Data Base security


Write an essay of at least 500 words discussing IAM in a federated cloud application. 

Do not copy without providing proper attribution. This paper will be evaluated through SafeAssign. 

Write an essay format, Use the five-paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. Include 3 quotes with quotation marks and cited in-line and in a list of references. Include an interesting meaningful title.

Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles. 

Use the Research Databases available from the Danforth Library, not Google. 

Place the words you copied (do not alter or paraphrase the words) in quotation marks and cite in-line (as all work copied from another should be handled). The quotes should be full sentences (no more, less) and should be incorporated in your discussion (they do not replace your discussion) to illustrate or emphasize your ideas.

Services Marketing

 Think about a good or bad service experience that you have had. Briefly describe the experience. What factors contributed to this experience? What changes could have been made to make this an even better service experience? Why is service marketing important? 

 Your initial response to the discussion question should be 250-300 words. You must have at least one course (our text) and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your initial posting.  Sources require in-text citations and must be incorporated into the body of the post in addition to a full APA citation at the end of the post.


Part II: Trees


Task Background: Graphs and Trees are useful in visualizing data and the relations within and between data sets. Conversely, it is also important to be able to represent graphs as databases or arrays, so that programs for processing the data can be written. 

Part I: Adjacency Matrix and Shortest Path 

Construct a graph based on the adjacency matrix that appears below. Label all nodes with indices consistent with the placement of numbers within the matrix. 

⌈ 0 6 0 5 0⌉ 

| 6 0 1 0 3 | 

| 0 1 0 4 8 | 

| 5 0 4 0 0 | 

⌊ 0 3 8 0 0⌋ 

Describe the graph and why it is consistent with the matrix. 

How many simple paths are there from vertex 1 to vertex 5? Explain. 

Which is the shortest of those paths? 

Part II: Trees 

Construct and describe a tree that indicates the following: 

A college president has 2 employees who answer directly to him or her, namely a vice president and provost. The vice president and provost each have an administrative assistant. Three deans answer to the provost, and the heads of finance and alumni relations answer to the vice president. Each dean oversees three department chairpersons, and each department chair oversees several faculty in each of their respective departments. 

Suppose that the professional correspondences are the same as above, with the addition that there is also a direct working relationship between the college president and the head of alumni relations (it is not necessary to draw this). Would the graph still be a tree? Why or why not?



Word Chapter 4 Capstone Assessment – Retirement

 Exp19 Word Ch04 CapAssessment Retirement 


Project Description:

You are enrolled in a personal finance course at your local university. One of the assignments is to write a group paper with another student about the different types of retirement plans. You and your partner conducted research on the topic and wrote a final draft of the report. In this project, you will format the paper to enhance readability. You will use track changes, accepting and rejecting them as necessary, credit sources used in the preparation of the report, address your partner’s comments, include a table of contents and an index.


Start   Word. Download and open the file named Exp19_Word_Ch04_CapAssessment_Retirement.docx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename. 


Ensure that the markup view is   All Markup. Review the comments. On the second page, reject the replacement   of the two words NOW to lowercase.


Accept all other tracked changes   in the document and stop tracking. Keep all comments.


Change all headings to the   correct heading styles as per the comments left by your partner.


Reply to the first comment by   typing I   have made the style replacement. (include the period.)


Select the table on page 2, and   insert the caption text to read Table 1: The Future Value of Money (no period). Make sure the   caption displays above the selected item. Center the caption.


Assign the caption Table 2: Comparisons   between a Traditional and a Roth IRA for the next table, as instructed in the comments.   Center the caption.


