Discussion: Biometrics and Global Identity

The convenience and availability of cloud services has seen a dramatic increase in business functionality being shifted from local servers to the cloud. Even our biometrics may be stored in the cloud.Assume your employer has signed up with a global authentication provider that stores user fingerprints in the users’ global identity accounts. Users can then use their biometric fingerprint from the cloud service to access websites rather than storing the fingerprint locally on their mobile device or computer.In theory, if an attacker gains access to your fingerprints (whether stored locally or in the cloud), they could compromise any of your online accounts that accept your fingerprints.Answer the following question(s):

  1. Is the storage of biometric data safer locally or in the cloud? Why?
  2. If an attacker has your fingerprints, could multifactor authentication (MFA) still prevent the attacker from gaining access to your accounts? Why or why not?

Fully address the questions in this discussion; provide valid rationale or a citation for your choices; and respond to at least two other students’ views.Initial post should be at least 350 words in length. Each reply post should be at least 150 words in length.




#Exp19 Excel Ch03 CapAssessment Movies

Project Description:

You are an assistant manager at Premiere Movie Source, an online  company that enables customers to download movies for a fee. You need to  track movie download sales by genre. You gathered the data for April  2021 and organized it in an Excel workbook. You are ready to create  charts to help represent the data so that you can make a presentation to  your manager later this week.

Steps to Perform:



Points    Possible


Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch03_CapAssessment_Movies.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.



You want to create a pie chart to show the   percentage each category contributes to the monthly movie downloads.

  Select the ranges A5:A10 and F5:F10. Create a pie chart and move it to a   chart sheet named April Pie Chart.



The   chart needs a descriptive title that is easy to read.

  Type April   2021 Downloads by Genre as the chart title, apply bold, 18 pt font size, and Black, Text   1 font color.



Percentage and category data labels will provide   identification information for the pie chart.

  Add category and percentage data labels in the Inside End position.  Remove   value data labels and the legend. Apply 14 pt font size and  Black, Text 1   font color.



You   want to focus on the comedy movies by exploding it and changing its fill   color.

  Explode the Comedy slice by 7% and apply Dark Red fill color.



A best practice is to include Alt Text for   accessibility compliance.

  Add Alt Text: The pie chart shows percentage of downloads by genre   for April 2021.   (including the period)



Next   you want to create a combo chart to depict the monthly totals and percentages   by category.

  Display the Data sheet, select the ranges A4:A10 and F4:G10, and  then create   a Clustered Column – Line on Secondary Axis combo chart.



You want to position the chart below the data   source.

  Cut the chart and paste it in cell A13. Change the height to 3.5″ and the width to 6″.



Change   the combo chart title to April 2021 Downloads. Apply Black, Text 1 font color to the chart   title.



Axis titles will help distinguish the number and   percentage of downloads.

  Add a primary value axis title and type Number of Downloads. Add a secondary value axis   title and type Percentage of Monthly Downloads. Apply Black, Text 1 font color   to both value axis titles.



Now   that you added an axis title for each vertical axis, you can  remove the   legend and format the secondary value axis to display whole  percentages.

  Remove the legend for the combo chart. Display 0 decimal places for the   secondary value axis.



You want to add some color to the plot area for the   combo chart.

  Apply Light Gradient – Accent 1 gradient fill color for the plot area.



A best   practice is to include Alt Text for accessibility compliance.

  Add Alt Text: The combo chart shows the number and percentage of   downloads by genre for April 2021. (including the period).



To provide a visual summary of the weekly totals   for each genre, you will insert sparklines.

  Select the range B5:E11. Insert Line Sparklines in the range H5:H11. Apply   Black, Sparkline Style Dark #4



Displaying   the markers helps identify the specific points on the  sparklines. You will   also change the high point to a different color  to stand out.

  Show the high point and markers for the sparklines. Change the high point   marker color to Red.



Your last major task is to create a bar chart for   weekly downloads.

  Select the range A4:E10. Create a stacked bar chart. Move the chart to new   chart sheet. Type Weekly Downloads for the sheet name. Apply Style 8 chart style.



