Blockchain – Discussion

n chapter 6, the author describes twelve disruptions to existing markets. Create a new thread, choose one of the disruptions discussed in chapter 6, and explain how you think it will impact today’s economy, and provide at least two real examples of the chosen disruption being realized with blockchain technology today.

Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read in Chapter 4, 5, or 6. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.

You must do the following:

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, choose one of the disruptions discussed in chapter 6, and explain how you think it will impact today’s economy, and provide at least two real examples of the chosen disruption being realized with blockchain technology today. Then think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material you read in Chapter 4, 5, or 6. You’re not trying to test each other, but you are trying to start a discussion.

2) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should answer AT LEAST one of the questions posed in the thread and extend the conversation started with that thread. Make sure that you include the question in your comment so I can see what question you’re answering.

ALL original posts and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just a short answer.)



Wk 10 Discussion

Social engineering is the art of manipulating people so they give up confidential information. The types of information these criminals are seeking can vary, but when individuals are targeted the criminals are usually trying to trick you into giving them your passwords or bank information, or access your computer to secretly install malicious software – that will give them access to your passwords and bank information as well as giving them control over your computer.

Explain a scenario where you or someone you know may have unknowingly given too much personal information to a stranger. How could this situation  been avoided?
Reference Article Link:

Post should be between 250-300 words


Week 10 Discussion

Describe three network security risks and how an administrator may be able to defend aganist them.

An initial post must be between 250-300 words

Cyber Security Career Plan


The goal of this assignment is to choose a topic and create a research plan that will contribute to the Week 7 Final Project. 


In the Week 1 and Week 2 Lessons, we have read about two steps of the BIG6 model: task definition and information seeking strategies (CO1 & 2). As you consider the Week 7 Final Project, you will complete a project plan to help you focus your energies and generate ideas to help you be successful academically. To complete the Week 2 Assignment: Project Plan, you have to complete Parts I and II. 

Part I:
Click on the Assignment tab to review the instructions for the Week 7 Final Project. After you understand what is required in Week 7, write one or two sentences per bullet point (there are additional questions and points to help you flesh our your ideas): 

  • Topic:
    • Choose a topic that is realistic and one that you want to learn more about.
    • The topic might be a career field you want to go into or something else that deeply interests you.
  • Scope and value:
    • What is the scope of the topic and your research?
    • What value does it bring to your life? To your professional life? 
  • Communication medium:
    • How are you going to communicate your project?
    • How will you make your presentation different and unique? 
  • Critical thinking questions:
    • Pose different questions that will help you with your research and investigate your topic in more depth. 
    • Post critical questions that will push you to improve. 
  • Subtopics (optional).
  • Brainstorming (optional). 

Part II:
Part II is a reflective paragraph that represents your critical thinking process when thinking about possible sources and your research. You are NOT looking for specific sources now. Consider the best possible sources as presented in the week 2 Lesson. What type of sources will work best for your research? How can you support your project plan with credible, current, reliable, accurate, and relevant information?

Once you complete Parts I and II, please submit as a WORD document. 

Consider the following: 
– Keep in mind that a robust project plan will help you with the Week 4 and Week 7 assignments.
– Please see the attached rubric to review grading expectations.

Write a stack client


Write a stack client  that reads in sequence of left and right parentheses, braces, and brackets from standard input and uses a stack to determine whether the sequence is properly balanced. 

For example, your program should print true for [()]{}{[()()]()} (Brackets1.txt)

and false for [(]) (Brackets2.txt). These input files are in Code,Documents.

Your calling statement should be: java Brackets < Brackets1.txt or 

java Brackets < Brackets2.txt. Run both input files.  

use the program and again use the file “Assn2and3” as input. Modify the program to count the actual number of array accesses with a variable – disregard the array initialization. Submit a .txt file of the program with the results at the end.

