksheet, select the range G5:G10, display the high point sparkline   marker, and change the color of the high point markers to Dark Red.



On the DC worksheet, select the range G5:G10, apply   Same for All Sparklines for both the vertical axis minimum and maximum   values.



On the   DC worksheet, select the ranges A4:A10 and C4:F10 and create a clustered bar   chart. Apply the Monochromatic Palette 12 chart color. Apply the gradient   fill to the chart area. Do not change the default gradient options.



Cut the chart and paste it in cell A13. Change the   chart height to 6″ and the chart width to 7″. Add Alt Text The bar chart   shows the number of visitors to each memorial for the years 2002, 2007, 2012,   and 2017.



Change   the chart title to Annual Visitors. Apply Blue, Accent 5, Darker 25% font color to   the chart title and category axis labels. Change the value axis display units   to Millions. Add Primary Minor Vertical gridlines to the chart.



Apply data labels to the outside end of the 2017   data series. Apply Number format with 1 decimal place to the data labels.



On the   Places sheet, find all occurrences of BOS and replace them with Boston.



On the Places sheet tab, convert the data to a   table, assign the table name Tourist_Attractions, and apply Blue, Table Style Medium 2.



On the   Places sheet, freeze the top row.



On the Places worksheet, sort the data by City in   alphabetical order and then within City, sort by Sightseeing Locations in   alphabetical order.



On the   Places worksheet, add a total row to display the average of the Time Needed   column. Apply Number format with zero decimal places to the total.



On the Places worksheet, select the values in the   Time Needed column and apply conditional formatting to highlight cells   containing values greater than 60 with Light Red Fill.



On the   Places worksheet, apply a filter to display only fees that are less than or   equal to $10.



On the Cities worksheet, click cell F4 and enter a   formula that will subtract the Departure Date (B1) from the Return Date (B2)   and then multiply the result by the Rental Car per Day value (F3).



On the   Cities worksheet, click cell E13. Depending on the city, you will either take   a shuttle to/from the airport or rent a car. Insert an IF function that   compares to see if Yes or No is located in the Rental Car? Column for a city.   If the city contains No, display the value in cell F2. If the city contains   Yes, display the value in the Rental Car Total (F4). Copy the function from   cell E13 and use the Paste Formulas option to copy the function to the range   E14:E18 without removing the border in cell E18.



On the Cities worksheet, click cell F13. The   lodging is based on a multiplier by City Type. Some cities are more expensive   than others. Insert a VLOOKUP function that looks up the City Type (B13),   compares it to the City/COL range (A7:B10), and returns the COL percentage.   Then multiply the result of the lookup function by the Total Base Lodging   (B5) to get the estimated lodging for the first city. Copy the function from   cell F13 and use the Paste Formulas option to copy the function to the range   F14:F18 without removing the border in cell F18.



On the   Cities worksheet, click cell H13 and enter the function that calculates the   total costs for the first city, including airfare, shuttle or rental,   lodging, and meals. Copy the function in cell H13 and use the Paste Formulas   option to copy the function to the range H14:H18 without removing the border   in cell H18.



On the Cities worksheet, select the range E14:H18   and apply Comma Style with zero decimal places. Select the range E13:H13 and   apply Accounting Number format with zero decimal places.



On the   Cities worksheet, in cell I2, enter a function that will calculate the   average total cost per city. In cell I3, enter a function that will identify   the lowest total cost. In cell I4 enter a function that will return the   highest total cost.



Group the three worksheets and create a footer with   Exploring   Series on the   left side, the sheet tab code in the center, and the file name code on the   right side.



On the   Cities worksheet, select Landscape orientation, set a 1″ top margin, and   center the worksheet data horizontally on the page.



Save and close Exp19_Excel_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment_Travel.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.


Total   Points


For all integers, k ≥ 1, any sum of k multiples of five is also a multiple of 5.


Typically we think of the sum of two or more numbers. To make this problem work, let’s define sum for just one integer to be that integer. 

For your problem to turn in, you will write a proof. Use the proof technique of strong mathematical induction to prove this statement. 

For all integers, k  ≥ 1,  any sum of k multiples of five is also a multiple of 5.  


1. Write or type your work neatly and completely.

2. Submit a word document 

3.Showing this is true for one example is not proof that it is always true 


Assume you are an entry-level security administrator working for Always Fresh. You have been asked to evaluate the option of adding Active Directory to the company’s network.

Create a summary report to management that answers the following questions to satisfy the key points of interest regarding the addition of Active Directory to the network:

1. System administrators currently create users on each computer where users need access. In Active Directory, where will system administrators create users?

