Matlab code

I have matlab code (motion_fusion.m). This is the main file. All the codes are written but need to correct them.

I have some helper function as well. (they are .m files, you can find those in main file, motion_fusion.m )

I also have some data to load in main file.

I am looking for someone to correct the code and run the code. 

Your completed assignment


Your completed assignment should be saved as Word document and submitted to your WebTycho assignment area no later than the due date listed in the syllabus. Your document should be neat, well-written with minimal grammatical and spelling errors. Your name should be clearly listed on the first page along with the class/section, professor and due date. Your document should contain page numbers at the bottom of each page. Single or double space line formatting is acceptable. 

You should name the file yournamehw4.docx (or yournamehw4.doc). So if my name was Julie Smith, I would name my document juliesmithhw4.docx. 

An example HW4.doc template file containing the required sections is included in the available resources. You should use this document to start your writing and fill in all of the details required. 

Final Project- (30%)
Your final project will be to analyze, design, and document a simple program that utilizes a good design process and incorporates sequential, selection and repetitive programming statements as well as at least one function call and the use of at least one array.  The specific problem you need to solve for the final project is:  Design a program that will allow a user to Input a list of your family members along with their age and state where they reside. Determine and print the average age of your family and print the names of anyone who live in Texas. 

Final Project Deliverables:
There are two deliveries for this project. The first delivery is the project plan which provides your problem statements, problem analysis, and how it will comply with the project specifications. The project plan is worth 10% of your grade. The final delivery will be your completed project design along with your code comments and comprehensive test plan. The final delivery is worth 20% of your grade. 

Your project plan is due in week 7 by midnight EST, on the specific date posted in the class schedule. The final delivery is due no later than the last day of class. Your instructor’s policy on late projects applies to this project. 

Example Project Plan and Final Project template files, containing the required sections are included in the available resources. You should use this document to start your writing and fill in all of the details required. 


Project plan format and length: 

The documentation describing your analysis and test plan should be written using Microsoft Word. The font size should be 12 point. The page margins should be 1 inch. The paragraphs should be formatted with double line or single line spacing. Any figures, tables, equations should be neatly labeled. All references should use APA style.  

Final Project Grading:
This activity is awarded 30% of the total grade in the course. The project elements are assessed as follows: 

1. Problem definition: Design a program that will allow a user to Input a list of your family members along with their age and state where they reside. Determine and print the average age of your family and print the names of anyone who live in Texas.

 A. Problem Analysis – Following the directions in the assignment, clearly write up your problem analysis in this section. 

Note: Your Design, code comments and test cases will be submitted next week.

Problem Statement:

Design a program that will allow a user to Input a list of your family members along with their age and state where they reside. Determine and print the average age of your family and print the names of anyone who live in Texas. Family contains ten members. 

Problem Analysis – Following the directions in the assignment, clearly write up your problem analysis in this section. 

  • The program is to calculate the total      average of the family age wise and determine their location with only      printing out those members that are from Texas. The program will take      inputs from the user who will input the name, age and location of each      family member. The program will take the years of all members entered and      add them all together and then take the total of members entered (10) and      divide the total coming up with the average age. The program will also      calculate and identify each state of each person entered and using the      defined input identifies those people from Texas and prints their names      out only. The output of the program is three fold. The total average age      of all family entries, identify who is from Texas and print their name      out.

· Required input – Name of person

· Required input – Age of person

· Required input – State of where person came from

· Required output – average age of all persons entered

· Required output – printed name of person(s) from Texas ONLY

a. The program will take inputs and calculate the average of all of the ages entered, identify which persons are from Texas and print their name out.

b. An array will be used to hold the data for calculating who comes from Texas

c. The program will do the following:

i. Declare name, age and state arrays for those members

ii. Array will be up to the user entered values.

iii. It will take user input for name age and state in a loop

iv. It will calculate average age and identify who live in Texas 

v. Final function will print out average age, identify people’s names from Texas and print it out. 

For this program, user will be asked for name, age and state of their family members, one by one, until the user decides to stop entering this information. To achieve the given task (printing average family age and identifying residents of Texas), following modules need to be created:

Main module: This module will be the one running on program startup. It will be responsible to get user input and call appropriate modules to calculate and display average family age and display family members those are residents of Texas

calcAverageAge module: This module will take family ages as input and count of family members as input and calculate and display average family age. This module will be called from within Main module.

printTexans module: This module will take family names as input and will print names of the family members from Texas. This module will be called from main module.

