Need to Complete the assignment in the format mentioned in the attachement


Topic: Complete a Physical Security Assessment (internal and external) of your place of work or living area.  If you use your work area make sure you inform the Security Manager to get permission as to what you are doing. If you live in a gated community inform the security guard of your activities. Refer to your text on the importance of Lighting and Access Control and be sure to cover the salient issues discussed in the text.

Instructions: Please download the Assignment 2 Physical Security Assessment template (MS Word), which is already in APA 7 format, using size 12 Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, TOC, Headings and Reference page. If you insert images or tables in your report make sure you label them appropriately according to APA. Once completed name your file: YourName_Assignment_2_Physical_Security_Assessment.docx and submit to the appropriate assignment folder. 
Also review any additional files attached for more information. 

Ethical Hacking week 8

Locate an article on a system breach (Target stores, Sony Pictures, US Government, and many more).In 2-3 paragraphs, briefly explain the situation and what kind of information was compromised. How large was the breach and how long did it take to find the problem. Include a link to any of your Internet resources. 

Homework: Assessing Security Culture


This week we learned about security culture and how to promote it within organizations.

It’s important that all employees are aware of common security risks and treat security seriously. The majority of cyberattacks aim to exploit human weaknesses with methods like phishing.

For this reason, people are most often the weakest link in an organization’s security defenses.


  • Employees at SilverCorp are increasingly using their own personal devices for company work.
  • Specifically, over half of all employees check their work email and communications via Slack on their personal mobile phones.
  • Another 25% of employees are doing other work-related activities using work accounts and work-related applications on their personal phone.
  • Allowing sensitive work information to be shared on employees’ personal devices has a number of security implications.
  • You must research these security risks and use the security culture framework to develop a plan to mitigate the concerns.


Compose the answers to the following four steps on Word Document.

Step 1: Measure and Set Goals

Answer the following questions:

  1. Using outside research, indicate the potential security risks of allowing employees to access work information on their personal devices. Identify at least three potential attacks that can be carried out.
  2. Based on the above scenario, what is the preferred employee behavior?

    • For example, if employees were downloading suspicious email attachments, the preferred behavior would be that employees only download attachments from trusted sources.
  3. What methods would you use to measure how often employees are currently not behaving according to the preferred behavior?

    • For example, conduct a survey to see how often people download email attachments from unknown senders.
  4. What is the goal that you would like the organization to reach regarding this behavior?

    • For example, to have less than 5% of employees downloading suspicious email attachments.

Step 2: Involve the Right People

Now that you have a goal in mind, who needs to be involved?

  • Indicate at least five employees or departments that need to be involved. For each person or department, indicate in 2-3 sentences what their role and responsibilities will be.

Step 3: Training Plan

Training is part of any security culture framework plan. How will you train your employees on this security concern? In one page, indicate the following:

  • How frequently will you run training? What format will it take? (i.e. in-person, online, a combination of both)
  • What topics will you cover in your training and why? (This should be the bulk of the deliverable.)
  • After you’ve run your training, how will you measure its effectiveness?

This portion will require additional outside research on the topic so that you can lay out a clear and thorough training agenda.

Discussion 6- Planning Project

Chapter 13: Procurement ManagementChapter 14: Quality PlanningInitial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1.  In addition to cost, what factors should be considered in selecting a building contractor? What can go wrong if the lowest bid is selected and nothing else is considered? 
  2. What is the difference between an RFP and an RFQ? Give two specific examples where an RFQ could be used and two specific examples where it is more likely that the organization will go with an RFP. (Use examples NOT from your textbook.)
[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!]  [Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]


Title: Project Management 


ISBN: 978-1-77420-013-1 

Authors: Adrienne Watt 

Publisher: BCcampus 

Publication Date: August 14, 2014 

Edition: 2nd Edition

Database – Assignment

Summary:To apply all acquired knowledge in the last Project Assignments to create a Database Scheme. For this project, the ERD is provided to you.Deliverables:

  • SQL Script with your name as follows: YourLastName_Project_Ph3.sql.
  • MS Word Document with your OUTPUT, named as follows: YourLastName_Project_Ph3_Output.doc.
  • ZIP file to include the two files mentioned above.

Required Software:

  • MySQL DBMS by Oracle. MySQL Community Server and MySQL Workbench.
  • Follow Step 1-3 for your Course Project Phase phase 1, to install the required software components.