2. How will the procedures for making changes to the user accounts, such as password changes, be different in Active Directory?

3. What action should administrators take for the existing workgroup user accounts after converting to Active Directory?

4. How will the administrators resolve differences between user accounts defined on different computers? In other words, if user accounts have different settings on different computers, how will Active Directory address that issue? (Hint: Consider security identifiers [SIDs].)

APA format needed with 3 references

1000 words

Description: Unit 9 – Java Arrays and Data Files


Description: Unit 9 – Java Arrays and Data Files

This unit is really about three different topics that are related to one another – arrays in Java, simple text files in Java, and modular programing in java (Java methods).

The unit has a programming project spread over three related programming assignments, each worth 10 points.  

In the first assignment, you will create a Java program that works with a small array of data containing five test scores.   It will get data from user input do some calculations, and then print the results. 

In the second assignment, you will modify a copy of the first assignment to load the data from a data file into an array, and then output the results to a data file.  

In the third assignment, you will decompose a copy of the second assignment into separate methods in Java.

Our goal is to have a good modular program that loads stored data from a fie into an array, works with the data, then sends results to another data file.  Doing this in three parts will allow you to focus on one aspect of the problem at a time. 

There are reading assignments in Zybooks, but the two chapters from the Java Learning Kit – Chapter 5 – and Chapter 6 are your best source for learning this material.  They cover the things you need to learn to complete this project and have good sample programs.

Your tasks are to:

  1. Read Zybooks Assginment 11 – Arrays in Java.
  2. Read the material in JLK Chapter 6 about arrays in Java.
  3. Complete the Java Arrays Programming assignment.
  4. Read the material in Chapter 6 about text files in Java.
    There is no corresponding Zybooks assignment.
  5. Complete the Java Text Files Programming assignment.
  6. Read the Zybooks Assignment 12 – Methods in Java
  7. Read the material in JLK Chapter 5 about methods in Java.
  8. Complete the Java Methods programming assignment.

It may seem like their is a lot to do here but the assignments are each simple and build on one another.



You should complete Zybooks Assignment 11 – Arrays in Java and read lessons 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 in JLK Chapter 6 about arrays in Java before starting this assignment.

Your task is to create a Java I-P-O program that works with a small array of data containing five test scores.

Your program should:

  1. contain a for loop to read five test score into an array from the user. The array should be a floating point array with five elements.
  2. Using second for loop, calculate the average score, highest score, and lowest score in the array. JLK lesson 6.3 is a good guide for doing this.
  3. print the results.

You should submit a zipped copy of your IntelliJ project folder.


You should read lesson 6.5  Text File Input and Output in Java before starting this assignment. Reading Lab 6.6 will also be helpful. There is no corresponding Zybooks assignment.

Your task is to modify the program from the Java Arrays programming assignment  to use text files for input and output. I suggest you save acopy of the original before modifying the software.

Your modified program should:

  1. contain a for loop to read the five test score into the array from a text data file. 

    You will need to create and save a data file for the program to use. It should have one test score on each line of the file.  You can type and save the text file with any text editor, such as Notepad or Notepad++.  NotePad++ is a good program to have on your computer, It can be downloaded freely from: https://notepad-plus-plus.org  (Links to an external site.)
    It should be saved or copied to the same folder as your Java source code file within you Intellij project.

  2. Contain a second for loop, calculate the average score, highest score, and lowest score in the array. This part  of your program does not need to change from the previous assignment.
  3. output the results to a new text file. You can decide the name of the file. You should only use a local file name and the file will then be created in your IntelliJ project folder.

You should submit a zipped copy of your IntelliJ project folder, which should contain the two data files within the project..



You should complete Zybooks Assignment 12 – Methods in Java and read lessons JLK Chapter 5 – Methods and Modularity in Java before starting this assignment.

Your task is to modify the program from the Java Text files programming assignment  to contain several methods for different parts of the program.I suggest you save a copy of the original before modifying the software.

Your modified program should have the following six methods:

  • a method with a for loop to read the five test score into the array from a text data file.  The array should be declared in the main method and passed as a parameter to this method.
  • three separate methods to each calculate and return one of the following: the average score, highest score, and lowest score . Each method should contain a for loop to calculate and return one of the values to the main method. You can copy and edit he existing loop form the previous program for each of these methods.
  • a method to output the results to a new text file, as the main method did in the previous program. You basically need to move the code to do this into a new method.
  • the main method, which has the necessary variables and which calls the other methods as needed, passing values to those methods and receiving returned value from the methods as needed. 