Select the APA Sixth Edition   style. Click before the period at the end of the first sentence of the 403(b) Plans section. The sentence   ends in (TSA) plan. Insert the   following Web site citation:

  Name of Web Page: Choosing a Retirement Plan: 403(b) Tax-Sheltered   Annuity Plan
  Name of Web Site: IRS
  Year: 2018
  Month: October
  Day: 08


Click before the period ending   the first sentence of the 401(K)   section. The sentence ends with at   their workplace. Insert the following Web site citation:

  Name of Web Page: 401(k) Plan
  Name of Web Site: IRS
  Year: 2018
  Month: October
  Day: 14


For the first table, replace the   Source URL with the following website citation:

  Name of Web Page: The Future Value of Money
  Name of Web Site: IRS
  Year: 2018
  Month: October
  Day: 14


Insert a footnote on page 2 at   the end of the table heading in the Introduction   section (the first line of the table), which ends with 6% annual return. Type the following for the footnote: The   calculation did not take into consideration the cost of living adjustment   (COLA). (Do not   include the period.) Change the number format for footnotes to a, b, c in the   Footnotes dialog box. (Click Apply, not Insert.)


Insert a blank page at the end   of the report and insert a bibliography with the title References. The bibliography should be double-spaced with no   paragraph spacing before or after.


Format the bibliography with a   font of Times New Roman and a font size of 12 pt. Center the References title. All text in the   bibliography should be Black, Text 1 font color. Ensure that no text is bold.


Create a table of contents, with   an Automatic Table 1 style, on a new page positioned between the cover page   and the current page 2. Note: Mac users, create a Classic style table of   contents.


Mark the following words as   index entries, selecting Mark All for each: contribution, Roth IRA,   traditional IRA, 403(b), and 401(k). Select the first occurrence of deduction and set a cross-reference as See contribution.
  Note, please be sure to search your document to ensure that all occurrences   are marked as specified; press CTRL+F and use the Navigation Pane to locate   each one.


Add an index on a blank page at   the end of the document. Use Classic format and accept all other default   settings.


Insert a footer with a centered   page number, using the Plain Number 2 format. Note: Mac users, insert the   default page number. Do not display the page number footer on the first page.   Numbering begins with page 1 on the Table of Contents page.


Insert a page break so that the   second table and its caption is on one page. Also, update the Table of   Contents to reflect the change in page number.


Save and close Exp19_Word_Ch04_CapAssessment_Retirement.docx.   Exit Word. Submit the file as directed.




 Exp19 Excel Ch05 Cap Apartments

Project Description:

You manage several apartment complexes in Phoenix, Arizona. You  created a dataset that lists details for each apartment complex, such as  apartment number, including number of bedrooms, whether the unit is  rented or vacant, the last remodel date, rent, and deposits. You will  use the datasets to aggregate data to analyze the apartments at the  complexes.

Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch05_Cap_Apartments.xlsx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.

Before subtotalling the data,   you need to sort the data.

  Select the Summary sheet. Sort the data by Apartment Complex in  alphabetical   order and further sort it by # Bed (the number of  bedrooms) from smallest to   largest.

You want to use the Subtotal   feature to display the average total deposit by number of bedrooms for each   apartment complex.

  Use the Subtotal feature to insert subtotal rows by Apartment  Complex to   calculate the average Total Deposit. Add a second subtotal  (without removing   the first subtotal) by # Bed to calculate the  average Total Deposit by the   number of bedrooms.

Use the outline symbols to   display only the subtotal rows. Create  an automatic outline and collapse the   outline above Total Deposit.

You want to create a PivotTable   to determine the total monthly rental revenue for occupied apartments.

  Display the Rentals sheet and create a blank PivotTable on a new  worksheet to   the left of the Rentals sheet. Change the name of the  worksheet to Rental   Revenue. Name   the PivotTable Rental Revenue

Display the Apartment Complex   and # Bed fields in Rows and the Rental Price field as Values.

Format the Sum of Rental Price   for Accounting Number Format with zero decimal places and enter the custom   name Total   Rent Collected.

Select the Occupied field for   the filter and set the filter to Yes to display data for occupied apartments.

You want to calculate the total   monthly rental revenue if the rates increase by 5% for the occupied   apartments.

  Insert a calculated field to multiply the Rental Price by 1.05. Change the name to New Rental   Revenue. Apply   Accounting Number Format with zero decimal places.

Select the range B3:C3 and apply   these formats: wrap text, Align Right horizontal alignment, and 30 row height. Select column B and   set 9.29 column width. Select column C   and set 14.43 column   width.

Apply Light Orange, Pivot Style   Medium 10 to the PivotTable and display banded rows.