Add a   chart title above the bar chart and type April 2021 Weekly Downloads by Genre



Increasing the font size will make the chart   elements easier to read.

  Apply 11 pt font size to the category axis, value axis, and the legend for   the bar chart.



Because   the largest value is less than 9,000, you can reduce the  maximum bound in the   chart. In addition, you want to display the  category labels in the same order   that they are in the worksheet.

  Change the maximum bounds for the value axis to 9000 and set the Major Units to 500  for the bar chart. Use the Axis   Options to format the category axis  so that the category labels are in   reverse order in the bar chart.



Although the bar chart displays major gridlines,   minor gridlines could improve the appearance.

  Add primary minor vertical gridlines to the bar chart.



A best   practice is to include Alt Text for accessibility compliance for the bar   chart.

  Add Alt Text: The stacked bar chart shows downloads by each week for   each genre.   (including the period).



Insert a footer with Exploring Series on the left,  the sheet name   code in the center, and the file name code on the right  on all the sheets.   Change to Normal view.



Save   and close Exp19_Excel_Ch03_CapAssessment_Movies.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.


Enterprise Data Management and Administration

Que 1

Describe how information systems have changed the way businesses operate and their products and services. 1 page 

que 2 

Which features of organizations do managers need to know about to build and use information systems successfully? What is the impact of information systems on organizations? 1 page

que 3 

Why do contemporary information systems technology and the Internet pose challenges to the protection of individual privacy and intellectual property? 1 page

Introduction to datamining – Discussion

In chapter 3, the author describes eight core functions of the global financial service sector which blockchain technology will likely change. Create a new thread, choose one of the core functions described in chapter 3, and explain why it is important in moving today’s economy forward, and provide at least two real examples of the chosen core function being changed by blockchain technology today.

Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read in Chapter 1, 2, or 3. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.

Finally, go to three other students’ threads and post comments, answering at least one of their questions.

You must do the following:

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, choose one of the core functions described in chapter 3, explain why it is important in moving today’s economy forward, and provide at least two real examples of the chosen core function being changed by blockchain technology today. Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read in Chapter 1. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.

2) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should answer AT LEAST one of the questions posed in the thread and extend the conversation started with that thread. Make sure that you include the question in your comment so I can see what question you’re answering.

ALL original posts and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just a short answer.)






#Exp19 Excel Ch03 CapAssessment Movies

Project Description:

You are an assistant manager at Premiere Movie Source, an online  company that enables customers to download movies for a fee. You need to  track movie download sales by genre. You gathered the data for April  2021 and organized it in an Excel workbook. You are ready to create  charts to help represent the data so that you can make a presentation to  your manager later this week.

Steps to Perform:



Points    Possible


Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch03_CapAssessment_Movies.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.



You want to create a pie chart to show the   percentage each category contributes to the monthly movie downloads.

  Select the ranges A5:A10 and F5:F10. Create a pie chart and move it to a   chart sheet named April Pie Chart.



The   chart needs a descriptive title that is easy to read.

  Type April   2021 Downloads by Genre as the chart title, apply bold, 18 pt font size, and Black, Text   1 font color.



Percentage and category data labels will provide   identification information for the pie chart.

  Add category and percentage data labels in the Inside End position.  Remove   value data labels and the legend. Apply 14 pt font size and  Black, Text 1   font color.



You   want to focus on the comedy movies by exploding it and changing its fill   color.

  Explode the Comedy slice by 7% and apply Dark Red fill color.



A best practice is to include Alt Text for   accessibility compliance.

  Add Alt Text: The pie chart shows percentage of downloads by genre   for April 2021.   (including the period)



Next   you want to create a combo chart to depict the monthly totals and percentages   by category.

  Display the Data sheet, select the ranges A4:A10 and F4:G10, and  then create   a Clustered Column – Line on Secondary Axis combo chart.



You want to position the chart below the data   source.

  Cut the chart and paste it in cell A13. Change the height to 3.5″ and the width to 6″.



Change   the combo chart title to April 2021 Downloads. Apply Black, Text 1 font color to the chart   title.



