Data Analysis Report


Applied Data Analytics Capstone

Project Report Instructions

The written report should include the following sections:

  • Introduction (one to two pages)
  • Data (two to three pages)
  • Methods (one page)
  • Analysis (two to five pages)
  • Conclusion (one to two pages)
  • Appendix (no limit)

It is for the same you did before for the covid-variants.csv and this is the final report

IT Project/Programming

 Note – Subject to Change

Open project template to start

Complete the following

Structures for project 

 struct Employee {  

 string firstname; 

string lastname;

int   hours;

int   regHours;

int   otHours;

double regRate; 

double otRate;

double regPay;

double otPay; 

double totPay;

double ficaTax;

double SSMedTax;

double totDecutions; 

double netPay; 

 };  //Structure arrays 

Employee employees[MAX_EMPLOYEES]; 

 Write a program that will calculate the payroll for 3 employees. It will also total the payroll for the company.  

Write functions that will do the following

displayMenu – displays the follows 

 •Press 1 to input employees

•Press 2 to input hours

•Press 3 to calculate payroll

•Press 4 to calculate totals – Extra Credit

•Press 5 to print payroll

•Press X to exit 

 getSelection – gets menu selection and validates input with a switch statement. Use a do while until get valid input. If not valid does the following 

 •Displays error message

•Calls displayMenu

•Gets new input selection 

 processSelection – extra credit to process

inputEmployee that will input the information for 3 employees. Use a for loop

•User input

string firstname;

string lastname;

int empNum;

double regular rate

double ot rate (calculated) 

 inputHours   that will get the total hours worked for each employee.  

 Note Overtime hours will be calculated in the calcPayroll function for hours worked over MAX_REG_HOURS 

 initializeEmployees sets all fields to “” or 0

calcPayroll – Calculates the payroll by using reg hours worked and overtime hours worked. Overtime hours worked is any hours > MAX_REG_HOURS  and is done for you 

 •Calculated fields

otHours – calculated as hours over the maxreghours. If regHours = 48 then OT hours would be 8

regPay (regHours * regRate)

otPay (otHours * otRate)

 totalPay (regPay + otPay)

fica (total pay * fica pct)

socSec (total pay * ss med pct)

totDeductions (fica + socSec)

netPay (totalPay – totDeductions) 

 displayPayroll Displays all fields for each employee on a separate line. Format all money to 2 decimal places. Function will also print the payroll totals and averages 




Discuss the following…

A) What current dedicated networks are there? Does anyone know how much it cost?

B) Can someone search when to use ring, mesh, star (pick one)? when to use what?

Feel free to show diagrams or videos or animation to help others understand.

Create a calculator in android studio

 Question: Create a calculator in android studio using Fragments. Again, you MUST show where you used fragments in the code. you have to use 2 fragments; one for the bottom and the other one for the bottom as specified in the picture attached.

Language used: Kotlin 

please provide screenshot of output that looks like the picture attached.

Packet Tracer Lab Activities 2

Must be familiar and proficient with Cisco Packet Tracer. 

The following attachment is a .pka file that contains the lab activity to be completed. Please do the lab to 100% completion. It involves troubleshooting IPv4 and static and default routes. Details for troubleshooting steps must include proper commands. For the action plan, list it in a separate word file.

The Cisco Network Build project is not a .pka file. It is a Word document file with instructions on how to build a specific network. This will be done in Packet Tracer from scratch. Please utilize this file to conduct the steps listed in the activity  in Packet Tracer and save the file. 


200 words+

Discuss what is connection-oriented communication. Why should systems dealing with money be connection-oriented? Are there any examples of everyday communication systems that use flooding?

cyber security

Article related:

What are your thoughts on Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act? 

Describe the main elements of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act as they apply to security.