Lab Steps:Step 1: Analyze the ERD for a student information system provided below. Be alert for the specifications provided for: 1) Entities, 2) Attributes, 3) Primary Key, and 4) Relationships.  You will need to have a clear understanding for these components to create your database using MySQL. Step 2: Create a New Database in MySQL, Produce SQL File, Drop Table

  • Create a new Database, as you did in your Course Project Phase 1 deliverable and you already created a database using the MySQL DBMS.  Reference the attached video (Course Project Ph1 Video.mp4), for a demonstration to create a new Database using MySQL. This video was initially presented to you for phase 2 of your project.  Also, reference the supplemental text: Available for Free download as part of our UC Library.  MySQL Database Usage & Administration. (2010). By Vaswani, Vikram. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07-160550-2.  Link to UC Library:
  • Utilize the SQL dialect you learned so far in this course for MySQL.  Use the file supplemental textbook:  MySQL Database Usage & Administration. (2010). By Vaswani, Vikram. McGraw Hill, as supplement your knowledge of the MySQL dialect. 
  • Create your SCRIPT file to be named: YourLastName_Project_Ph3.sql.

Step 3: Include the following commands at the tops of your scripts:


Step 4: Create Tables in your database

  • Create a new Table for each of the entities provided to you in the ERD diagram in Step 1.
  • Add a column to represent each attribute addressed in the ERD diagram in Step 1.
  • Designate Primary Key, as noted in the ERD diagram in Step 1.
  • Designate a Foreign Key relationship between the tables, as noted in the ERD diagram in Step 1.
  • Enable referential integrity on the relationships, as needed.
  • Enable cascade updates as needed on the relationships.

Step 5: Designate Data Types. Update the data type as needed to enforce the domain constrain of the data. This needs to be completed for every column for all tables.

  • Dates: they should have a date data designation type.
  • Surrogate keys: shall be auto-numbered
  • Character type: shall have a character data designation type.

Step 6: Column Constraints Designation.

  • Grade designation must be of one of these values as follows: A, B, C, D, E, F, W, E (E=enrolled, and W = withdrawn).
  • Student’s first and last names are not to be designated as NULL.
  • Course Credit hours shall be BETWEEN one and four.
  • The instructor first and last name must NOT be NULL
  • Course name designation has to be UNIQUE and must not be NULL type.

Step 7: Data Table Addition

  • Use the INSERT operator to add minimum 2-3 rows of data per each database.
  • You are free to use any values you might like for each of the columns.
  • NOTE/ Reminder: you are required to add data to the parent table prior to adding any data to child tables, as referential integrity is enabled.

Step 8: Executing your SCRIPT

  • Must incorporate the COMMIT command at the end of your Script
  • Must incorporate the SHOW TABLES command, to display the table you created. At the end of the script created.
  • Must incorporate the SELECT statement to show data allocated for each table. This would be added at the end of the script.
  • Copy and paste your OUTPUT into your MS Word file as follows: YourLastName_Project_Ph3_Output.doc

Step 9: Upload your work

  • Upload ZIP file to include the two files as follows: 1) SQL Script with your name as follows: YourLastName_Project_Ph3.sql, and 2) MS Word Document with your OUTPUT, named as follows: YourLastName_Project_Ph3_Output.doc.


  • Tables Created: create a table for each entity as noted in the ERD diagram in Step 1. 5 points
  • Columns Created: create a column for each attribute as noted the ERD diagram in Step 1. 5 points
  • Primary Key designation: primary key addressed for all tables with unique constraints specified as column properties. 5 points
  • Data Types: Addressed for each attribute. Should include: 1) Date data type incorporated, 2) Surrogate Key Automated, 3) Numeric data shall be numeric type, 4) Character data shall have a character type. 5 points
  • Relationships Created, as noted in the ERD diagram in STEP 1. Relationships shall be enabled for referential integrity and cascade updates. 10 points.
  • Data Added per row: 5 rows of data for each table. 10 points
  • Column Constraints Added: As noted in the description for the project. Checked by adding rows with invalid values. Should take into consideration constraints as follows: 1) student name cannot be NULL, 2) course credit hours are restricted to allocations between 1-4, 3) course name is unique and NOT NULL, 4) instructor last name and first name can NOT be NULL, and 5) grade restrictions to the following values: A,B,C,D,F,I,W, E. 10 points

Database management

Part 2: – 

Project Implementation –
Report 2 Contents:  
1) Project goals. 