Axis titles will help distinguish the number and   percentage of downloads.

  Add a primary value axis title and type Number of Downloads. Add a secondary value axis   title and type Percentage of Monthly Downloads. Apply Black, Text 1 font color   to both value axis titles.



Now   that you added an axis title for each vertical axis, you can  remove the   legend and format the secondary value axis to display whole  percentages.

  Remove the legend for the combo chart. Display 0 decimal places for the   secondary value axis.



You want to add some color to the plot area for the   combo chart.

  Apply Light Gradient – Accent 1 gradient fill color for the plot area.



A best   practice is to include Alt Text for accessibility compliance.

  Add Alt Text: The combo chart shows the number and percentage of   downloads by genre for April 2021. (including the period).



To provide a visual summary of the weekly totals   for each genre, you will insert sparklines.

  Select the range B5:E11. Insert Line Sparklines in the range H5:H11. Apply   Black, Sparkline Style Dark #4



Displaying   the markers helps identify the specific points on the  sparklines. You will   also change the high point to a different color  to stand out.

  Show the high point and markers for the sparklines. Change the high point   marker color to Red.



Your last major task is to create a bar chart for   weekly downloads.

  Select the range A4:E10. Create a stacked bar chart. Move the chart to new   chart sheet. Type Weekly Downloads for the sheet name. Apply Style 8 chart style.



Add a   chart title above the bar chart and type April 2021 Weekly Downloads by Genre



Increasing the font size will make the chart   elements easier to read.

  Apply 11 pt font size to the category axis, value axis, and the legend for   the bar chart.



Because   the largest value is less than 9,000, you can reduce the  maximum bound in the   chart. In addition, you want to display the  category labels in the same order   that they are in the worksheet.

  Change the maximum bounds for the value axis to 9000 and set the Major Units to 500  for the bar chart. Use the Axis   Options to format the category axis  so that the category labels are in   reverse order in the bar chart.



Although the bar chart displays major gridlines,   minor gridlines could improve the appearance.

  Add primary minor vertical gridlines to the bar chart.



A best   practice is to include Alt Text for accessibility compliance for the bar   chart.

  Add Alt Text: The stacked bar chart shows downloads by each week for   each genre.   (including the period).



Insert a footer with Exploring Series on the left,  the sheet name   code in the center, and the file name code on the right  on all the sheets.   Change to Normal view.



Save   and close Exp19_Excel_Ch03_CapAssessment_Movies.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.


Project 1 – System Scan Report

Hide Assignment InformationTurnitin®Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.Instructions

This week, you will submit your first project, the System Scan Report. Your report should include the following:

  • Introduction
  • Target System
  • Zenmap Scan
  • OpenVAS Scan
  • Open Socket Connection
  • Recommendations
  • References

If you haven’t already done so last week:

How Will My Work Be Evaluated?

1.2.1: Identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication.

  • Provide a brief introduction explaining the services performed and a summary at the end with the important findings of the scan. Validate your recommendations using industry standard techniques. Include at least two to three references in IEEE format.

1.4.2: Use vocabulary appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.

  • Make sure the report to the client contains grammatically correct language without any spelling or typographical errors. Explain industry acronyms when they are introduced since they may be unfamiliar to the client.

10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.

  • The client has asked for a Zenmap scan, an OpenVAS vulnerability scan, and to use other accepted industry practices for the systems scan. You will need to include screenshots and note the application versions that are listed and displayed in the scan results.

12.2.1: Identify systems for the risk assessment.

  • During any scan report, it is critical that you list the IP address of the system you are using to connect to the client’s corporate network (for auditing purposes) as well as the IP address of the system(s) that you are scanning. Discuss the scope of engagement and the limitations of your actions to stay within the parameters of the test.

12.2.2: Perform a risk analysis.

  • Explain to the client the security issues that are present on the Linux system. Discuss critical vulnerabilities that need to be addressed and the measures that may need to be taken to deal with the underlying security issues (additional staff, equipment, billable hours, etc.).

13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.