Insert a slicer for # Bed so   that you can filter the dataset by number of bedrooms. Change the slicer   caption to # of Bedrooms

Change the slicer height to 1.4 inches and width to 1.75 inches. Apply Light Orange,   Slicer Style Light 2. Cut the slicer and paste it in cell E2.

Insert a timeline for the Last   Remodel field. Change the time  period to YEARS. Apply Light Orange, Timeline   Style Light 2. Change  the timeline height to 1.4 inches and with to 3.75 inches. 

The Databases sheet contains two   tables. You will create a relationship between those tables.

  Display the Databases sheet. Create a relationship between the  APARTMENTS   table using the Code field and the COMPLEX table using the  Code field.

You want to create a PivotTable   from the related tables.

  Create a PivotTable using the data model on a new sheet. Change the sheet   name to Bedrooms.   Name the PivotTable BedroomData.

Select the Apartment Name field   from the COMPLEX table for Rows,  the # Bed field for Columns, and the # Bed   field as Values. This will  display the number of apartments with the   specified number of bedrooms  per apartment complex. Display the values as a percentage   of row  totals.

Create a Clustered Column   PivotChart. Cut the chart and paste it in cell A13 using the Destination   Theme.

Select the 3-bedroom data series   and apply the Black, Text 1,  Lighter 50% solid fill color. Apply Black, Text   1 font color to the  vertical axis and category axis. Change the chart height   to 3 inches  and the   width to 5 inches, if necessary. Hide the field buttons in the  PivotChart.

Create a footer on all   worksheets with your name in the left, the  sheet name code in the center, and   the file name code in the right.

Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch05_Cap_Apartments.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed

Assign tickets


Project 12-2: Assign tickets with time slots

For this project, you’ll develop an application that assigns tickets that include a time slot when a guest can return to visit an attraction without waiting in line, similar to the way the Fast Pass system works at Disneyland.

The design of the Tickets form


·         To issue a ticket, the user clicks the Issue Ticket button. A ticket with the next ticket number in the next available time slot is issued.

·         Each time a ticket is issued, it is added to the list box.

·         The title bar for this form displays the current time and an indication of whether the current time slot is open or closed. This information is updated once per second.

·         The labels in the Ticket Availability section of the form indicate how many tickets are outstanding and the time slot that will be assigned to the next ticket that’s issued. These labels are updated as tickets are issued and the time changes.

·         When a time slot begins, any outstanding tickets for that time slot are removed from the list box and the beginning and ending ticket numbers assigned to that slot are displayed in the label inside the group box at the top of the form.

·         To change the options for issuing tickets, the user clicks the Options button. Before the Options dialog box is displayed, a dialog box is displayed that warns the user that all outstanding tickets will be deleted and confirms that the user wants to continue.

The design of the Options form


·         The user can enter values into the Options dialog box to specify the number of minutes for each time slot, the number of guests allowed into the attraction during each time slot, the time the attraction opens, the time the attraction closes, and the number for the first ticket. The defaults are five minutes per time slot, five guests per time slot, a start time of the current time, an end time of four hours after the current time, and an initial ticket number of 1.

·         When the user clicks the OK button, the Tickets form is displayed.


·         Use a Timer control to display the current time in the title bar of the main form and to determine the current time slot.

·         When the application starts, it should display the Options dialog box from the Load event handler for the Tickets form. For this to work without an exception being thrown, you’ll need to disable the Timer control until the Options dialog box is completed.

·         The data the user enters in the Options dialog box should be validated to be sure that the minutes per time slot, guests per time slot, and first ticket number are integers; that the start and end times are DateTime values; and that the difference between the start time and the end time provides for at least two time slots.

·         Create a class that represents a time slot for assigning tickets. This class should have public fields that indicate the time the time slot begins, the length of the time slot, and the number of tickets that have been issued for the time slot. This class should also have a property that gets the time the time slot ends. Use this class to create a time slot object for each time slot between the start and end times entered on the Options dialog box, and store these objects in a collection.

·         Create a class that represents a ticket. This class should have public fields that store the ticket number and the time slot that’s assigned to the ticket and a method that sets the next ticket number. As each ticket is issued, the application should create a ticket object with the next ticket number and add it to a queue. Then, when the time slot for the ticket begins, the ticket should be removed from the queue.