Unlike Python functions, methods do not need to appear before they are called in a program file. In fact, it is common practice in Java to put the main() method as the first method in Java program, similar to what is done in the payMethods sample program in the chapter.

You should submit a zipped copy of your IntelliJ project folder, which should contain will contain the two data files within the project..

You should submit a zipped copy of your IntelliJ project folder.


CBSC 630 Case Study 7.2

 write a 3 to 4-page paper (not including title and reference page), conduct additional research, and come up with an attack against a web server, also, provide examples of ways you would avoid detection while carrying out your attack. 

Exp19_Access_Ch03_CapAssessment – Retirement Accounts 1.1

Exp19_Access_Ch03_CapAssessment – Retirement Accounts 1.1

Exp19 Access Ch03 CapAssessment Retirement Accounts 1.1 


Project Description 

One-Stop Finance is a company that works with Clients in all areas of finance. They assist with banking, financial planning, mortgages, stock, insurance, retirement counseling, and debt consolidation. Cala Hamieh, one of the senior planners for the company, is hoping to extract information from the database. The company has a large database with hundreds of thousands of accounts, but to allow you to rapidly test your queries, you have created a smaller version of the database with a small amount of clients. Once you are confident your queries work, you can import them in to the main Access database.

Start   Access. Open the downloaded Access file named Exp19_Access_Ch03_CapAssessment_Retirement_Accounts.accdb. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.

Create a query using Query   Design. From the Clients table, display the client’s FirstName and LastName.   From the Accounts table, select the Savings Balance and OpenDate. Sort the   query by Savings Balance in descending order. Save the query as Account   Longevity.

Add a calculated field named AccountTime that calculates the number of days each client’s accounts have been   open. Assume today’s date is 12/31/2019. Recall dates must be enclosed in # to denote to Access it is a   date. Format the results in General Number format. Run the query. Close the   query.

Create a query using Query   Design. From the Clients table, display the client’s FirstName and LastName.   From the Accounts table, select the Savings Balance.

Add appropriate grouping so the   client’s total retirement account savings balances are displayed. Add a sort   so the highest total savings balances are displayed first.

Switch to Datasheet view. Add a   totals row displaying the count of the last name and the average of total   savings balances. Save the query as Total Balances By Client and close the query.

Create a copy of the Total   Balances By Client query. Name the query Total Balances By State. Open the query in Design view   and remove the client name from the query. Add grouping by the client’s   State.

Sort by the client’s State in   Ascending order and remove the sort on the Savings Balance. Add criteria so   clients with retirement account savings balances of $12,000 or more are factored in to the   query. Switch to Datasheet view. Save and close the query.

Create a new query using Query   Design. From the Clients table, select the client FirstName, LastName, and   State. From the Accounts table, select the Savings Balance. Add criteria so   only customers with balances under $13,000 are displayed.

Add a new field named LoanPayment using the Expression Builder.   Insert the Pmt function to determine the monthly payment for a 2-year loan,   paid monthly, with a 5% yearly interest rate. The present value is 25000 minus the Savings Balance. For   example, if the purchase price were 25000, with 5000 in savings to put toward   the purchase, your present value would be 20000. Ensure the number displays   as a positive number.

Change the format of the   LoanPayment field to Currency. Change the caption to Loan Payment. Run the query. Save the query   as Monthly   Loan Payments   and close the query.



  • 7.1 What is the basic building block of an 802.11 WLAN?
  • 7.2 Define an extended service set.
  • 7.3 List and briefly define IEEE 802.11 services.
  • 7.4 Is a distribution system a wireless network?
  • 7.5 How is the concept of an association related to that of mobility?
  • 7.6 What security areas are addressed by IEEE 802.11i?
  • 7.7 Briefly describe the five IEEE 802.11i phases of operation.
  • 7.8 What is the difference between TKIP and CCMP?

Complete your answers on a WORD Document

5.1 Devotional

We are called to be diligent and get the job done. Philippians 3:14(new tab) says, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (English Standard Version, 2001/2016).  We are to press forward, be diligent, and carry through to the end. That applies to every area of our lives. The Bible calls us to press on with our faith. We can apply that to other areas of daily life.


English Standard Version. (2016). Bible Gateway. https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/English-Standard-Version-ESV-Bible/(new tab) (Original work published 2001)


1. Review the material in the Getting Started section above, including the specific Bible passages

2. Be sure to address the following prompts in your paper:

  1. How does the verse apply to your worldview?
  2. How does the verse in Philippians potentially apply to your efforts on this project
  3. Your paper should be at least 250 words in length.