  • In this section, recommend that you and your contractors perform a full penetration test on the target system. Mention the implications (ransomware, exfiltration, credential harvesting, etc.) that might occur if the security issues are not addressed.

When you are finished, click “add a file” to upload your work, and then click the Submit button.

Hide Rubrics

Rubric Name: Project 1 – System Scan Report

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaExceeds Performance RequirementsMeets Performance RequirementsApproaches Performance RequirementsDoes Not Meet Performance RequirementsCriterion Score1.2.1: Identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication.10 points

Identifies the target audience, context, and goal of the communication in a clear and appropriate manner.

8.5 points

Identifies the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication.

7.5 points

Attempts to Identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication, but there are issues with accuracy or appropriateness.

0 points

Does not identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication.

/ 101.4.2: Use vocabulary appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.10 points

Uses enhanced vocabulary highly appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.

8.5 points

Uses vocabulary appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.

7.5 points

Attempts to use vocabulary for the discipline, genre, and intended audience, but there are lapses and gaps.

0 points

Uses inappropriate vocabulary for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.

/ 1010.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.20 points

Identifies IT project requirements in a thorough and clear manner to meet all stated stakeholder needs.

17 points

Identifies IT project requirements to meet stated stakeholder needs.

15 points

Attempts to identify project requirements to meet stakeholder needs, but there are gaps and/or lack of clarity.

0 points

Does not identify IT project requirements to meet stated stakeholder needs.

/ 2012.2.1: Identify systems for the risk assessment20 points

Clearly identifies the most critical vulnerabilities with the system and accurately describes the security issues that need to be addressed.

17 points

Identifies most of the vulnerabilities with the system and describes most of the security issues that need to be addressed.

15 points

Identifies some of the vulnerabilities with the system and describes some of the security issues that need to be addressed.

0 points

Does not address the vulnerabilities with the system and does not describe the security issues that need to be addressed.

/ 2012.2.2: Perform a risk analysis.20 points

Performs a thorough risk analysis and clearly identifies the impact and threat of the vulnerability.

17 points

Performs a risk analysis anidentifies the impact and threat of the vulnerability.

15 points

Performs a risk analysis but does not discuss the impact and / or threat.

0 points

Does not perform a risk analysis.

/ 2013.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.20 points

Creates thorough and accurate IT documentation that exceeds requirements.

17 points

Creates IT documentation that meets requirements.

15 points

Creates IT documentation that lacks detail and/or does not fully meet requirements.

0 points

Does not create appropriate IT documentation.

/ 20Rubric Total ScoreTotal/ 100

Overall Score

Overall Score

Exceeds Performance Requirements90 points minimum

Meets Performance Requirements80 points minimum

Approaches Performance Requirements70 points minimum

Does Not Meet Performance Requirements0 points minimum

Associated Learning ObjectivesLearning Objective1.2.1: Identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication.Assessment Method:  Score on Criteria – 1.2.1: Identify the target audience, the context, and the goal of the communication.Required Performance:  Meets Performance RequirementsLearning Objective1.4.2: Use vocabulary appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.Assessment Method:  Score on Criteria – 1.4.2: Use vocabulary appropriate for the discipline, genre, and intended audience.Required Performance:  Meets Performance RequirementsLearning Objective10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.Assessment Method:  Score on Criteria – 10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.Required Performance:  Meets Performance RequirementsLearning Objective12.2.1: Identify systems for the risk assessment.Assessment Method:  Score on Criteria – 12.2.1: Identify systems for the risk assessmentRequired Performance:  Meets Performance RequirementsLearning Objective12.2.2: Perform a risk analysis.Assessment Method:  Score on Criteria – 12.2.2: Perform a risk analysis.Required Performance:  Meets Performance RequirementsLearning Objective13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.Assessment Method:  Score on Criteria – 13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.Required Performance:  Meets Performance Requiremen

Assignment 300 words


Do a bit of research on CWE, Common Weakness Enumeration.

Write a brief overview of their scoring system.

Pick one of common weaknesses identified on their site and describe it.