Assignments- Big data , Text processing

1.Write at least 500 words in APA format discussing how to use sentiment analysis how political speech affects voters. Use at least 3 references in APA format.

2.Read the below article(link below) on statistics for categorical variables. Write at least 500 words in APA format discussing how to use these statistics to help understand big data. 


The New Plays Repertory


The New Plays Repertory Theater would like to computerize its ticket sales. The theater seats 500 people, offers seven plays each year, and sells season tickets and single-night tickets. The season tickets are all for performances at the same time during the week. Each play has 20 performances. The theater keeps a customer list of those people who buy tickets in order to send play information for advertising purposes.

The reports they would like to create are:

A listing of available seats
A listing of all plays and the actors in the plays
A listing of customers
Labels printed for all customers
A listing of season ticket holders
Plan an RDBMS for this problem. Include the following forms:

1. List of Reports

2. Report Layout Form

3. Schema

4. Table Characteristics

5. Query Design Form


Lab 4 of INT 2240


  • Lab FOUR-01
    • Visit the following site:
    • Module 2:Problem Statement: Your own split method================================================================================================Submit your Python solution  as explained below.
      Your lab will be graded on whether it’s been set up as a complete and workable solution.

      For your solution to be complete, your program must be able to

    • Set up your script to simulate Python’s split() method
    • compile (ie, no syntax error(s))
    • run (ie, no run-time error(s))
    • For your solution to be workable,
    • Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
    • you may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode
    • you do NOT need to turn in any algorithm
    • ==========================================================================================================================Grading rubric:
      • You’ll receive full credit, if 
        • your program
          • compiles and runs with no problems 
          • produces the expected output
      • You’ll receive partial credit, if 
        • your program
          • compiles and runs with no problems 
          • produces partial output (that is, incomplete output)
    • You’ll receive 25% of the points, if your program will not compile
    • You’ll receive 30% of the points, if your program compiles but has a run-time problem
    • You’ll receive 40% of the points, if your program produces logic error(s).==========================================================================================================================What to submit:
      • Your Python solution as a text file
      • A screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
    • How to submit:
    1. Save your Python program (Lab FOUR-01) as a text file to your computer
    2. Save a screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
    3. Click on the above link: Lab FOUR-01
    4. Locate your Python program (Lab FOUR-01 file) on your computer
    5. Locate your screenshot of the run of your program
    6. upload (that is, attach) BOTH files, under #4 and #5, to Blackboard
    7. Click on SUBMIT
    8. NOTE: You can make your submission just ONCE.  So, before making your submission, ensure that it does not need any additional editing/revisions.=====================================================================================================
  • AssignmentLab FOUR-02
    • Visit the following site:
    • Module 2:Problem Statement: Your own capitalize ()  ================================================================================================Submit your Python solution through Blackboard (as explained below).
      Your lab will be graded on whether it’s been set up as a complete and workable solution.

      For your solution to be complete, your program must be able to

    • Set up your script to simulate Python’s capitalize() method
    • compile (ie, no syntax error(s))
    • run (ie, no run-time error(s))
    • For your solution to be workable,
    • Your solution should be free of any type of errors (syntax, run-time, logic)
    • you may want to develop an algorithm first, using pseudocode
    • you do NOT need to turn in any algorithm
    • ==========================================================================================================================Grading rubric:
      • You’ll receive full credit, if 
        • your program
          • compiles and runs with no problems 
          • produces the expected output
      • You’ll receive partial credit, if 
        • your program
          • compiles and runs with no problems 
          • produces partial output (that is, incomplete output)
    • You’ll receive 25% of the points, if your program will not compile
    • You’ll receive 30% of the points, if your program compiles but has a run-time problem
    • You’ll receive 40% of the points, if your program produces logic error(s)=========================================================================================================================What to submit:
      • Your Python solution as a text file
      • A screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
    • How to submit:
    1. Save your Python program (Lab FOUR-02) as a text file to your computer
    2. Save a screenshot of a run of your program, showing the output
    3. Click on the above link: Lab FOUR-02
    4. Locate your Python program (Lab FOUR-02 file) on your computer
    5. Locate your screenshot of the run of your program
    6. upload (that is, attach) BOTH files, under #4 and #5, to Blackboard
    7. Click on SUBMIT
    8. NOTE: You can make your submission just ONCE.  So, before making your submission, ensure that it does not need any additional editing/revisions.=====================================================================================================

Discussion Response 300 words and 2 references.

