In pseudocode and in C code, declare two 1-dimensional parallel arrays of Integers to store the age and weight of a group of people that will hold the information of up to 10 people.
Use a For loop to iterate through the array and input the values.
Demonstrate your code compiles and runs for a test case of your choice on Include screenshot.
Create a project called ContractorCalculator.
▪ The view controller layout should contain two TextFields, one button, and eight labels
▪ The Calculate button should add the labor and material costs from the TextFields and put the result in the label next to SubTotal. Tax should be calculated using a 5% rate (use a constant) and displayed in the label next to Tax. The tax and subtotal should be added together and displayed in the label next to Total.
***Please see attached screenshot.
How to work on spreadsheet document using the information given
Independent Project 3-4
Windows Mac
For this project, you create a column chart to illustrate April–September revenue for Classic Gardens and Landscapes. You also build a pie chart sheet to graph the proportion that each category contributes to total revenue.
[Student Learning Outcomes 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6]
File Needed: ClassicGardens-03.xlsx (Available from the Start File link.)
Completed Project File Name: [your name]-ClassicGardens-03.xlsx
Skills Covered in This Project
- Create a chart object.
- Size and position a chart object.
- Edit and format chart elements.
- Edit the source data for a chart.
- Build a pie chart sheet.
- Use texture as fill.
- Add and format data labels in a chart.
This image appears when a project instruction has changed to accommodate an update to Microsoft 365 Apps. If the instruction does not match your version of Office, try using the alternate instruction instead.
- Open the ClassicGardens-03.xlsx start file. If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button so you can modify it. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
- Create a Clustered Column chart object for cells A4:G9.
- Move the chart object so that its top-left corner is at cell A12. Size the bottom of the chart to reach cell H30.
- Edit the chart title to display CGL Major Sales Revenue and press Enter to start a new line. On the second line, type Second and Third Quarters.
- Apply chart Style 14 to the chart.
- Format the first line and the second line of the chart title to a font size of 20 pt.
- Apply a 1 pt Black, Text 1 (second column) outline to the chart area.
- Verify that the chart is still selected. In the highlighted range in the worksheet, drag the resize pointer to remove the Design Consulting data series from the chart (Figure 3-71).
Figure 3-71 Resize the chart by dragging the resize pointer
- Create a 3-D Pie chart sheet for cells A4:A9 and cells H4:H9. Move the chart to its own sheet named Revenue Breakdown. Hint: Use the Move Chart button [Chart Design tab, Location group].
Create a 3-D Pie chart sheet for cells A4:A9 and cells H4:H9. Move the chart to its own sheet named Revenue Breakdown. Hint: Use the Move Chart button [Chart Tools Design tab, Location group].
- Edit the chart title to display Revenue by Category. Change the font size to 32.
- Select the legend and change the font size to 12.
- Apply the Woven mat texture fill (first row, fourth column) to the Patio and Furniture slice.
- Select the pie shape and add data labels to display in the center of each slice.
- Display the Format Data Labels task pane, choose the Accounting format [Label Options button, Number group], and set 0 decimal places.
- Change the data label font size to 14 pt and apply bold [Home tab, Font group].
- Deselect the chart.
- Save and close the workbook (Figure 3-72).
Figure 3-72 Excel 3-4 completed worksheet and chart
- Upload and save your project file.
- Submit project for grading.
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I have an assignment
I have a homework assignment that is due by tomorrow. Can someone do this for me by then?
Discussion Post 400 to 600 words
Define risks and threats with regard to information security.
- How are risks and threats different?
- Consider the company that is the subject of your Enterprise Security Strategy Plan. What are the key risks and threats that this company should be concerned with?
“Could RFID technology be used to become the mark of the beast?
Answers the question: “Could RFID technology be used to become the mark of the beast? Why or why not?” Understand that this post is an intersection of Theology and Technology question. You cannot answer this post without considering both.
Technology can be used for good. Think of all medical devices that have saved countless lives over the decades.
Technology can also be used for evil. Think of how technology can be used to manufacture biological weapons and mind-altering drugs or to facilitate kidnapping, human trafficking, and even murder.
In the hands of good people, any technological device can be used for good. In the hands of evil people, the same device can be used for evil. Thus, it is true for RFIDs.
Some people have suggested different uses for RFIDs, including the tracking of humans through the use of chip implants beneath the skin. For all of the benefits that this potentially brings, could there be hidden dangers as well? Some people have likened embedded RFIDs in humans to the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13:17 (NIV): “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
You will find countless resources by An Internet search on topics like:
- End time Prophecy and RFID
- Is RFID the Mark of the Beast
- Technology as the Mark of the Beast
Activity 6- Strategy Applied in PM
- After reviewing/reading Chapters 11 & 12 of the textbook, access UC’s online Library and conduct research within the “Business Source Premier (EBSCO Host)” search engine and locate a Project Management Journal article among the thousands of journal articles made available within the many years of publications the Library holds. The Project Management Journal article should tie directly into at least one highlight from the assigned chapters (Chapters 11 &12) reading/review material for the week. This weekly research paper should include at least 2 pages, but not more than 3 pages, in the narrative and it should be typed in APA formatting (title page, reference page, no abstract page, double-spacing, Times New Roman 12 font, 1 inch margins, in-text citations, etc…).
Your paper should contain the following headings:- Introduction
- Summary of the article
- Relevant points made by the author
- Critique of the article
- Application of the concepts in the article
Title: Project Management: The Managerial Process ISBN: 9781260238860 Authors: Clifford F. Gray, Erik W. Larson Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education Publication Date: 2020-01-09
Select a topic from the following list on which you would like to conduct an in-depth investigation. Information systems infrastructure: evolution and trends
- 8-10 pages in length
- APA formatted
- Minimum six (6) sources – at least two (2) from peer reviewed journals
- Include an abstract, introduction, and conclusion
Information Technology
Question 2: Functional Area Business Application
Describe the functions and objectives of ONE functional area business application (e.g., software system) that is in your organization and explain its value to the organization. Include at least two reference in APA format