To write java program of prime numbers

you will generate a NON THREADED, SEQUENTIAL program.  This sequential program will take some input (you can grab this input from the user, or from a command line argument) that it will store in an integer.  (Therefore, there needs to be checks in place to make sure that the number being given can be stored adequately in an integer.  You do not need to use BigInteger or long for this, regular integersis fine.  This is more about design than about function).

Now that you have this number, you want to compute all the prime numbers that exist between 2 and that number (inclusive).

If a number is not prime, you will store that number and a List of its factors in a Map

If a number is prime you will store it in a List.  So, at the conclusion, we have a Map of non primes that contain factors of numbers and a list of primes.

You will time the runtime of your application so that we know how long it will take to build these two structures.  To time your application, simply generate a starting time as soon as you retrieve the number you want to use as the base of your iteration and then stop the timer when you are finished generating your structures.  Report back what the difference is. You can use System.currentTimeMillis(); to do this.

Module 02 Course Project


Module 02 Course Project – Part I: Teamwork Skills

For this week, you will take the security controls that you picked last week from the Plan of Actions and Milestones (POAM) and review the controls along with any notes you made last week.

This week, your project consists of two parts. For Part I, you will address the skills and methodologies that your audit team needs to be successful. In preparation for filling out the Security Assessment Plan (SAP), put yourself in the position of a team lead. Assume you are going to form a 3-person team for auditing these controls. Once you consider the needed skills and team members, address the following in a brief report:

  • Assume, for this project, that you are working with a multinational team. How would you go about ensuring that you have appropriate awareness and empathy while working collaboratively with people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives?
  • Discuss what skills would you expect out of each person on your team and how your team presents a good mix of skills that can address your security control audit
  • Discuss two methodologies (this includes both tools, and investigative actions like an interview) you would use to perform this SAP.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.


Module 02 Course Project – Part II: Begin the SAP

Module 02 Content

For this week, you will take the security controls that you picked last week from the Plan of Actions and Milestones (POAM) and review the controls along with any notes you made last week.

This week, your project consists of two parts. For Part II, you will begin developing your Security Assessment Plan (SAP).


1) discuss the use of rule-based classifiers  – 100 words

2) 5 full pages  APA compliant paper ( 5 pages not including title page or reference pages) discussing the pros and cons of Bayesien Networks as a data analysis tool.




Project Description:

You are an assistant manager at Premiere Movie Source, an online company that enables customers to download movies for a fee. You need to track movie download sales by genre. You gathered the data for April 2021 and organized it in an Excel workbook. You are ready to create charts to help represent the data so that you can make a presentation to your manager later this week.

Steps to Perform:




Points    Possible



Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch03_CapAssessment_Movies.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.




You want to create a pie chart to show the   percentage each category contributes to the monthly movie downloads.

  Select the ranges A5:A10 and F5:F10. Create a pie chart and move it to a   chart sheet named April Pie Chart.




The   chart needs a descriptive title that is easy to read.

  Type April   2021 Downloads by Genre as the chart title, apply bold, 18 pt font size, and Black, Text   1 font color.




Percentage and category data labels will provide   identification information for the pie chart.

  Add category and percentage data labels in the Inside End position. Remove   value data labels and the legend. Apply 14 pt font size and Black, Text 1   font color.




You   want to focus on the comedy movies by exploding it and changing its fill   color.

  Explode the Comedy slice by 7% and apply Dark Red fill color.





A best practice is to include Alt Text for   accessibility compliance.

  Add Alt Text: The pie chart shows percentage of downloads by genre   for April 2021.   (including the period)




Next   you want to create a combo chart to depict the monthly totals and percentages   by category.

  Display the Data sheet, select the ranges A4:A10 and F4:G10, and then create   a Clustered Column – Line on Secondary Axis combo chart.




You want to position the chart below the data   source.

  Cut the chart and paste it in cell A13. Change the height to 3.5″ and the width to 6″.




Change   the combo chart title to April 2021 Downloads. Apply Black, Text 1 font color to the chart   title.




Axis titles will help distinguish the number and   percentage of downloads.

  Add a primary value axis title and type Number of Downloads. Add a secondary value axis   title and type Percentage of Monthly Downloads. Apply Black, Text 1 font color   to both value axis titles.




Now   that you added an axis title for each vertical axis, you can remove the   legend and format the secondary value axis to display whole percentages.

  Remove the legend for the combo chart. Display 0 decimal places for the   secondary value axis.





You want to add some color to the plot area for the   combo chart.

  Apply Light Gradient – Accent 1 gradient fill color for the plot area.




A best   practice is to include Alt Text for accessibility compliance.

  Add Alt Text: The combo chart shows the number and percentage of   downloads by genre for April 2021. (including the period).