Please review below post and provide a response to this: 

Poorly Implemented Database

Poorly designed or produced databases include incomplete information in various rows, ambiguity or uncertainty, complex and often invasive attempts, and uncertain information in the database. A poorly constructed dataset is inefficient, demanding, and maintenance-oriented, and it cannot address the actual working circumstances. Any organization has a significant database since it contains all information about the company, its suppliers, and its customers. The database design varies depending on the company’s strategy (Badia, 2015).

My office is a poorly implemented database that I joined. I worked with such a health company in which we recognized a customized platform in the sector as a monster. Some of Monster’s data have been deleted and are static stable. Significant data instability and preprocessing conclusion. It will contain extensive catalog interfaces and programs that effectively create zero logical information and mission descriptions. Monster files have several important issues, which appear to be the product of poorly planned manufacturing choices (Kraleva et al., 2018).

As a project for additional risks, several movements are required. A unique software attack method is present in the Monster archive, and programming occurrences are compared. The firm may market a local consumer brand as a viable alternative. For a week, the few intentionally eligible sellers have assessed the significant shift, together with a bargaining explanation statement that they created a year ago. The database generally includes changing the data found in system changes and is designed to work without compromising the program’s fundamental functioning over time as technology changes. The system controller controls a wide variety of technological initiatives in companies. The deliberate regulation is measured as a safety concern (Malik & Patel, 2016).  


Badia, G. (2015). Multiple Databases are Needed to Search the Journal Literature on Computer Science. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 10(4), 241.

Kraleva, R. S., Kralev, V. S., Sinyagina, N., Koprinkova-Hristova, P., & Bocheva, N. (2018). Design and Analysis of a Relational Database for Behavioral Experiments Data Processing. International Journal of Online Engineering (IJOE), 14(02), 117.

Malik, M., & Patel, T. (2016). Database Security – Attacks and Control Methods. International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques, 6(1/2), 175–183.

Project 6: Global Approaches to Cybersecurity Step 13: Compose Global Cybersecurity Environment Report

Project 6: Global Approaches to Cybersecurity
Step 13: Compose Global Cybersecurity Environment Report


Throughout this project, you have researched and considered global cybersecurity issues, technologies, and related policies. You have evaluated various countries and international organizations. It is now time to compose your consultant’s report to GlobalOutreach documenting your findings. Refer to the instruction for the Global Cybersecurity Environment Report for additional guidelines.

Submit your completed report.

Check Your Evaluation Criteria

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them. To view the complete grading rubric, click My Tools, select Assignments from the drop-down menu, and then click the project title.

  • 2.1: Identify and clearly explain the issue, question, or problem under critical consideration.
  • 7.2: Evaluate international cybersecurity policy.
  • 8.2: Evaluate specific cybersecurity threats and the combination of technologies and policies that can address them.


Instruction for the Global Cybersecurity Environment Report

Review the work you have done throughout the project. If necessary, review the eLearning modules in steps 6 and 9 and your Simtray Report completed in Step 3 along with the feedback from your instructor.

Be sure to address the following items at some point in your report.

  • Analyze critical issues in global cybersecurity management and policy.
  • Analyze critical issues in global cybersecurity technology policy.
  • Analyze the principles of warfare that underpin cyberwarfare theory and application.
  • Assess cybersecurity policies and procedures for transnational legal compliance.
  • Compare and contrast international cybersecurity standards bodies.
  • Identify key initiatives in international cybersecurity policy.
  • Assess the cross-cutting effects of policy, budget, and technological capabilities upon the ability to address cyberthreats at the enterprise, national, and international levels.
  • Assess policy and technology trade-offs that must be considered and made when addressing cyberthreats at the enterprise, national, and international levels.
  • Assess and critique cybersecurity programs.
  • Assess emerging cybersecurity issues, risks, and vulnerabilities.
  • Assess key cyberattack technologies.
  • Assess how the theories and principles of war apply to cyberwarfare, and apply those theories to understand cyberoffense and cyberdefense challenges.

Report Sections

  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • International Cybersecurity Threat Matrix
  • International Environmental Scan
  • Regional Cybersecurity Threat Fact Sheet
  • Botnet Evaluation
  • Botnet Discussion
  • Botnet Conclusion
  • Conclusion
  • Reference Page