Position paper

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Business Intelligence neural network Discussion

 List and briefly describe the nine-step process in con-ducting a neural network project.
Your response should be 250-300 words. 
There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post.  Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.

Cloud Testing Services



  1. Research a cloud testing service. Some examples include: 
    • SOASTA CloudTest
    • Nessus
    • LoadStorm
    • BlazeMeter
    • QualiTest
    • SoftSol STiC

2. In a Word document, identify the following and write a brief summary of what you learned in your research:

  • The type, features, and functionality of the testing service
  • Who provides the service and billing/pricing options

 IMPORTANT: This is not a formal paper. Please be concise. be between 1/2 to 1 page.

Unit 1: Plot Literary Response: Submission Link


In this literary response, you will create a response to what you have learned about Plot as a literary device. 

This assignment focuses on your ability to: learn how to identify the plot devices of a piece of literature; craft your own creative piece with similar plot devices.

The purpose of completing this assignment is: as a student and a career professional, you will need to read and summarize many different forms of literature. Very often, you will need to report out on those summaries. This is a good practice in developing those skills!

HR & Blockchain

1. How might blockchain technology impact job repositories? 

500-word document

Introduction, Question 1, Conclusion, References.


1. Gromov, A. Y., Petrovskaia, T. A., Suslina, A. A., & Khizriyeva, N. I. (2018, June). Human resources intelligent selection algorithm with improvement of data validity. 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing.

2. Chowdhury, S., Colman, A., Kabir, M. A., & Han, J. (2018). Blockchain for fraud prevention: A work-history fraud prevention system. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications. 1858-1863.







You are the financial manager for Judi’s Art Gallery. One of your  clients, Raymond Chancellor, has a large collection of limited edition  signed art by James C. Christensen (1942-2017). Over the years, you have  helped Raymond maintain a list of his collection, including the title  of the art, medium, issue date, issue price, the price he paid, and  current market values. Most of the art is sold out from the publisher,  which increases the value of the art. Other art is still readily  available or is available in limited quantities. You want to update the  list so that he can properly insure his collection.

Select   the range A1:A6 on the Christensen worksheet, merge the cells, and apply Middle Align vertical   alignment.

Change the width of column K to   17.00, select the range K1:K3, and apply Thick Outside Borders.

Click cell C9, and freeze panes   so that rows 1 through 8 and columns A and B are frozen.

Select the range E9:E54 and   apply the Mar-12 date format.

Find all occurrences of Retired and replace them with Sold Out.

Click cell H9 on the Christensen   worksheet, and insert a formula  that calculates the percentage Raymond paid   of the issue price by  dividing the amount Paid by the Issue Price. Copy the   formula from  cell H9 to the range H10:H54.

Click cell J9, and insert a   formula that calculates the percentage  change in value by subtracting the   Issue Price from the Current Value  and then dividing that result by the Issue   Price. Copy the formula  from cell J9 to the range J10:J54.

Apply Percent Style with one   decimal place to the ranges H9:H54 and J9:J54.

Insert in the Current Values   section at the top of the worksheet  summary functions that use the range   I9:I54. In cell I2, calculate the  total of all the Current Values. In cell   I3, calculate the average  current value. in cell I4, calculate the lowest current   value. In cell  I5, calculate the highest current value.

Click cell C9 and insert a   VLOOKUP function that looks up the code  in cell B9, compares it to the codes   and types of art in the range  B2:C6, and returns the type of art. Copy the   function in cell C9 to  the range C9:C54. Hide column B that contains the   codes.

Click cell K9 and insert an IF   function that determines if the  Issue Price is equal to the Current Value. If   the values are the same,  display Same as Issue (using the cell reference K2); otherwise, display Increased in   Value (using   the cell reference K3). Copy the function from cell K9 to the range K10:K54.

Display the Purchase worksheet,   insert a row above Monthly Payment. Type Monthly Payments in 1 Year in cell A5 and type 12 in cell B5.

In cell B6 in the Purchasing   sheet, insert the payment function to  calculate the monthly payment using   cell references, not numbers, in  the function, and make sure the function   displays a positive result.  Apply Accounting Number Format and the Output   cell style to cell B6.

Display the Christensen   worksheet, select the range C1:E6, and create a clustered column chart.

Cut the chart and paste it in   cell A57, change the height to 4″, and change the width to 6.5″.   Add Alt Text The column chart compares total issue prices to total   current values by type of art. (include the period).

Type Raymond’s Art Collection for the chart title,  apply   bold, and Black, Text 1 font color. Place the legend at the top  of the chart.   Add Primary Minor Horizontal gridlines.

Create a pie chart using the   ranges C2:C6 and E2:E6, and then move the chart to a new chart sheet named Current   Values. Move   the Current Values sheet to the right of the Purchase sheet.

Type Percentage of Total Current Value as the chart  title and change   the font size to 18 pt. Choose Colorful Palette 3 for  the chart colors. Add   this description for Alt Text: The pie chart shows each art type by percentage of   total current value. (include   the period). 

Hide the legend. Add data labels   for categories and percentages;  remove value data labels. Change the font   size to 16 pt, bold, and  Black, Text 1 font color for the data labels. 

Explode the Masterwork   Anniversary Edition slice by 15% and change the fill color to Light Blue.

Display the Christensen   worksheet, click in any cell within the dataset, convert the data to a table,   assign a table name Collection, and apply Green, Table Style Light 14.

Apply a conditional format to   the range J9:J54 that highlights  cells where the value is greater than 200%   with Green Fill with Dark  Green Text.

Sort the dataset by Type of Art   in alphabetical order and then  within Type of Art, sort by Current Value from   largest to smallest.

Set a filter to display art that   equals Sold Out as the status.

Add a total row to display the   sum of the Issue Price, Paid, and  Current Values columns. Remove the total   for the Note column.

Select the Purchase sheet, set   2″ top margin, and center horizontally on page.

Select the Christensen sheet,   select Landscape orientation, Legal  paper size, set 0.2″ left and right   margins, 0.5″ top and bottom  margins, and set row 8 to repeat at the top   of pages.

On the Christensen worksheet,   change the width of column A to 27, the width of column D to 11, the width of column J to 12. Wrap text in cell A1 and cell   J8.

Create a footer with Exploring   Series on the   left side, the sheet tab code in the center, and file name code on the right   side on the Christensen sheet.

Professional paper word document 2 pages

In terms of team interaction and effectiveness, please discuss and rate your team’s “Leadership Style”.

Read Text Book: “Group Dynamics for Teams, 6th edition by Daniel Levi and David A Askay” and articles.

Note: No images

5/2 Discussion Read

  1. Read Chapters 9 and 10, and review Chapter 6 in your textbook.
  2. Using the discussion link below, respond to the following questions:
    1. What was the most useful takeaway for you from this workshop’s reading?
    2. What concept from the reading is the most applicable to you now in your profession, and how might you implement it?
  3. 300 word