2) Database description: A general description of the database, what data is stored in the database.
How the database will benefit the users. 

3) Data model & design:
Completed ER/EER diagram, 5 tables minimum (8 tables in case the group has 2
-MUST use to draw the ER diagram, and then take a
-Include a snapshot of the diagram in the report. 

– Business rules.
-Data dictionary: For each one of the tables, list columns, data types, column restrictions,
column descriptions. 

4) Implementation:
-Use MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench to create the database/tables.
-Include a snapshot of the SQL code in your report
-Populate the each table with a minimum of 20 rows of sample data. Make sure the
entered data is descriptive (not just random numbers and letters.
– Include a snapshot of the SQL code in your report.
– Use MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench to write/run the SQL queries below. For
each query, provide the following in Report 2:
–  Snapshot of the code and the output in the report.  
– In about 2 lines, explain what the query returns.
– 1 trivial query. Simple select with ordering.
– 2 medium difficulty queries. Queries that use composite condition for selection,
computations, aggregate function and grouping.  
– 1 query that uses subquery.
– 2 queries that uses join (1 inner join, 1 left or right outer join).
– 1 view (query must use join – hint: you can use one of the queries from the
previous question).
– 1 query that uses union.
– 1 custom stored function.
-1 custom stored procedure. 

Part 3: Presentation  
1. Create a PowerPoint presentation of your project, the presentation should contain the
• Project description
• Project goals.
• ER diagram (same ER in Report 2).
• Ten snapshots of the queries with their output and a little bit of description on what
does each query do.
• Note: Even if you are working in a group of two, you only need to include 10 queries
in the presentation.
• Project difficulties.





Project Description:

You are a volunteer for Health Right, a nonprofit company that provides free physical fitness classes to schools that do not have a physical education facility. As part of your duties, you generate weekly reports that detail donation pledge calls placed, as well as pledge dollars received. You also maintain pledge drive agent personal information and manage the thank-you gifts agents receive for volunteering their time. This week you have decided to overhaul your report by updating agent contact information, importing data previously stored outside your old report, implementing a PivotTable using Power Pivot, and utilize Power-Add-Ins to edit and visualize the week’s data.


Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch10_HOEAssessment –   PledgeDrive.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.


Use Get & Transform (Power   Query) to load the file e10c2VolunteerInfo.csv   in the Power Query Editor. Use the Power Query Editor to split column D into   three separate columns for City, State, and Zip using comma as the delimiter.   Edit the city.state.zip1 column heading to City, city.state.zip2 to State, and city.state.zip3 to Zip then load the data to the   existing worksheet.


Rename the worksheet Volunteer   Information.


Set the External Data Range   Properties to Refresh data when opening the file.


Use Get & Transfrom (Power   Query) to load the Pledge table from xml file e10c2Rewards.xml into a new worksheet. Be sure to add the   information to the data model.


Rename the worksheet Rewards.


Apply Accounting Number Format   to the dollar amounts imported into column A.


Use Get & Transform (Power   Query) to load the Contacts table from the file e10c2Contacts.accdb in the Power Query Editor. Use the Power   Query Editor to remove the Income and Dependents fields then load the data in   a new worksheet. 


Rename the worksheet Pledge Leads.


Use Power Pivot to import the   Transactions table from the Access database e10c1PledgeDollars.accdb into a PivotTable. Place the PivotTable   on a new worksheet named Pledge Dollars. Add the Date field to the Filters area, add   Operator_ID to the Rows area, and add Pledge_Amount to the Values area. Save   the workbook.


Create a relationship between   the Operator_ID in the Transactions table and the Operator_ID in the   Volunteer Information worksheet.


Insert a 3D Map (Power Map)   using the Volunteer Information zip code (Zip) as the location dimension,   Pledge_Amount as the height dimension, and Operator_ID as the category   dimension. Zoom the plot area as needed to display results.


Save and close the file. Submit Exp19_Excel_Ch10_HOEAssessment – PledgeDrive.xlsx   as directed.

Practical Connection-Introduction to Data Mining

 Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.  



Review the 2 links above.

Respond with an example of your choice that illustrates the 3Es of visualization (effective, ethical, and efficient) as outlined in the materials. Include the graphic in your response.

Explain the reasons for your choice. Also discuss other options you discarded. Your original analysis must be substantive and represent at least 50% of your response.

Note:  Please perform your own research and refrain from copying visualizations from sites where the author has already chosen a visualization and discussed it from this perspective.