Java Code

  1. Movie Class 10 POINTS
    Write a class named Movie that has fields to hold the following data:

    • Title
    • Studio Name
    • Year produced
    • Rating
    • In the Movie class, also include
    • A mutator (setter) method for each field to set the value for the field
    • An accessor (getter) method for each field to get the value for the field
    • Write a separate demo program (ex: HARDYL_J5B) that utilizes the class by creating three instances of the class and printing the info in them and test all methods in the class.
    • You’ll have one program (Movie) for the movie class, and the demo program (HardyL_J5B)
    • In the Movie class, define your fields, then your methods
    • In the demo program, instantiate
    • It took me about 30 minutes
    • Rubric:
    • Doesn’t have the class defined -10 (no credit for this part of the assignment)
    • Doesn’t have all the fields defined -.5 per field missing
    • Doesn’t display the result -1
    • Demo program doesn’t test the methods in the class -1
    • Missing demo program -4
  2. Using Java Two C, create a class called Order (ex: p351) that has the following fields:
    • entree A char that holds the person’s burger order
    • drink A char that holds the person’s drink order
    • dessert A char that holds the person’s dessert order
    • The class should have the following methods defined:
    • default constructor – Sets all values to blank
    • Constructor#2 – Accepts an order’s entrée, drink, and dessert selection
    • setEntree – Accepts a char argument that is copied to the entrée field
    • setDrink – Accepts a char argument that is copied to the drink field
    • setDessert – Accepts a char argument that is copied to the dessert field
    • getEntree – Returns the value in entrée
    • getDrink – Returns the value in drink
    • getDessert – Returns the value in dessert
    • getPrice Returns the price of the three items in the order
    • Write a demo program (ex: HARDYL_J5D) that instantiates three people’s orders.  Allow the user to enter the orders.  Display each person’s order price and a total for the entire bill. 
      Person #1            $7.00
      Person #2            $8.50
      Person #3            $10.25
      Total                    $25.75Hints/Tips:
    • Your output can look like the example, or you can change it, but make it clear. For example, you might have a column heading for Person and put #1 under the heading.
    • You can also use different field & method names but call your class Order.
    • You do not have to return the description for the selections.
    • Get price will have the same code used in Java 2D, except for description
    • The demo program will have similar code to Java 2D, but you do it 3 times.
    • Don’t worry about validating the input values (you should in business, but I don’t want this to be too complicated/time-consuming for you).
    • Be sure your demo program tests all methods of the class. For one person, get all the values and pass them all back. For another person, instantiate the order, then set the individual values one at a time.
    • When formatting output, you might have to use multiple tabs (t) to align the data.
    • It took me about 35 minutes
    • Rubric:
    • Doesn’t create Order class -10 (no credit for this part of the assignment)
    • Doesn’t create a Demo program -5
    • Doesn’t have all the class fields -1/per field (3)
    • Doesn’t have all the class methods -.5/per method (9)
    • Doesn’t calculate price -2
    • Doesn’t display results -3
    • Doesn’t display correct total -1




Your program will read one input sequential file. You will use textfile “patients.txt” which is located on tracs as a test file but you must write your program so that it invokes the dialog feature of C# ***** the user can select the input file form a Windows template. You will submit your exam on tracs in a zipped folder. If your zipped folder contains fewer than 5KB of data it is garbage and it will receive a 0. You are allowed multiple submissions to safeguard your work, but anything submitted past the end of class will not be graded. I will grade the last submitted version.

As specified above, you should code your program so it can input data from any file the Nurse or the Doctor wants to. The format of the input file is such that the input file contains multiple sets of data for cardiac care patients and it could also be an infinite continuous stream of data records. Each set of 12 consecutive records contains data about one patient. The first record contains the patient name, the next 10 records contain 5 pairs of data representing 5 measurements of the patient’s blood pressure (Systolic over Diastolic) and the 12th record contains the id of the doctor for that patient. The first number is ***** pressure, the second number is ***** pressure, and the third number is ***** pressure and so on. The input file will look like this followed by data for the next patient and the next patient and so on.

Joe A. Patient











1There will be an unspecified number of data sets in the various input files to be processed. Your program must create 3 String constants in memory. They should hold the following string values:

D.ABRAMS,MD Dr. Abrams is doctor 0.

D.JARVIC,MD Dr. Jarvic is doctor***** Panos is doctor 2.


For each patient in the input file, your program will load the systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurements into the proper variables that you must define. You will compute the average value for each group of variables: one average value for the Systolic values and one average value for the Diastolic values and display them in a listbox, along with the “Status” and the “Doctor’s Name.”

If the average Systolic pressure of a patient is <=90 or >= 160 OR if the average Diastolic pressure is <= 60 or >= 90 then your program must display a “WARNING” under the status for that patient, otherwise you will display ‘NORMAL’ under the status for that patient. The last column of the display will show the Cardiologist’s Name for the patient.SAMPLE GUI FOR YOUR CARDIAC CARE APPLICATIONCODING SPECIFICATIONS:


The codebehind the “DISPLAY PATIENT STATUS” button must only contain calls to VOID methods and Value Returning methods (known as Functions).

Write a void method ProcessFile to process the file until the end of stream and call that method from inside the button click event.

Inside this ProcessFile method your program should call the following sub-methods:

Write two separate Functions (value returning methods.) One, SystolicPressure, to accumulate and return the mean Systolic blood pressure and another Function, DiastolicPressure, to accumulate and return the mean Diastolic pressure of the current patient.

Write a Function PatientStatus, to return the patient’s STATUS after the patient’s numeric data has been processed.

Write a Function DoctorsName to return the doctor’s name.

Write a private void DisplayOutput method, to create a string and display each output line for each patient the app is processing.Clear_MonitorButton

The codebehind the “CLEAR MONITOR” button must contain calls to void methods that will do the field and variable cleaning and re-initializations.

HW 6

 After reviewing chapter 9 on anomaly detection this week, answer the following questions in essay format.

  1. What are the characteristics of anomaly detection? 
  2. What are the detection problems and methods?
  3. What are the statistical approaches when there is an anomaly found?
  4. Compare and contrast proximity and clustering based approaches.

In an APA7 formatted essay answer all questions above.  There should be headings to each of the questions above as well. 


  1. ch. 8 & 9 in textbook: Cluster Analysis: Additional Issues and Algorithms AND Anomaly Detection

Database – Discussions

Discussion 1 (Chapter 1):  Give examples of systems in which it may make sense to use traditional file processing instead of a database approach. 

Instructions: Your response to the initial question should be 250-300 words.  Next respond to two postings provided by your classmates. The first post should be made by Wednesday 11:59 p.m., EST. I am looking for active engagement in the discussion.  Please engage early and often. You are require to create your initial thread in order to view and respond to the threads posted by other students.  There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post as needed.  Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.