To provide a visual summary of the weekly totals   for each genre, you will insert sparklines.

  Select the range B5:E11. Insert Line Sparklines in the range H5:H11. Apply   Black, Sparkline Style Dark #4




Displaying   the markers helps identify the specific points on the sparklines. You will   also change the high point to a different color to stand out.

  Show the high point and markers for the sparklines. Change the high point   marker color to Red.




Your last major task is to create a bar chart for   weekly downloads.

  Select the range A4:E10. Create a stacked bar chart. Move the chart to new   chart sheet. Type Weekly Downloads for the sheet name. Apply Style 8 chart style.




Add a   chart title above the bar chart and type April 2021 Weekly Downloads by Genre




Increasing the font size will make the chart   elements easier to read.

  Apply 11 pt font size to the category axis, value axis, and the legend for   the bar chart.




Because   the largest value is less than 9,000, you can reduce the maximum bound in the   chart. In addition, you want to display the category labels in the same order   that they are in the worksheet.

  Change the maximum bounds for the value axis to 9000 and set the Major Units to 500 for the bar chart. Use the Axis   Options to format the category axis so that the category labels are in   reverse order in the bar chart.




Although the bar chart displays major gridlines,   minor gridlines could improve the appearance.

  Add primary minor vertical gridlines to the bar chart.




A best   practice is to include Alt Text for accessibility compliance for the bar   chart.

  Add Alt Text: The stacked bar chart shows downloads by each week for   each genre.   (including the period).




Insert a footer with Exploring Series on the left, the sheet name   code in the center, and the file name code on the right on all the sheets.   Change to Normal view.




Save   and close Exp19_Excel_Ch03_CapAssessment_Movies.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.


Tic tac toe

Project 1: Tic-Tac-Toe game

Create a Tic-Tac-Toe game using FIFO (named) pipes as follows. Note: Two processes (p1 and p2) must communicate via FIFO (named) pipe. If not, no credits will be given. 

  1. Create two programs that communicate via FIFO pipes.
    • p1 is for player 1 which plays with “O”.
    • p2 is for player 2 which plays with “X”.
    • You may assume p1 always plays first (for simplest’s sake in implementation).
  2. p1 and p2 run at separate terminals on the same directory.
  3. p1 and p2 are responsible for displaying the game board and interacting with each player
  4. p1 and p2 are responsible for validating inputs from the player. Input validation includes:
    • selection of the location to play (0 ~ 8)
    • validation of input data: a digit and available locations (empty cells) only.
  5. p1 and p2 communicate to find which move the other player has taken.
  6. p1 and p2 are responsible for determining game progress statuses such as playing or game over with win, loss, or tie (draw).
  7. When the game is over, p1 and p2 show if it has won, lost, or tied at its own terminal.

The game board at each terminal should be displayed as follows. Use the combination of + – | to draw the game board.

At the initial screen: Instead of zero(0), a dot(.) is displayed to avoid confusion with O (letter Oh). However, the user enters 0 (zero) to select the location.


As O/X’s have been played in some locations, digits or . are replaced by O’s and X’s. The below board shows O has placed at cell locations 0, 1, and 8 while X has played at cell locations 4 and 6.




Module 03 Course Project – RFP Part III

Working off the same Request for Proposal.docx, continue to use your imagination and the fictional website hosting service provider you previously created to complete the following sections of the RFP Response Template.docx that you were developing in the previous week.

Request for Proposal.docx

RFP Response Template.docx

With this fictional business in mind, complete the following sections of RFP Response Template:

  • Complete Section 5 replacing any noted locations with the fictional company’s information. Please note that you do not need to provide the pricing information for Section 5.1.
  • For Section 5.4, develop a disaster recovery plan for the cloud-based infrastructure. Disaster recovery plan needs to include:
  • external events,
  • internal events,
  • and unauthorized access
  • Categorize each event by likelihood, impact, and geographic location information.

game analysis


you will find a document titled MDA.pdf. In it, the authors discuss the ideas of Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics as is discussed in this week’s video. In short, and as was discussed (you should read the document to fill in the blanks), Mechanics refers to the nature of gameplay (the means by which you move your character, fire / swing / implement your weapon, manipulate inventory, interact with the environment, physics engine responses, etc.), Dynamics is the manipulation of those mechanics in a way that impacts gameplay in unexpected or novel ways (how someone plays the game, often very individualistic) and Aesthetics represent the visual impact of the game as well as the emotional response that it can elicit in a player, regardless of genre. 

Report for Computer Architecture

write a report on one topic among the given topics. It is attached below.   have to write an abstract of 300 words first like within 10 hrs. Then can finish the report in 20 days.