·         Once a time slot begins and the tickets in that time slot are removed from the outstanding list of tickets, the user should not be able to issue any more tickets in that time slot even if the maximum number of tickets for that time slot haven’t been issued.


This project requires only minimal object-oriented programming skills (chapter 12 is sufficient) but has extensive collection and date/time requirements. It also requires that you research and use the Timer control, which isn’t presented in the book.

The complexity of the project can be varied as follows:

·         Implement just the ticket assignment portion of the application, with no real-time monitoring of the time.

·         Issue a ticket for the current time slot if tickets are still available.

·         Instead of issuing a ticket for the next available time slot, let the user choose the time slot for the ticket. Then, the tickets in the current time slot will have to be listed individually at the top of the form. Depending on how you design the data store, this may result in a major redesign of the application.

·         Use NumericUpDown controls to select the minutes per window and guests per window from the Options dialog box, and use the DateTimePicker control to select the start and end times. This will require some additional research.


Review the attached file. Suzie has an issue. She can either move to NY or FL and needs to review some data that her agent gave her. The agent reviewed house prices and crime ratings for houses that Suzie would be interested in based on her selection criteria.  She wants to live in an area with lower crime but wants to know a few things:

Is it more expensive or less expensive to live in FL or NY?

Is the crime rate higher in FL or NY (Note a low score in crime means lower crime)?

Is the crime rate higher in lower or higher house price areas?

Using the R tool, show the data in the tool to answer each of the questions.  Also, show the data visualization to go along with the summary.

If you were Suzie, where would you move based on the questions above?

After you gave Suzie the answer above (to #4), she gave you some additional information that you need to consider:

She has $100,000 to put down for the house.

If she moves to NY she will have a job earning $120,000 per year.

If she moves to FL she will have a job earning $75,000 per year.

She wants to know the following:

On average what location will she be able to pay off her house first based on average housing prices and income she will receive?

Where should she move and why?  Please show graphics and thoroughly explain your answer here based on the new information provided above.

Project Management – Discussion

 1. Describe a potential timing issue that can occur early in a project and a potential timing issue that can occur at the end of a project. How would you address each of these issues in your project?

2. Describe a few normal causes and special causes of variation on a project you have worked on. How did you address these variations? 

Note: Write 250 words discussion for each question.

Project Documentation


Assignment Content

  1. Project implementation is arguably the most exciting stage of the project management process. It is during project implementation that project plans begin to come to life and assumptions are able to be tested and measured in real-life scenarios.

    One of the outcomes of project implementation is a set of deliverables that typically includes a system diagram; a network diagram; a database design document, including an entity-relationship diagram, a data dictionary, and table definitions; a clearly articulated cybersecurity plan; and source code.

    To complete this assignment, you will create:

    • A system diagram that shows, in graphic form, the components of your project.
    • Your system diagram should follow the system description you submitted in your Week 2 project plan (but may differ based on the research you have conducted since Week 2).
    • You may create your system diagram in Microsoft PowerPoint or a graphics program of your choice.
    • A network diagram that shows, in graphic form, the flow of data within your project.
    • Your network diagram should follow the network description you defined in the Week 2 project plan (but may differ based on the research you have conducted since Week 2).
    • You may create your network diagram in Microsoft PowerPoint or a graphics program of your choice.
    • A database design document, including an entity-relationship diagram, a data dictionary, and table definitions, representing all of the data that must be stored and maintained within the context of your project and how that data is organized.
    • A clearly articulated cybersecurity plan that explains how you plan to secure project data and processes.
    • Source code (may be partial) for at least one software application.
    • Your source code may be implemented in HTML/JavaScript, Java, C++, or another programming language.
    • Download and unzip the HTML/JavaScript/CSS sample code files for an example of a partial software application implementation.
    • A quality assurance and software test plan.
    • Download the Software Test Plan for an example of what information is typically included and how it is typically organized in a software test plan.
    • Note: All deliverables must be portfolio ready, which means as complete and error-free as possible.

      Submit your assignment.